Don’t Get Tangled With An Unlicensed Electrical Contractor


Electrical wiring and fixtures are a crucial part of any new construction or remodeling project. Improper installation can wreak havoc on your property with fire or injury. This article gives helpful information on selecting a qualified electrical contractor for you project.

electrical, electrical contractor, house electrical, electrical wiring, electrical code

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Meeting The Code

When considering new construction or a remodeling project, one of the most important aspects is the electrical portion of the work. While many homeowners do some of the electrical work themselves, it is wise to enlist the services of a licensed electrical contractor. Electrical wiring, circuit boxes, and fixtures can represent a severe hazard, resulting in fire or injury if not properly assembled and installed.

Most local building authorities require that even residential electrical wiring meet local code specifications. An inspection must be performed upon completion of work before drywall is installed, and a “certificate of inspection” provided by the inspector or licensed electrician.

Finding the Right Contractor

When hiring an electrical contractor, make sure they meet these guidelines:

Provide a written quote for the price of the work they will be doing.

Provide references of completed projects, and proof of current liability insurance.

Are licensed for work in your locality

They will obtain the necessary permits and application for inspection

They will provide the signed certificate of inspection upon completion

After selecting a contractor, and when drawing up the contract, be sure to include detailed information on project specifics. Include such things as start and finish dates, specifications of fixtures and materials, and a detailed payment plan. It is normal for the contractor to ask for 10 to 33% of the project cost in advance.

The Inspection Process

Because wiring, circuit boxes, and fixtures must meet electrical code and be inspected before other aspects of the project can be completed, it is important to meet with all other contractors when planning and scheduling work, to insure the project progresses smoothly.

In addition to the mentioned inspections, if there will be any buried cable involved, that will also need to be inspected before trenching is backfilled. Wiring to the meter, the main disconnect, and grounding must also be inspected.

The three best resources for finding an electrical contractor are references from someone you know that recently have had work done, a list of local licensed contractors provided by the licensing authority in your area, and Internet referral resources. Canadians can go online at paving.handycanadian.paving to find a qualified, licensed professional in their area.

How To Hire A Plumber


Plumbers are necessary for new construction of homes to install pipes and water systems. However, most people need a plumber for their existing pipes when something breaks. Unfortunately, this usually occurs at an inconvenient time and often necessitates an emergency call to fix the problem quickly. Costs for this can be high so there are several things to consider before hiring one.

Plumbers usually specialize in either repair or new construction. If you need a plumber fo…

plumber, plumbing

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Plumbers are necessary for new construction of homes to install pipes and water systems. However, most people need a plumber for their existing pipes when something breaks. Unfortunately, this usually occurs at an inconvenient time and often necessitates an emergency call to fix the problem quickly. Costs for this can be high so there are several things to consider before hiring one.

Plumbers usually specialize in either repair or new construction. If you need a plumber for new construction, get quotes from those who specialize in this area. If you are looking for repair work, hire a plumber who specializes in repair. It is always wise to get multiple bids on your project, but in an emergency situation this may not be feasible. Ask what the costs will be up front, including any after hours or emergency service fees. If the plumber works on an hourly basis, find out up front how the time is calculated and keep track of the amount of time spent.

Discuss the scope of work with the plumber so you are familiar with the type of work that needs to be done and how it may affect existing systems. Compare what each plumber told you so you can be assured you have a consistent diagnosis of the issue. If you feel a plumber is increasing the scope of work unnecessarily, do not choose them for your work. Go with someone you feel comfortable with and who can get the job done efficiently.

Always get a contract for plumbing work whether it is new construction or repair. There are several pieces of information that should be included on a contract. Plumbers must be licensed so ensure you have their license number and verify it. Make sure they have proper insurance in case there is damage to your home caused by work they did. Ensure they will take responsibility for any damage done while working or get details of any exceptions. The contract should include a detailed accounting of the work to be done and a bottom line price. If the plumber is bidding on the project, there should be one price for the entire job. If a plumber works by the hour, the hourly rate should be clearly identified along with any additional fees. There should also be an estimated time that the work will be completed. Always make sure there is a guarantee of at least a year for the work performed.

Hiring a plumber for new construction allows you to take a bit more time in the hiring process. Check references and interview plumbers. Ask for referrals from trusted sources.

If you need a plumber in an emergency situation; however, you will have to get information much more quickly. You may not have time to check around before choosing a plumber. After all, if your basement if filling up with water you don’t want to be on the phone calling several plumbers for quotes. In an emergency situation like that, try to choose someone you have worked with in the past whose work you were pleased with or a well known company in the area.

