MV Modular Office Furniture


What is a modular office?

A modular office is an economical and convenient way to increase space for your business. These are stand-alone offices and cost a good deal less than construction of additional space to a building would. There are many exciting aspects of a modular office. They are erected in a little as 1to 2 hours, depending upon the features and size of the office. They are built out of fire resistant material for safety and if you ever need to expand or move …

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Near Loss Of Life And Limb Averted By Miracle Device..


I know this is going to sound strange to you, but the other day I almost killed myself at home, doing something I have done quite often now for the past 20 years. See, I was trying to find a old photo album in my bedroom, and since I was having trouble, I got a bit frustrated and decided to clean.

Well, here is where I made my first mistake. I opened up my closet door, a simple thing indeed, and one I have done all too often in the past. Inside I found what I was searching…

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I know this is going to sound strange to you, but the other day I almost killed myself at home, doing something I have done quite often now for the past 20 years. See, I was trying to find a old photo album in my bedroom, and since I was having trouble, I got a bit frustrated and decided to clean.

Well, here is where I made my first mistake. I opened up my closet door, a simple thing indeed, and one I have done all too often in the past. Inside I found what I was searching for, as the revered photo album, which weighed a good 3 pounds, came crashing down on my head!

After seeing stars, and picking myself up off the floor, realizing I wasn’t dead, and a bit shaken up, I had to pause to remember what I was doing, and why I found myself in this position. That damn photo album hit me in the head, giving me not only a headache, but a chance to think about what had just gone wrong.

Well, I decided to fix this problem, being that I’m so well organized (um, not really..) and do something about this quick. After all, I didn’t like the hit I just received, so I put some thought into preparing a solution, when it came to me.

A ad I had recently seen in my local hardware store said “Get it Straight, Get it Great, with our line of Closet Organizers.” I felt very ashamed that I needed to get hit in the head to see the value of this device. After all, just a few moments ago, I was sitting on the floor with a icepack on head!

Today I’m better for it, as I purchased several closet organizers, and placed them throughout all the closets in my home. They are easy to install, come in lots of different colors, and they help keep the clutter to a minimum.

Now I can reach for my photos with confidence that I not experience another “smashing” picture, with a headache to follow.

Adirondack Chairs – Combining Comfort With Timeless Style


Adirondack chairs have been around for over a century, but their timeless design is still as popular as ever among those of us looking for comfortable and relaxing outdoor furniture.

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Adirondack chairs have been around for over a century, but their timeless design is still as popular as ever among those of us looking for comfortable and relaxing outdoor furniture. The original Adirondack chair was invented in 1903 by a man called Thomas Lee, whilst vacationing with his family in Westport, New York. The simple but sturdy design, incorporating the characteristic slanted back and wide armrests, was patented by Harry Bunnel, who named this new style of outdoor chair after the nearby Adirondack region. He went on to successfully sell his Adirondack chairs made from hemlock to summer residents of the resort of Westport for the next 20 years. And the classic design continues to be a favorite to this day.

The enduring appeal of Adirondack furniture lies in the fact that not only does it look great in almost any recreational setting, from porches to lawns, decks to patios, it is also incredibly comfortable to sit in. Adirondack chairs are made from different types of wood, including cedar, teak and mahogany. The wood can be left to weather naturally, stained to preserve its natural color, or painted in any shade you choose. Modern alternatives that are virtually maintenance free are recycled plastic chairs, which do look amazingly like real wood.

These days, the original design has been adapted to create various different styles of furniture, including Adirondack rocking chairs and porch swings. Reclining chairs with cushions for extra comfort are a favorite, as are all-in-one styles that come with a retractable ottoman. For a totally coordinated new look, there are all kinds of Adirondack sets to choose from, such as those with matching side tables, footrests and ottomans. The wide armrests are perfect for holding drinks or books, and it’s really no wonder that this traditional type of outdoor furniture is still so sought after today. An Adirondack chair is the ideal place to relax and unwind on a long sunny day!

