An essential guide to buying bathroom products


Also known as sanitary ware, ceramics, porcelain and ware.
There are four basic areas that affect the quality of pottery and its expected lifespan:

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Tips and advise when buying your bathroom suite:

Your bathroom is probably the most intimate space in your home.
Many people invest excessively in renovating their bathrooms in the belief that the reflection of their
personality can be found in the design of the bathroom. When your guests use your bathroom,
they take the time to look around and examine the style and accessories decorating the bathroom.
Your wealth and style will be reflected from the perfection of work and the material you use.

Below are some tips and advise when considering buying a bathroom suite or adding accessories.

Also known as sanitary ware, ceramics, porcelain and ware.
There are four basic areas that affect the quality of pottery and its expected lifespan:
The depth of the glaze:
The glaze is the glass-like surface coating which is fired onto the pottery in the kiln when it is made.
The glass enables the pot to be waterproof and protects it from chemicals, such as bleach etc, over its life.
The thicker the glaze generally the longer the life. Once this glaze goes, wears out, the pot becomes porous, absorbs water and eventually cracks.
The more you use and clean the pottery the faster the glaze wears out.
To make the glaze thicker you have to apply it a layer at a time and each time fire it in the kiln. This process results in breakages within the kiln.

For example, if I fire 100 pieces of pot once I may get 99 back in one piece, so the 99 pays for the 100.
If I then fire the 99 again I may get 80 back in one piece, so now 80 have to pay for 100.
If I then fire the 80 I may get only 50 back in one piece, so now 50 have to pay for 100. You get the gist of this by now.
If you assume that each layer of glaze lasts approximately 5 to 7 years you can soon see how the system works.
If you glaze once you get a less expensive cost to manufacture but the product does not last as long in a house. The thicker the glaze the longer the pottery lasts.

Quality of the clay:
The quality of the clay that is used to make the pottery is very important.
The reason for this is that the finer the clay the smoother the finish will be on the item being made.
If you use a poorer grade of clay it will have more grit in it and the surface will have a more rippled appearance.
You may also find that because of the increased grit content the pottery is heavier than an item of the same size made with a finer grade of clay.
The finer the clay the more tonnes of rough clay you have to use to refine down to make it.
It is therefore less expensive to produce pottery with a coarse grade of clay.

The overspray or colour:
The white colour, or whatever colour it happens to be, is applied to the pottery before the glaze.
Each manufacturer mixes their own colour to try to match it to the colour of the acrylic baths.
The white colour of the acrylic bath is a worldwide standard set by the acrylic manufacturers.
You need to be aware of this if you client tries to mix and match pottery from different manufacturers.
Its usually acceptable to have a toilet and basin from one supplier made to match the bath but if you put a basin
from one supplier and a toilet from another and then the bath together it will stand out like a sore thumb.
The thicker the colour is applied, the less fading on the edges takes place and the colour is even over the whole of the item.
The colour as with the glaze is applied in layers and then has to be left to set before the next coat can be applied.
The fewer coats the quicker the product can be made and the less cost is involved.

The design of the item:
The more intricate the design the more expensive the mould is to make and the more chance there is that you will not always remove it from the mould without damage.
Plainer shapes are usually less expensive. You should also note that basins, toilets and bidets are made as matched sets.
You will often find that the foot of the pedestal on the basin matches the foot of the toilet pan and that the back of the basin matches the toilet cistern lid.

One general point to be made is that pottery is often sold in what is known in the trade as a four-piece set.
That is a basin, pedestal, pan and cistern. Unfortunately the retail customer sees the set as two pieces: the basin and the toilet.
If you use the term four-piece set to a retail customer they may think you mean a basin, toilet, bath and bidet.
So always explain what you mean by four pieces if you should choose to use the term.

MV Little Giant Ladder – Frequently Asked Questions


If you have set out to buy a little giant ladder, you have done a laudable job. Still if you have any hesitation in your mind regarding the little giant ladder, this article will help you out. Here are some frequently asked questions that every one asks before purchasing a ladder.

Why you need a ladder?

There are many indoor and outdoor works that you have to perform with the help of a ladder. Ladder provides you necessary height and accessibility to complete the task.

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Top Pool Heater Maintenance Tips


There is nothing like a round of swimming in a warm-water pool in chilly winters. A warm water swim/ bath is a perfect exercise for your whole body and mind. In fact it is extensively used for therapeutic purposes all round the world. So installing a pool heater is a must for you if you are living in an extremely cold place. And a warm water bath in the pool would also give you an exotic spa effect in your swimming pool.

