Guide To Install Ceiling Fans


Ceiling fan installation involves two main aspects ? mechanical and electrical. Before the actual ceiling fan installation procedure starts, consider a few constructional aspects of your home.

ceiling fan blade

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Ceiling fan installation involves two main aspects: mechanical and electrical.

Before the actual ceiling fan installation procedure starts, consider a few constructional aspects of your home.

First of all, get the wiring of the house examined by a professional electrician. You have to make sure that proper wiring for ceiling fan installation is available in the house. Also remember that some ceilings may need to be braced to support the additional weight of a ceiling fan. So a ceiling bracing must be inserted during the time of construction itself.

Now mark the area from where you intend the fan to hang. Hanging the fan from the middle of the ceiling ensures best air circulation. Avoid ceiling fan installation directly over a bed. The actual ceiling fan installation can be broadly divided into assembling the fan and mounting it.

Assembling the fan

-The assembling procedure varies with different brands. In order to assemble the various parts of a ceiling fan you have to follow the manual provided with the unit.

-If the fan blades are less than 10″-12″ away from the ceiling, there is no harm in installing the blades before hanging the fan.


-Fix the mounting bracket to the electrical box tightly with the screws.

-In the time of the wiring, use the “working hook? provided with the mounting bracket to hang the fan on.

-Match the wires by following the standard color coding system (white to white, black or blue to black or blue and so on). Each connection should be covered with a securely screwed-on wire nut.

-Push back all extra wiring up into the electrical box.

-The fan should be electrically grounded to the metal box with the green or bare copper grounding wires. Connect the ground wires from the box, the fan and the power supply together with a wire nut, or a pigtail like wire which you have to attach to the box with a screw.

-Next slip back the ceiling cover to its full height and make it tight so that it does not move from its place.

-If you have a beamed ceiling you have to use a special beam mount for ceiling fan installation.

Improper ceiling fan installation causes disturbances like wobbling, noise etc. But a proper ceiling fan installation adds to its longevity.

Domestic Energy Conservation Measures


Domestic Energy Conservation Measures

Domestic, Energy Conservation, energy

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Don’t leave lights on when no one is in the room. If you are going to be out of the room for more than five minutes, turn off the light.

If you know of a light that everyone fgov.inets to turn off, make a sticker or a sign to hang next to the switch that says “Lights Out!” or “Don’t Fgov.inet!”

Where possible, use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Those funny-looking bulbs produce the same amount of light by using 1/4 of the electricity. Plus, they last for years and years without burning out.

Make lighting control as “local” as possible

Adopt light coloured walls and ceilings

Think about illumination concept & lighting control system for a new installation well in advance

Maximise the use of daylight

Replace lamps after failure by new energy efficient types (like the 36 W fluorescent lamps) and use the right type of lamps for the right purpose (don’t use the CFLs in bathrooms, store rooms, etc., where switching frequency is more and usage time is less)

Ensure the correct disposal of lamps, particularly the fluorescent ones which result in mercury pollution

Switch off lights when it is not needed

Keep room surfaces, lamps and shades clean


Refrigerator not to be installed in areas where temperature is comparatively high or where there is no proper ventilation to carry away the heat from the condensor coils.

Switch off your refrigerator when you go on holidays provided no decay prone materials are inside.

Periodically clean the freezer

The choice of a refrigerator or a freezer is difficult because of the varieties and makes that are available.

Determine the right size, type and features depending upon our requirement (and not according to what our neighbours/relatives/friends possess).

Note that any additional comfort feature may consume more power and therefore more running cost.

Ask for the energy consumption figure for different models before finally taking a decision.

Do not put meals or drinks in a refrigerator

Choose the right temperature

Do not leave the door open for a long time

Do not frequently open and close the door; proper planning would help in this

Cover the cooked meals when you put them in the refrigerator

Audio and Video

The size of the equipment purchased should meet the requirements as closely as possible.

Wide screen televisions with stereo or surround sound are less energy efficient than televisions with more basic functions.

