Do You Need A Dishwasher?


Are you tired of hand washing your dishes once or twice a day? Do you spend an hour after every meal making sure that your dishes are spot free? If this sounds like you, you will want to look into purchasing a dishwasher. Even though there are many people who still do without a dishwasher, it is a major inconvenience. With today’s technology it does not cost too much to buy a brand new dishwasher, and if you try one out you will agree that it is worth your money. Below are a …

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Are you tired of hand washing your dishes once or twice a day? Do you spend an hour after every meal making sure that your dishes are spot free? If this sounds like you, you will want to look into purchasing a dishwasher. Even though there are many people who still do without a dishwasher, it is a major inconvenience. With today’s technology it does not cost too much to buy a brand new dishwasher, and if you try one out you will agree that it is worth your money. Below are a few reasons on why you should buy a new dishwasher instead of hand washing your dishes.

1. Dishwashers are as cheap today as they have ever been. Ten or fifteen years ago you would have been hard pressed to find a dishwasher for less than $1,000. But in today’s day and age of mass production, you can pick up a budget dishwasher for as little as $375. Even though these low cost units do not have all of the features of more expensive models, it will still be able to provide you with a high level of service.

2. You will save yourself tons of time over the course of a week if you use a dishwasher. Think about how much time you spend everyday slaving over dirty dishes. Even if you only spend a half an hour a day, over the course of a week that comes out to three and a half hours. Imagine what you could do with an extra three and half hours a week.

3. Contrary to popular belief, dishwashers do not use up much more water than hand washing dishes. This may have been true in the past, but today’s units are much more efficient. They are made to be cost and water efficient so that you do not have to end up paying outrageous water bills.

Many people think that a dishwasher is nothing more than a waste of time. They feel that they can do the dishes themselves without having to spend the money on a dishwasher. This is true, but the question you need to ask yourself is how much is your time worth. For as little as $375, you can save yourself hundreds of hours of work over the course of a year. The best thing to do is compare all of the advantages and disadvantages of having a dishwasher, and then make an informed decision.

MV MV Paint the Home Decorating Tool of Champions

We all know intellectually that color can have a significant impact on any room in the home. However, knowing and seeing the truth in action are two entirely different things. The true impact of color on the overall look and feel of a room is nothing short of phenomenal. If you have any doubt, try painting a room in a color you do not like and see how little time you are willing to spend in that room-even if it was a favorite room before it was painted.

For this reason you need to consider carefully the combinations of colors you wish to incorporate into each room of your home and how these colors will affect the rooms they will be ‘overflowing’ into. It is true that most people are attempting to trend away from the idea of having the same color in every room of the house. Instead more people are opting to have every room as a fresh palate whenever possible. This allows for maximum options when it comes to decorating a home and allows each room to be similar to some degree but maintain its very own unique personality if that is your wish.

Paint is an amazing instrument for home decorating when you think about it. In addition to the ability to change the color of a room, paint can actually do so much more when artfully or craftily applied. You can create beautiful murals on your walls that tell stories about your family or simply that express an emotion or sentiment of the moment. Paint can be used in order to write messages to occupants of the home or visitors on the wall as well, or to stencil borders that are sure to delight all who enter. All of this and so much more can be accomplished with the simple application of paint and a little bit of skill.

In addition to these things above there are faux finishes and textures that can be created with the use of paint. One that is a current favorite on the market is a faux plaster affect that is achieved with paint, a lot of hard work, and a rock solid set of instructions. The result of this labor can be nothing short of stunning as a design or home decorating affect. Taking the time to learn skills such as this can not only improve your enjoyment of the painting process but putting these skills in action can greatly improve your enjoyment of your home.

In addition to the faux finishes that can be achieved with paint there are other textured paint affects that many people are learning to their great joy and amazement. The results of many of these efforts is a beautiful and tastefully decorated home at significantly less than half the cost that hiring a professional to do the work would have cost. Many of these things can be achieved with paint and a few special brushes or rags alone further indicating the profound affect that a can or two of paint really can have on almost any room in your home.