But installing a pool heater is not all. You have t…

pool heater maintenance

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There is nothing like a round of swimming in a warm-water pool in chilly winters. A warm water swim/ bath is a perfect exercise for your whole body and mind. In fact it is extensively used for therapeutic purposes all round the world. So installing a pool heater is a must for you if you are living in an extremely cold place. And a warm water bath in the pool would also give you an exotic spa effect in your swimming pool.

But installing a pool heater is not all. You have to maintain your pool heater as well to extend your swimming season. Proper maintenance can take forth the swimming season by weeks or even months. Though, the upholding of your pool heater depends entirely upon the type of heater you have.

Gas heaters are the most common type of pool heaters being used presently. The gas heaters work on natural gas or propane tanks. The gas heaters are favorite hide out of spiders and other insects. It is recommended to regularly clean the spider webs and the debris off the heater. For it can clog off the burner openings. You can clean them manually or with the help of a vacuum cleaner as well.

The most important thing about maintaining the gas pool heaters is to check the gas supply regularly. Check out the pipes to detect any leakages. You can easily detect the leakages using a soap solution. Prepare a liquid dish soap and warm water in the spray bottle. Now spray the solution on the pipe joints. If you find any bubbles emerging from the surface, you immediately need to repair the pipes. Never use the heater until the pipes are replaced or repaired by a qualified plumber.

Electrical pool heaters are also getting popular these days. The heaters produce the heat with the help of heating elements. The element can get coated with certain minerals present in the atmosphere. This hampers the heating process. You can easily take it out and clean with a wire brush. Some elements get damaged beyond repair. You have to replace the element. Take along the old element with you while looking around for a new one in the market.

It is absolutely vital to change the element otherwise it can send some current in the swimming pool. First of all, turn off the power supply to the heater to avoid any injuries. Open up the drain pipe and take out water from it. Fix the new element and test the heater by filling water in your swimming pool so that the heater can work to its full efficiency.

You can enhance the performance of the swimming pool heaters by having a time setting system. This can be greatly helpful in maintaining the efficiency of your heater as the water will only be heated as much as you want. Go for annual checks and get the heaters repaired immediately if you find any problems.

TR Spa Filters: Everything You Need To Know


Spa filters are one of the most important parts of the spa, although they are generally forgotten about. It is very important to change your filter on a regular basis, because that is what keeps bacteria, dirt, bugs, and all other kinds of nasty things out of your spa.

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Lighting – High Tech With Solar Power


If you have trouble with your electricity supplier, you may be interested in the story of my journey toward building a solar power lighting system.


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From the first time I saw, first hand, a solar cell making electricity, I was hooked. It was magnetic. I was going to have one, making electricity for me, one day. I didn’t get around to trying it, until about 1979. I ordered $400.00 worth of solar cells from a company in California. I made a makeshift solar panel with them, which worked for a while.

Much later, in 1993, I tracked down a company in Calgary, who sold solar panels. I bought 1 for about $500.00. It was about the size of a large beach towel. It was blue in color and was mounted inside an aluminium frame. My first attempt at making a solar power lighting system worked but wasn’t very efficient. I used a little incandescent bulb from a reading lamp hooked up to a car battery, that was charged by the solar panel. I mounted the solar panel in the most sunny window I had to put it in. At that time there weren’t compact florescent light bulbs. I liked that solar panel so much that I bought 3 more like it from the same company. Each panel made about 50 watts in direct sunlight.

A solar cell reacts with sunlight making a positive and negative charge. When you link the two charges by attaching a wire to both ends of the solar cell, charged electrons move along the wire, and an electric current flows. When the cells are joined together, to increase the voltage and amperage, you have made a solar panel. So all this makes the electricity your light uses.

Once you have the electricity, you have to store it somewhere, or use it right away. Since the whole point of a light is to use it in the dark, and solar panels only work in sunlight, you need a battery, to store the electricity until you are ready to turn the light on.

To keep the electricity in the battery while the solar panel is connected, a diode is used. A diode is an electronic device which only allows direct current to travel in one direction. If the current tries to go in the other direction, then the diode stops it. This happens when a big dark cloud moves in front of the sun. Your panel makes so little power the battery has more voltage push, than what is coming from the panel. So the voltage from the battery tries to send current out from the battery. We want the battery to charge, and not waste the electricity until we turn on the light.

To use the direct current electricity in a battery, to run an alternating current or household current compact florescent light, you need to convert the electricity from the battery, to the kind of electricity the light will use. This device is called an inverter. It makes AC electricity out of DC electricity. The inverter is connected to the battery and the power cord from the light is plugged into the inverter.