TR Selecting Right Types Of Air Purifiers


For sufferers of asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases, indoor air pollution in the form of dander, dust and pollen particles can be a real irritant. Purifying the house along with proper indoor ventilation and filtration system is essential for a healthy home atmosphere. Keeping your house clean of dust, dander, smoke, pollen, and other airborne particulate matters will help to reduce the irritation and other respiratory difficulties. Air purifiers, filters and he…

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MV Keep the Clogs Out of Your Kitchen Sinks


Learn an easy and quick tip to keep your kitchen sinks from clogging as well as why you should salt your toilet.


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Building Your Dream Home – Part 1


For most of my adult life I had thought about someday building my Dream Home. Several years ago I finally got the chance. I had purchased a lake front lot with a small cottage on it. My initial intention was to use the property “as is”, and someday raze the old cottage and build a new home in its place. After a couple of weekends in the musty old camp I came to the conclusion that I needed to speed up my timetable.

Building Your Dream Home, New Home Construction Bid Sheet, Home Style, Home Size, General Contractor, Hiring Subcontractors, Pulling Permits, Septic Design

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For most of my adult life I had thought about someday building my Dream Home. Several years ago I finally got the chance. I had purchased a lake front lot with a small cottage on it. My initial intention was to use the property “as is”, and someday raze the old cottage and build a new home in its place. After a couple of weekends in the musty old camp I came to the conclusion that I needed to speed up my timetable.

Part of the dream in building my own home was to act as the General Contractor and to personally supply a great deal of sweat equity. I accomplished both of these goals, however it was not easy. There were many roadblocks and bends in the road along the way. In the subsequent parts of this chronology, I will review my experiences in hopes that others may gain from my experiences.

Determining the Home Style and Size

After making the decision to raze the cottage and build a new home, I had to first determine what type and size of home to build. My lot was limited in size and required careful planning to ensure that I would meet all of the setbacks governed by the town I lived in. Although I had these concerns, I decided to forgo the Architect route. I deemed it too expensive and probably not necessary for the style of home I wanted to build. Instead I picked up a handful of Home Plan magazines and surfed the internet for home designs. I also picked up an inexpensive software package for designing homes and floorplans. After a week of reviewing home plans, I found one that met most of my requirements in terms of a floorplan. The footprint was smaller than I wanted, but I concluded that I could redraw the floor plan accordingly using my newly purchased Home Design Software Package.

The Home Design Software package was not as simple to use as the instruction manual implied, however after a couple of weeks I had a floorplan with all the dimensional information.

Assuming the role as the General Contractor

As I had indicated earlier, one of my goals was to assume the role as General Contractor on this project. I quickly learned that banks frown upon lending construction mortgages to everyday homeowners and to folks who have little professional building experience. I got around this issue by deciding not to use the banks for financing. However, from what I learned later, it may have been possible for me to assume a construction mortgage if I had quit my day job and applied for the loan as a “full time General Contractor”. Indeed, I would have needed to complete a full proposal to the bank with all costs and subcontractors identified, but this is necessary anyways.

As the General Contractor I developed a build schedule and task list. Some of the top items included: Identifying subcontractors, pulling permits, and having a septic design approved.

Carefully Pick your Sub-Contractors

Identifying the right subcontractors is the most important task a General Contractor performs. Poor selection of subcontractors can lead to delays in schedules, cost overruns, poor workmanship and strife between the various subcontractors on the job. Prior to hiring subcontractors, it is important to visit their current jobsites. Review their work on existing jobsites and mingle with the other subs to judge the working relationship. In addition get two or three reference checks on the subcontractors. If there are poor workmanship, personality issues, or references move on. Do not settle for second rate subs, even if it means slipping your schedule or costs goals, as you will more than likely suffer even larger schedule slips or higher costs by hiring the wrong people.

Pulling Permits

Once you have selected and hired your excavator, chief framer, and foundation company, review with them your plans. Make sure you walk the site with them, and carefully stake out the house footprint, paying careful attention to lot setbacks, septic tanks, leach fields and well location. Once all are agreed upon with the house plans and the location of the home, contact the building inspector and review with him/her your plans. You will need to submit a very thorough package to the building inspector prior to getting approval. There are frequently town and state forms that need to be filled out regarding wetlands, and home thermal analysis. In addition, detailed engineering drawings of the proposed home may be required. In my case the Framer was able to assist in developing additional sketches of the house plan to ensure structural compliance to local, state and federal building codes. If I had used the initial home plans I had obtained, those would have been sufficient. I also could have contacted an architect with my selected plans to provide additional details, however it was not necessary in my case.

