MV Outdoor Living All Year Long


While Tampa winter days might seem chilly to those that live here, in truth we are extremely blessed to live in one of the warmest climates in the United States. And because Florida gets most of its rain in the summer, the winter months could well be the prime ones for enjoying time on your deck.

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How To Find A Good Moving Company


Moving can be stressful even under the best of circumstances. It is especially important to find the best moving company possible so you can concentrate on the fun aspects of moving and stop worrying about what is happening to your possessions. You can concentrate more on where to put the furniture as opposed to wondering if you’ll get it in one piece.

It is important to find a moving company that will come to your home to give you an estimate. This will not only assure y…

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Moving can be stressful even under the best of circumstances. It is especially important to find the best moving company possible so you can concentrate on the fun aspects of moving and stop worrying about what is happening to your possessions. You can concentrate more on where to put the furniture as opposed to wondering if you’ll get it in one piece.

It is important to find a moving company that will come to your home to give you an estimate. This will not only assure you there will be no surprise expenses, but will also allow you the opportunity to ask a few questions to get a feel for who you will be dealing with. Make sure you discuss all aspects of the move including packing, shipping, distance charges and unpacking. Have the estimator do a complete walk through of your home and give a detailed quote. Get several quotes from local companies so you can compare prices and services.

Always look for an experienced mover. Remember these are your possessions and you want them in the best possible care. Moving companies that have been in business at least ten years are the best bet. Look at their facilities and trucks to ensure they are in good condition and have their name painted on them. Ask for and verify proof of licensing requirements and insurance. Do not be afraid to follow up to verify these things. Department of Transportation licenses can be checked and get an insurance certificate.

As with other service providers, get referrals and contact them. A company with a solid reputation will likely treat your belongings with care. Get a feel for the person who comes out to do an estimate. Ask questions and see if you feel comfortable. Trust your instincts and if you have any doubts at all, don’t use them. The Internet is a valuable tool to search for companies with a history of problems or to find known scammers. Also check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are any complaints.

Any moving company that comes to your house should supply you with a copy of the booklet “Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move”. There is a law requiring moving companies to supply this information. If they do not have it, do not choose them. Many scammers will not carry this with them because they do not want you to know what your rights are.

Choose a moving company that you feel comfortable with and that has a history of verifiable, good customer service. Do not sign anything until you are sure of your decision. Make sure to read the entire contract before signing so you are fully aware of your rights and obligations as well as theirs. Moving can be an enjoyable experience if you work with a reputable company.

Discover what colors suit your dwelling.


Usage of colour gives the designer a huge range of possibilities to implement his creative fantasy. Whatever is the size of your flat, it can be visually increased with the help of colour setting. All the richness and variety of tints can be brought to the seven colours of the basic spectrum that follow each other.

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Usage of colour gives the designer a huge range of possibilities to implement his creative fantasy. Whatever is the size of your flat, it can be visually increased with the help of colour setting. All the richness and variety of tints can be brought to the seven colours of the basic spectrum that follow each other.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, violet are chromatic colours. White, gray and black are achromatic, i.e. colourless.
Every colour induces certain associations, and preference for a certain colour is always individual and depends on characteristic traits of the personality. It is well-known that there is no accounting for tastes. Some people have highly developed colour perception, others don’t. You must have paid attention to the fact that some colours or their combinations are visually calming and set one’s mind to rest, some convey the feeling of joy, some cause nearly physical discomfort and others have a depressing effect. Of course, when you select the colours of setting, it is best to consult a designer.

When you choose the colour setting of this or that room of your house, you need to take into the account various factors: if the windows face the north, it is better to prefer warm colours, if it is the south, then cold colours will be appropriate. Other factors are the quality of lighting, because the colour reflects the light, and the kind of zone (whether it is a kitchen or a drawing-room, a children’s room or a study). Saturated, bright colours are the most suitable for setting of a drawing room or a dining room.

White and blue (associated with cleanness and water) are good for the bathroom, but are not suitable for a kitchen; for a drawing room and a kitchen you’d better choose yellow or orange colours, warm and soft tints of red and white. Besides don’t forget about parameters of the room – bright walls visually decrease the amount of space, while dark ones expand it. For instance, red, orange and yellow can help make a huge room with little furniture look smaller and more comfortable. When you choose the wall colour, remember that furniture, soft furnishings and curtains are to be in harmony with the walls. If furniture upholstery, covering on the trestle-bed and curtains are patterned, it is better to make walls plain. Combination of colours is to be approached thoughtfully, do not rely on chance. For example, it is better not to combine red and green, because it is difficult to perceive this combination, especially if these colours are given in equal proportions. Bright yellow can be a good background for any colour (in China collections of porcelain were always exhibited against a yellow background). Stencil looks well on a yellow wall. Green poorly matches all colours, except for various tints of the same colour.