Loft Bed: Maximizing The Space Of Small Rooms


Living in urban areas provides several luxuries: you can work at your dream firm, study at the best colleges and universities of your choice, enjoy the parties are nights, go to modern shopping centers in the block, and more. Urban living might a best but all these have the drawback: space. That is, if you live in a dormitory or a room where every inch is precious. And when you live in an area where putting a generous size of bed is impossible, eating at a coffee table requir…

loft beds

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Living in urban areas provides several luxuries: you can work at your dream firm, study at the best colleges and universities of your choice, enjoy the parties are nights, go to modern shopping centers in the block, and more. Urban living might a best but all these have the drawback: space. That is, if you live in a dormitory or a room where every inch is precious. And when you live in an area where putting a generous size of bed is impossible, eating at a coffee table requires to pass through series of maze, and rolling your sleeping bag every morning, it is time to call for help.

Loft bed answers the need for extra space while maintaining a decent place. Loft bed gives you the freedom to move extra furniture in to your place without worrying where to put them. Loft bed makes your room more pleasant at it relaxed the crowd to your room. For children, loft bed can transform the bedroom into a playhouse even if the size is not big.

If you are considering to buy one here are the things your should know:

Loft bed and bunk bed are two different things. Bunk bed is a type of bedding where there are two layers of mattresses. This is used if two people share one room in need for extra space. The most common type bunk bed is the upper deck is horizontal with the lower and the length of the bed depends on your need. There are stack beds with twin size bed on the top and is accessible by ladder and a full size bed at the bottom. Bunk bed also the upper and the lowed bed identical with each other. Bunk bed also has its bottom bunk running vertically and the upper bunk running horizontally.

Loft bed on the other hand presents an elevated bed. This provides an ample space to place other things such as desk, computer, lounge, and table below.

If you live with a roommate, having a bunk bed is more ideal than having a loft bed. But if you live alone, loft bed is best for you.

Loft bed should be though. Consider choosing specific type of loft bed depending on who is going to sleep on it. For teens, loft bed should be sturdy. Since they are much heavier than children, loft bed should provide enough support on their weight.

Loft bed is also designed for children. Considering such would mean looking for loft bed that is designed for children. Colorful loft bed is widely available and ensures the fun the moment bedtime arrives. It also has to have rails. The rails will protect your children in case they move at the edge of the bed. Strength should also be the top priority.

Consider the size of the bed. Make sure that the length of the loft bed will fit your room especially your body. But first, make sure that the bed will fit to your door. Although there are loft beds that can be assembled inside the room, you should always make sure that whatever type of loft bed you choose, you could always get the maximum comfort.

Loft bed should match the room. If you already have existing furniture inside your room, make sure that the loft bed you buy will not destroy the whole arrangement of the room.

One more thing: loft bed can only be used by someone who is old enough to climb up and down the stair and not for children of a very young age.

Antique Chandeliers


Chandeliers conjure visions of royalty, grandeur and opulence. Though sleeker and slimmer versions have evolved, there’s still an aura of antiquity that surrounds a chandelier. So when one is striving for an antique look for his home, going in for turn-of-the-century furniture, a decadent looking fireplace and a chandelier are the first things on his mind.

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Chandeliers conjure visions of royalty, grandeur and opulence. Though sleeker and slimmer versions have evolved, there’s still an aura of antiquity that surrounds a chandelier. So when one is striving for an antique look for his home, going in for turn-of-the-century furniture, a decadent looking fireplace and a chandelier are the first things on his mind.

Chandeliers conjure visions of royalty, grandeur and opulence. Though sleeker and slimmer versions have evolved, there’s still an aura of antiquity that surrounds a chandelier. So when one is striving for an antique look for his home, going in for turn-of-the-century furniture, a decadent looking fireplace and a chandelier are the first things on his mind.

If you are one of the lucky ones who possess an old chandelier handed down to you through generations, then you wouldn’t need to lift a finger. For the not so lucky ones, you would need to hunt for a piece that would look convincingly old. Shops selling antique pieces would definitely be your first stop. For nothing can really replicate that old look better than a piece actually made years back. But if they cannot satisfy you, you have no other choice but to get a ready-made variety and try to give it an old look.

First, steer clear of the slim-trim polished-steel chandeliers. These are especially designed for modern homes with clean-cut furniture and can never be passed off as old. Antique chandeliers are ornate pieces with very intricate carvings.

Candle chandeliers have an inherent archaic feel to them. An antique chandelier can be made of crystal, wrought iron, or brass or antlers, and they are never shiny in appearance. That is why you just cannot buy a wrought-iron or a brass type of chandelier and install it, hoping that it would impart an antique look to the environs. The chandelier must be worked upon so that there is an authentic antique feel to it. To replicate an old look, you need to apply an antiquing glaze on it. While the glaze is still wet, you need to rub off the shine from it with a soft cloth. The latter is done to achieve a worn-out look.