After about a week and several hundred dollars later I had the permit to build a new home.

Septic Design

My home required its own septic system on site. As a result, I required a septic design and an associated permit for the new home. I recommend pursuing this as early as possible in any new home project as this can take up to 2-3 months to complete as both town and state approvals are required, not to mention site and engineering work.

Without knowing exactly where the septic system and tank will reside, it may be difficult to locate the exact position of the home and in many cases the building inspector may not approve the building permit until the septic design permit has been obtained. I was fortunate in that the property already had a small septic system on the lot, so the building inspector gave me approval. I was at financial risk, however, in the event the new septic design was not approved or needed to be repositioned from the proposed location. Fortunately that was not the case and I was able to move forward on razing the cottage and beginning site work.

To Be Continued ….

In Part 2 of “Building Your Dream House”, I will cover razing an existing building, performing site prep work, and pouring foundation walls. Stay tuned……………

For more help on building a new home, see HomeAdditionPlus.paving’s New Home Construction Bid sheet. The New Home Construction Bid Sheet will help ensure that your new home construction project goes smoothly and is completed on time and budget.

Fresh Air With An Air Freshener


Air fresheners are used to ward off bad odour in the room or the entire house. A pleasant smelling room is always more inviting. The variety of fragrances available in the market is mind-boggling. With newer scents and fragrances introduced in the market at regular interval, the consumer is spoilt for choice. Air fresheners are available without any fragrances also. They simply neutralize the odours.

Air fresheners operate in many ways. They cover up the bad odour, neutral…

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Air fresheners are used to ward off bad odour in the room or the entire house. A pleasant smelling room is always more inviting. The variety of fragrances available in the market is mind-boggling. With newer scents and fragrances introduced in the market at regular interval, the consumer is spoilt for choice. Air fresheners are available without any fragrances also. They simply neutralize the odours.

Air fresheners operate in many ways. They cover up the bad odour, neutralize the offending smell or sanitize it. Many air fresheners eliminate the offending odour and leave a flowery fresh odour behind.

The fresheners are available in long standing tubes with gel air freshener, or nowadays they can be found in battery and electricity operated units. But the most common type available is the spray tubes. Nearly ninety percent of the manufacturers offer various spray tubes that can be used in any part of the house or room.

Spray tubes are handy, they can be packed and carried from one place to another. This way a favourite brand of air freshener is never out of reach. The consumer can decide how much fragrance he or she wants with each spray. There is a pressure adjustable mode that allows the required amount of fragrance to be sprayed.

There are many designs of fresheners and they work well in various nooks and corners of the house. Some can be used in cupboards, drawers and other such closed places. Stick air fresheners are used in vacuum cleaning. This serves a dual purpose of cleaning and freshening.

Fresheners are also used in cars. Car air fresheners are easy to use and easy on the pocket; they are effective in cleaning the bad odour of tobacco smoke and other pollutants. People who travel a lot in cars use fresheners regularly.

Air fresheners use a lot of chemicals. All the fragrances are synthetic and chemically prepared. Many people are allergic to one or more component of the freshener, they start sneezing or wheezing when it is sprayed. Some components are carcinogens.

Overuse of chemicals in the house can trigger health problems, it is a far better option to maintain the rooms or the home in a spick and span condition. Regular cleaning, dusting can eliminate the offending odours hanging around the house. There are natural air fresheners too. Flowers in the house cheer up the place no end with the additional benefit of giving a sweet fresh fragrance.

Things to Know about Kitchen Cabinet Design


The appearance of your kitchen cabinets rests on the quality of your cabinets. You can therefore completely change the look of your kitchen simply by changing the doors of your kitchen cabinets.