We should insist that suppliers provide full details of energy consumption and name plate ratings.

Do not leave televisions, video cassette recorders or music system on standby. Leaving any equipment in standby mode is wastage of energy.

Televisions, video cassette recorders and music system require almost no time to become fully operational and should not be left in standby mode. (off using remote controls).


Do not turn on your computer until you need to use it, and turn it off when you are finished.

Set your computer to go into “sleep” mode when not in use.

Computer peripherals such as scanners and printers also consume electricity; turn them off when they are not being used.

Take advantage of the energy saving features like an energy saving screen saver that will automatically put the monitor into sleep mode after a specified period of inactivity.

A computer with a low-profile or “small form factor” chassis generally consumes less energy than a mini-tower or full-sized desktop machine. (The larger machines require more robust power supplies to accommodate expansion options such as additional drives or plug-in cards. Often the expansion capabilities are not used.) Laptop computers are even more efficient.

Flat-panel displays, although more expensive than conventional (CRT) monitors, are far more energy efficient. They are also more space efficient.

A shared, networked printer can be more efficient than purchasing a personal printer for each individual in an office. Also consider getting a printer with duplex capability to allow printing on both sides of a sheet of paper. Finally, if you are looking for a personal printer, note that inkjet printers consume much less electricity than laser printers.

Configuring a computer to save electricity is easy. Activate your computer’s power management features by following the Windows configuration instructions below

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP:
1. Click the Start menu and select “Settings”
2. Select “Control Panel”
3. In the window that opens, double-click “Power Management”
4. Click the “Power Schemes” tab at the top of the window
5. Select “Home/Office Desk”
6. Set “Turn off monitor” and/or “Turn off hard disks” to 30 minutes

Don’t Leave Things Turned On

Turn off the TV when no one is watching it. The same goes for computers, radios and stereos – if no one is using it, turn it off. Turn off all the appliances at the surge protector/control strip – that four- or six-plug extension chord that you plug all your computer attachments. Some devices, like modems or other networking boxes are drawing small amounts of power all the time. The best thing to do is turn them ALL off at the surge protector, after use.

In the Bathroom

Wasting water wastes electricity. Why? Because the biggest use of electricity in most cities is for pumping and supplying water.

About 75 percent of the water we use in our homes is used in the bathroom. If you have a high flush toilet, you use about 15 liters to 25 liters of water with every flush! A leaky toilet can waste more than 40000 liters of water a year.

Another simple way to save water AND energy is to take shorter showers. You’ll use less hot water; water heaters account for nearly 1/4 of your home’s energy use and increases electricity bill.

In the Kitchen

If you need to warm up or defrost small amounts of food, use a microwave instead of the stove to save energy. Microwave ovens use around 50 percent less energy than conventional ovens do. For large meals, however, the stove is usually more efficient. In the summer, using a microwave causes less heat in the kitchen, which saves money on air conditioning.

Don’t keep the refrigerator door open any longer than you need to. Close it to keep the cold air inside! Also, make sure the door closes securely.

Is there an old refrigerator sitting in someplace at home? Old refrigerators are real energy hogs! Replace it if you don’t need it.
One large refrigerator is cheaper to run than two smaller ones.

Think About What Your Family Buys

If you buy things that can be used over and over instead of buying disposable items that are used once and then thrown away, you will save precious natural resources. You’ll also save energy used to make them, and you’ll reduce the amount of landfill space, we need when they are thrown away.

Those same savings happen when you buy things that will last instead of breaking right away. Well-made items may cost a little more to begin with, but they are usually worth the money because they last for a long time, and you don’t have to replace them.

When your family goes shopping, think about taking bags with you to reduce wastage of plastic carry bags.

Pick a spot in your house to store bags that you get from the grocery store. These bags can be used to carry things to friends’ houses or for trash linings.

Other Recycling Tips

Make a scrap-paper pad. Gather pieces of used paper with the blank side up. Find a piece of cardboard of the same size as the paper and put it at the back. Staple the whole thing together, and use it as a place to write down grocery lists or things to do.

