Algae Resistant Roof Shingles


Many of today’s top shingle manufacturers offer algae resistant roof shingles, which can be installed by a local roofing contractor. They have access to a wide variety of products, including shingles with attractive colors to compliment your home.

Algae Resistant Roof Shingles, Algae Resistant Roof Shingle

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Many homeowners are burdened with unwelcome house guests every year. It’s not the kind of guests that you’re thinking of, however, as this guest doesn’t enter the home. It invites itself to sit on your roof and causes unsightly discoloration. It’s algae and it effects a lot of homeowners, particularly those who live in areas of high humidity. Algae, however, doesn’t discriminate against those who don’t live in highly humid climates. It will attach to any roof and can be carried through wind, squirrels, birds, etc.

The Copper Concept

The concept behind algae resistant roof shingles is actually quite simple. Copper, which is a main ingredient in this new innovation of shingles, stops algae before it attaches to your home. Homeowners can now purchase shingles that have copper built directly into the colored granules. The copper isn’t visible, but it’s presence is certainly felt by unsuspecting algae as it is unable to survive on your roof’s surface. With use of these new products, your entire roof becomes an unwelcoming host to algae. Expectedly, these shingles will cost a few extra bucks, but are well worth the extra cost when you factor the expense of algae removal. The copper or zinc present in algae resistant shingles are activated further by rain, which distributes the algae fighting components even further along the roof’s surface. Rain generally promotes moisture on the roof, which serves as a breeding ground for algae. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case thanks to algae resistant roof shingles.

Manufacturers Of Algae Resistant Roof Shingles

Many of today’s top shingle manufacturers offer algae resistant roof shingles, which can be installed by a local roofing contractor. They have access to a wide variety of products, including shingles with attractive colors to compliment your home. A roofing contractor normally gets a discount on these items and, in turn, may be able to pass that savings onto the customer. In many cases, warranties are even offered to cover algae resistant shingles. Always choose a company that stands behind their product.

Locating A Professional

A professional roofing contractor in your area will be able to order, and install, your choice of algae resistant roof shingles. After locating the perfect contractor, ask them for a quote and an expected timeframe. It may be a good idea to get several quotes from different contractors before making a final decision. Knowing that your roof is protected, from unwanted algae, will give you a greater peace of mind and allow your home to remain beautiful and fungus-free.

Go Bright, Go Vivid: A Facelift For Your Vinyl Siding


If you have vinyl siding on your home, you already know some of its benefits: easy maintenance, durability and versatility. But if you want to give your house a colorful facelift, you may think your options for painting over vinyl siding are limited. Not any longer.

Go Bright, Go Vivid: A Facelift For Your Vinyl Siding

For the best Garden Design Dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

To find the best Garden Design Dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Since its introduction in the 1960s, vinyl siding has grown in popularity to become the number one choice of exterior cladding across the United States. In fact, according to the Vinyl Siding Institute, U.S. Census figures show twice as many homeowners choose to side their homes with vinyl than any other material.

If you have vinyl siding on your home, you already know some of its benefits: easy maintenance, durability and versatility. But if you want to give your house a colorful facelift, you may think your options for painting over vinyl siding are limited. Not any longer.

Thanks to new VinylSafe Color Technology from Sherwin-Williams, changing the color of a vinyl-sided home is as easy as painting it. And, luckily, paint is the most cost-effective approach to changing the appearance of a home.

With color, homeowners are able to enhance the curb appeal of their homes, make a statement and even increase their value. Traditionally, white, same color or lighter-than-the-siding colors were “safe choices” for painting vinyl siding. That’s because these shades reflect the sun’s rays, which keeps the siding from warping or buckling. But today’s homeowners are more interested in color than ever before-including vivid, bright and deep hues. Evidence of that can be found at the house next door and in home-decorating magazines and television programs, where a broader spectrum of exterior colors is used to complement various architectural styles or regional influences.

VinylSafe Color Technology makes it possible for even the vivid, darker exterior colors to be easily applied over light-colored vinyl without the fear of the siding warping or buckling. And with Sherwin-Williams’ SherColor advanced color matching, you can have virtually any custom color you choose.

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you can feel confident tackling your vinyl-painting project yourself because the VinylSafe Color Technology is available in Sherwin-Williams’ popular Super Paint Exterior Latex and Duration Exterior Coating products. What’s more, the experts at any neighborhood Sherwin-Williams store can provide personalized assistance.