After working on the chandelier, it is also important o have the other furniture catered to the antique look. For a single antique or antique-looking chandelier cannot bring about an antique feel in the ambience. A chandelier will look antique only when there’s an antique atmosphere around it.

Tuck-pointing is the answer to you prayers:


Tuck-pointing is the answer to all your prayers. It is the process of repairing and replacing mortar between bricks and stones. Once the building has been built and standing for 25-30 years it will start having problems such as crumbling mortar, cracks, voids which is mainly due to exposure to elements such as sun, snowing, thaw cycles or may be poor installation. These conditions call for masonry repairs regardless of the type of the building.

Tuckpointing Critical Inspections

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Whether you are living in a newly built apartment or in an old townhouse you will realize that from time to time it will require repairing and replacement. You might need to replace some item in the bathroom or may be the bricks are too old and need repairing. Walls are one of the major issues in any home and require replacement and repairing more often then any other thing. If you are facing this problem for the first time then the first question that comes to your mind will be of how to handle this situation.

Tuck-pointing is the answer to all your prayers. It is the process of repairing and replacing mortar between bricks and stones. Once the building has been built and standing for 25-30 years it will start having problems such as crumbling mortar, cracks, voids which is mainly due to exposure to elements such as sun, snowing, thaw cycles or may be poor installation. These conditions call for masonry repairs regardless of the type of the building.

Once you are faced with such problems you will surely want to know how much it costs you to carry out these kinds of repairs. Generally, a typical process will cost you $7-$10 per square foot. You must also keep in mind that late spring or early fall is considered to be the ideal season for carrying out this kind of projects mainly due to the reason that this way the repairs will not be effected by the thaw cycles or the intense cold.

If you are moving in a high rise (tall building) that has been constructed recently then make sure that you have it critically inspected by a certified inspector to ensure that it is in good condition. Otherwise it is possible that you might have to face the masonry repair problems much sooner then you anticipated.

Hall Cabinets, Benches and Accent Chests Increasing in Popularity


I remember the 70’s very well. Hallways in houses and apartments were almost always decorated the same way. There were two options. Option one was no decoration at all, just barren hallway. Option two was a variation on the theme of family pictures cascading down a staircase wall in a forty-five degree line. You remember those houses, don’t you? Like me, you may have even lived in one. A hallway, entry way or foyer decorated with family pictures. Wow, doesn’t that take me back…

Furniture, bedroom furniture, office furniture, livingroom furniture, dining room furniture, hoe furniture

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I remember the 70’s very well. Hallways in houses and apartments were almost always decorated the same way. There were two options. Option one was no decoration at all, just barren hallway. Option two was a variation on the theme of family pictures cascading down a staircase wall in a forty-five degree line. You remember those houses, don’t you? Like me, you may have even lived in one. A hallway, entry way or foyer decorated with family pictures. Wow, doesn’t that take me back…

Nowadays, thankfully, family pictures are framed and sitting on tables in the “family room” or hanging on the walls in this most comfortable of family sanctuaries. No longer do people feel the need to assault visitors and guest with the grimacing mug of Uncle Charley as soon as they enter the house. The welcome replacements to family pictures have been hall cabinets, benches and accent chests.

Hall cabinets, benches and accent chests, whether alone or with a picture or mirror above, are an excellent way to decorate entry ways, foyers and hallways. From Bombay chest beauties to settees and chaise lounges, more people are starting to realize that having one piece of furniture in areas such as these makes a tasteful statement about a home’s overall decor. Pieces such as these can set the mood for visitors and guests and often are a telling mark of the style and preferences of the owners. I have an accent chest in my home that sits in a smaller hallway connecting two rooms and a gorgeous, hand painted three door cabinet in my entryway, above which I have placed a framed print. I have had more compliments on these two pieces than any other, although I have been complimented on my overall style many times. Since these pieces are often the first that people see, the warming effects they lend to an area is especially appreciated.

Isn’t it time you took that 8×10 of the most recent family reunion and placed something a little more elegant in your entryway? Pick put something that reflects your individual style and tastes, and put that picture somewhere where it will be seen often by those who can truly appreciate it.

TR Staining Reveals Wood’s Personality-And Yours


Natural wood is widely considered one of the most appealing looks for a home. The possibilities it offers to create individual expressions are nearly limitless.

