All you need to know about Whirlpool and Spa baths


There are two type of hydro massage bathing systems:
1. Whirlpools, more commonly known by the brand name Jacuzzi.
2. Airspas, more commonly known by the brand name Airbath.


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WHIRLPOOLS AND AIRSPAS (Jacuzzi and Airbath):
There are two type of hydro massage bathing systems:
1. Whirlpools, more commonly known by the brand name Jacuzzi.
2. Airspas, more commonly known by the brand name Airbath.
Whirlpools are characterised by having jets on the side of the bath about half way up and a suction point (similar to a colander) in one of the bottom corners. This type of system produces hydro-massage by sucking water from the bath and pumping it out of the jets on the side under pressure. To increase the pressure of the jets most whirlpools have a control on the top of the bath which allows air to be sucked in to the jet of water.
The main difference between a whirlpool and a Jacuzzi is that the size of the jets is bigger on the Jacuzzi and the air and water mix is different. This difference produces a more powerful jet of water with the Jacuzzi (whether this amount of power is necessary with a standard domestic sized bath is a matter of opinion).
The difficulty with all whirlpools is that they hold a small amount of water in the jets and pipe work when emptied. Depending on who fits the system this amount can vary between an egg cup full and several pints.
The second difficulty with some whirlpools is that not all baths are designed to have them fitted. This can result in the jets being sited very high up the sides of the bath, with the effect that when you lay in the bath the jets of water do not hit you but spray over the top of you and only agitate the top one inch of water. This will result in a longer bathing period required to achieve the hydro-massage effect.
Baths where the jet positions are moulded into the side allows the jets to sit lower and so intensify the massage. With this type of system it is not advisable that small children or older people are left unattended whilst in the bath.
The third difficulty with whirlpools of all types is that they do not have the ability to maintain the water temperature. The result of this is that the average length of time a bath stays warm is approximately 30 minutes. That is unless you add more hot water. Dependant on the type of whirlpool system you choose it may take between 10 minutes and 25 minutes to achieve the hydro-massage effect on the body.
Airspas are characterised by having a series of jets or holes fitted/drilled into the base of the bath. They produce air through the jets under pressure to fill the bath with bubbling water. This agitation of the water is what causes the hydro-massage effect. The difficulty of this type of system is that it has a tendency to cool the water in the bath. It is possible to with this type of system to have any level of water in the bath whilst the system is in use and so makes it ideal for children and older people. However due to the reduced pressure of the air jets over the whirlpool jets it can take longer to produce the hydro-massage effect. The Airbath system has a device called a Warm Air Injection which allows a small amount of hot water to heat the air stream as the air is pumped through the jets. The result of this is that Airbath claim that the system will
maintain the bath water temperature. This then allows a person to stay in the bath for longer and so gain the full benefit of the hydro-massage.

One difficulty experienced by all massage baths to a greater or lesser extent is that of hygiene. There is a commonly held belief that this type of system is unhygienic.
This is both true and untrue! I will explain. All massage systems require cleaning from time to time. Because of the design some systems may need to be cleaned every 3 months. All good manufacturers will supply a cleaner designed for their type of system and advice on how to use it. The main problem is that people do not follow the cleaning regime and as such problems then ensue. The system is as hygienic as the user. You would never dream of not cleaning the toilet or basin so why assume that the massage bath has the ability to clean itself.

STEAM AND SAUNAS (Turkish and Swedish):
Turkish steam sauna’s and Swedish dry heat sauna’s are both types of hydro-massage system. The difference is in the way they achieve the effect.
Swedish dry saunas use dry air to heat the body to high temperatures causing you to perspire heavily. They are supplied in the form of a wooden box inside of which is sited an oven upon which sit hot coals. These coals produce more heat when a small amount of water is splashed on them and the humidity increases. As people we can stand quite high temperatures of dry heat but only relatively smaller amounts of heat in high humidity. The average temperature within a Swedish sauna can be over 100 degrees.
Turkish steam saunas produce steam in large amounts to cause the hydro-massage effect and, like the Swedish type, also make you perspire heavily. This is wet heat and as such achieves the desired effect at much lower temperatures. This can be as little as 40 degrees and is seldom higher than 50 degrees. The main difference between the two systems is that the steam system appears to be less of an irritant to the breathing and as such is better in general for those suffering from respiratory conditions where a moist atmosphere is beneficial. You may have experienced this as a child if, when suffering from a cold, you were told to put your head over a bowl of steaming water and than had a towel placed over you.