If you’d rather call in the pros, Sherwin-Williams can connect you with professional painters in your area. Just log on to swservicecon nection.paving to get the names of painters in your neighborhood who use high-quality Sherwin-Williams paints.

Sherwin-Williams is the nation’s largest specialty retailer of paint, stains, coatings, wall coverings and associated supplies. With more than 3,000 stores in North America, the company is dedicated to supporting the do-it-yourself consumer with specialized products, superior technical knowledge and one-on-one, personalized service that’s focused on the do-it-yourselfer’s unique project needs.

Paper Shredders And Your Safe Identity


We’ve all seen those ads. You know, the ones where some hapless person is sitting there looking forlorn and then suddenly becomes animated while channeling the voice of their identity thief. I’ll bet the first time you saw an ad like that you cracked a smile and thought to yourself, ‘that could never happen to me’. I’ll also wager that’s the exact thing all those victims of identity theft thought too … before it happened to them. That’s why you need to invest in something lik…

paper shredder,paper shredders,crosscut paper shredder,crosscut paper shredders

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We’ve all seen those ads. You know, the ones where some hapless person is sitting there looking forlorn and then suddenly becomes animated while channeling the voice of their identity thief. I’ll bet the first time you saw an ad like that you cracked a smile and thought to yourself, ‘that could never happen to me’. I’ll also wager that’s the exact thing all those victims of identity theft thought too … before it happened to them. That’s why you need to invest in something like a paper shredder to protect your identity.

No? You don’t need something to help with document destruction? Well, let’s take a look in that trash bag, shall we? There’s a phone bill with your number and address; a bank statement with your account number; a card from Aunt Rose with your birthday; and an official letter with your social security number. What do you think could happen if someone got their grubby little hands on all that personal information? Still think you don’t need a paper shredder?

Before you go running out to buy one though, you need to take a few things into consideration. All paper shredders are not created equally and they have varying levels of effectiveness when it comes to document destruction. You need to find a good balance between performance and price. Here’s a brief overview of the two main types of paper shredders:

As the name suggests, strip-cut paper shredders cut paper into neat, long strips. The thickness of the strips can vary from as little as 1/8 of an inch to as much as 1/2 an inch. Logically, it is better to strip the paper as thinly as possible for maximum security. These paper shredders are typically low maintenance and can handle a large amount of paper. Although difficult, it is possible for someone to piece those strips together enough to get some of your critical information.

Cross-cut paper shredders are quite good at document destruction since they slice paper both horizontally and vertically. It is very difficult to put the confetti-sized pieces back together and they compress better than long strips so there is less emptying involved. However, these paper shredders generally require more care, more maintenance and can be more expensive.

Whichever one you choose, remember that a very patient person can put together practically any shredded document. However, document destruction by means of paper shredders will greatly decrease the likelihood of anyone trying to steal your identity. I mean, would you prefer to rifle through someone’s trash and get intact documents or bags of seemingly worthless paper that would take forever to put together? Exactly. And that’s just what thieves are going to think too, especially when there are easier targets available. Invest in a paper shredder today. You won’t regret it.

How To Enjoy Outdoor Beauty When You Choose A Teak Porch Swing For Your Home


Porch swings are a great way to enjoy your porch environment. They offer an excellent location for a great summer read, a refreshing drink on a hot day, or a slow evening with a loved one. Teak porch swings come in many shapes, sizes, and styles.

There are many variations in porch swings.

One difference among porch swings is size. The standard porch swing size is five feet in length. While they can be special ordered to come as small as two feet or as long as ten feet, …

Teak Porch Swings, Teak Swings, Teak Porch Swing, porch swings, porch swing, outdoor porch swings,

For the best Roofing And Siding Boston company, call Bayside Masonry And Restorations.

To find the best Roofing And Siding Boston company, click here for Bayside Masonry And Restorations.
Porch swings are a great way to enjoy your porch environment. They offer an excellent location for a great summer read, a refreshing drink on a hot day, or a slow evening with a loved one. Teak porch swings come in many shapes, sizes, and styles.

There are many variations in porch swings.

One difference among porch swings is size. The standard porch swing size is five feet in length. While they can be special ordered to come as small as two feet or as long as ten feet, you will typically find the four to five foot model in your local supply store.

