MV Perk up your Home with Paint


Does it seem like a lot of work to sell your home? Well, it is a lot of work. The rewards will only benefit your pocketbook and lessen the time and stress in selling your home in the long run.

home improvement, sell home, fix up home

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So, it’s time to think about selling your home. You have done a lot of living in your house; many pleasant memories exist there. But, perhaps the interior walls of your home have seen better days? You love the way you used a few of your favorite hues to brighten up your home. Maybe your kids have personalized their bedrooms a little too much. Or maybe your home just needs a fresh coat of paint to attract some desirable attention.
When putting your home on the real estate market, especially when the market is sluggish, it is important to make the most of your home’s potential. Your home must be clean, inside and out. The interior of the home must show light and bright. The use of color needs to be subtle, yet appealing. Since one’s color preference is based mainly on personal taste, using a neutral color palette is the best way to go when preparing your home for a sale.
The appropriate use of paint in your decorating scheme can perk up a dull and lackluster home interior. It can hide defects in the walls and ceiling. Paint can correct a lot of imperfections in the overall appearance of the home. The correct color of paint has the ability to enlarge even the smallest of spaces. The perfect wall color can make larger spaces more appealing, giving the space a feeling of warmth.
The use of white paint throughout your home is a good way to de-personalize the interior of your home and make it appealing to potential buyers. This way they can better visualize their own color palette, fabrics and furniture they have in your space, helping them visualize themselves actually living in your home. In a buyer’s market, one must give the seller’s choices in color, decorate schemes and tastes in a home preference over their own choices if they intend on selling their home as quickly as possible.
The condition of the exterior paint of your house also leaves a lasting impression on a buyer, especially since the outside is the very first thing they see when viewing a home. Peeling exterior paint, damaged wood, and dirty shingles do not make a very good impression on potential buyers. If the trim on the exterior of your home is worn and the paint has started to peel, a thorough touch-up with paint is needed. To match your current color, simply remove a chip of paint and take it to a hardware or paint store. Try using the leftover paint from your last exterior paint job, mix it up and try it in an inconspicuous area. Or, if it is simply too old, go ahead and get a fresh can of paint made up for a good match. Maybe the best thing to do, depending on the condition of your exterior, is to try a completely new and fresh look

Don’t Let Your Roof Repairs Go Sky High!


Before you go to the expense of calling in a roofing contractor, see if you can analyze and repair your roof problem yourself. The best possible time to repair your roof problem – is as soon as you realize that you have one and if the weather is calm enough to climb up onto the roof. In fact, this could be further qualified by saying that the best and most economical way to a trouble-free roof, is to inspect the roof regularly, so that you see the problem developing.

Home Repair, Roof Repair, Roof, Home Improvement, Roofing Contractor, Repairing your roof

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To find the best Asphalt Repair contractors in Maryland company, click here for Glenview Paving And Masonry.
Before you go to the expense of calling in a roofing contractor, see if you can analyze and repair your roof problem yourself. The best possible time to repair your roof problem – is as soon as you realize that you have one and if the weather is calm enough to climb up onto the roof. In fact, this could be further qualified by saying that the best and most economical way to a trouble-free roof, is to inspect the roof regularly, so that you see the problem developing.

A leak from one dislodged tile is a small and inexpensive matter, but if you do not inspect your roof regularly, this will go unnoticed. By the time that you DO notice it, it may be because water is dripping into your spare room! This means that this whole area of the roof structure is soaked, the ceiling will need to be replaced and hopefully the flooring will recover.

Always check your roof after a wind storm, as most roofing is not designed to withstand fierce winds. Scrutinize the tiles for cracks, splits and torn-off corners; also check for lifting. Lifting is a common cause of roof leaks, and can be easily rectified. Be aware of multiple tiles lifting, as this could be a sign that the roofing material is too old and is warping from all the weathering.

Climb into your attic/loft and ensure that any insulation that you have in your roof is not right up against the roof itself. There has to be a gap for air to circulate; also when a roof heats up and there is insulation directly behind it, this heat is thrown back into the roofing and excessive heating like this can damage and warp the roof.

Another weakness in all roofs is the flashing. Flashing is designed to provide a watertight junction between roof materials and structure, especially if the roof projects out or changes design (as with extension roofs). If you are installing a new roof, it is worthwhile to get the flashing ‘inspected’ as it is a common failure area.