The Hydro-massage effect has never been proved to be a scientific fact. This effect cannot make the blind see, the lame walk, cure aids or prevent cancer. It is claimed by many however to provide relief from the effects of many debilitating conditions.
The Hydro-massage effect is the action of the heat and or movement of the water on the body. The result of this is two fold. The first is that it causes the muscles around the arteries and heart to relax. This in turn allows the heart to pump more blood with each beat, without pumping any harder. The result of this is increased and improved circulation. Improved circulation is of benefit in many conditions. It reduces inflammation around the joint of those suffering from arthritis and rheumatism and allows for the removal of stress causing toxins from the blood stream by improving kidney function.
The second effect is that when fully relaxed the body produces its own chemical relaxants such as noradrenalin. These natural relaxants have none of the side effects of the manufactured kind and enable you to totally chill out.

Ceiling Fans – A Money Saving Way To Cool Your Home


Ceiling fans first originated in hot, tropical countries with somewhat poor economies. While more wealthy countries have removed ceiling fans with the advent of air conditioning, the ceiling fan of yesteryear is making an important comeback. This is no doubt due to the continuing escalating cost of utilities and the expense of maintaining a full house air conditioning system.

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Ceiling fans first originated in hot, tropical countries with somewhat poor economies. While more wealthy countries have removed ceiling fans with the advent of air conditioning, the ceiling fan of yesteryear is making an important comeback. This is no doubt due to the continuing escalating cost of utilities and the expense of maintaining a full house air conditioning system. People are finally understanding that comfort doesn’t need to mean cold and in the process they’re able to save significantly on the monthly electric bills. How much savings of course depends on local utility cost and the amount of time an air conditioning system is in operation. Typically though, a 2-3 dollar per DAY savings is not unreasonable if a household can use ceiling fans a major part of the day instead of running the air conditioning system.

Although ceiling fans were in widespread use in the early 1900’s, they gave way to the air conditioning systems of today. A ceiling fan however is much more than an air movement machine. They’re beautiful and can be ordered to perfectly fit into any decor or room of your home. Ceiling fans have a central motor with three to five blades attached. this unit is then mounted to the ceiling. Depending on the height of the ceiling, the unit can be close mounted, with the motor almost touching the ceiling or on a matching decorator bar to allow the unit to hang down into the room a little more if the ceiling height is greater than the typical 8 feet. The motor drives the blades of the ceiling fans which move the air around. Air movement naturally cools people and makes them comfortable without resorting to the brute force of removing moisture and cooling through a compressor air conditioning unit.

Many people wrongly assume that a ceiling fan is only good in the summer. Actually most fans built today have a reverse switch installed. This allows the fan to either pull air from the floor area or push air from the ceiling. So in summer, you would want air movement from low to high but in winter, with hot air rising, you would naturally want the warmer air at the ceiling to be pushed down to warm the whole room. Ceiling fans also are a great to use anywhere there’s people or living spaces including bedrooms, living and family rooms and even out on the backyard patio or deck.

So in the end, a ceiling fan can be a great way to add a nice decorating touch to your home while saving big dollars on that monthly electric bill. It’s not unusual to save the price of the ceiling fan in the first month, just on the electric bill alone. With your home more open, natural ventilation will make it more pleasant and enjoyable both inside and out.

Top 10 Back to School Furniture Buying Tips


Here it is, the middle of summer, and someone mentions Back to School Furniture. How can that be when the temperature tops 100 degrees? But it’s true, while the kids are enjoying summer camps and parks, the school systems are planning for the next school year.

Now is the time for school administrators to be determining their needs for the next school year in relation to furniture and supplies. If you wait any longer, you may not be able to get the school furniture delivered in time to op

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By Wren Ovard

Here it is, the middle of summer, and someone mentions Back to School Furniture. How can that be when the temperature tops 100 degrees? But it’s true, while the kids are enjoying summer camps and parks, the school systems are planning for the next school year.

Now is the time for school administrators to be determining their needs for the next school year in relation to furniture and supplies. If you wait any longer, you may not be able to get the school furniture delivered in time to open the doors in the fall. With that in mind, here at the top 10 tips for School Furniture buying.