Another variation among porch swings is back style. Some porch swing backs are straight from top to bottom. This is, perhaps, the most traditional style for a porch swing. Another back style is straight from the bottom to the base of the top. At that point, the top rolls toward the back. Another type of back offers decorative carvings along the top rail. Another variation in back styles is the carved back. In this case, shapes like hearts or ovals replace the traditional rectangular back. One final, yet important, variation in back styles is slat placement. Slats can be either vertical or horizontal, and spacing can vary from swing to swing. Some people find the variations in slats more or less comfortable depending upon the body style of the individual.

One final difference among porch swings is construction material. Most swings are made of vinyl or various types of wood. Both materials offer different benefits. Vinyl or plastic porch swings are a great maintenance free option. They are ecologically friendly in that they are usually composed of recycled materials, and after the life of the swing has ended, they can be recycled again. Moreover, they never rust or rot. They also do not require paint, and they are available in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Several different types of wood are also used to create porch swings. One of the most popular types of wood for this use is cedar. A cedar porch swing offers a traditional look with very little maintenance. When you first purchase a cedar swing, it might be beneficial to coat it with some type of sealer, as it might extend the life of the swing. Cedar, though, naturally repels wood rot even in wet climates. Moreover, cedar resists bacteria and fungus quite well. Porch swings are a nice addition to any porch area.

Discount Laminate Flooring – How To Get The Best Flooring For The Cheapest Price


There are places to find discount laminate flooring

discount laminate flooring, discount hardwood floors

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Discount laminate flooring is often marked down to a clearance price because of factory overruns or the need to make more space in the warehouse for new lines of flooring. If you are not in a rush to install laminate or hardwood flooring in your home, you can save a lot of money by checking for discount flooring on a regular basis. When you find the flooring at the discount price, you do need to have your measurements and order a bit more than what you need. This is because the discount laminate flooring may only be available for a short period of time.

In some cases, the discount hardwood or laminate flooring may be cheaper because the retailer is going out of business or is no longer selling a specific brand of discount hardwood flooring. If this is the case, you do need to order more than you need, just in case you spoil a few planks during the installation process. If the discount laminate flooring is only for a certain time period and you do run out, you will have to pay the higher price if you have to go back to the store for more.

In some cases the discount prices of laminate and hardwood flooring could be 80% of the regular price. Some people have the idea that the term discount laminate flooring or discount hardwood means a poorer quality flooring, but this is not the case. If you go shopping for laminate flooring because it is cheaper than hardwood, you might just come away with new hardwood flooring for your home because of the discount price.

When you see an ad for discount laminate flooring, you should go and get it right away. However, you do need to know that the retailer is trying to move this stock as quickly as possible, which accounts for the low price of discount hardwood flooring. Therefore, there are no reserves permitted and you have to pay the full amount up front. You will not be able to place a deposit on the laminate or hardwood flooring to keep it until you are ready for it.

Even if you don’t need the discount laminate flooring right away, you can still buy it and store it in a cool dry place. The same thing applies to hardwood flooring. With hardwood flooring, you do have to open the packages and spread out the boards to allow the wood to acclimatize to its surroundings. This is different than with laminate flooring. When you open the packages of discount laminate flooring, you have to be able to install the planks right away.

MV Learn About The Different Types Of Mattresses


The Different Types of Mattresses

So, you’re finally ready to toss out that saggy old mattress and buy a new one. You’ve even decided what size you want and are ready to start shopping. However, do you know which of the different types of mattresses is right for you?

There are three common mattress types: innerspring, foam, and airbed. Of course, not all mattresses of a certain type are the same. Some are made with low quality materials, while others are top of the lin…


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Laying Vinyl Tile The Right Way


Vinyl Tile is still one of the best floor coverings to choose for kitchens and bathrooms. Ceramic tile is great, but the cost to have a professional install it can be prohibitive. The answer, vinyl tiles installed by you. You will save a lot of money you can use toward other home improvements you want to do.

Vinyl tile is also a great choice for other reasons. There are some beautiful choices of both style and color. There are so many different patterns and colors to choos…

home improvement, do it yourself, diy, home projects, home repair, remodeling, flooring, vinyl floor

For the best stoop installation new jersey company, call Marshalls Paving & Masonry.

To find the best stoop installation new jersey company, click here for Marshalls Paving & Masonry.
Vinyl Tile is still one of the best floor coverings to choose for kitchens and bathrooms. Ceramic tile is great, but the cost to have a professional install it can be prohibitive. The answer, vinyl tiles installed by you. You will save a lot of money you can use toward other home improvements you want to do.

Vinyl tile is also a great choice for other reasons. There are some beautiful choices of both style and color. There are so many different patterns and colors to choose from that you will want to take your time in choosing something that will enhance the beauty of your kitchen or bathroom.