When you switch your light on, you are using the power from the sunlight captured during the day time. The advantage of using compact florescent light bulbs is that they are very energy efficient, using little electricity, and giving out the same amount of light used by a 60 watt regular light bulb. You make your own power and don’t care if the power from the electric company goes off. Your lighting system will still work.

Grosfillex-Quality Brand, Quality Melamine Tables.


Grosfillex is the number one brand name in outdoor resin patio furniture. Famous for its resort and food service grade quality patio furniture, it is also ideal for residential patio furniture. Grosfillex molded melamine patio tables are an excellent choice for any patio setting.

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Grosfillex is the number one brand name in outdoor resin patio furniture. Famous for its resort and food service grade quality patio furniture, it is also ideal for residential patio furniture. Grosfillex molded melamine patio tables are an excellent choice for any patio setting.

Grosfillex molded melamine tables come in a variety of sizes. They are available in small round or square or larger sizes as well. They are built with a Y-Leg pedestal that provides extra support and stability. Melamine tables come in a variety of designer colors to coordinate with any outdoor theme.

Grosfillex molded melamine tables may be placed in a variety of settings. They are perfect for a small patio, or a patio with many tables, such as a common area. Many come with an umbrella hole so they may be equipped with a patio umbrella for extra shade and style. Melamine tables were designed with outdoor terraces and patios in mind.

The cost of Grosfillex melamine tables is just as pleasing as its functionality. Grosfillex melamine patio tables are very inexpensive for all the advantages this type of furniture provides. As with all Grosfillex resin patio furniture, melamine patio tables are very easy to clean and maintain. They can be washed with soap and water, and all purpose cleaners for more stubborn stains. Grosfillex melamine is also scratch, burn, and fade resistant, so it will last longer outdoors. And all Grosfillex resin patio furniture comes with a one year warranty, which is important for business and home owners alike.

Grosfillex is a brand that any consumer can have confidence in, and be assured the quality of the product is always the best. Grosfillex molded melamine patio tables are a great choice for any patio setting that will last and resist the elements and provide a maintenance free way to enjoy any patio.

Changing a Toilet Wax Ring


If there is water slowly leaking around the base of your toilet, or you constantly smell a foul odor in your bathroom chances are the toilet wax ring has begun to fail and it is time for it to be replaced.

Changing Toilet Wax Ring, Replace Toilet Wax Ring, Toilet Flange, Bathroom, Toilet Tank, Toilet Base

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If there is water slowly leaking around the base of your toilet, or you constantly smell a foul odor in your bathroom chances are the toilet wax ring has begun to fail and it is time for it to be replaced.

A toilet wax ring is pretty much described by its name. It is a 1 to 2 inch thick ring of wax, frequently found surrounding a plastic funnel. The toilet wax ring works by forming a water/air tight seal between the base of the porcelain toilet base and the toilet flange (plastic or cast iron).

If a toilet rocks when it is sat upon, over time the toilet wax ring will breakdown and fail. This failure manifests itself in the formation of small water and odor leaks around the base of the toilet. If left unchecked, damage could occur to the bathroom floor and unsafe sewer gasses may build up in the home.

A new toilet wax ring should also be replaced any time a toilet is removed (e.g. during the installation of a new bathroom floor).

Replacing a toilet wax ring is easy to do and can be done by the do it yourself homeowner with a little knowledge and some preparation. Replacing a toilet wax ring can be done in about 1 hour assuming there are no extenuating circumstances.

The basic steps required to change a toilet wax ring begin with turning off the water supply line and emptying the tank and bowl of water. The supply line also needs to be disconnected from the toilet.

Next the anchor nuts, secured to the Hold-Down bolts, need to be unscrewed.

The toilet is then lifted off the toilet flange and turned over.

The old toilet wax ring can then be scraped and removed off the base of the toilet, and the floor can be cleaned of any old wax ring residue.

The new toilet wax ring is then pressed onto the base of the toilet and the toilet is then reseated onto the toilet flange.

The anchor nuts are then re-screwed back onto the Hold-down bolts and the supply line reconnected.

The water supply line to the toilet can then be turned back on and the toilet is back in business.

For more help on changing a toilet wax ring see the Changing a Toilet Wax Ring EBook from HomeAdditionPlus.paving. The Changing a Toilet Wax Ring EBook will quickly explain to you in detail the step-by-step process for changing the wax ring on a toilet and includes how-to pictures for every key step in the process.