1. Order now, order early! This is the season and if you don’t get your orders in now, your furniture may not arrive before the students. Remember, yours is not the only school needing new preschool or school furniture and planning to open within just a few short weeks. Don’t wait so long your order is in the bottom of the pile.

2. Order quick ship colors & models. While you might just love that lime green classroom desk and chair set combination, do you have the time it takes for special orders? Another thought is how will you find 20 new matching sets, in five years, to that unique item when the time comes that more are needed. In the interest of simplicity and continuity, order stock colors and models. Their delivery cycle will be shorter and most likely they will be better priced.

3. Save on shipping charges by ordering items made by the same manufacturer. This seems obvious, but many school systems don’t realize the saving they may have by buying multiple times from the same manufacturer. Not only will you save shipping charges, the items will coordinate with each other since they are from the same manufacturer and you may be able to get better pricing due to larger orders. Look for and do business with distributors that can offer you not only the standard school desks but also offers a wide range of products such as library furniture, activity tables, cafeteria tables, computer furniture, chalkboards, easels, room dividers and display cases. Make sure to look at the total picture when selecting a distributor. Being able to acquire many things from the same distributor saves shipping cost, time, money and headaches. The distributor is much more likely to provide superior customer service and order tracking if you place orders for multiple items.

4. Need freight special services? Inside delivery, call before delivery, liftgate? Think ahead, isn’t that what we tell the students? This is also true when your furniture order is to be delivered. Make sure you and the delivery company have the same understanding of the delivery, time, place and circumstances. You do not want to be scrambling trying to get furniture onto a loading dock without the proper equipment. Not only do you risk damaging the new furniture, but also injury to your staff.

5. Inspect all cartons during delivery; don’t wait until school is back in session. Don’t assume anything. Take the time now, at the time of the delivery, to inspect the delivery cartons to make sure they are not damaged. If you wait until school is back in session to inspect the cartons and contents, and there is damage, you will not know when or how the damage occurred. By signing for the delivery, you are stating that the furniture was delivered properly and in good condition. If there is a problem, identify it at the delivery time and work towards appropriate resolution. The furniture company, delivery company and school will be much more satisfied with the end results.

6. Include summer delivery contact person & phone number. Not all schools are open every day all summer long. Make sure the order contains the contact information for the person responsible for receiving the furniture cartons. And by all means, let the responsible person know they will be contacted with delivery details, and that they are able to fulfill this obligation. See item 5 concerning the responsibility of the receiving person. It might be a good idea to have some staff available that can assist in the inspection of the cartons and contents so as not to delay the delivery company.

7. Call us for chair & table height suggestions. One size does not fit all when it comes to school furniture. Discuss what age group the school furniture is intended for when placing the initial order to make sure you are selecting the appropriate size of furniture. There is a wide variety of products available that are designed for specific ages and activities such as computer desks and activity tables. Mistakes will be costly in time and money if the wrong size furniture is ordered.

8. Call us about space requirements or weight capacities. Is this furniture going to be stationary or moving around a multipurpose room? The intended use may impact the type, size and weight of furniture you should be considering for purchase. Measure twice, order once. It will save you time, money and frustration.

9. Spend new budget money now. Don’t wait till the end of your fiscal year and then try to get something delivered and invoiced in time to meet your deadline. Think about what your needs are in relation to your budget money and submit your order early in the budget cycle. You are better assured of getting the furniture you want and need if ordered early.

10. Order age appropriate chairs and desks to insure student’s comfort. If a student is uncomfortable in their chair or desk, it will have a negative impact on their concentration and school performance. See item 7, and make sure the size of the furniture grows with the students. Feet not being able to touch the floor or knees hitting the underside of the desk make for unhappy uncomfortable students and poor attention.

Use these tips to help your school furniture vendor delight you with a positive experience for all involved. A little forethought goes a long way in the preparation for a successful school opening for the upcoming year.

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Good Water Drainage For Your Home


Prior to the 1960s, the majority of homes were built with a water management system that drained directly into municipal storm sewers. Unfortunately, this type of drainage system is now considered illegal in many parts of North America. In many instances, storm water collected by each home was too much for the municipality to handle, overflowing into the sanitary sewer system. Sewage treatment plants could not accommodate the amount of runoff water that flowed into the system, discharging tons of untreated sewage into lakes and streams in the area. As these lakes and streams are also sources of drinking water for the area, the situation posed a serious health threat for inhabitants.