Staining Reveals Wood’s Personality-And Yours

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Check For Leaks – Conserve Water And Save Money


In your own household, the key to maintenance of electronic and water supply is in your hands. Water leaks and damages could cause you major financial and supply losses. In order to check water leaks on your house, you must know basic water repairs. Be aware of the causes of leaks. There are several reasons why water leaks occur:

1. Your Pipelines

Incorrectly made pipelines or insufficient support could lead to water leaks. Excess numbers of pipelines could also be a re…

water leak detector,gas leak detector,refrigerant leak detector,liquid leak detector,ultrasonic leak detector

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In your own household, the key to maintenance of electronic and water supply is in your hands. Water leaks and damages could cause you major financial and supply losses. In order to check water leaks on your house, you must know basic water repairs. Be aware of the causes of leaks. There are several reasons why water leaks occur:

1. Your Pipelines

Incorrectly made pipelines or insufficient support could lead to water leaks. Excess numbers of pipelines could also be a reason because the base may not be able to handle the pipe’s weight. Second, be concerned about the materials of your pipelines. When buying these materials, make sure to purchase the appropriate supplies without defects because failing to do so could lead your pipe to rust. Lastly, make sure not to use equipment that may harm your pipelines. Too much pressure caused by hammers could bring about water leaks. Depending on your geographic location, you may want to make special precautions for your pipes to ensure they can withstand very cold temperatures such that, during the winter months, water does not freeze within the pipes and expands, causing pipes to burst.

2. Learn How To Read Your Water Meter

Being able to use this could very well be the absoloute easiest way to detect leaks on your own. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a water leak! This could be something as simple as a leaky bathtub, or as horrendous as a leak inside a pipe deep within one of your walls, causing untold damage to your home.

3. Leak Detection Tips

In detecting water leaks, make sure that all of your appliances inside your house that make use of water are turned off. Then inspect the status of the meter dial and wait for 20 minutes. If the dials didn’t shift, you have a home with water pipes that are stable. But if the dials shift, check all of your appliances that makes of use water. If all are turned off, there might be a leak in your underground pipes. The reading on your meter should be greater than your bill from the time when you have used your water since the meter was read.

4. The Lawn Method

Another method to check water leaks is by opening lawn water. If you have a hose, or a water sprinkler, open it and start to watch the water meter’s movement for a minute. The whole rotation of the meter hand stands for 7.5 gallons of water. Add up the number of rotation the hand meter completes for each minute and multiple it by 7.5 to know how much gallons of water you consume every minute, every hour, every day and every week. If you know how much water you use up, you will know whether you are paying the correct bills or not. If your bills exceed the computation, you may be having water leakages.

5. Statistics

The average water used in each household is 60 to 200 gallons per person for a day. You will be surprised on how much water you consume every day. By being aware of these causes of water leaks and how to detect them, you will conserve water everyday.

– Remember that every drop of water counts
– Bathrooms take up almost 70% of water used
– Ensure all pipes and faucets are leak-free

6. Food Coloring Technique

Make it a routine to check toilet tanks. By adding a small amount of food color, you will be able to know if the toilet is leaking. Add food color to the tank. After 20 minutes or so, if the color appeared on the tank, it may be leaking. Try to replace the parts as soon as possible to prevent rust. Conserve water by being aware of water leaks. Learn to save water by checking your own pipes. It will benefit your financial needs. It will benefit your family’s safety. And it will benefit the people of the future who would be able to make use of the wonders of water.

Polishing Granite


Of all the natural stones that you can choose for flooring granite is by far the hardest material and the most hardwearing. It is also resistant to staining and acid and alkaline chemicals. This is the reason it is the kitchen worktop of choice and the flooring material of choice.

Despite its hardness it is still capable of being scratched by quartz. Quartz is sand like material which makes up the biggest proportion of dirt brought into a building on the underside of foot…

granite polishing,granite maintenance

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Of all the natural stones that you can choose for flooring granite is by far the hardest material and the most hardwearing. It is also resistant to staining and acid and alkaline chemicals. This is the reason it is the kitchen worktop of choice and the flooring material of choice.

Despite its hardness it is still capable of being scratched by quartz. Quartz is sand like material which makes up the biggest proportion of dirt brought into a building on the underside of footwear. Traffic going over this then moves the small particles of sand over the surface of the granite causing minute scratches. The scratching effect on granite will be much less than that on marble for instance but non-the-less it still scratches.

This effect can be minimized by the correct maintenance programme. A typical maintenance programme for granite flooring would be to dust mop the floor each day to remove these particles of dirt and once or twice a week depending upon traffic wash the floor with stone soap. This reseals the floor and enhances the colour. This is then wet vacuumed up and the floor then washed with pure water which is also wet vacuumed up. This wet vacuuming prevents the possibility of water staining.