How to get a bargain fireplace with the help of ebay


Wholesale priced fireplaces can also be purchased with the aid of ebay, today you may have been hunting for a contemporary gas fireplace via one of the interior design suppliers and now find that these items can also be located for lower than the recommended retail rate. Not only can ebay assist you to locate goods such as top venting fireplaces or vent free electric fireplaces it could also open your eyes to the likelihood of earning an income f

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When getting fireplaces or associated goods including wooden fireplace inserts it does not necessarily mean purchasing from a fireplace or interior design connected site, You can obtain narrow width top vent fireplaces, oak fireplace mantels and just about any sort of fireplace merchandise on ebay,the great thing is you can find such goods at a fraction of the price of brand new fireplace items.

You could be thinking to yourself, why on earth would a person want second hand outdoor fireplaces or polished steel fire baskets? well quite simply 100’s of fireplace connected items are sold on ebay each and every day and a variety of products such as pre fabricated fireplace units and electric fireplace kits are brand new and untouched. Locate a category that is closest to interior design and then type in your specified product or products of focus, Here’s the real trick for getting a great bargain on ebay, If you are searching for a blue flame fireplace don’t just type that into the ebay search box, attempt as many fireplace related searches as you can because someone advertising products like fireplace baskets or reproduction victorian fireplaces might possibly have more than just one fireplace product on their sales list.

A different secret for finding fireplaces or connected goods on ebay is this, you should take note of spelling mistakes, I recently acquired a cast stone fireplace mantel for an amazing price merely because I used a good amount of spelling errors when I carried out my initial fireplace targeted searches with the ebay search box. Hundreds of fireplace goods are purchased on ebay each and every week and loads of them have been advertised with the incorrect spellings, an individual could be selling shelf mantles or a stone ventless fireplaces and miss out one letter which means you may perhaps be the only bidder searching for fireplaces and the only individual to succeed with a winning bid.

Another great reason for sourcing fireplaces and interior design products on ebay is because a fair quantity of unwanted fireplaces are put there because of the financial state of the person selling, a classic flame electric fireplace being bought for thirty percent less than by interior design retailers may not be as strange to find than a person may think. A fireplace may perhaps find its way onto the ebay auction site simply because it was obtained in a government auction, you might end up purchasing whole load of fireplace items and if you are experienced may perhaps sell them on and produce a fine profit to re-invest on some sort of useful fireplace product.

Wholesale priced fireplaces can also be purchased with the aid of ebay, today you may have been hunting for a contemporary gas fireplace via one of the interior design suppliers and now find that these items can also be located for lower than the recommended retail rate. Not only can ebay assist you to locate goods such as top venting fireplaces or vent free electric fireplaces it could also open your eyes to the likelihood of earning an income from marketing fireplaces.

Planning your Tile design, pattern & installation


Learn how to Plann your tiling installation as it is he most important step for smooth, easy going and problem free bathroom tile installation. All the time spent planning your tiling installation will save you money and headaches.

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If you are planning to tile a bathroom by yourself, this article will help you plan your bathroom tiling installation in the best and cost effective way as well as giving you some tile design ideas. We will guide through your new bathroom tile design and installation planning step by step.

Attention – Note that planning your tiling installation properly is the most important step for smooth, easy going and problem free bathroom tile installation.

Remember a DIY bathroom tiling installation isn’t a quick job, so don’t miss the point and plan it right. All the time spent planning your tiling installation will save you money and headaches.

You have to plan your bathroom-tiling project carefully; choose the tile design and tile patterns, what materials you need and which tools you require.
Choose your Bathroom Tile design & Tile patterns

The tile patterns that you can create with different tiles are limited only by your own Tile design ideas. A large variety of standard tile designs, ideas and tile patterns are available. Some tile manufacturers may make special custom tile designs for you.

Choosing the tile design is obviously the first thing you need to do, with out deciding this you can not start planning your bathroom tile installation.

You can find a few basic bathroom tile design ideas & tile patterns, check it out.

For some Inspiration you can check Google pictures for some Bathroom Tile design ideas, there are over a million bathroom pictures here.

Tile suitability – Tiles are made in porous and non-porous varieties. When planning a bathroom tile installation, you should choose the non-porous ceramic tiles.

If your bathroom is small and the tiles have designs on them, you may have to go for smaller sized tiles as they have smaller designs. Too large tile designs may not suit small bathrooms so choose a smaller tile design for smaller bathrooms.

If you go for a plain color, the size isn’t that important, however try to follow the rule above anyway.

A good tile design idea is to choose contrasting colors for the floor tiles and wall tiles. Then have a skirting line the same color as the floor tile.

Another tile design idea is changing color at chest level, which will change the look of your bathroom.

Try to choose bathroom accessories that compliment the color of the walls.

Materials – How much will you need? – To calculate the quantity of materials that you need, you must take precise measurements of the total area that you wish to tile.

