How to combine styles in any room


A well decorated home is one unified whole with rooms that blend and relate to each other like members of a family.


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A well decorated home is one unified whole with rooms that blend and relate to each other like members of a family. The goal of any room arrangement in your house is a simple grouping of furniture pieces that work toward its purpose, dining, sleeping, working, or relaxing. Create easy access through your rooms with 3-fott-wide passages that suggest where you want traffic to flow. Use entry furnishings constant with the rest of your home.

When you are dealing with furniture the whole collection must take priority over individual pieces. It is easy to fall under the enchantment of an antique piece of furniture, but you have to consider how it will fit in with everything else. Plus, you have to ask whether it meets your needs. Everybody loves to buy new things, but before bring in new furniture you must figure out whether to take advantage of what you already have.

You may want to restore or renovate the external appearance of furniture if it is shabby or drab. Decorating is not merely throwing out the old and brings in the new objects. New furniture is certainly attractive, not to mention pricey, if you were to search secondhand market and antique stores, you would probably come across some surprising pieces of furniture that add a touch of distinction to our home. Remember that some old furniture has more personality than new designs and can be a source of inspiration as you seek to create your own decorating scheme.

Old furniture is adequately interesting to be the central feature of a room but be sure never to mix antique furniture with different styles. The general rule is that if you have one very quality piece of antique furniture, the other, more reserved pieces, should stay out of the limelight. In bigger rooms you can place two or three pieces of antique furniture without overdoing it. Decorating a home is a lifelong process that changes as you adjust. It’s an unfolding experience that lets you express yourself. Enjoy the time you spend doing it.

Air Purifiers – Know Your Pollutants!


People use air purifiers in the home and office to screen pollutants and contaminants out of the air. But just what are these pollutants, and why should they matter to you?

Bacteria: Airborne bacteria can be a problem, to say the least. Such diseases as tetanus, typhoid fever, pneumonia, syphilis, cholera, leprosy, and tuberculosis are all the nasty products of these airborne pathogens. Lucky for us, not all bacteria are this vicious; there’s also ‘friendly bacteria’, whic…

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People use air purifiers in the home and office to screen pollutants and contaminants out of the air. But just what are these pollutants, and why should they matter to you?

Bacteria: Airborne bacteria can be a problem, to say the least. Such diseases as tetanus, typhoid fever, pneumonia, syphilis, cholera, leprosy, and tuberculosis are all the nasty products of these airborne pathogens. Lucky for us, not all bacteria are this vicious; there’s also ‘friendly bacteria’, which if it’s any help to you at all is living some place private, like your pancreas, out of reach of an air purifier.

Mold spores: Mold is a fungus just like mushrooms. Mold reproduces itself through spores, which fly around in the air and aggravate your allergies. Some molds are toxic when inhaled. Black mold, which can grow on food, can produce the serious lung disease aspergillosis if large quantities are inhaled. Mold is a problem in buildings which are too air-tight and have too much trapped moisture.

Viruses: Submicroscopic and microorganisms particles that can infect the cells of a biological organism – you, for instance. Needs no introduction here. People with weakened immune systems from a present medical condition can especially do with fewer viruses in the air.

Pet dander: Dander is hair and skin particles that fly off of a pet and cause an allergic reaction in people so inclined, frequently manifested in a sneeze. Skin rashes can also be an allergic reaction to pet dander.

Dust: No, it’s not a matter of how much you clean; even in the tidiest households, dust happens. Some people with dust allergies can have an extreme reaction. Another airborne dust problem is found in industrial workplace environments. If the product being manufactured produces enough dust, it can even constitute a safety hazard.

Dust mites: These little critters live in that dust that you didn’t want around anyway. They’re known as Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in Europe and Dermatophagoides farinae in America, but by any name are regarded as a nuisance. Dust mites are thought to be the number one cause of asthma worldwide. Unlucky for us, dust mites like it best in the same kind of carpeted, draft-proof, cushioned environment that we people like.

Smoke: Oooooh, do we smokers ever take a lot of heat for our filthy habit! An air purifier can help you live with that human chimney in your home. It can even help the smoker’s health, when they no longer have to stand outside in the snow.