Often the simple fact that the gutters, leading into down pipes from the roof, are blocked with leaves and twigs can cause a problem. Roofs must have adequate run off, especially in the areas which may have snow. Water trapped in the gutter will mean that it will back up the roof for a few inches and have time to seep into the edges of the roofing tiles. Not all homes have adequate perimeter protection on their roofs, although this is one good feature to ask for on a new roof.

Quite often homes incur roof leaks all at the same time (often after strong gales winds and torrential rain etc). This can mean that all contractors are busy and you have ‘stop up the leak’ until you can get help.

If you do get a leak, and you have placed buckets under the dripping water, be aware that the leak may be in a completely different place than it would seem. Locating the source is difficult, as water can run along horizontal timbers and appear to be leaking from a place that is sound. Getting up into the attic and actually looking for a wet spot on the roof decking will be an accurate way to tell.

If you can find the spot an emergency patch can be made applying roofing felt and using plastic cement to hold it until you can call in a contractor. You can also attempt to repair it yourself, if it is just a shingle that is damaged. You can carefully prize up the roof shingle by removing the three or four nails that are holding it in place; next, apply a generous coating of tar beneath the tear in question, and also coat the underside of the shingle with a with a coat of tar before putting it back in place. Add a spot of tar to each nail head. Most roofing companies advise against the ‘liquid’ asphalt repair products.

Roofs can also be temporarily repaired using roof membrane and sealants. Care must be taken to clean the roof surface first to ensure that the sealant will stick and keep the leak protected from rain etc. In fact, as long as the roof is clean and dry, the wonder of the 20th. Century – duct tape – can also be stuck onto the roof!

How To Hire And Electrician


An electrician is someone who specializes in the wiring and repair of electrical mechanisms. Most people will rarely need the services of an electrician, but when it is necessary choosing the right one is very important. For home use, electricians are typically needed to re-wire or repair existing systems. They are also needed for construction, including additions and remodels, to place the electrical outlets and lighting.

Before deciding on an electrician, determine the…


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An electrician is someone who specializes in the wiring and repair of electrical mechanisms. Most people will rarely need the services of an electrician, but when it is necessary choosing the right one is very important. For home use, electricians are typically needed to re-wire or repair existing systems. They are also needed for construction, including additions and remodels, to place the electrical outlets and lighting.

Before deciding on an electrician, determine the scope of work. Be as detailed as possible so you can determine the needs for the project. Minor repair work can often be completed by an electrician who is less expensive and may not have a lot of experience. However, for major repairs, remodels, and new construction, it is imperative to get a skilled tradesman. Improper wiring can be very dangerous and can lead to fires, putting everyone at risk.

Get recommendations for an electrician before hiring one. Choose a few to get estimates on your project and compare all of them. Talk with each person to evaluate their experience and expertise. Have them walk through your project with you so you can understand what needs to be done, how it will be accomplished, how long it will take and the cost.

An electrician should be licensed and carry valid insurance. Verify that both are active and in good standing before starting a job. Damage done can be severe with improper wiring so this is very important. If an electrician can not provide you with both, do not hire them. There is too much at stake. Get copies of their license and insurance certificate.

Ask the electrician about their experience level. An electrical company that has been in business for a long time will likely be a better choice than one that is just starting out. New businesses may offer price reductions to help them establish a client list and references. If opting for a new business, check that the electrician who is working on the job has significant experience with the type of work required. Request references and check them. Electricians who have happy customers will do a good job for you.

Choose the electrician who has the best combination of price and experience, and with whom you felt most comfortable. Get the project specifications in writing so you have a detailed accounting of the job, the costs, and time for completion. This will help protect you if anything goes wrong.

Antique Furniture Basics


Antiques may be of many different kinds and of all the antique collectibles and furniture happens to be the most popular and practical choice. Antique furniture is distinct from other categories of antiques in the sense that no one collects the same type of object repeatedly. It means that you would not want to buy and collect only tables or chests and fill up your home with everything the same. However, you may have a specific liking to certain wood or style.

Regardless o…

Antique Furniture, antiques, online antiques

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Antiques may be of many different kinds and of all the antique collectibles and furniture happens to be the most popular and practical choice. Antique furniture is distinct from other categories of antiques in the sense that no one collects the same type of object repeatedly. It means that you would not want to buy and collect only tables or chests and fill up your home with everything the same. However, you may have a specific liking to certain wood or style.

Regardless of your preference, if you are planning to purchase antique furniture, you need to know the basics. In other words, you should have some idea about various styles, techniques of construction, finishes and variety of woods used. You will need this knowledge to determine if a particular piece is original (in its original state without any major changes) or altered (if some major alterations or additions have been made to it.)

