Free Bathroom Remodeling Ideas


Designing your own bathroom can be very satisfying and can also save you a lot of money if you can avoid hiring someone to create your designer bathroom for you. The hardest part of creating your own bathroom remodeling design is getting started so here are a few ideas, which might help.

Bathroom remodeling, bathroom remodeling idea, bathroom remodelling, bathroom, free bathroom remodeling idea

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Where to find free bathroom design ideas

Instead of paying an arm and a leg for a designer bathroom that someone else has designed for you why not do it yourself? Designing your bathroom yourself isn’t as difficult as it might sound, it might save you a quite a bit of money and it’s a very satisfying feeling to know that it was you that created it.

Measure and draw your bathroom to scale

The first thing you should do is measure and draw out your existing bathroom on a sheet of squared paper. Try to be as accurate as you can because every inch might count depending on what you want to get in your new bathroom and how much space you have to play with.

Measure the distance between opposite walls on both sides of the room in case the room is wider at one end than the other. Measure floor to ceiling and the position and size of windows including the depth of the window. Also measure the size, position and shape of any irregularities in the room such as pipework.

Draw a floor plan of your bathroom from above and a plan of each wall. When you’ve finished you will have 5 drawings and a set of measurements. Make sure that you take these and a tape measure with you wherever you go because you will need to use them often.

Forget about bathroom showrooms and magazines for now

Magazines and showrooms are trying to sell you something and they will naturally go out of their way to show things in the most appealing way, which may not always be the most practical or realistic way for you. You will be using these resources of course but leave them until you have a better idea of what it is you want in your new bathroom design.

Make use of a digital camera

Take a digital camera with you whenever you’re in bathroom design mode and use it to make a visual record everything you come across. Note down what each image is about and file it away carefully on your computer for later. This is an excellent design technique and most people don’t do it.

Visit your friends

Most people are happy to talk about their bathroom especially to a friend and especially if they have recently remodeled their bathroom. Make a point of visiting all of your friends and start to build a folder full of ideas based on what they have done in their bathrooms.

Ask as many questions that you can think of to find out what their ideas were, how their ideas changed, what they like about their bathroom and just as important, what do they dislike about the room. Make good notes that you will understand when you read them later.

Most people will either have remodeled their bathroom in the last few years or know of someone who has. If your friend knows of someone with a new bathroom ask them if they can arrange for you to go and see it. The more you see the better.

Look over some houses for sale.

Real estate agents in your area will arrange for you to go and view properties for sale and if you tell them that you are looking for a great bathroom they will try and find them for you.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this because you have no intention of buying a new property then I suggest that you try and get over it. It’s a great way to get ideas for your own bathroom and who knows what might happen when you start looking. You wouldn’t be the first to do this kind of research and end up buying a new property so don’t feel bad about doing it.

Buy some magazines

By now you should be feeling confident about what it is you are looking for. Now is the time to find a few good magazines on remodeling and home improvement to crystallise your ideas.

Visit showrooms

Now that you know what it is that you are looking for it’s time to visit the showrooms in your area to see what is available and match your ideas to items that you can buy. Make notes and take lots of pictures with your digital camera of everything interesting that you find.

Pick up brochures on home improvement and bathroom remodeling

Always pick up as many brochures as you can find when touring the showrooms. Circle the items that you are interested in and make sure you write down prices and thoughts that you have at the time.

Research the Internet

Last but not least, make full use of the Internet to find product specifications, contractors and ideas on web sites all over.

Have fun remodeling your bathroom.

Jacuzzi – A Brief Overview


Jacuzzi is a brand name of a water pump system used in bathtubs. When people refer to a Jacuzzi, it also means a hot tub or a spa. The terms can be used interchangeably.

When shopping for a Jacuzzi or a hot tub, there are several things to keep in mind. First, where are you going to put it? A Jacuzzi needs a room with plenty of circulation. The warm water needs ventilation to circulate in the room or to the outdoors to keep drywall from mildew or rot.

A Jacuzzi also ne…


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Jacuzzi is a brand name of a water pump system used in bathtubs. When people refer to a Jacuzzi, it also means a hot tub or a spa. The terms can be used interchangeably.