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Prior to the 1960s, the majority of homes were built with a water management system that drained directly into municipal storm sewers. Unfortunately, this type of drainage system is now considered illegal in many parts of North America. In many instances, storm water collected by each home was too much for the municipality to handle, overflowing into the sanitary sewer system. Sewage treatment plants could not accommodate the amount of runoff water that flowed into the system, discharging tons of untreated sewage into lakes and streams in the area. As these lakes and streams are also sources of drinking water for the area, the situation posed a serious health threat for inhabitants.

Most downspouts attached to homes are now designed to eliminate runoff water by simply discharging it on the ground, near the base of the house, or slightly further away. Downspouts may also be attached to an underground drainage system, also known as a French Drain. However, this design is costly, requiring professional routine clearance of debris and other clogging substances in the underground piping. Both types do not discharge water directly into the municipal storm sewer; runoff water needs to travel before reaching the sewer. Therefore, some water can be absorbed by the ground before it reaches the sewer, which is beneficial for the natural groundwater aquifer.

For downspouts that simply discharge water on the ground, it is vital that this not affect the ground surrounding the home. Serious problems may result from runoff water pooling around the structure of the house. It could erode the soil in your yard, creating an eyesore and leaving a slick muddy mess impossible to plant a lawn and garden in or walk through. Collecting water may leak into the basement, making it dank and a perfect environment for health-threatening mold. And the worst problem: it may seep into the foundation of the home, causing wood to rot and concrete to crack. If this occurs, your house will require immediate repairs to prevent a catastrophe.

That’s why runoff water must be eliminated far from the base of your home. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on an expensive drainage system that will require costly routine maintenance, there is an economical solution. Attaching downspout extenders to each downspout will get rid of runoff water. Downspout extenders extend the length of downspouts so that water will not pool around the house. Rather, it will disperse the power of flowing water and spray out at a safe distance, ideally at six feet.

DIY Methods to Save on Utilities


If your utility bill is out of control, you need to consider ways to tame the beast. There are plenty of do it yourself [DIY] ways to save on utilities.

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If your utility bill is out of control, you need to consider ways to tame the beast. There are plenty of do it yourself [DIY] ways to save on utilities.

DIY Methods to Save on Utilities

Utility costs for heating, cooling and electricity are near record highs. Worse, they are expected to rise fairly dramatically over the next few years. Since you will live in a residence for the rest of your life, making small changes to save money on utilities will save you tens of thousands of dollars, if not more. Here are some areas to check out and fix to start saving some bucks.

Leaks and drafts from the interior of your home to the exterior can easily double your utility bill. There are a couple of obvious areas to check out such as windows, frames around doors, fireplaces and entrances to attics. Less obvious spots to check include gaps around electric outlets, mail slots, pipes, spaces around baseboards and gaps around air conditioners where the interface with the exterior. If you find gaps, caulking can often take care of the problem or you can pursue a weekend DIY repair.

Insulation in a home can be a real problem when it comes to utilities. Since I hope to avoid getting sued, let me just suggest builders tend to use the minimum amount and grade of insulation required by regulations when building homes. If you live in a tract home, this may be all the more true.

If you seal the areas where you have drafts, but the heater or air conditioner is still turning on every few minutes, insulation may be a problem. Inspecting insulation isn’t the easiest or most comfortable task. The easiest method is to first climb into the attic and see if there is any exposed insulation. Unfortunately, the grade of insulation in the ceiling may not match the grade in the walls.

To check the walls, the best bet is to find a small are where you might have a hole. Closets are typical spots. If you have kids, look for areas where a doorknob has punched through a wall. If none of these are available, you can remove a small surface area in a closet. Once done, determine if the entire area is filled with insulation as well as the R grade of your insulation. Compare it to recommended grades in your area. You can then patch the area and nobody will be the wiser. If all else fails, get a thermal inspection for a professional.

Most people are not going to need to blow out their insulation. Doing so will help, but sealing a home will go a long way to cutting your utility costs. With this in mind, give your home the once over.

Patio Heaters


Patio heaters are a fairly recent development. They can make life outside more enjoyable in those chilly evenings in late summer and fall.

A Barbecue in the evening is one of the summer pleasures of life. So many summer evenings turn cold though that you do not do this as often as you would like to. Imagine being able to eat outside for 52 weeks of the year if you choose. A patio heater will not do anything to protect you from wind and rain though, so to be realistic you c…

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Patio heaters are a fairly recent development. They can make life outside more enjoyable in those chilly evenings in late summer and fall.