You can save a tree for every four feet of paper you recycle. It takes half as much energy to make recycled newspaper as it takes to make fresh newsprint from trees.

Plug-in table and standard lamps can be positioned just where needed


There’s nothing quite so attractive as a room lit by the warm, comfortable blow of a table lamp. Positioned on low sofa tables, on shelves, a chest, or a sideboard, a table lamp can be used to illuminate a collection, brighten a dark corner, or provide a pool of light for reading.

table lamp

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There’s nothing quite so attractive as a room lit by the warm, comfortable blow of a table lamp. Positioned on low sofa tables, on shelves, a chest, or a sideboard, a table lamp can be used to illuminate a collection, brighten a dark corner, or provide a pool of light for reading. Table lamps come in all shapes, sizes and styles, so it is easy to find something to suit your room. Lamps, which beam light downwards and sideways, usually fitted with a wide-based shade, are useful if you want to light a table top, or a corner.

Vase-shaped lamps wash light over the wall and ceiling, an attractive way to show off a painting or an interesting architectural feature. Tall standard lamps look best in a corner or behind a chair. A lamp with a traditional shade, or a shade which covers the top of the bulb, beams down, giving a comfortable pool of light just right for reading. Modern standard lamps are starkly stylish, adding interest to a simple, high-tech look room. Many of these lamps are up-lighters and should be positioned so that light washes a wall or the ceiling.

Floor-standing spot-lamps look best hidden behind a display of plants so that light shines through the foliage, throwing delicate leaf shadows on ceiling and walls. Before you buy lamps, look carefully at socket positions. You may need to have extra outlets installed for lamps to be positioned where you want them. Trailing cable is dangerous and tucking cable underneath a carpet or rug can cause a fire. Always have new sockets installed by a professional electrician.

A table lamp with conical shade beams light down, adding instant interest and comfort to a corner. This type of light is the ideal way to illuminate a collection of small boxes, plates or figures arranged on a table, or on a display cabinet. The perfect bedside lamp beams light over just half of the bed, so that one partner can read while the other sleeps. Lamps should be tall enough so that the light falls in exactly the right position for reading but not so that the beam hits the reader in the eye.

How To Give A Room A New Look On A Budget


As a homeowner, you don’t need to have a large budget to give your home a remodel look straight out of the home and garden magazines.

home decorating

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As a homeowner, you don’t need to have a large budget to give your home a remodel look straight out of the home and garden magazines. Any motivated do it yourselfer can redecorate a room and have it looking sleek and fashionable for under $1000. Remodeling with a budget in mind not only saves you money, but also increases the resale value of your home.

You can change the mood of your house just by painting and changing colors, especially uplifting your spirits during the cold winter season. Painting your house is a simple to do home improvement project that’s easy on your budget if you do it yourself. Don’t go after the most expensive paint you can find.

Expensive doesn’t necessarily always mean the best quality paint. A good rule of thumb as to how much you will spend painting just one room around 300 square feet will be less than $200, including necessary supplies of rollers, paint roller tray, duct tape and paint brushes.

Other materials such as a drop cloth, paint bucket, or rags are optional. You can use old blankets that you don’t mind getting paint on, or use cardboard. Rags can be replaced with old towels or damp paper towels, and paint buckets will only be necessary if you plan to mix paints for faux finish painting.

Using wallpaper is another way to change the look of a room without breaking the bank. Proper wallpapering can suit anyone’s need and budget, and can help to change the mood as well as adding elegance to a room. You can make a room appear larger or smaller just by choosing the right wallpaper, giving an illusion of height for rooms with lower ceilings. Using wallpaper can also add a design and pattern that is very difficult to accomplish with paint unless you are a talented artist.

The average price for a single roll of wall covering is about $12. The price is affected by the type of wall covering, how elaborate the design, the exclusivity of the design, and if it’s made by a famous designer.