When shopping for a Jacuzzi or a hot tub, there are several things to keep in mind. First, where are you going to put it? A Jacuzzi needs a room with plenty of circulation. The warm water needs ventilation to circulate in the room or to the outdoors to keep drywall from mildew or rot.

A Jacuzzi also needs plenty of weight support to hold all of the water. Putting a Jacuzzi on the second floor is not a good idea, unless it is a small bathtub Jacuzzi. A basement hot tub is not a good idea either since the cement block walls can hinder ventilation and cause added moisture problems.

A cement slab or patio is an ideal place for a Jacuzzi hot tub. To use year-round, a gazebo or small room can be built around it. Windows can be made to open or remove to allow for ventilation, or to cool off on hot summer nights.

Second, what size do you need? Do you plan on hosting lots of parties and entertaining? You may want to consider a 6-8 person Jacuzzi. If it is for you and a significant other, a two seater may be perfect.

Jacuzzi’s come in a variety of sizes, and they also come in a wide selection of shapes. Jacuzzi’s can be round, square, oval, kidney shaped or made into a custom design. Jacuzzi’s can be made into a shape to fit a unique room size or to curve around a wall or architecture style.

A Jacuzzi can be made from many different materials. There are inflatable hot tubs, which can be filled with air or let out and moved. This offers flexibility if you live in a cold climate, you can bring it inside for winter months and enjoy.

High resin plastics and wood also make up the exterior of Jacuzzi’s and hot tubs. When buying wood products, make sure it is specially treated to resist water and damage caused by heat.

The interior of a Jacuzzi is almost always a type of plastic. What determines the price is how many jets are inside and how many settings they have. Settings can be limited with high and low, but more advanced with multiple choices for water speed and angle.

Jacuzzi’s require similar care to that of an outdoor pool. Water levels must be checked regularly and tested for bacteria. To keep bacteria and other agents away, a variety of chemicals are available to treat the water. The representative where you buy your Jacuzzi from will have instructions and can offer guidance until you are used to the process.

Besides the initial expense of purchasing the Jacuzzi, there are monthly expenses for maintaining your hot tub. Those expenses would be for electricity to keep the water warm, chemicals to keep the ph levels safe and water to keep it full!

Options to go with your hot tub are unlimited. Floating tiki bars, drink holders, pillows and toys for the kids are just a few fun things available. Special seat cushions can be made to help with special back problems or ailments.

Covers should be on the Jacuzzi when not in use. It keeps any excess dirt and dust out of the water and jets. It may keep wandering children out of the water too. If you have children, special infrared and laser security alarms can be made to go off if the light has been broken. Keep safety a top priority if you have a Jacuzzi in your home.

MV Modern Slick Looking Bookcases


One more time I am having the problem of book cases. What should I do? Should I go ahead and buy or should I build or should I leave all the thousands of books I have in boxes? You know why I am worried? I am moving once again. This is what happens each time I move. I am always in need of a new place of abode that would provide some sanity and where I can stay permanently. I have to move each time either because of a crazy landlord or a roommate who is drunk, passive, aggress…

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Nail Guns – The Principle Behind Direct Drive And Indirect Drive Nail Guns And Why They Are Safe


Nail guns not only enable fast nailing, but saves labor cost and reduces inaccuracies in nailing and hammer accidents at the same time.With a high launching speed, how can nail guns be safe and help reduce accidents? Isn’t it easier to have nailing accidents?
This article will explore why nail guns when used properly are a boon to the construction industry and represents how technology can help bring about savings in construction costs and reducing workplace accidents.

nail guns, direct drive nail guns, indirect drive nail guns, gas pressure nail guns. work safety rules, nail gun litigation, drive a nail fast

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Nail guns represents newer technology taking over the traditional nail and hammer in most construction projects of a large scale. Where the project is huge or consists of repetitive similar designs of individual housing units, the use of a nail gun in woodwork for these housing units have proven to be effective, reducing the construction time and lessening the labor cost component.

Nail guns are simply powerful machines that launch nails at high speed, fully embedding them in a piece of wood, concrete and even steelwork in only a fraction of a second.