In addition to that, vinyl tile is much better than linoleum for practical reasons. With a linoleum floor, one accident and the whole floor is ruined basically, because it is all one piece. When you buy vinyl tile, you buy extra squares. If an accident ruins one or two tiles, you replace them.

In this article I will help you learn how to install your own vinyl tile floor with confidence. I’m going to teach you the old school way of laying this beautiful floor covering. I call it old school, because I learned from tile layers that had been doing it for years before I started.

First, we need to start with the basics. I don’t know what is on the floor where you plan to put down vinyl tile, so I’m going to show you what our preparation goals are. We want a nice smooth surface to lay our vinyl tile on.

Some people will tile over existing tile. This can be okay, but it is not the preferred choice. To do this right, you need to remove whatever flooring is there now, until you are down to either a smooth cement or wooden surface.

If there are cracks and valleys or unleveled surfaces, they need to be filled and smoothed out before we can start laying your vinyl tile. On cement or wooden surfaces, you can use cement to fill in and smooth the surface. You can also install plywood over the existing floor to achieve the surface your vinyl tile needs. You caulk in all the joints after installing the plywood. You can use Durok as well.

The goal, as I said before, is to have a smooth surface before you begin to lay vinyl tile. Otherwise, your tile will crack wherever pressure is placed on the tile over existing rough areas.

Now, buying the vinyl tile you want is next. There is self-adhesive vinyl tile that is very inexpensive. However, remember you get what you pay for. The adhesive on these tiles is not of great quality and you will be replacing them often. They are usually very thin as well, so they are easily damaged.

The thicker the vinyl tile, the more expensive and durable it is. That is the rule of thumb. Choose vinyl tile that has about 1/8″ thickness or above and you will have a floor that will last a long time. So choose your style and color wisely. It will be with you awhile.

Now, the tools you will need are next. You will not need a tile cutter. That isn’t the old school method. Using a tile cutter is tedious and slow, and your edges will never be tight. You will need a good razor knife, a small butane torch, a trowel with teeth along one edge for applying the adhesive, some old rags, and some mineral spirits.

A lot of experts will tell you to always begin in the center of the room when laying any kind of tile. However with kitchens and bathrooms, this is not always or even often the best method. Starting at one wall and working toward your cabinets is much better, because most of your tiles that need to be cut will be under the edge of the cabinets and not seen.

Starting along one wall, trowel on your adhesive, making sure there are ridges by using the toothed edge of your trowel. Do not go too far away from the wall as you will be laying tile there and don’t want to have to reach while doing so.

Let the adhesive dry for about 15 minutes so it’s very sticky. Lay your first tile at the corner and continue to lay a row, making sure you keep your tiles aligned. As you get to the end of your row, do not worry about the area that is left over where a whole tile will not fit in. We will take care of that last. However, remove the adhesive from that area so it won’t dry before we get back to it.

The adhesive you applied should have gone just a little further out than the row of tile itself, so now you have a row, with a little adhesive area waiting for the next row.

Now start back at the beginning. Apply a little more than a row’s width of adhesive, let it dry, then lay another row of tile, again making sure you align the tiles with each other so your lines are straight..

Once you have done the entire floor except those areas where a whole tile would not fit in, let the floor dry until tomorrow. Do not allow anyone to walk on the floor. The adhesive takes time to dry.

Now, once the adhesive is dry, we are ready to do the cutting in portion of your vinyl tile job. You should be able to walk carefully on the tiles without moving them by now. If not, you may have used too much adhesive and will have to wait longer, until you are sure it is dry.

Now, let’s cut it in. Go to where your first row that ended with a little space left over. Apply some adhesive to that area, plus on the floor, along the wall where you are going to put in your cut pieces of vinyl tile. Let that dry, just as you did before for 15 minutes.

Now, take a full vinyl tile, matching it up with your tiles already on the floor at the bottom, lean it at an angle to the wall. Let me explain so you are sure to understand. You place the tile against the edge of the last tile in the row as if you were about to lay it down, but just let it lean against the wall at whatever angle it has to.

Now, you will need your razor knife and your small butane torch. Be careful with the little torch that you don’t burn anything, please. If you are not comfortable with handling a small torch, this method is not for you.

Place the fingers of one hand on the top of the tile along the wall with very slight downward pressure. Wave the flame of the torch back and forth across the center of the tile about where you would like it to bend. Don’t let the flame linger on the tile to melt it. Keep a distance so it only gets heated up.