If you are inclined to learn a little more about paint and the impact it can have on your home all together check with your local home improvement store and see if they are offering any painting workshops in the near future. These workshops provide excellent instruction and information that will prove useful many times over while you are making your home decorating decisions and improvements.



Let The Professionals Clean Your House


Our busy lifestyles don’t always allow us to get all of the daily chores done. A 40 hour work week can take its toll on us, and by the time the weekend arrives, the last thing we want to deal with is mopping the floor. Residential cleaning services can put your home on their list of chores. These companies offer maids that literally come in and clean things up to get you back in that spotless environment. Let’s face it, no one wants to come home to a mess. Residential cl…

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Our busy lifestyles don’t always allow us to get all of the daily chores done. A 40 hour work week can take its toll on us, and by the time the weekend arrives, the last thing we want to deal with is mopping the floor. Residential cleaning services can put your home on their list of chores. These companies offer maids that literally come in and clean things up to get you back in that spotless environment. Let’s face it, no one wants to come home to a mess. Residential cleaning services can help you with this dilemma.

My first notion was to flip through the phone book, in search of residential cleaning services. I thought if I could get someone to come out to the house and do a professional job, then maybe the ridiculous smell would be banished forever. Soon enough we located a residential cleaning service, and they were prompt about taking care of our problem. When they were finished, the carpet looked as good as new.

What is the definition of clean? I know what I consider clean. However, my spouse doesn’t always agree. Cleaning our homes can be a tiring and tedious process. It never seems like it’s actually done. You clean the bathroom, but the next day there is already hair in the sink and scum in the toilet bowl. We all know the routine. An alternative option available to those who cannot get around to those daily regimes of scrubbing and vacuuming, is residential cleaning services. These services actually come to your home and clean it for you.

In the past I took advantage of residential cleaning services. I needed their professional services due to my lack of cleaning abilities. My wife had a cat that unfortunately wasn’t fixed. This caused a horrible stench that I wish upon no one. With the unbearable affliction of urine stains all over our carpets, we had to find help fast.

If you are searching for decent residential cleaning services, it is prudent to start online. There are a number of company websites, which offer a variety of cleaning services to your convenience. Not everyone has time to take care of their home cleaning on a regular basis, but no one wants a filthy home. Fortunately there are residential cleaning services ready to tackle your home cleaning chores.

TR Spa Covers


Spa Covers are an economical solution to saving power and retaining the heat in the water.

By using a spa cover the heat that would normally dissipate from the water when left uncovered, is captured under the cover and due to this, there is a lot less power required to reheat the pool.

There is a big range of spa covers and also a big variance in their prices. The higher quality spa covers can cost quite a lot more than their cheaper alternatives, however they might wor…

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Aluminum Strap Patio Furniture Sets


The construction, maintenance, storage, and appearance of aluminum patio furniture makes it a great choice for hassle-free patio furniture.

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When looking for a great patio furniture set that will last, a type to consider is aluminum strap patio furniture sets. Aluminum patio furniture sets have improved by leaps and bounds since the days of lightweight folding chairs, which usually fold when they’re not supposed to. The construction, maintenance, storage, and appearance of aluminum patio furniture makes it a great choice for hassle-free patio furniture.

Aluminum strap patio furniture is now made from the finest components. The hardware used is all virtually stainless. The base and feet of aluminum strap patio furniture is also equipped with aluminum skids which protect any type of patio surface. Aluminum strap patio furniture is created from welded aluminum frames which ensure durability. They are then powder coated in a process that makes aluminum patio furniture more comfortable and resilient than ever.

Most aluminum strap patio furniture pieces stack very easily. This is convenient for storage, especially for hotels or commercial sites like pools and beaches. There are some types of aluminum strap furniture that do not stack. These pieces usually have more details and accessories that do not allow for stacking. These additional accessories, however, add a touch of elegance to otherwise simple furniture, and the reduced storage capacity may be worth sacrificing for a more up-scale patio look.