Nail guns not only enable fast nailing, but saves labor cost and reduces inaccuracies in nailing and hammer accidents at the same time.

There are a wide variety of nail guns on the market, employing a range of physical principles.

With a high launching speed, how can nail guns be safe and help reduce accidents? Isn’t it easier to have nailing accidents?

The answer to this question can be found in its design.

Nail guns are designed basically to be used with the muzzle touching the target. They are extremely short-range targeting tools. Place them touching a target and launch the nails, and they produce accurate nailing second to none. Furthermore, its design as a hand tool with a easy to grasp handle makes nailing an easier, simpler task.

Nailing inaccuracies will only occur when the user goes beyond its intended distance, or use it to project nails from a distance. In fact, nail guns are never designed as a weapon, and it is wildly inaccurate if a user tries to use it to shoot as a projectile.

Nail guns are usually driven by electromagnetism, compressed air or a small explosive charge.

There are two broad categories of nail guns, the direct drive or high velocity drives and the indirect drive or low velocity drives.

These two categories of nail guns are similar as far as they are power actuated driven, and differs only from the velocity of drive.

The direct drive nail gun uses gas pressure that acts directly onto the head of the nail to drive it into its intended object. Conversely, the indirect drive system will use gas pressure to act on a piston that in turn drives the nail indirectly.

Irrespective of the type, both of them are powerful tools that can drive a nail or other fastener into woodwork, hard concrete, stone and rolled steelwork easily.

It is not without its share of accidents in the workplace though. With nail guns being used widely in the workplace, there have been accidents related to nail guns, and this has led to some nail gun litigation involving specialist nail gun accident attorneys.

Where nail guns are used properly, and work safety rules are followed, they are a boon to the construction industry and represents how technology can help bring about savings in construction costs and reducing workplace accidents.

Decorate Your Concrete: Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer


Decorate your home’s concrete surfaces and give your patio, porch, garage, driveway, etc. a customized and refreshing new look. Acid stains, water based stains and epoxy paints are available for do-it-yourself projects.

concrete, concrete stain, concrete paint, patio, concrete coloring

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You can enhance your home’s existing concrete surfaces using acid stains, water based stains, epoxy paints, and scoring techniques. If you’re tired of looking at dull gray concrete, there are some fairly easy projects for the serious do-it-yourselfer to give your concrete a refreshing new look. Or perhaps you plan to have some new concrete installed but you don’t want plain gray concrete. Decorative concrete work costs double to triple that of regular concrete and many people simply can’t afford it. There are inexpensive ways to decorate concrete after it has cured without having to pay skilled tradesmen.

Acid based concrete stains are becoming more and more popular for coloring concrete surfaces. They chemically react with the cementitious material to produce permanent color with variegated or mottled appearance like that of marble. This results in a natural, elegant looking surface. Acid stains are available in 8-10 different colors, mainly brown, green, and reddish earth tones. The cost is normally $60-$70 per gallon which covers 300-400 square feet. A coat of clear concrete sealer when you’re finished really brings out the colors and beauty of acid stains.

Water based concrete stains are an alternative to acid stains and are much more user friendly because they’re much less toxic. These stains don’t chemically react with the concrete; they are absorbed into the surface pores and act like a dye. The big advantage of water based stains is the wide array of colors available. You can find just about any color in the spectrum and create a more vibrant and consistent appearance. They also normally cost about $60-$70 per gallon which covers 300-400 square feet.

If you want to venture beyond the basic staining of concrete, consider using some scoring techniques to create patterns on the surface. You can make your concrete look like a tile floor for example. It’s up to your imagination. An angle grinder with a 4 inch grinding or cutting wheel is the ideal tool for this. The important thing to remember when scoring is to draw the pattern on the concrete first and make sure you’re satisfied with the way it looks because scoring is irreversible. Most people don’t own an angle grinder but you can rent one at almost any tool rental shop.