Once you are acquainted with the basics, go to as many antique furniture dealers and auctions as you possibly can. When inspecting the merchandise, don’t hesitate in pulling out drawers, getting down on your knees to look at the underside of tabletops or lifting chairs to have a look at their legs. If you don’t get down and dirty, you will never learn.

In the beginning, furniture was crafted from solid wood but with improvement in cabinet making techniques, furniture decoration by applying veneers (thin sheets of wood) was developed. This provided an inexpensive method of creating decorative effects from different grains and patterns. It was also an economical technique that made inexpensive woods look like expensive hard woods. Such furniture had a solid body called a carcass that is made of a different, generally less expensive wood, like pine. Some of the woods used in antique furniture are beech, cherry, chestnut, ebony, elm, mahogany, pine, oak, satinwood, walnut etc.

The following features are significant when determining the age, authenticity, quality and worth or price of antique furniture:

I> Color and Patina: Patina is the glow of the wood after years of accumulation of wax polish and dirt. A rich subtle color is also an important characteristic of antique furniture.

II> Proportion: A disproportionate piece of furniture may well be a “marriage” of different parts from different furniture.

III> Construction: Before the late 17th century, furniture was made using mortise and tendon joints and pegs were handmade.

IV> Condition: Do not ignore pieces with marks or blemishes as the wood has not been damaged. A good restorer can undo surface spots. Antique Furniture in it original pristine condition is worth the highest price.

V> Alterations: Altered furniture is always less desirable than the original piece. Telltale alterations include large pieces reduced in size, freshly cut surfaces, plugged holes, repositioned handles etc.

Now that you know what to look for, the question is where to look for antique furniture?

Well, apart from auctions and dealers, you can always check the classifieds section in the paper to see if anybody’s selling furniture and go check it out. You might even find a good bargain this way. Also, you will find many sites that sell antique furniture on the internet or you could use the internet to find out where you could go to get good deals on antique furniture.

Turning Bathrooms Into In-Home Spas


Designers say the latest trend in homes is to create luxurious living spaces out of the bathrooms–and a new study indicates that homeowners may be on to something.

Turning Bathrooms Into In-Home Spas

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It may be the busiest room in the house, but for many people, it’s also the most relaxing.

Designers say the latest trend in homes is to create luxurious living spaces out of bathrooms-and a new study indicates that homeowners may be on to something. On behalf of German bathtub manufacturer Kaldewei, the Rheingold Institute of Cologne, Germany, found that bathing brought about psychological changes, and concluded that a relaxing bath in the evening was calming and helped people “wind down.”

So how do you transform your bathroom into an at-home spa? One way is through aromatherapy. Try these recipes for a luxurious bath:

Fortune and Harmony

Add 4 tablespoons each of honey and cream to warm bath water with 5 drops of jasmine, 3 drops of orange, and 2 drops of vanilla.

Dream Bath for the Soul

Forget stress and tension with a combination of 4 tablespoons of honey, 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of rosemary, and 2 drops of violet oil.

Revitalizing Soak

Boil a cup of lavender flowers and strain through a sieve into bath water. Add 2 drops of peppermint oil, 5 drops of everlasting oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 to 2 tablespoons of cream.

Of course, all the sweet aromas in the world probably won’t help you relax if your bathroom isn’t comfortable-and a good place to start is your bathtub.

Kaldewei, Europe’s #1 in baths, makes luxurious bathtubs that are guaranteed for 30 years. The bathtubs are manufactured from a steel enamel that resists damage from cleaning chemicals, abrasions, impacts and scratches. The resistance to scratches helps eliminate bacteria buildup, and the bathtubs can be cleaned by simply wiping them down with a dry cloth-meaning you can spend more time relaxing in the bathtub and less time cleaning it.

The bathtubs also resist the long-term damaging effects of perfumes and oils, making them particularly well-suited for aromatherapy.