Odors: The obvious one that nobody ever thinks about. Air purifiers can help dispel the taints of paint, bleach, cooking, and chemical solvents from the air. If it offends your nose, an air purifier gets rid of it.

Well, that covers most of it. It’s surprising to see how much is going on right in front of our noses that we can’t see, isn’t it?

Latex Foam and Memory Foam Mattress Ideas


The difference between latex foam, memory foam and conventional spring mattresses. The perfect article for anyone who wants to know how latex foam and memory foam mattresses achieve and provide sleep comfort superiority.

latex foam mattress, memory foam mattress

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Have you ever considered a latex foam or memory foam mattress? There is a great percentage of our population, probably more than 50% of people, who are somewhat afraid of change when it comes down to certain life issues. People have been sleeping on spring mattresses now, for centuries, and there is nothing wrong with that. Don’t get us wrong, spring mattresses have come a long long way, and most of them are extremely comfortable, but there are arguably far superior alternatives such as a foam, memory foam or latex foam mattress. If you suffer from back problems, sleep disorders, you toss and turn or you just want a fantastic night’s sleep every night, a memory foam mattress or a latex foam mattress may be just what you need. Those are just two examples of mattresses made of foam available to you.

If you are unfamiliar with a latex foam or memory foam mattress, as most people are, here’s a little basic information as to what they actually are, and what makes them different from a spring mattress. One thing that should be clear is that there are several types. One type is the memory foam mattress, which is a polyurethane foam that is both pressure and temperature sensitive, and has the ability to form to the contour of your body and slowly return to its initial form. Another type is the latex foam mattress, which is made with the sap of the Hevea Brasiliensis, which is a rubber tree. We won’t get too far into this, but this type of mattress has many qualities very similar to the memory foam, and it also has many hypoallergenic qualities. These sleep systems are great for your body, spreading evenly underneath you causing absolutely no pressure points while you sleep deeply.

Before you go out and buy one of these memory foam or latex foam mattresses, make sure to try a few of them out, and try not to fall asleep in the store. Buying a new sleep system can be a big investment with many advantages, so you should be alert and pay attention. Don’t be afraid to ask the salesperson questions, such as the different categories of polyurethane foam and the difference that could make for you. Foam density levels also make a difference, so it’s mostly a matter of trying as many out as you can, and finding which one most appeals to you. One thing you should ba aware of is that once you own your latex foam or memory foam mattress, you will not want to sleep anywhere else but at home, so spoil yourself if you will, but please don’t say we didn’t warn you. Here’s to a better night’s sleep.

Give Your Home Office A Spring Makeover


Do you get the Spring Home Office Blues? With spring in the air, warmer weather and the first hints of green outside, it’s easy to feel a little depressed if you are stuck in your home office for a good part of the day. One of the best ways to tackle this problem is to give your home office a good spring-cleaning and makeover.

Get Rid Of The Clutter

Nothing makes you feel more trapped inside than a cluttered office. Take an hour or two and go through everything in your…

home office, organizing your life, spring cleaning, home office cleaning

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Do you get the Spring Home Office Blues? With spring in the air, warmer weather and the first hints of green outside, it’s easy to feel a little depressed if you are stuck in your home office for a good part of the day. One of the best ways to tackle this problem is to give your home office a good spring-cleaning and makeover.

Get Rid Of The Clutter

Nothing makes you feel more trapped inside than a cluttered office. Take an hour or two and go through everything in your home office. Sort through stacks of paper, and toss or file everything appropriately. This is also a great time to ban anything that does not apply to your actual work from your home office, including children’s toys, magazines, personal bills and correspondence, junk mail etc.

Time For A Thorough Cleaning

Now that you have gotten rid of all the extra clutter, set aside some time to give your office a thorough cleaning. Start at the top and work your way down. Wipe off any ceiling fans and light fixtures, as well as curtain rods and doorframes. Clean the windows inside and out and throw the curtains in the washing machine. Remove books and picture frames from shelves, dust them off and give the entire shelf a good dusting as well. Mop the floor or shampoo the carpet. Don’t forget to wipe down any pictures you have hanging and dust the baseboards. If you don’t have the time, or just don’t like to clean, consider hiring a cleaning service to come in and do the job for you.