A Barbecue in the evening is one of the summer pleasures of life. So many summer evenings turn cold though that you do not do this as often as you would like to. Imagine being able to eat outside for 52 weeks of the year if you choose. A patio heater will not do anything to protect you from wind and rain though, so to be realistic you could eat outside through many spring and fall evenings, rather than just the few weeks in summer.

I can still remember turning the spit on the barbecue by hand as a child, with a couple of chickens cooking slowly. There is nothing like eating outdoors to whet the appetite. The food and beer tastes so much better.

You may prefer to use your new heater just to admire the stars, of course, or for romantic evenings with your partner.

Once you have a heated outside area there are all kinds of uses that it can be put to. It really does extend your living space for a very small cost.

You could make a heated smoking area outside and ban tobacco smoking in the home. Many bars, hotels and theaters do this where there is a ban on smoking inside in public places.

You could use your barbecue outside, then eat inside. You could go out there and sulk in comfort. You could have a popcorn maker out there, in a covered area and have popcorn much more often.

You can choose between electric and propane gas fuelled patio heaters. Electric ones are suitable where they can be wired into a covered area, otherwise the propane fuelled heaters are more suitable for most people.

MV Outdoor Trash Cans and Ash Bins


For any hotel or resort owner, you know how important it is to have the proper receptacles where you need them. To keep your resort looking nice, and to make sure guests are happy, choose outdoor trash cans and bins that hide litter and do not create an eyesore.

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How To Find Kitchen Remodeling Instructions Online


Have you recently made the decisions to remodel your own kitchen? Do it yourself kitchen remodeling has rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years.

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Have you recently made the decisions to remodel your own kitchen? Do it yourself kitchen remodeling has rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years. One of the reasons for that is because of the internet. Online, you can not only find the materials, supplies, and tools that you need to remodel your kitchen, but you can also find detailed instructions on how to remodel your kitchen, whether it be all of it or just a part of it. For that reason, if you are looking to remodel your own kitchen, it may be a good idea to take advantage of the internet.

One of the many reasons why you should use the internet, to obtain a detailed set of directions on how to remodel your kitchen, is because it is free to use. When purchasing materials at your local home improvement store, you may not be provided with a set of directions. While many kitchen cabinets sets come with a set of directions, not everything else does. If you are purchasing a set of something, such as cabinets, you are more likely to get a set of directions than you were if you were just purchasing supplies. For instance, if you are interested in retiling your kitchen floor or installing new lighting in your kitchen, you may need to find directions elsewhere. It is always possible to purchase how-to books, but why would you want to, especially when you can get the same information for free online?

In addition to being free, you will also find the amount of information amazing. As previously mentioned, whether you are looking to remodeling your entire kitchen or just a part of it, you can easily find the directions or instructions that you were looking for online. For example, online, you should be able to find instructions on how to reinstall a kitchen countertop, install a set of kitchen cabinets, replace your kitchen flooring, as well as install new light fixtures. Essentially, whatever you are looking to do, you can find a detailed set of instructions online. You may also enjoy the fact that many of these directions comes with step-by-step drawings or pictures.

Now that you know why you should find kitchen remodeling instructions online, you may be wondering how you can do so. Online, there are, literally, an unlimited number of websites that offer you information, as well as instructions for most kitchen remodeling projects. One of those websites is likely to be a home improvement store. If you know the online website of one of your local home improvement stores, you are advised to visit it and look around. In addition to finding a detailed set of directions on how to remodel a particular part of your kitchen, such as your sink, you may also find the products, supplies, and tools that you may need or want to have.

If you are unable to find one of your local home improvement store’s online websites or if they did not have the information that you were looking for, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. That search should produce a number of results; results that you may have been hoping for. When using an internet search, to find kitchen remodeling instructions, it is best to tailor your search to exactly what you need. For instance, if you are looking for instructions on how to install a marble kitchen countertop, you may want to search using the words marble kitchen countertop installation. As previously mentioned, countertop installations instructions are just one of the many sets of kitchen remodeling instructions that you can find online.

In addition to being free and full of information, the internet is also easy to use. That is why you are advised to get the information that you need, as well as instructions, for you next kitchen remodeling project online. Why guess or pay may money for a how-to book, when you can get exactly what you need free, with the click of a mouse?