Once per week or once every other week, again depending upon traffic the floor is misted with a crystallising agent and buffed at high speed. This removes the minute scratches and restores the shine to a floor which may be dulling very slightly in areas of high traffic. Then once per year it can be shined using a more abrasive crystallising compound and a slow speed buffer with non-rusting steel wool pads.

If this regime is followed then the shine on the granite floor should last for as long as you require it.

If the floor becomes neglected and is not cleaned correctly then it will slowly become dull and the scratching will build up enhancing the dull effect. If this was a marble floor then the scratching would be greater and could be removed and the shine restored by using diamond grinders on a slow speed buffing machine. However successful re-grinding of granite cannot be achieved. It can be re-ground using the diamond technique and made shiny but quite often it causes a colour change in the granite which is obviously not acceptable to the customer.

This regrinding process which for marble might take about 30 minutes per square meter for granite, being much harder takes about two to three hours to achieve any sort of shine.

In the processing plants marble is ground for about 40 minutes to achieve the high gloss effect. Granite on the other hand will be ground for several hours to achieve the same effect. There is no way that once the granite is in place this process can be replicated.

Consequently if you have a granite floor and it dulls and somebody offers to restore the shine by re-grinding it do not bother. You will end up with a floor that may be shiny but has probably changed colour and it will have cost you a small fortune. Take care of it from the outset and you will never be in this position.

How to Hide Wood Paneling


How to brighten up your tired wood wall paneling situation.

wood paneling replacement, home decor, home decorating tips

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You detest the old paneling in your home, and it’s to expensive to replace it, but you can’t stand living with it any longer. In fact it’s so bad that it depresses you, and you’ve actually thought about selling the house just to get away from it. Don’t despair you’re not alone with that ugly wood paneling; there are a million others that live with it too. There are a few repair tricks that you can do that will get rid of the ugly wall paneling in your home. Take some time and learn about some steps to solve your wall paneling dilemma.

The list below is just a few of the ideas that you can use to brighten up your dingy 70s wall paneling situation. Be prepared for some elbow grease, but it’ll be better than looking at the wall paneling.

Painting the Paneling. The number one rule to remember with painting paneling is that you just can’t slap some paint on it and expect it to look professional. It will look tacky if you do. Paint will run and paneling will show through as it absorbs the paint which could also cause yellow streaks to run in the paint. Surface preparation is the key to all of the paneling in your house. Begin with a good cleaner that will degrease the muck and build-up on the paneling. You’ll need a gloss remover after you apply the degreasing solution to the paneling. Never apply the gloss remover over large areas. Rub the area in the direction of the wood grain over smaller sections. Let set for about 30 min. and then apply the primer. Don’t try to remove the gloss remover. This will need to stay on. Next apply the primer over frame areas and baseboards. If the wood paneling is showing through after the first coat, let it dry, and go back over it with a second coat. If you don’t it will come through your regular paint, and your effort is wasted. Keep applying the gloss remover over small sections and priming until you’re finished. Let it dry over night and then add the caulking in the unsightly grooves of the paneling. Remove excess with a putty knife. Let dry completely over night. You’re then ready to start painting your first coat of paint. Let dry according to directions and then put a second coat on.

Painting Wallpaper. In some of the nicer wallpaper stores you can find wallpaper that can be painted. This will give the appearance of a painted wall. It’s a wonderful idea to be able to pick what color you want and get rid of that dingy awful looking wood paneling. You can add other colors to give it a 3-D effect too. First clean with a good degreaser and let dry. After drying go in and fill in each groove with a caulk to get rid of wall paneling ridges. Clean excess caulk with a putty knife and dispose of. It’s necessary to do this because your lining and wall paper will not have a firm surface to stick too. Next buy a good primer at your local hardware store, and prime all of the paneling. An extra step is needed when papering your walls by applying and sizing to them. It’s sticky and will keep the wall paper sticking to the paneling. Hang your wallpaper according to directions. You’ll need to soak the paper in water, and then hang after a few minutes. You’re ready then to paint your wallpaper with your favorite color or colors. Take note of special instructions for painting wallpaper from the paint manufacturer.

Glazing the Paneling. You can add a nice shine to your paneling too by glazing it. First clean the paneling with a degreaser. Next add a color that you like and paint it. Let it dry overnight. Secondly mix a satiny top color with a glaze in the correct proportions. Read instructions with your paints for a correct mixture. Paint over small sections of the paneling, preferably one or two sections at a time. Depending on how much shine you want wipe off excess glaze with a clean rag. When done always clean your brush with mineral oil, and let drive over night before storing them for future projects.