Rearrange Your Office Furniture

Consider rearranging your office furniture to give you a new, fresh look. Consider moving your desk in front of a window so you can see outside. Bring in a favorite chair that you can relax in while you read over proposals, or study the latest print publication for your industry. Bring in some new pictures, a different rug, or any other accessories that will give your office the look you want.

Bring The Spring Inside

If going outside isn’t an option, bring the spring inside. Get a few new plants for your office and keep some fresh cut flowers from your garden or your local florist at your desk. Open the window whenever weather permits and let the fresh clean spring air in.

Most importantly, don’t get stuck in your office all day every day. Take some time to enjoy the beautiful spring days outside with your family. You will find yourself more efficient in your freshly cleaned and organized home office. Take advantage of it by getting the work done so you can go out and play.

Tips On Cleaning A Mattress


A good mattress is an expensive investment, so it makes sense to learn how to take care of it. Unfortunately, spills or accidents occasionally happen, especially if you’re having breakfast in bed or your children aren’t yet potty trained. But, how do you clean a mattress? After all, it’s not like you can just toss it in the washer if it becomes soiled.

The best thing you can do is to avoid getting your mattress dirty in the first place. Encasing the mattress and the box sp…


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A good mattress is an expensive investment, so it makes sense to learn how to take care of it. Unfortunately, spills or accidents occasionally happen, especially if you’re having breakfast in bed or your children aren’t yet potty trained. But, how do you clean a mattress? After all, it’s not like you can just toss it in the washer if it becomes soiled.

The best thing you can do is to avoid getting your mattress dirty in the first place. Encasing the mattress and the box spring in hypoallergenic cases protects them from dust and grime and will cut down on dust mites. However, liquid can still seep through most cases and into the mattress. You may want to consider placing a rubber sheet on the mattress for protection against spills or childhood accidents.

Of course, since most people find that these rubber sheets bunch up and are uncomfortable to sleep on, you may prefer to risk getting the mattress wet, especially if there isn’t a big chance that you will spill your morning coffee or your children are older. If you do get your mattress dirty, you can follow these simple steps to get it clean.

1. To remove dirt or dust, whip out your vacuum. Most mattress manufacturers suggest that occasionally vacuuming your mattress is a good idea, even if it doesn’t look dirty, to keep dust mites under control.

2. If you need to clean up a liquid spill or a stain, don’t grab your favorite stain removal product. Mattresses are made of materials that may not react well to chemicals. Instead, you should just try to blot up any liquid and leave the stain alone. If you can’t bear the thought of leaving the stain on your mattress or if it has a strong odor, you can use a cloth dampened with cold water to gently scrub the stain. You can use a bit of mild soap on the cloth if the stain won’t budge, but just be sure you don’t end up making your mattress or box spring wetter than it already is.

3. Once you clean up the spill or stain, leave the sheets off your mattress and let it thoroughly air dry before you cover it back up. There’s nothing worse than a moldy mattress, especially if the person sleeping on it has severe mold allergies.

Once your mattress is clean and dry, you may want to use this opportunity to flip it over so that it wears more evenly. You should flip your mattress over three or four times a year to help it last longer.

Carpet Cleaning Machines


With the invention of Carpet, the invention of a Carpet cleaning machine was not far away. The first hand held Carpet cleaning machine was designed and tested in the 1860’s in Chicago, while the first power operated vacuum machine was invented in the early 1900’s by an English man named H. Cecil Booth.

At around the same time as H. Cecil Booth’s invention, a man by the name of James Murray Spangler came up with his own vacuum cleaner invention, which he later sold to his c…

carpet cleaning, carpet, cleaning, cleaning machines

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With the invention of Carpet, the invention of a Carpet cleaning machine was not far away. The first hand held Carpet cleaning machine was designed and tested in the 1860’s in Chicago, while the first power operated vacuum machine was invented in the early 1900’s by an English man named H. Cecil Booth.

At around the same time as H. Cecil Booth’s invention, a man by the name of James Murray Spangler came up with his own vacuum cleaner invention, which he later sold to his cousin Hoover. As you well know, Hoover has become one of the most prominent names in the vacuum cleaning machine business and is certain one of the most popular household names in the western world.