Epoxy paints make an excellent coating for garage floors and basement floors. Many commercial floors have epoxy coatings because of their durability and resistance to chemical spills as well as their appearance. In recent years, however, it has become very popular for residential use with an increasing availability of different colors. This is not a difficult project, but the key to successful application is surface preparation. Epoxy paints have also become available in a water based form making it safe for the do-it-yourselfer and ideal for indoor applications. They cost a little more than stains. For a 400 square foot garage, you’ll spend about $200 for the materials needed for this project.

How to avoid foreclosure


Foreclosure. It’s a word that’s sending shivers of fear down the back for many a household in the current financial crisis.
If you see you maybe heading for trouble, you can take steps NOW to prevent foreclosure on your home.

financial crisis, foreclosure,debt

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If you see you maybe heading for trouble, you can take steps NOW to prevent foreclosure on your home.
As with anything of this magnitude, you need to act quickly. Don’t wait until it’s too late to turn things around.
You may be facing:
. oThe loss of a job
. oCuts in hours or overtime pay
. oRetirement
. oIllness, injury, or the death of a family member
. oDivorce or separation

If your family is facing any of these changes and cannot pay your bills, now is the time to look closely at what you owe and what you earn, eliminating unnecessary spending and reaching out for help if you still can’t meet your financial obligations. Taking action now can help you protect your family from the loss of your home.
On the next page are some steps you need to take now, to safeguard your home for the future, and put the threat of foreclosure behind you.
Remember. The time to act is now. The longer you wait, the deeper the problem becomes.
Many people avoid calling their lenders when they have money troubles. Most of us are embarrassed to discuss our money problems with others or believe that if lenders know we are in trouble, they will rush to collection or foreclosure.
Lenders want to help borrowers keep their homes. Foreclosure is expensive for lenders, mortgage insurers and investors. HUD/FHA, as well as private mortgage insurance companies and investors like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, require lenders to work aggressively with borrowers who are facing money problems.
Lenders have workout options to help you keep your home. However, these options work best when your loan is only one or two payments behind. The farther behind you are on your payments, the fewer options are available.
Do not assume that your problems will quickly correct themselves. Don’t lose valuable time by being overly optimistic. Contact your mortgage lender to discuss your circumstances as soon as you realize that you are unable to make your payments. While there is no guarantee that any particular relief will be given, most lenders are willing to explore every possible option.
To help you, lenders typically need:
. o Your loan account number
. o A brief explanation of your circumstances
. o Recent income documents (such as Pay stubs; Benefit Statements from Social Security, Disability, Unemployment, Retirement, or Public Assistance. If you are Self-employed, have your tax returns or a Year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement available for reference)
. oList of household expenses

Expect to have more than one phone conversation with your lender. Typically, your lender will mail you a “loan workout” package. This package contains information, forms and instructions. If you want to be considered for assistance, you must complete the forms and return them to your lender quickly. The completed package will be reviewed before the lender talks about a solution with you.
CALL TODAY! The sooner you call; the sooner help is available.

If you do not contact your lender, your lender will try to contact you by mail and phone soon after you stop making payments. It is very important that you respond to the mail and the phone calls offering help. If your lender does not hear from you they will be required to start legal action leading to foreclosure. This will substantially increase the cost of bringing your loan current.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking with your lender, you should immediately contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency and arrange an appointment with a counselor. A counselor will help you assess your financial situation, determine what options are available to you, and help you negotiate with your lender. A counselor will be familiar with the various workout arrangements that lenders will consider and will know what course of action makes the most sense for you and your family, based on your circumstances. In addition, the counselor can call the lender with you or on your behalf to discuss a workout plan. By meeting with a counselor before your mortgage payments are too far behind, you can protect yourself from future credit problems.
A good counselor will help you establish a monthly budget plan to ensure that you can meet all of your monthly expenses, including your mortgage payment. Your personal financial plan will clearly show how much money you have available to make the mortgage payment. This analysis will help you and your lender determine whether a reduced or delayed payment schedule could help you. Also, a counselor will have information on services, resources, and programs available in your local area that may provide you with additional financial, legal, medical or other assistance that you may need.

MV Jazz Up Your Basement Ceiling – You Can Do That


I helped a friend of mine finish his basement but he was not sure what type of ceiling he wanted to put in. There are several options like traditional drywall, tongue and groove boards, acoustic ceiling tiles and drop ceiling, so we analyzed each option.