From the total area and the size of each tile, you can calculate the number of tiles required (you must know the size of the tiles you have chosen).

You must also remember to take into account the gaps between tiles when calculating the number of tiles needed, so make sure you include spacers appropriate to the tile size chosen.

If this equation becomes a little complicated, you can always use the table “Calculating your Tile needs” (link here) on this page.

When calculating consider more than half a tile as a full tile and less than a half tile as a half tile. If you have chosen a multicolored bathroom, calculate each color separately and note down the tile requirements.

Ordering tiles – Order the tiles on the basis of the measurements taken. Note that tiles are packed in boxes and the supplier is unlikely to sell tiles individually.

Remember to order extra tiles as you can be sure that some tiles will break during installation (even the best professional breaks tiles). In addition some of these extra tiles could be used in the future if any tiles need replacing. This is not only good but an advisable practice.

Always order additional tiles since the tiles you have ordered may not be available in future, and if you require replacement tiles, you will have difficulty finding a match.

Best tools for a good job – Make sure you choose the right tool for the job. It’ll make the job easier and safer too. You probably have a basic toolbox however for tiling installation you need special tiling tools.

Some of them are expensive but don’t waste your money buying professional tools that you won’t use enough to pay for themselves. Instead hire them. For some $$ you can have the best tools for a few days. And if you’ve done your planning properly you’ll only need them for a few hours.

Remember, that planning your tiling installation properly is the most important step for smooth, easy going and problem free bathroom tile installation.

I hope it’s been useful, happy tiling!

Do You Need a Professional to Remodel Your Kitchen?


Are you a homeowner who is looking to have your kitchen remodeled? If you are, you likely already know that you, literally, have an unlimited number of options.

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Are you a homeowner who is looking to have your kitchen remodeled? If you are, you likely already know that you, literally, have an unlimited number of options.

In addition to what you would like remodeled and how you would like everything to look, you can also choose how your remodeling gets done. While a large number of homeowners make the decision to do their own kitchen remodeling, there are others who choose to use the assistance of a professional. That professional is often commonly referred to as a contractor. One of the best ways to determine whether you not you should use a professional contractor is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

As you may have already assumed, there are an unlimited number of benefits to having your kitchen remodeled by a professional. Perhaps, the greatest benefit of a professional kitchen remodeling job is the end result. In almost all cases, you will find that a professional remodeling job is better than one that is performed by someone without experience. Although it may sound easy to replace the lighting in your kitchen or your kitchen countertops, you will find that it isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Instead of taking the time to learn, a large number of homeowner automatically turn to a professional contractor.

Speaking of time, you will also find that time is another advantage to using a professional contractor to remodel your kitchen. Since professional contractors are experienced at what they do, they will not only produce quality work, but they will also produce it in a relativity short period of time. Since the average homeowner is unfamiliar with the ins and outs of remodeling, in general, it often takes them longer to complete any home improvement projects. While this may not necessarily be a problem, it can be if you are pressed for time or if you are on a deadline. If you are, you may be able to benefit immensely from using the services of a professional contractor.

Safety is another advantage to using a professional contractor to get your kitchen remodeled. Whether you are interested in remodeling your whole kitchen or just focusing on a particular part of it, such as your kitchen cabinets, you will find that it is quite dangerous to remodel your own kitchen, especially if you do not know what you are doing. Depending on the particular remodeling project in question, you may need to use sharp tools, such as box cutters and saws. One little slip and instead of working on your kitchen, you could be spending the rest of your day in the emergency room. While professional contractors do make mistakes that can result in injury, those injuries rarely occur.

Although it may seem as if you can only benefit from using a professional contractor to remodel your kitchen, there are also disadvantages to hiring the services of one. One of those disadvantages is the cost. Since professional contractors are good at what they do, they often charge for it. The amount of money that you are charged will all depend on what type of remodeling you want done and the individual or company that you are looking to work with. The good news is that you may be able to develop a payment plan or arrange for financing, as long as you have a positive credit score.

Another disadvantage to having a professional remodel your kitchen for you was also mentioned above as an advantage. That is the end result. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether or not an individual or company that claims to be professional really is. Before agreeing to work with a particular contractor, either an individual or a company, you are advised to ask for pictures of their previous work and you may also want to speak with past customers. This will help to ensure that your professional kitchen remodeling project turns out the way that it is supposed to be, professional.

As you can see, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to using a professional contractor to remodel your kitchen. Perhaps, the best way to decide what you should do is keep the above mentioned points in mind and then think about your needs. If a professional contractor can offer you what you are looking for then it may be a good idea to use one.