Many peoples associate red with wealth, luxury and beauty. It is perceived as a symbol of excitement, loud communication, fuss. Well-matched tints of red look well in the hall, kitchen, children’s room, drawing room. If the room is set in cold tones, “patches” of red will make it more comfortable.

Orange is associated with the golden orange. And this means warmth, vivacity, joy. The interior of a cold northern room can be set in orange tones.

Yellow is a very “warm” colour. If your room is located on the northern side, abundance of yellow in the interior will produce the impression that your rooms are “cheerful”, sunny, even if in fact, sunrays are rare guests in your apartment. Psychologists think that yellow is suitable for people who have an active walk of life and can easily adapt to any environment. At the same time yellow can irritate, everything depends on a specific tint.

Green is considered to have a calming effect and be good both for eyes and soul. Most likely, it happens, because this colour is the closest to nature. Indeed, the canvases of ancient painters, where green tints predominate, “heal” the souls. Green is also considered to be the colour of conservatives, perhaps because it was favoured in Victorian England. Green looks good in interiors of big and light rooms. In setting of the office, we recommend that you use dark tints of dark blue and green. Various tints of dark blue cause different emotions. Blue is the colour of the sky, space, air, freedom. Deep blue conveys a feeling of calmness.

Navy-blue casts sorrow, some peoples consider it to be the colour of mourning. Psychologists recommend to use dark blue for a bedroom. Some people are very fond of violent, others abhor it. Violet is thought to be a “magic” colour – indeed, it conceals some mystery. Perhaps, the colour of the evening sky induces such associations? Artists think that violet has something painful and sad in it. It is better to use light tints of violet in living quarters, as deep and bright tints of violet bring about fatigue.

Gray is the “universal” colour, it harmonises with almost all other colours. Perhaps, it is the favourite colour of designers, as it has many tints and is a perfect background. It is calm and neutral, however, it is better to use it in combination with other colours, because sole gray can seem boring.

Finally, black and white. Two poles, two deeply symbolic colours, two extremes, but when combined, they emphasize and shade in each other, and thus create elaborate classics. Both colours are elegant, “universal” and never go out of fashion. We can say that they are beyond fashion.

Black marvelously shades in any colour and makes it more expressive. A verandah or a hall, if they are well-lit, can be finished with shining marble panels. Black seems to diffuse the borders of the room. In a bathroom you can use black mirror-like tiles. But take into the account that black absorbs light; abundance of black is possible, only when there is plenty of lighting.

Everybody loves white, it is the colour of freshness, cleanness, coolness, associated with cheerfulness and health. White is indispensable in small poorly-lit rooms. In a bathroom with no daylight, white tiled walls will reflect the light of the lamp, increase the illuminance of the room and visually “draw apart” the walls.

Of course, there is a great variety of all thinkable colour tints. Of greatest importance is your desire to find that very combination that corresponds to your vision of the interior setting. If the colour is rightly chosen, it can emphasize the advantage and conceal the defect. Unleash your fantasy. Remember about colour properties, when you select the setting. We have already mentioned that it is necessary to take into the account location of the room with regard to cardinal points. If the room faces the south, cold colours can predominate in the setting; if it is the north, choose warmer colours. Calm reserved colours are an ideal background for precious and expensive things. For example, solid furniture and a beautiful picture will look great against a light gray background. The colour of the walls should necessarily match the colour of furniture upholstery and floor topping.

In the kitchen it is better to use light tones of walls in combination with light furniture. If you want contrast, it can be created by bright dishware on the shelves, bright curtains, a pattern.

A bathroom, lit by only electrical lighting, looks best in bright tones. It is recommended to use white, pastel, light tints of yellow, green, blue and pink. Sanitary engineering pipes and joints are to painted the same colour. In lobbies, corridors and halls you can use contrasting colours for wall finishing. The ceiling can be “drawn down”, if its colour is several tints darker than walls. You can use wallpapers with horizontal stripes. The same effect can be reached, if the ceiling and the 30-40 cm of adjacent wall area is covered with a lighter paint.

The ceiling can be “lifted”, if it is painted white, better with a light blue tint. You can also paint or paper the walls up to the ceiling without slats, if horizontal stripes of warm colours dominate the wallpaper pattern.