As it gets hot, the pressure from your fingers will begin to push the vinyl tile downward, bending it into place. As soon as the tile is bent to the point where it is flat against the floor and the rest against the wall, set down your torch, pointing it carefully away from anything or anyone, and take your razor knife and cut along the bend right at the wall. It will cut like butter.

Now that tile fits perfectly to the contour of the wall. It also, because of the light pressure you applied as you pressed it down, has tightened up that entire row, so the vinyl tiles will not separate later. This is a floor that will last a long time and answers the problem of the tiles separating later.

Continue that same process for each row and everywhere the tiles need to be cut in. Then clean up. You are now an old school master at laying vinyl tile!

One last warning, as I said before, if you are not comfortable using flame, you should go ahead and use a tile cutter. It may not be as tight, but you can still do a good job with it without endangering yourself. This article was intended to pass on an old school method I learned and have used to lay many beautiful tile floors that lasted for years. I hope that by passing it onto you, the old way will not be lost.

Castle Blueprint Plans – All The Rage


Castle blueprint plans are becoming very popular among people who want to live in grand style. There are several companies that sell plans for castle homes that look like those of your childhood dreams. Castle homes generally have four or more bedrooms. One such castle is Glenough Castle.

Castle Blueprint Plans

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Castle blueprint plans are becoming very popular among people who want to live in grand style. There are several companies that sell plans for castle homes that look like those of your childhood dreams. Castle homes generally have four or more bedrooms. One such castle is Glenough Castle. Entrance is through a grand foyer which leads into the great room. To the left of the foyer is a formal parlor. Behind the parlor is a huge master bedroom suite with walk in closets, a full bath and access to the private deck.

From the foyer, you can access the kitchen, breakfast nook and den. There is a powder room off the foyer. A utility room and toilet are behind the kitchen. You can access the keeping from and rear deck from the kitchen. Glenough Castle plan blueprints are left to right flip mirror image of another castle home Kildare Castle.

The second floor of Glenough Castle is magnificent. The blueprints show three full-sized bedrooms each with a separate private bath and walk-in closet. There is a spare room which can be used as an extra bedroom, library, media center, study or rec room. There are castle blueprint plans available but Castle Glenough and Castle Kildare are two of the most luxurious castle plans. Do a web search for castle floor plans or castle home blueprints.

The castle style home is luxurious, enchanting, and unique. Fulfill the fantasies of your childhood and build your very own castle. Home with all the amenities of today.

Glueless Laminate Wood Flooring


Easy to install, glueless laminate flooring uses the tongue and groove interlocking method instead of glue. Laminate floors are sometimes referred to as floating floors because they are not actually connected in any way to the subfloor. These floors can be installed over existing ceramic floors as well, which can be a huge time saver.

Another nice things about laminate wood flooring is that it expands and contracts as a whole. Since it is connected to itself but not the fl…

laminate flooring,glueless wood floors

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To find the best Garden Design Dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Easy to install, glueless laminate flooring uses the tongue and groove interlocking method instead of glue. Laminate floors are sometimes referred to as floating floors because they are not actually connected in any way to the subfloor. These floors can be installed over existing ceramic floors as well, which can be a huge time saver.

Another nice things about laminate wood flooring is that it expands and contracts as a whole. Since it is connected to itself but not the floor beneath, swelling and shrinking is hardly noticeable. For this reason you never want to connect your floating floor with any fixed object in the room. If you do the expansion could cause buckling and rippling throughout your floor.

Obviously glueless floors will be less messy to install than a glued laminate covering, but the difference in installation time is amazing. A typical tongue and groove glued floor will take roughly 8 hours to complete a 400 square foot area. With glueless floors you can complete the same area in close to half the time.

Because they are engineered, laminate floors come in a variety of patterns and styles. Some looks more like ceramic tile than wood and other types look almost exactly like real wood. There are some offered now that actually come with a real hardwood veneer, so the top part of your laminate is actually real wood!

Most glueless laminate floors need a moisture barrier of some kind beneath them. You can get just a simple plastic underlay sheet and that would provide adequate protection. You could spend a bit more and get a noise reduction underlay that would protect your flooring from moisture and also help prevent squeaking. This costs only slightly more and is a much better investment in your floors future.

Glueless laminate flooring is easy, durable, fashionable, and affordable. You can easily go wrong with hardwood and be stuck with it. Laminate is easy to remove if you decide later on that it’s not for you.