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Framing Basement Walls


Framing basement walls can be a tricky endeavor. There are a number of different situations and obstacles that complicate the framing. As a result, stick building and improvisation are the key phrases when undertaking basement wall framing.

Basement Wall Framing, Framing Ceilings, Stick Build Framing, Perimeter Wall Framing, Internal Wall Framing

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Framing basement walls can be a tricky endeavor. There are a number of different situations and obstacles that complicate the framing. As a result, stick building and improvisation are the key phrases when undertaking basement wall framing.

Perimeter Wall Framing

First, if you are planning to have a warm and comfortable basement, perimeter basement walls should be framed using 2″x4″ construction, just like the interior walls. By using 2″x4″ studs on the perimeter basement walls insulation can be installed to ensure a warmer room. If warmth is not a priority, and the installation of drywall is still required on the perimeter basement walls, then furring strips can be attached to the perimeter walls instead. Furring strips usually consist of 2″x2″s that are glued and nailed to the concrete basement walls.

Internal Wall Framing

The internal walls can be built on the ground and then simply raised in place, however due to inevitable variations in basement floor heights the walls should be built slightly shorter and then shimmed into place. If this is not done, you may have some difficulty raising the wall as it may get wedged between the floor of the basement and the ceiling/floor joists. Also, if the home is built on clay soil the basement floor may move slightly up and down based on the water content in the ground. If the home is built on clay soil, then you should use L-Shaped steel framing clips to attach to the walls and the first-floor floor joists. These clips will enable the walls to breath (move up and down), but give the support necessary to ensure the wall remains vertical.

When building basement walls there are typically many obstructions (pipes, duct work) that you need to build around. Thus, it is sometimes easier to stick build walls around these types of obstructions.

Stick Build Framing

To stick build walls, first nail a top plate perpendicular to the floor joists. Next, secure a bottom plate to the concrete floor using concrete nails and an adhesive such as Liquid Nails. Make sure you use pressure treated lumber on the bottom plate as it is in contact with the concrete and will wick moisture over time. The top and bottom plates should be parallel to each other. Use a plumb line to ensure they are parallel. Finally install 2’x4″ studs every 16″ along the plates. Make sure you measure for each stud prior to cutting, as the floor to ceiling distances will vary.

Boxing in Ductwork

Soffits may need to be built if ductwork needs to be boxed in or if planning to install interior lighting. Soffits are not structural and thus can be framed using 2″x2″s. Similar to any wall framing, use two parallel 2″x2″ plates and connect them using vertical stud members. Secure a 2″x2″ top plate to the floor joists and then stick nail in a 2″x2″ stud on both ends of the top plate. Next nail the bottom plate to the two studs to create the basic wall. Finally, install on 16″ centers, 2″x2″ studs along the entire length of the plates. Pending the situation you may need to build the same framing structure on the other side of the ductwork. Once you have completed the second soffit wall simply install 2″ x 2″ cross member stud pieces (lookouts) between the two soffit wall sections. You will want to make sure you use a chalk line and a level during this task to ensure the soffit walls remain straight. Again, as the soffit is being stick built, measure every stud prior to cutting.

Framing the Ceiling

If drywall is to be installed on the ceiling then you may need to add effectively a horizontal wall. Basically the same process is done as with building soffits, however 2″x4″s are used for providing clearance for pipes hanging below the floor joists. If there are no pipes or wiring hanging below the floor joists, then 1’x3″ strapping may be able to be used. Simply nail them perpendicular to the floor joists on 16″ centers.

For more help on finishing your basement, see HomeAdditionPlus.paving’s Basement Remodeling Bid sheet. The Basement Remodeling Bid Sheet will help ensure that your basement remodeling project goes smoothly and you get the finished basement you are looking for. In addition, it will help to ensure that finishing your basement will be accomplished on time and on budget.