Saturated warm and dark tones or wallpapers with large pattern contribute to visual minimization of big rooms. If the room is long and narrow, it is better to paint longitudinal walls in lighter tones, and crosswalls – in darker tones. Then the room will seem shorter and lower. It is effective, if one wall has a different colour. A small room can be visually expanded, using light, but cold colours. Light green, silver gray and light blue will visually expand the room. In small rooms it is undesirable to have dark furniture, dark curtains and carpets with dark tints. It is better to paint the doors in light tones – white, light gray and ivory. Floor with a light colour looks more pleasant, than a dark one. So, make your choice.

Toilet Bowl Mop And Toilet Bowl Brush Information.


There are many things you can do to avoid the nasty black ring on your toilet. The first is to use a low acid toilet bowl cleaner to kill the bacteria. The second is to get your self a really good toilet bowl brush or toilet bowl mop to scrub that acid around in the toilet and remove those ugly stains.

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When you think about it, toilets are pretty gross. Public toilets can be used up to 100 times a day, that means 100 people are using them. It is said that whenever a toilet is flushed it releases over 5000 bacteria into the air. So, when you walk into a public restroom that is well frequented, there can be up to half a million bacteria or virus particles in the air. Those bacteria can land on handles, sinks, faucets and even the paper towels that you use to wipe your hands after you have washed them. You can use all the antimicrobial soap in the world but it won’t do you any good if your smearing those dirty germs, bacteria and viruses onto your hands after you have used the soap. If you walk into a public restroom and it doesn’t look clean my advice is to walk straight out. If it looks dirty to your eyes imagine how it would look under a microscope. One of the dirtiest places in a bathroom is the toilet but a toilet can be kept clean very easily with regular maintenance. If you want to try an experiment don’t clean your toilet for 4 weeks and see what happens. Slowly right above the waterline a black or brownish ring will form. If you let your toilet go a little longer before cleaning, that black ring will slowly start to climb in vertical lines toward the toilet rim (by the way, that ring is about 6 inches from your behind whenever you sit down on your toilet). What is that black ring? The nasty black ring is bacteria and micro fecal buildup. A pretty nasty combination when you consider every time you flush your toilet your breathing them in.

There are many things you can do to avoid the nasty black ring on your toilet. The first is to use a low acid toilet bowl cleaner to kill the bacteria. The second is to get your self a really good toilet bowl brush or toilet bowl mop to scrub that acid around in the toilet and remove those ugly stains.

Toilet bowl brushes come in many styles but most are made from a material called polypropylene. Polypropylene won’t mold and can stand up to heat and chemicals. Polypropylene strands are abrasive and can do a great job at removing the nasty toilet ring. The two main styles of toilet bowl cleaning utensils are the toilet bowl mops and toilet bowl brushes. A toilet bowl brush resembles a brush and has a wide stiff polypropylene bristle. Brushes tend to last a lot longer that toilet bowl mops because the bristle is larger and does not break away from the toilet bowl brush handle. Toilet bowl mops are meant to be discarded after repeated use and are considered by most to be a disposable toilet cleaning product. Toilet bowl mops have a ball of polypropylene strands massed at one end to form a light duty scouring surface. Over time the strands tend to break off and the mop should be discarded. Toilet bowl mops are usually a quarter of the price of toilet bowl brushes and most are have a plastic handle.

MV Learn How To Make A Pillow


Decorative pillows are the perfect way to add a personal touch to any room. However, despite their small size, these pillows can be quite expensive, especially when you buy three or four of them. Luckily, it is quite easy to learn how to make a pillow.

The first step to making a pillow is to select your fabric and trims. You will also need to select a filling for your pillow, decide what shape you want your pillow to be, and whether you want your pillow to have a removable…


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Decorative pillows are the perfect way to add a personal touch to any room. However, despite their small size, these pillows can be quite expensive, especially when you buy three or four of them. Luckily, it is quite easy to learn how to make a pillow.

The first step to making a pillow is to select your fabric and trims. You will also need to select a filling for your pillow, decide what shape you want your pillow to be, and whether you want your pillow to have a removable cover.

As you select your fabric, keep in mind that many decorative pillows are made using at least two contrasting fabrics. Of course, for your first attempt at making a decorative pillow, you may only want to use one fabric. There are several important things you should keep in mind when you are choosing fabrics.

1. Knit fabrics and slippery materials are hard to work with.

2. Thin cotton fabrics do not usually make a spectacular pillow unless you are using a quilt block design.

3. Geometric prints are more difficult to work with than random designs, since you will need to match the prints up.

When you are selecting your pillow’s filling, you will need to decide whether you will be making a removable cover. If so, a pillow form is the best choice, since you certainly wouldn’t want to have to remove loose stuffing to wash the pillow and then replace it again after the pillow was clean. However, most decorative pillows are made without removable covers and can be stuffed with polyester fiber filling or chopped foam.