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Kitchen cabinet doors can add to the beauty of your kitchen. The appearance of your kitchen cabinets rests on the quality of your cabinets. You can therefore completely change the look of your kitchen simply by changing the doors of your kitchen cabinets. Good kitchen cabinet design is also important if you want to get the most storage use possible out of your available storage space, and this should also be the goal in the design of any kitchen.

Kitchen Cabinet Wood Types

Kitchen cabinets can be made from dozens of woods including Oak, Maple, Pine, Cherry, Hickory, Poplar, Alder and Birch. Hickory and Oak are the hardest and the heaviest. Cherry, Birch and Maple are considered to be well suited to cabinetry. Less expensive and more plentiful woods such as Alder and Poplar work best with glazed finishes used in creating an ‘antique’ look. Pine is a soft wood that can be more prone to dents and scratches.

There are three types of cabinet door shapes, slab, recessed panel, and raised panel.

There are many cabinet design styles to choose from. Four of the more common cabinet design styles are: traditional, country, shaker and contemporary.

Kitchen Cabinet Construction

Kitchen cabinets are generally constructed using a combination of these kinds of woods, as well as particleboard or plywood.

Some cabinet doors are made of solid wood, which is generally more expensive. Although solid wood and plywood kitchen cabinet doors are regarded a stronger and thicker, particleboard is considered less likely to expand.

When selecting kitchen cabinets it is a good ideas to start by defining your style. Will your kitchen design be more along the lines of a traditional look with raised panel doors and a lot of ornate molding? Or will it be more of a rustic look with knotty pine and more simple detailing?

There are three main types of kitchen cabinets. These include, in-stock kitchen cabinets, semi-stock kitchen cabinets, and custom kitchen cabinets.

While custom-cabinet doors are more expensive than the do-it-yourself variety, the advantage is that you are able to get exactly what you want at a very high level of craftsmanship. You can tailor the cabinets to the exact specifications and needs of your kitchen.

Keep A House Cleaning Schedule


A house cleaning schedule is your first step towards an effortless cleaning of your home. Although each person has his or her own idea as to what a house cleaning schedule should be like, it is generally agreed that a systematic and coordinated approach will produce the best results.

There have been much advice from various professionals as to how a house cleaning exercise should go about but it will be best if you keep to your own ways of doing things. Decide which plan w…

house cleaning, house cleaning tips

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A house cleaning schedule is your first step towards an effortless cleaning of your home. Although each person has his or her own idea as to what a house cleaning schedule should be like, it is generally agreed that a systematic and coordinated approach will produce the best results.

There have been much advice from various professionals as to how a house cleaning exercise should go about but it will be best if you keep to your own ways of doing things. Decide which plan works best for you and keep to it. After all, not all homes have the same architecture, so obviously cleaning will differ from home to home.

The first step is to decide on what needs to be done. Begin with the most difficult and complex job and progress to the less mundane ones. This way, you would have expended the much needed energy on the big jobs and by the time you get tired, it is only left with the small jobs to be done. Another reason why you should begin with the big job is that, in the event that something happens or you get tired, then someone will be more wiling to assist because they will not have much left to do.

Group your activities into manageable parts. For example you can put your cleaning activities into three categories: washing, wiping or dusting. This way, you can do all the activities that involve washing from room to room and then go to the ones that need wiping. Keeping this kind of schedule will enable you to work faster and comfortably.

Keep your schedule flexible so that should there be any change of plan, the schedule will be able to accommodate it easily. Keeping a household cleaning schedule is your surest way to accomplish more in less time when it comes to giving your home a new look.

If New York state seems a little far from the real North Pole, try getting a little closer to the real thing by visiting North Pole, Alaska on your Christmas vacation. The Alaskan vacation package also includes a visit to Santa’s house in the North Pole. Also offered is an optional dog sled ride through Santa’s village in the North Pole. Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience as you race through the magical North Pole on an authentic Alaskan dog sled. Like the vacation package in North Pole, New York, the Alaskan North Pole offers one or two night stays during weekends.