Adding carpets and rug is a quick way to spice up a room scheme


Carpets and rug are not widely used in warm countries, but in northern Europe and the United States, they are a basic decorating feature. Carpets give a lovely sensation when you walk over them, especially barefoot, and also offer interesting aesthetic possibilities.

carpets and rug

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Carpets and rug are not widely used in warm countries, but in northern Europe and the United States, they are a basic decorating feature. Carpets give a lovely sensation when you walk over them, especially barefoot, and also offer interesting aesthetic possibilities. They are seamless and therefore unify spaces, but also can be used to mark off zones, or areas of activity. They permit versatile solutions for our interior design due to the colors, textures, and finishes they come in.

When choosing a carpets and rug, bear in mind that it will be tacked down, or fitted, and can last many years if well looked after so it will have to be easily adaptable to any new decoration style we may wish to achieve. Another quality of carpets is the acoustic and thermal insulation they provide. They are suitable for all the rooms in the house, except in the bathroom and kitchen unless you are prepared to make the extra effort to ensure they do not get wet or stained when bathing or cooking.

Unfortunately, they can get dirty easily and may be difficult to clean. They are not the most hygienic of floors. When choosing a carpet, take into consideration its texture, pile, the yarn, weight, density, color, and design. Most carpet is made of sheep’s wool, which is durable, dyes readily, and handles easily. For floors that are heavily used or in contact with the open air, use durable materials like stone, marble, tiles, and some types of hardwoods.

Do not use carpets and rugs if you have pets or if you or your family members suffer from allergies to dust: they get dirty easily. Vacuum carpets regularly so that neither dust nor dirt accumulates in them. Make sure all carpets used on the floor are designed for floor use: some carpets are intended for wall use. Avoid spills because stains are hard to remove from carpeting. Carpets give a space a natural look and feel, however, they are made of delicate material and often do not stand up well to humidity.

Building a Custom Ceramic Tile Shower starts with a Shower Pan Membrane Liner


If you are thinking about installing a custom ceramic tile shower then you will first need to consider installing a Shower Pan Membrane liner.

Shower Pan Membrane Liner, Custom Ceramic Tile Shower, Grout, Ceramic Tile Shower Installation

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Installing a custom ceramic tile shower in your home is something a do it yourself homeowner can do with a little upfront knowledge. The most important aspect of a successful custom ceramic tile shower installation is properly installing a shower pan membrane liner. The shower pan membrane liner is used to ensure a leak-proof shower.

Shower pan membrane liners are used to funnel any water that seeps through the floor or wall grout to the shower drain below. The shower pan membrane liner is made up of a flexible type of plastic material that sits below a bed of mortar, and the tile, in the shower floor area.

Prior to installing the shower pan membrane liner, the floor of the shower needs to be pre-sloped to ensure that the water will flow towards the shower drain assembly. The pre-slope is accomplished by applying a layer of mortar to the floor of the shower unit area. The layer of mortar is troweled in such as way as to create a gentle slope from the shower wall edges to the center of the shower where the drain resides.

Once the pre-slope mortar has cured, the flexible shower pan membrane liner can then be installed. There are a couple of types of shower pan membrane liners on the market, with each having their own benefits. With either type of membrane, the homeowner needs to form and fold the material into the base of the shower area and secure it to the sides of the shower wall frame with staples and/or nails. In addition, an opening in the membrane should be cut out to allow the adjustable shower drain assembly to slip through.

With the shower pan membrane installed, the cementitious ceramic tile backerboard can then be secured to the framed shower walls. The backerboard is a rigid material that is ideal for attaching tile in wet areas such as a shower stall.

After installing the ceramic tile backerboard, a final coat of mortar needs to be applied on top of the membrane to protect it and to provide a solid base for laying the ceramic floor tile.

With the final coat of mortar cured, the ceramic tile can then be installed in the shower.

Once the tile and grout have been installed, the shower drain assembly should be adjusted so that the drain height sits flush with the finished ceramic tile floor.

For more information on installing a shower pan membrane liner, see the Shower Pan Membrane Liner Installation EBook from HomeAdditionPlus.paving. The Shower Pan Membrane Liner EBook will quickly teach you the step-by-step process for installing the shower pan membrane liner correctly. It includes instructions on framing the shower stall, pouring the pre-slope and shower base mortar, and installing the shower pan membrane liner.