The easiest pillow to sew is probably a simple square pillow without any cording. To make your pillow, cut two squares of fabric that are one half inch bigger than your finished pillow measurement on each side. Place the two squares so that they are on top of each other and so that the brighter side of each square faces the other square’s brighter side. (People who work with fabric call the brighter side of a piece of fabric the right side.)

Finally, you are ready to finish your pillow. Stuff it firmly and then hand stitch the opening closed. Now, you can repeat the process to make a matching pillow.

Learn How to Change the Look of Your Kitchen Cabinets with Minor Changes


Over time the surface and outlook of kitchen cabinets can become dull. This is due to the moisture that is found in a kitchen along with the steam and cooking fumes.

One of the easiest and least expensive ways to change the look of your kitchen is by replacing your kitchen cabinet handles. Although the changes might be small, but they are important as they tend to draw the eye in.

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Over time the surface and outlook of kitchen cabinets can become dull. This is due to the moisture that is found in a kitchen along with the steam and cooking fumes.

One of the easiest and least expensive ways to change the look of your kitchen is by replacing your kitchen cabinet handles. Although the changes might be small, but they are important as they tend to draw the eye in.

Choosing new kitchen cabinet handles can be more difficult than you think. With so many different kinds of styles and colors to choose from, it’s not an easy task to pick just one that will blend in you with kitchen.

Kitchen cabinet handles can come in a circular shape, rectangular square and even oblong. If your cabinets already have a rectangular border around them, maybe you would to avoid handles of the same shape.

The next big decision is the material that the handles are crafted from. Metals and plastics are generally the two most popular. Although wicker handles are making a comeback as well.

New handles are a fun way to change the look of your kitchen. Maybe you want to be bold and put red handles on white doors or black handles on yellow doors.

Replacing your kitchen cabinet hinge is another easy yet eye catching changes. Many people find it easiest to choose a kitchen cabinet hinge that matches the handles they use. In fact many hardware and home improvement stores pack their handles and hinges together. This is certainly the best way to ensure that all of the hardware on your cabinets matches.

What happens if you decide on a colored handle? You also might want to consider colored hinges. Generally colored hinges are crafted from plastic. It wouldn’t be a good choice for cabinet that will be used frequently.

Another idea is to purchase a plain looking kitchen cabinet hinge. For example wooden cabinets a brown kitchen cabinet hinge would certainly blend into the cabinetry and therefore offset the handle. You’ll want to go this route if the handles you purchased are where you want people’s eyes drawn to.

Ever thought of adding a kitchen cabinet organizer? Well, it does make your kitchen neater and at the same time beautify your kitchen. Provided you choose the right one!

There are many standard sized kitchen cabinets that can accommodate a quality cabinet organizer. You can settle for a cheap plastic version or look for better made products that will cost a bit more.

Another way to go is to have kitchen cabinet organizer custom built. Although this is a more costly method, but if you are a stickler about how your kitchen is set up, then you might want to explore this option. Just take a little time to flip through the yellow pages or search online. You can easily find a bunch of qualified professionals that will build the perfect kitchen cabinet organizers for your kitchen.

Many people who undertake the job do a few things at a time so their kitchen isn’t in complete disarray. While, some others prefer to do the entire job at once. The choice is entirely up to you. Although it’s a fair amount of work, the effort is worthwhile when you see the difference in your cabinets and kitchen. Have some fun and brighten up the look of your kitchen today.

Cedar Closets: America’s Best-Kept Secret


Americans are opening the door a bit wider on cedar closets. A recent survey of 1,000 adults showed that while only 10 percent actually own a cedar closet, 41 percent would consider installing one in their homes when informed about the benefits.

Cedar Closets: America’s Best-Kept Secret

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Americans are opening the door a bit wider on cedar closets. A recent survey of 1,000 adults showed that while only 10 percent actually own a cedar closet, 41 percent would consider installing one in their homes when informed about the benefits.

“Our research clearly shows that the benefits of cedar closets may be America’s best- kept home improvement secret,” says Bev Head, CEO of Huntsville, Alabama-based Giles & Kendall, the #1 cedar closet liner manufacturer in the United States and makers of the CedarSafe Natural Closet Liner brand.

Those benefits include:

• Repel and resist moths, roaches, silverfish and mildew

• Provide a wonderful cedar scent

• Safer than mothballs and smells better

• Often found in expensive or older homes

• A great place to store out-of-season clothes.