So what is out there for aluminum strap patio furniture sets? Some sets are simple double wrapped vinyl straps, while others feature a criss-cross basket weave design that is even more elegant. Aluminum strap patio chaise lounges offer superior comfort. Complete with armrests, back braces, optimal ground clearance, and wide range reclining adjustment, just about anyone can get comfortable. Also available are aluminum strap patio bar stools and tables. These are perfect for casual outdoor dining, or catching a drink pool side. And aluminum strap patio furniture sets are also available in a wide range of colors.

Aluminum strap patio furniture sets are one of the most versatile types of patio furniture on the market. They are ideal sets for either commercial or residential patios.

Grocery Coupons And Food Secrets


Grocery coupons can save you a lot of money – if you know how to use them. This is just one of the secrets the stores don’t want you to know.

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How can grocery coupon cost you more than they save? When is whole wheat not really whole wheat? Why are some frozen foods better for you than fresh foods? Should you buy the small or large bananas? Read on for the answers.

Grocery Coupons

Coupons are designed to get you to buy something you weren’t planning to buy. If the things you buy with them don’t replace more expensive options, you spend even more instead of saving money. To save money with them, then, you should use them for products you regularly buy, or to try new brands that are similar in price to what you already use.

Some stores still offer to double the value of your coupons on given days or for temporary promotions. The key to saving money in these cases is to use as many coupons as you can, and buy the smallest sizes of the product that the coupons allow. This will almost always get you the lowest unit-cost.

For example, if you have a coupon for 50 cents off on dish detergent, and the store is doubling your coupons, you’ll get 1 dollar off. If you buy the 38-ounce size, priced at $2.19, it will cost you $1.19, or 3.1 cents per ounce. However, if you buy the 18-ounce size, priced at $1.19, it will cost you only 19 cents! That’s just a bit over a penny per ounce, or one third the cost. Sometimes you can even get a 99-cent item for free with a doubled 50 cent coupon.

Other Grocery Store Secrets

Read the labels and you’ll see that sugar is showing up in almost everything. Most recently, it has been added to most brands of kidney beans, which used to be packed in just water and salt. Why? For the same reason it is added to peanut butter and many other products that don’t need it for taste – it is cheap. Cheaper than the other ingredients, in fact. Due to government subsidies, there is so much cheap sugar that growers need to dump it into as many products as they can.

You will also notice that almost all packaged products have hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil in them. This is the stuff that is used to give mice heart disease when scientists want to study that disease! Fortunately, due to consumer demand, some brands, like Doritos, have stopped using it in some of their products. It is still in well over half of all packaged products, though.

Whole wheat is only whole wheat if it says exactly that. “Wheat flour,” “unbleached wheat flour,” and “wheat,” all just mean some variety of processed white flour. “Wheat” bread is nothing more than white bread with enough whole grain thrown in to color it. “Wheat blend” pasta is yet another trick to make you think you’re buying whole wheat.

Frozen fruits and vegetables, when tested against “fresh” fruits and vegetables, usually have more vitamin content. It makes sense. They are flash-frozen shortly after being picked, while the “fresh” foods are in trucks for days, exposed to heat and air. Then they sit at the grocery store for days, then in your refrigerator for days. Buying frozen fruits and veggies, then, can be healthier, and they are even cheaper at times, like when the particular fruit or vegetable isn’t in season.

Grocery coupons aren’t the only way to save money buying food. Store brands are often substantially cheaper, and guess what? Often they are really the name brands in disguise. Read the label and you may see something like, “Packed for ABC Grocery Stores by Kraft Foods, Inc.” In any case, you can try the store brands, and if you can’t tell the difference, why pay more?

Finally, what size bananas, eggplant and other fruits or vegetables should you buy? If they are sold by the piece, buy the biggest, to get the most for your money. If they are sold by the pound, buy the smallest. You’ll still eat one banana at a time for a snack, right? The small ones might be half the price of the large, saving you money with every snack. When it comes to saving money shopping, there is more to it than grocery coupons.

Ceramic Tile Underlayments – The Basics


Ceramic tile material is rigid and relatively brittle, so a sturdy base is the most critical part of installing this type of tile.