The vacuum cleaner was heralded as a blessing in disguise for many housewives, whose weekly task it was to keep the house clean. Initially, vacuum cleaners were only capable of sucking up dust and dirt, but with modern technology inventors were soon capable of designing a wet-cleaner that can steam carpets and kill germs.

Carpet was capable of covering the floor of a house, flat, or bungalow and keeping peoples feet warm in winter. Initially, people needed to sweep their floors, or carpets, but with the invention of the vacuum cleaner, people could easily detract the dirt and dust from their carpets with less effort. It was also realized that businesses, apartments and corporations would need someone to clean their carpets too, so the invention of the commercial carpet cleaners was next.

Essentially, the vacuum cleaner operates using a pump system. The pumping device sucks up air from a house, which in turn sucks up the dust and dirt from anything in front of the house opening. Inside the vacuum cleaner is a filtering system that collects the dust and dirt that can later be placed in the garbage outside.

Currently there are seven main types of vacuum cleaners; the upright vacuum cleaner, the Canister vacuum cleaner, the back-pack style vacuum cleaner, the built-in vacuum cleaner, the robotic vacuum cleaner, the hand held vacuum cleaner and the wet/dry vacuum cleaners. These different types of vacuum cleaners are available in different styles, sizes and have various voltage/power potentials.

One of the most significant developments in carpet cleaning machines has been the invention of the cyclone carpet cleaner. Unlike previous carpet cleaning machines, the cyclone carpet cleaner collects dust and dirt in a large cylinder type container. The cyclone carpet cleaner operates using a central air force and a number of filters. These filters filter the dust and dirt into stages, so that the air being sucked up into the cylinder container can then be cleaned and re-released into the air through a central outlet.

Robotic vacuum cleaners are also a relatively new invention, enabling the carpet to be cleaned by a carpet cleaning machine without the need of people power. Using a simple control mechanisms, the robotic vacuum cleaner can navigate its way around the floor of an apartment, or home, cleaning dust and particles from the floor and then return to its docking station for re-charging.

Ozone Air Purifiers May Cause Permanent Lung Damage


Several manufacturers are currently selling ozone generators as air cleaners. The companies manufacturing these devices state they are safe and effective at controlling indoor air pollution; however, for almost a century health professionals and health organizations such as the American Lung Association have challenged these claims.

Sellers of ozone-producing devices often use fanciful terms to describe ozone. It is referred to in such terms as “activated oxygen” or “pure …

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Several manufacturers are currently selling ozone generators as air cleaners. The companies manufacturing these devices state they are safe and effective at controlling indoor air pollution; however, for almost a century health professionals and health organizations such as the American Lung Association have challenged these claims.

Sellers of ozone-producing devices often use fanciful terms to describe ozone. It is referred to in such terms as “activated oxygen” or “pure air”, which suggest that ozone is merely a healthy kind of oxygen. However, ozone is a toxic gas which has vastly different chemical and toxicological properties compared to oxygen.

Ozone is a molecule composed of three atoms of oxygen, as opposed to the oxygen we normally breath, which has two. The O2 molecule is stable and nonreactive, whereas the O3 molecule is unstable, tending to dissociate and produce an O2 molecule and one single ionized oxygen atom. This single atom acts as a “free radicle”, that is, it reacts with other nearby substances and changes their chemical composition. It is this ability to combine with other substances that forms the basis of manufacturers’ claims that it binds up organic particles in the air and removes them from circulation.

Unfortunately, the same chemical properties which allow ozone to react with organic material in the environment also give it the ability to react with similar organic material in the body, with potentially harmful health consequences. When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs, and it is considered an undesirable substance that is a component of smog.

Inhalation of ozone at even low amounts can cause respiratory problems and throat irritation. In addition, ozone worsens chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and impairs the body’s natural ability to fight respiratory infections.

A generally accepted theory of aging states that the cells of the human body age both due to genetic factors (loss of cell telomeres) and oxidative damage by free radicals. People are encouraged to eat a diet high in antioxidants, and many take antioxidant supplements, precisely to avoid the kind of damage caused by reactive substances such as ozone.