The Alaskan North Pole Christmas vacation includes hotel accommodations in nearby Fairbanks and at the Chena Hot Springs Resort. There is also lodging available at the Santaland RV Park. The Santa House also offers a large store where guests to the North Pole can find every type of souvenir from ‘I Believe in Santa’ hats to ‘Santa Claus Crossing’ signs and refrigerator magnets. Whether you are two or ninety-two the magic of Christmas in North Pole, Alaska will have you believing in Saint Nick.

If you are traveling before or during the Christmas season, then consider Hershey, Pennsylvania as your vacation destination. The home of Hershey’s candy, Hershey Park becomes home to Christmas Candyland, where over one million Christmas lights are put on display. In addition to the lights, the staff at Hershey Park constructs a number of animated displays that are sure to delight both you are your children.

Christmas Candyland is undoubtedly one of the most exciting Christmas time getaways for kids young and old. In addition to Christmas Candyland guests can enjoy the rest of the Park. Hershey Park is a popular destination for travelers year round, as it offers a wide variety of both entertainment and great candy. Christmas Candyland typically runs for a month prior to Christmas.

If your family has never taken a Disney vacation, Christmastime may be the perfect time to do it. In addition to enjoying the Walt Disney World parade which is televised each year from Disney World in Orlando, Florida, your kids will also enjoy seeing all their favorite Disney characters decked out in their Santa hats and Christmas outfits. There are also a number of special Christmas time shows put on in the parks including Mickey Mouse’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas and Belle’s Enchanted Christmas Storytelling.

These Christmas activities can be great for young children. Giant Christmas trees are erected throughout the parks and lit up with thousands of Christmas lights, bringing the spirit of Christmas alive throughout the already magical Disney World. The weeks around the Christmas season are also times where lodging rates at Disney World resorts are typically lower than the peak season rates.

By traveling during the Christmas season you are likely to get tons of fun at a reduced price. The weather in central Florida during the Christmas season is typically in the mid-70s, a great change of pace if you are used to cold, wintry Christmas seasons. Santa’s sleigh may have some trouble landing without snow but the magic of the Christmas season is alive and well at Disney World.

Decorate Your Kitchen On A Budget


Are you bored with your kitchen? You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to give it a little face lift. Just follow these tips and you’ll make big changes on a little budget.

Need a colorful window treatment? Simply purchase an inexpensive basswood shade and paint it in a bright color. You can use a partially dry brush and paint randomly for an aged look.

Paint your walls a bright, sunny yellow and randomly paint over a few areas with a deeper yellow, a dark peac…

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Are you bored with your kitchen? You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to give it a little face lift. Just follow these tips and you’ll make big changes on a little budget.

Need a colorful window treatment? Simply purchase an inexpensive basswood shade and paint it in a bright color. You can use a partially dry brush and paint randomly for an aged look.

Paint your walls a bright, sunny yellow and randomly paint over a few areas with a deeper yellow, a dark peach, and terra cotta. Mix the paints with a glazing liquid and wipe each coat with a wet cloth before the paint dries.

Paint your old cabinets with a few layers of paint using a dry brush. You can purchase pin stripe tape for automobiles and apply it just under the molding for an attractive accent.

Using a fabric panel with hook-and-loop fastening tape to create skirting around your under-counter areas. You can cover aging appliances such as dishwashers and worn cabinets with a colorful new curtain that hangs from underneath the edge of your counter tops.

Use your mismatched dishes and cups to decorate a stylish shelf hanging on your kitchen wall. Brightly colored dishes and hanging teacups make cute decorations.

Use your treasured family photos to decorate a shelf or nooks. You can use cheap picture frames and a cute shelf as an expression of your home and your life.

If your counter tops are not what they once were, remove the old surface and replace it with colorful, mismatched tiles you can purchase for next to nothing at a discount home store. If your counter tops are uneven, use a piece of plywood to even out the surface before you put down the tiles.

If your refrigerator has seen its better days, have a local supplier cut chalkboard to fit the front and glue it directly to the surface of your refrigerator. Use pine boards to make a border and you will have your own personal note center right on your refrigerator.

Decorating your kitchen need not be expensive. With a little imagination and a little work you can turn even the most boring kitchen into a work of art. Colorful curtains and paint will make a huge difference in any kitchen. No matter how small or dark the space may be.