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Ceramic tile material is rigid and relatively brittle, so a sturdy base is the most critical part of installing this type of tile. Unless you want to see cracked tiles, loose tiles, or loose grout, you need to select the proper underlayment. Underlayment being what the construction trade calls the layer that goes between your wood subfloor and your tiles.

You have several alternate ways to accomplish the strong underlayment required for ceramic tile installation.

Plywood- just a single layer of plywood isn’t rigid enough to stop floor deflection. It needs to be covered over with an additional layer of exterior-grade plywood to achieve a total thickness of at least 1 1/8 inch. You can either (A)- Cover the plywood with a cement backer board (more on these below) or (B) Cover the existing plywood with a second layer of exterior grade plywood. Under either of these, a thin-set mortar is applied to eliminate air gaps. Additionally, in bathrooms, it’s recommended to lay a “shower pan” over your wood subfloor. This refers to thin rubberized materials that protect the tile from floor expansion and contraction due to moisture, temperature and humidity.

Cement Backer Board – These are prefabricated, lightweight concrete sheets used to cover wood subfloors. It has a dense Portland concrete core and fiberglass surfaces both sides and is able to withstand prolonged exposure to moisture. Brand names include DUROCK, UTILICRETE, WONDERBOARD and GLASCRETE. Joints of the backer board sheets should be staggered such that they don’t fall directly over the wood subfloor joints.
Mortar Bed- Mud beds, or mortar beds, are used by professional tile contractors mostly. They’re composed of a layer of thick roofing felt, then wire mesh, followed by a layer of mortar. The reason it is used mostly by the specialists is that it takes a high level of skill and practice to ensure the mortar bed produces a sufficiently level surface. The other reason is that it is the best foundation possible for a ceramic tile floor. Okay, but why? Because the mortar bed has a built-in reinforcement against floor deflections in the form of the wire mesh. Translation- less cracked tiles and loose grout, and longer-life flooring.
Concrete Slab-
You can lay your ceramic tile directly on concrete slab, but all cracks and holes need to be refurbished prior before the installation of a tile when it’s directly bonded to the concrete. Some concrete slab has been coated with curing compound to help the slab set without cracks. This compound should be removed before tile installation to ensure a long-lasting mortar bond, since the compound helps the concrete retain moisture and in some cases affects adhesiveness. It is also important that the slab be as level as possible, especially with the larger tile sizes in use today. Cleaning the concrete completely of debris and dust will also contribute to a higher quality installation. In short, preparation of the surface is key.

One other possibility is laying the tile over existing flooring. There are a few things to consider. Is your existing floor solid, flat and in good shape? Is it stuck well enough to the subfloor under it to provide support? Good. Is the existing floor linoleum or vinyl? Not so good. You need to strip it out or put a good subflooring on top of it. (And watch out for older vinyl flooring, which may contain asbestos fibers. You don’t want to strip this stuff out yourself. Instead, either cover it up with some plywood subfloor or have a contractor remove it. If you aren’t sure if your flooring has asbestos, call in a trained asbestos inspector.) If you have ceramic tile on the floor you can lay newer tile on top of it as long as it’s surface is level and not too smooth. You might need to sand the surface to let your bonding have a better chance.

In conclusion, a little planning and thought will go a long way toward making your tile installation project a long-lasting addition to your home, so take the time before you go in with “both guns blazing”.

Top Five Reasons To Use Bamboo Flooring


Bamboo is a unique alternative as a flooring option. Both beautiful and durable, bamboo floors can add beauty to any area of your home and can withstand the wear and tear of daily life.

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Bamboo is a unique alternative as a flooring option. Both beautiful and durable, bamboo floors can add beauty to any area of your home and can withstand the wear and tear of daily life.

Here are my top five reasons to choose bamboo flooring for your home:

1. Aesthetic Beauty

Contrary to popular belief, bamboo is actually a grass not a wood product. Because of this difference, bamboo has a different look than your typical hardwood floors. Color can be determined by the manufacturing process (length of time carbonized) and your typical order of bamboo flooring will be rather uniform in color and easy to match when installing. Also, staining is now possible for bamboo floors resulting in over thirty different styles and colors being available. With this many choices, you’re sure to find something to perfectly fit your style.