Most people recover from acute exposure to ozone, but according to a 1996 EPA study, long-term exposure may cause permanent lung damage. The EPA regards ozone as an air pollutant and has formulated air quality standards to enable local officials to warn the public when ozone levels in urban areas are excessive. When ozone (and other air pollutants) are high, asthmatics and patients with chronic lung disease are encouraged to stay inside, and healthy people are told to refrain from strenuous outdoor exercise which raises their breathing rate in the toxic air. Since people are advised to avoid ozone in the outdoor environment, it is difficult to understand why anyone would buy a device to purposely produce it within their own homes.

The FDA requires ozone output of indoor medical devices to be less than 0.05 ppm. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that workers’ exposure to ozone not exceed an average concentration of more than 0.10 ppm for 8 hours. The National Institute of Occupational Safety And Health (NIOSH) recommends an upper limit of 0.10 ppm which should not be exceeded even briefly. EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone is a maximum 8 hour average outdoor concentration of 0.08 ppm.

The EPA coined the phrase “good up high -bad nearby” to differentiate between ozone in the upper and lower atmosphere. Stratospheric ozone in the upper atmosphere about 10 to 50km (32,000 to 164,000 feet) above Earth’s surface helps filter out damaging ultraviolet solar radiation. This ozone layer is being decimated by CFC compounds used in refrigerators and coolant systems. After negotiation of an international treaty, the Montreal Protocol, CFC production was sharply limited beginning in 1987 and phased out completely by 1996, and a study by the American Geophysical Union shows the rate of stratospheric ozone destruction slowing.

Ozone Generators are ineffective in controlling indoor air pollution, because scientific evidence shows that at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone has little potential to remove indoor air contaminants, though it still has the longterm potential to cause lung irritation.

Vendors claim that ozone will render almost every chemical contaminant harmless through a chemical reaction whose only by-products are carbon dioxide, oxygen and water. This is false advertising for several reasons.

First, it takes months to years for ozone to react with many of the chemicals commonly found in indoor air (Boeniger, 1995); so for all practical purposes, this is useless. Also, ozone generators will not remove carbon monoxide (Salls, 1927; Shaughnessy et al., 1994) or formaldehyde (Esswein and Boeniger, 1994).

Secondly, in many cases where the reaction between the pollutants and ozone does occur readily, the by-products are as harmful or irritating as the original pollutants (Weschler et al., 1992a, 1992b, 1996; Zhang and Lioy, 1994).

For instance, a laboratory experiment was conducted which mixed ozone with chemicals from new carpet. Ozone did reduce many of the chemicals, including those which can produce “new carpet” odor. However, the reaction produced a variety of aldehydes, and the total concentration of organic chemicals in the air actually increased (Weschler, et. al., 1992b). Levels of irritating formic acid also rise (Zhang and Lioy, 1994).

Some of the byproducts of ozone reaction are themselves reactive and go on to produce further irritating and corrosive by-products (Weschler and Shields, 1996, 1997a, 1997b). Ozone producing devices turn an indoor environment into a seething chemical flask.

Third, ozone by itself does not remove airborne particles such as pollen and housedust. However, some ozone generators are manufactured with an “ion generator” or “ionizer” in the same unit to disperse negatively (and/or positively) charged ions into the air. These ions attach to particles in the air giving them a negative (or positive) charge so that the particles may attach to nearby surfaces such as walls or furniture, creating an undesirable grimy layer; or attach to one another and settle out of the air. In recent experiments, ionizers proved ineffective in removing dust, tobacco smoke, pollen or fungal spores compared to either high efficiency particle filters or electrostatic precipitators. (Shaughnessy et al., 1994; Pierce, et al., 1996).

Even at concentrations that greatly exceed public health standards, ozone is ineffective at cleaning the air. And unfortunately, there is evidence to suggest that in some circumstances ozone generating devices exceed tolerable output limits. Due to the varying brands and models of these machines, and the different room sizes in which they are eventually used, there can be great variation in the eventual concentration of ozone in the air.

In a study by Shaughnessy and Oatman (1991), a large ozone generator recommended by the manufacturer for spaces “up to 3,000 square feet,” was placed in a 350 square foot room and run at a high setting. The ozone in the room quickly reached hazardous levels of 0.50 to 0.80 ppm, 5-10 times higher than public health limits.