A 2005 study by Unity Marketing shows that 15 percent of homeowners who make $150,000 a year or more have cedar closets. That’s about the same percentage as those who own wine cellars or outdoor hearths. According to the CedarSafe survey, 44 percent of cedar closet owners inherited them when they bought the house. More than 30 percent installed them on their own.

Closet Makeovers Are Big Business

In recent years, closet makeovers have become big business-a $2 billion industry. The boom helped spark a new trade magazine, CLOSETS, which notes that the average price of a closet installation has increased from $2,000 to $3,500. Much of that expense comes from creating custom closets with lots of shelves and drawers.

“You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy the benefits of cedar closets,” says Head. “In fact, you can install cedar panels or planks yourself for $150 to $360 for a standard-size closet.”

The planks and panels are made of 100 percent Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar and actually line the walls of the closet. They work with standard metal bars or rods or even custom drawers.

The planks provide an elegant look to a closet in a master bedroom. It would cost about $360 to line 180 square feet of wall space with cedar planks.

The 4′-by-8′ panels are best for storage areas, secondary closets and attics. It would cost about $150 to line 180 square feet of wall space with these.

Going Down Under With Your House


One of the biggest home expenses over time is the cost of energy. Going down under is one way to combat this cost. No, I am not talking about Australia!

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One of the biggest home expenses over time is the cost of energy. Going down under is one way to combat this cost. No, I am not talking about Australia!

Going Down Under With Your House

One of the best ways to save money on utilities it to build a house that takes advantage of the surrounding terrain. One option for really brining this to fruition is to go nearly or completely below grade. Better known as an underground structure, this approach drastically cuts the cost of utilities over the life of the property and gives you an opportunity to build something very creative.

When you go down under with a house, you can have depths from 10 inches to nearly the full height of the house. We are not talking about a house under a lawn. One of the more popular designs for these structures is the atrium layout.

The atrium house is essentially a four sided structure facing an open atrium in the middle. The outer walls of the house are positioned flush to the ground or built up berms. The major living areas all face into the atrium. Windows and glass doors are used to facilitate heating with passive solar energy. Access to the ground and garages are provided through stairways. By taking this approach, the house has the benefit of being protected from wind, is temperature regulated by the ground in an indirect geothermal gain strategy and has a nice open atrium that can be used for just about anything.

The interesting thing about this approach is the appearance above ground. The top of the house is flush or nearly flush with the ground. This provides protection from wind and an escape from noise pollution. The design also provides you with a lot of area to get creative with landscaping. Most people will put in exotic landscaping to take advantage of the situation. Japanese gardens, small forests and so on have been used to striking effect.

One area where you need to be careful with an underground house is drainage. Pumps should be sufficient to remove just about everything, but you need to plan for it at the outset. You don’t want to be sitting in a very expensive pool after that first rain.

TR Soft Goods Upholstered Furniture


Furnishing and decorating rooms is a very important task. Owners want to be assured their guests are comfortable.

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All About Bamboo Floors


Bamboo is a type of grass. Being so, you might think that it is as soft and brittle as the typical grass species we know and can no way be used as building material.

Bamboo floors, hardwood floors, bamboo

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Bamboo is a type of grass. Being so, you might think that it is as soft and brittle as the typical grass species we know and can no way be used as building material. However, bamboo has proven itself very resilient and flexible, making it the material of choice for many structure builders.

The cost of bamboo flooring averages at between $2 and $4 for every square foot, which is just about the same price as oak. This is a fair price considering the many benefits it offers.

Installing bamboo flooring does not require any special and specific technique. In fact, there are several ways you can lay them on: You can float them, nail them down, or glue them on. Bamboo is also easier to get than oak because it only takes around 3 years for it to mature, as opposed to oak which can take up to a hundred years to be fully mature.

It is important to note that that bamboo is not a wood — it’s a grass, so we cannot call it hardwood. However, it can last as long as the standard hardwoods we have around, so that’s probably why most people mistake it as such.

To make a flat, solid floor, the bamboo tubes are cut into strips. These are then these are boiled to strip the starch away. The boiled strips proceed to the drying and lamination process, and then milled to become strip floor boards. This is the same process that hardwoods like maple or oak go through. Finally, the strips are treated using a preservative to slow down decay.

There is something about bamboo floors that gives a room an ethnic and earthy feel. Because hardwoods like oak are rather dark and, thus, look too rich and heavy, using bamboo as your flooring makes your space appear lighter, airier, and less contrived.

But perhaps the best thing about bamboo floors is that they are easy to acquire and install. Bamboo floor strips are sold at all building materials stores. You don’t have to search far and wide to get your hands on them.