2. Durability

Bamboo is not only beautiful, it is also quite durable. Bamboo has received hardness (strength) ratings higher than many hardwoods. In addition to its hardness rating, bamboo is also resilient. This means it “bounces back” after most impacts and doesn’t dent. This resiliency is also better for your feet and back since the floor will tend to “give” slightly and not be so hard to walk on everyday.

3. Moisture Resistance

Bamboo is also a naturally water resistant material. In addition to its natural resistance, part of the manufacturing process includes lamination which increases its resistance to warping. Because of this moisture resistance, bamboo flooring can be used in bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms where hardwood and laminate floors shouldn’t be used.

4. The Environmental Benefits

Bamboo is a sustainable material. This means it can easily and quickly be re-grown in a reasonably short time. Bamboo is typically harvested every four to five years without actually destroying the plant. Also, because of its resiliency, bamboo doesn’t have to be refinished as often as hardwood. This cuts down on the chemicals necessary to maintain the floor.

5. Easy Cleaning

Bamboo floors, like most hard flooring materials, are easier to clean than carpet. No vacuum required, just a dust mop to keep things nice and clean. And, unlike tile, there is no grout to worry about keeping clean.


Bamboo is a great addition to any home. It is an eco-friendly, easy to maintain flooring material that can match any style you choose for your home.

Picking the Right Nail Gun for You


Unlike many types of tools, nail guns are not designed for general purposes – there is no all-purpose nail gun that you can use with all your work. Nail guns are designed to be used for particular tasks, so before acquiring a new nail gun it’s very important to understand the tasks for which it will be used.

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Unlike many tools, nail guns are not meant for general purposes – there is no all-purpose nail gun that you can use with all your work. Nail guns are intended to carry out specific jobs, so prior to acquiring a nail gun it’s very important to know the jobs for which it will be used.

The sorts of nail guns available are:

– Roofing and Siding nail guns: These nail guns are intended for the specialized task of installing either siding or roofing. They store high numbers of nails that are designed specifically for the job at hand (siding or roofing). These are most-often coil-type nail guns.

– Framing nail guns: These are intended to drive bigger (1-1/2″ to 4″) box-type nails into larger pieces of wood. These nail guns tend to be heavy and big and are usually stick-type nail guns, they there are some coil-types available too.

– Finish nail guns: These nail guns are often also called pin or brad nail guns. They are designed for fastening small finish-type nails into smaller pieces of stock. These nail guns tend to be smaller and lighter than framing nail guns, and they are usually used for finishing or trim work. These are usually stick-type nail guns.

Once you decide on the variety of nail gun you need, some other attributes that are helpful to have and which you should consider are:

– A directional exhaust output. When nails are driven in, air is expelled from the tool. It’s very nice to have this adjustment so that this air is not ending up into your face.

– An easy-to-use depth adjustment. Almost all nail guns have some sort of adjustment to control the force with which the nail is delivered. Using this adjustment, your nail is not sticking out of the surface, or sunk in too deep far in. Many nail guns require tools to perform this adjustment, others can be set by hand and these are almost always much quicker to adjust. If you suspect you will want to be changing this adjustment fairly often, the easier and quicker it is to set, the the happier you will be with your nail gun.

– A good-sized gun trigger. If you are going to be using your nail gun in frigid weather, you will likely be wearing gloves. In this case you will want to make sure you have a large trigger so that you can use it with gloves on.

– If you are planning on nailing a lot of nails, should consider the capacity of the nail gun as well as the ease with which nails can be loaded into the gun. Buying the correct nail gun in this regard can save you a lot of time, or lose you a lot of time if you make a bad choice.

– A swivel on the air connector to the nail gun. If you move around often with your nail gun, this will help reduce the tangling of your air hose.

Lastly, be sure you research the reviews for the nail gun you are looking at. Researching a tool in a store or on the internet, it is really hard to be sure how well it will work in the field. By consulting the reviews of people that have used the nail gun, you’ll get a much better feel for how this nail gun will work for you.