Faux finishes are all the latest rage and are really easy to do. Almost anyone with just a little desire and some simple practice can create attractive faux finishes. Just get a simple guidebook to get you started and you will be creating beautiful faux finishes in no time.

Little Giant Ladder Pros And Cons


From professional contractors to an average homeowner the little giant ladder has impressed everyone. The little Giant Ladder system is amazing as it has 24 ladders incorporated in one. Little Giant Ladder is extremely durable and is made from 6005-T5 aluminum.

It has been manufactured to BS 2037 Class 1 (Industrial) & BS EN131 tested and is very easy to carry.

Unlike normal ladders little Giant Ladder can be used on rough uneven surfaces like stairs, curbs, pavements…

giant little ladder, little giant ladder, Little Giant Ladders, little Giant Ladder system

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From professional contractors to an average homeowner the little giant ladder has impressed everyone. The little Giant Ladder system is amazing as it has 24 ladders incorporated in one. Little Giant Ladder is extremely durable and is made from 6005-T5 aluminum.

It has been manufactured to BS 2037 Class 1 (Industrial) & BS EN131 tested and is very easy to carry.

Unlike normal ladders little Giant Ladder can be used on rough uneven surfaces like stairs, curbs, pavements or any rough surfaces. Thus it is extremely versatile.

The Giant Little Ladder is a multipurpose ladder as it can be used either as A-frames, trestles, lean-to’s, stair steps or like an extension ladder. The Little Giant Ladder Company has specially designed easy rungs and lock hinges for safety purposes to its users- it helps the ladder to get transformed from one position to another. Little Giant Ladder can be folded and thus it requires minimum space.

There is no fear to slip off because the giant little ladder is equipped with Anti-slip ribbing on its rungs, with a wide based work Platform for extra support when required. There is also space to keep your tools thus keeping your hands free to do your work.

The Little Giant Ladders can easily change its shape and get converted into:

7 x Extension ladders
4 x A-Frame ladders
6 x Stairwell ladders
4 x Scaffold positions
3 x Lean-to ladders

You will feel like you have brought a new ladder every time it changes its shape!

Some disadvantages with Little Giant ladder

The little giant ladder is extremely secured till you follow the rules and regulations. If you are a bit on your own the little giant ladder will not show its miracle. You should place the ladder at a calculated distance (read the guidelines) from the wall on which the giant ladder is leaning. If the required distance is not kept the ladder may broke down any moment. It is advisable to take precautions while climbing a ladder. Don’t jerk too much while climbing that the ladder becomes unstable and you meet with an accident. If you wear wet clothes or shoes and slip it is your fault. The little giant ladder is not waterproof!

The giant little ladder is thus extremely helpful and gives you 100% security but you have to be a bit more careful in following all the rules and regulations.

TR Speaker Cables: How to Properly Store and Conceal Home Theater Wiring


With more home theater components comes more wiring to connect those components. This article explains some simple things you can do to store or conceal the mass of wiring that may clutter up your home theater room.

home theater components, home theater speakers, home theater cables, speaker cables

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Guide To Hot Tub Pumps


There are numerous signs of hot tub pump failure. Malfunctions that put off the motor from turning, including frozen shaft or bearings, may result in a humming noise. A jammed impeller can do the same, as can a faulty starting capacitor. Badly worn bearings may lead to a whining noise. Leaks around the pump often point to a failure of the pump seals. You will probably observe a puddle of water below the pump when these seals go badly. In addition, our patented hot tub pump shroud vents heat from the gear compartment. This creates a cooler working environment for the motors and electronic components, causative to a longer life for your Hot Spring spa.

hot tub

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There are numerous signs of hot tub pump failure. Malfunctions that put off the motor from turning, including frozen shaft or bearings, may result in a humming noise. A jammed impeller can do the same, as can a faulty starting capacitor. Badly worn bearings may lead to a whining noise. Leaks around the pump often point to a failure of the pump seals. You will probably observe a puddle of water below the pump when these seals go badly. In addition, our patented hot tub pump shroud vents heat from the gear compartment. This creates a cooler working environment for the motors and electronic components, causative to a longer life for your Hot Spring spa.