In a 1995 EPA study, several different ozone generators were tested in a home environment, in rooms of various sizes, with doors alternately opened and closed, and with the central ventilation system fan alternately turned on and off. The results showed that some ozone generators, when run at maximum settings in a sealed room, frequently produced hazardous concentrations of 0.20 – 0.30 ppm. When the units were run at lesser settings, with interior doors opened, concentrations generally remained within public health standards.

Due to this wide variation in output and concentration, it is impossible for consumers to know how much ozone is actually in the air they are breathing; in many ordinary circumstances, ozone generators can produce toxic levels. At least one manufacturer is selling machines equipped with ozone sensors that turn the machine on and off in response to ambient ozone levels, in order to maintain levels of this entirely undesirable gas within a”safe” range. The EPA is currently conducting tests to evaluating the reliability of these sensors.

How to Clean Your Bathroom in 15 Minutes


Learn how to clean your bathroom in fifteen minutes or less.

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by Martha Matthews

I used to absolutely loath cleaning my bathrooms. It was so much work (or so I thought) that I would procrastinate until my husband would threaten to call the health department. One day, a friend of mine showed me this routine that has helped me maintain my sanity by getting this dirty job done quickly. She introduced me to the “15 Minute Bathroom Cleaning Routine” and my life has never been the same.

I was finally free from the drudgery of mildew and soap scum buildup. No more tooth paste petrified on my faucets. Gone was the black ring around the tub that looked like a well placed pinstripe. I was finally free to let the door stay open when company came over. Wow! My family didn’t even recognize the room. They were stunned. I can honestly say that this room is now my pride and joy. Now my friends marvel at my cleaning prowess.

My bathroom was so bad that it took a little extra effort the first time I used the routine, but after the initial deep cleaning, it was a breeze. You too can overcome the bathroom blues by following these simple and effective twelve steps.

1. Remove the knick knacks and place them in the hallway.

2. Remove the throw rugs and shake them out. Put them in the laundry to be cleaned if needed.

3. Sweep or vacuum the floor.

4. Spray the counter top and let your cleaner do the work.

5. Spray the mirror and wipe it down.

6. Spray the toilet with cleaner inside and out. Let the cleaner sit.

7. Go back to the counter top. Scrub and wipe it down.

8. Spray the bath tub and shower down (you may not need to do this every week if your bath tub doesn’t get that dirty).

9. Scrub the inside of the toilet with a brush. Flush the toilet to rinse the bowl. Wipe down the seat and rim of the bowl. Don’t forget the place behind the seat and the outside of the toilet bowl and base.

10. Scrub the tub down and rinse.

Hint: if you want to clean the shower curtain you can wash it by itself in the washing machine in cold water on the delicate cycle. Throw in a bath towel to help scrub the curtain clean. Remove it promptly and hang it back up in the shower to drip dry. Never put it in the dryer.

11. If you have linoleum or tile, mop the floor. If the room is small, you can spray your cleaner directly onto the floor and wipe it up with a sponge or cleaning cloth. Let dry for ten to fifteen minutes.

12. Put back the rugs and knick knacks. Check your toilet paper supply. Put out fresh towels.

The whole process should take fifteen minutes, not counting the time to let the floor dry. It will take even less time if you don’t have to clean the tub and shower. I only clean ours once a month because it doesn’t get that dirty because we use an after shower spray that keeps the soap scum from stick to the shower surface.

There are two keys to a fast clean up: 1) Let the cleaner sit long enough to loosen up the dirt and disinfect the surface. 2) Clean the bathroom every week. Pick a day that is your bathroom cleaning day and just do it. When you keep up on your cleaning it doesn’t become such an insurmountable project.

Cleaning supplies.

1) Utility caddy to carry your supplies. The dollar store usually has these.

2) Rubber cleaning gloves.

3) Scrubber and sponge combination designed for cleaning the bathroom.

4) Window cleaner.

5) All-purpose cleaner.

6) An old toothbrush to get at those hard to reach areas.

7) One roll of paper towels.

8) Pumice stone for hard water build up in the toilet bowl.

9) Toilet brush (unless you keep one in each bathroom like I do).

That’s it. Happy cleaning!