More about the hot tub pumps

In most hot tubs, the jet pump has to undertake double duty, powering the hot tub jets at high speed and the spa filtration cycles at low speed. To give you with a soothing massage experience and continuously filtered water, a Hot Spring spa divides the work between the high-powered Wave master jet pump and our split, low-amp, SilentFlo 5000circulation pump. The Wave master jet pump is devoted to delivering the finest massages experience by producing a powerful flow through all the jets. And with an self-governing circulation hot tub pump you can enjoy the powerful jets and soothing water features, and still be assured of clean, heated water, 24 hours a day. While all Hot Spring spas are influential, our High Performance models have even higher horsepower pumps to power additional jets and water features.


Hot Tub Heaters take a lot of mistreatment. From the moment a spa is turned on, hot water and sanitizing chemicals are constantly rocketing through the heater. Industry surveys show that heaters are generally the first part of a spa to fail. It’s no surprise, since most heaters are made of stainless steel, which makes them exposed to the pitting and corrosion fatigues that lead to problems ranging from heat loss to complete system failure. That’s why Thermo-Spa builds spa heaters stronger, with one of the most excellent and strongest metals known to man – Titanium. A few spa manufacturers use Titanium in their heaters, but they cut costs by making only the heating coil out of this nearly indestructible metal. Thermo-Spas heater, coil and surrounding jacket are all made of Titanium, so the entire heater is resistant to chlorine pitting and practically impervious to corrosion and cracking, which is why Thermo-Spas heaters not only last years longer, they are also backed up with a much superior warranty.

Changing your lighting on a budget


We aren’t all blessed with bucket loads of money to throw at improving our living space. Here are a few tips that can change the way you feel in your home by simply changing the lighting arrangements.

lighting, budget, lamp, home, candle, light

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We aren’t all blessed with bucket loads of money to throw at improving our living space. Here are a few tips that can change the way you feel in your home by simply changing the lighting arrangements.

Buy yourself a lamp. They’ve been around forever but when was the last time you looked at the vast range of lamps that are available today? The form of lamp that most people are familiar with is that old favourite the table lamp. The electric table lamp has evolved from generations of oil and gas lamp. It is versatile and portable, as far as the flex will reach! It gives out a pool of light that is usually directed down and creates a warm and cosy atmosphere. Lamps are available in many forms with bases that can be made from glass, stone, metal, wood and even ceramic. Shades also come in many shapes and sizes and a wide range can be found online. You don’t even have to travel to the store to get your new lamp it can be purchased online and delivered direct to your door.

Consider using candles. For many years candles were an expensive luxury that most people could not afford. They relied on the light given off by their heat source, usually the fire in the hearth, or simply retired to bed at dusk when sunlight faded. Nowadays candles are very affordable and available from many different stockists. Try using a tall candle in an elegant candlestick to bring a touch of class to your dining room or a short broad candle to bring intimacy to the bedroom. You’ve not extracted the full pleasure from a long soak in the bath until you’ve led there in flickering candle light.

Buy a clip spotlight. These are essentially a bulb attached to a giant clip. They plug in to your electric socket and can then be clipped to curtain rails or other suitable mount. Be careful though, the wires do trail from the socket to the light and it’s easy to trip over them and pull the spotlight away from where it has been secured.

Add silver or gold paper to the inside of a lamp shade. Gold paper makes the light shining from the lamp feel warmer whilst silver paper gives a cooler feel. Make sure the paper you use is fire proof though as shades can get hot.

Make the most of the natural light that falls into your room. A blind at the window can help to reflect light into the room whilst a large mirror carefully positioned can greatly increase the general brightness in any area. Ensure that drapes are held well back from a window as bunched drapes hanging in front of the glass when pulled can drastically reduce the natural light entering a room.

Whatever you decide to do it will be a lot cheaper than a major refit.