Halogen Lights And How To Use Them


Halogen lights and bulbs are types of the incandescent light technology. These lights and bulbs function by letting electricity pass through a filament or thin wire of tungsten enclosed by a tube of glass filled with halogen gas. The halogen gas serves as the catalyst for chemical reaction. The reaction causes the tungsten to be removed from the glass wall and deposited back to the filament. This is the cause of the bulbs’ long life. Though an offshoot of the incandescent tec…

halogen lights, light maintenance, fire prevention, halogen light safety

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Halogen lights and bulbs are types of the incandescent light technology. These lights and bulbs function by letting electricity pass through a filament or thin wire of tungsten enclosed by a tube of glass filled with halogen gas. The halogen gas serves as the catalyst for chemical reaction. The reaction causes the tungsten to be removed from the glass wall and deposited back to the filament. This is the cause of the bulbs’ long life. Though an offshoot of the incandescent technology, the filaments in halogen lights and bulbs must have higher temperature than those used in incandescent lights for the reaction to happen. This results in a brighter and whiter light.

However, the brighter light of halogen lights and bulbs causes the tungsten to evaporate faster, hence, the need for an expensive gas to stagger the evaporation. The gas of choice used is krypton gas. Together with a high pressure, these two effectively stagger and lower the evaporation rate of tungsten in halogen lights. This process also requires a thicker and smaller bulb which translates into higher temperature. A temperature of 300 degrees Celsius is not uncommon for halogen bulbs. This is the reason why halogen lights got the reputation of being fire hazards. But there is no need to worry about fires due to these lights if they are used and installed properly.

First, be careful to avoid touching halogen glass bulbs with bare fingers. Not only it is hot, but the natural oils or sebum from our hands can damage the bulb by weakening the glass. This may cause the glass to explode if and when the tungsten burns out. Second, install them in low traffic areas. This way, the risk of brushing or coming into contact with people is greatly reduced. Third, keep halogen lights and bulbs from objects that are flammable and prone to scorching. Halogens can used in closets or rooms if you are sure that they will have at least 18 inches clearance from clothes and objects that are easily burned. If you must use them in cramped and closed areas, like glass-topped shelves, minimize heat caused by the bulbs by replacing higher watt bulbs with lower-watt bulbs. Drilling air holes or vents in the cabinet can help in reducing and preventing trapped heat.

To recap, halogen lights and bulbs can be used for your advantage because of their efficiency and longer life. They are usually compact and can be dimmed. Though they are also disadvantaged to use for being fire hazards. The danger of causing fire with halogens are largely dependent on our use of it and maintenance.

Children’s Bedroom Sets – What Features Should You Look For?


With lots of choices and options, it’s not easy to choose the right children’s bedroom set. Keep an eye on quality and learn about which features will benefit you the most

bedroom sets, children’s furniture, baby furniture, kids furniture

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If you are shopping for children’s bedroom sets, you have a lot to consider. There’s a wide range of choices, styles and features and it is difficult to know which ones are right for you. Of course, your children’s comfort and safety come first, but the features you choose can make a big difference in the value you get from your bedroom set.

Quality can vary widely between bedroom sets. It is important to get your furniture at the lowest price, but buying the cheapest furniture is not the best way to go. Low-end furniture could easily end up costing you more. First, it simply will not last as long as higher quality furniture. Second, it might not be as safe for your children. Many low-end bedroom sets are finished with toxic substances, or have ill fitting pieces that can harm your child.

One feature you might want to look for when buying a children’s bedroom set is a convertible crib. The ability to convert your crib into a toddler’s bed and then into a full-sized bed for teens will give you many more years of use from your entire bedroom set.

There are many other features to look for that will increase the enjoyment and value you and your children get from a bedroom set. Make sure your set has a lot of storage space. Babies, toddlers and teens all need more storage space than you think and many bedroom sets feature clever storage ideas, like drawers under cribs or beds, which make life easier.

Mix and match sets also help you get more use from your furniture. If you buy a crib set, you might want to add a desk later on when your boy or girl starts going to school.

Mother Hubbard’s Cupboards builds high quality children’s bedroom furniture sets with the features you need, at surprisingly affordable prices.

Pool Safety Even On Vacation


Not many people are fortunate to have a pool in their backyard, and when one goes on vacation it’s a great pleasure to swim in an outdoor pool. It can make your summer vacation more enjoyable.

Outdoor pools are great when the weather is nice and warm, and what better place then Florida. Though not every hotel offers pools, there are some who offer more then just a simple outdoor pool. If you stay at the ever increasing luxury villa, like the ones advertised on the Florida …

home, pool safety

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Not many people are fortunate to have a pool in their backyard, and when one goes on vacation it’s a great pleasure to swim in an outdoor pool. It can make your summer vacation more enjoyable.

Outdoor pools are great when the weather is nice and warm, and what better place then Florida. Though not every hotel offers pools, there are some who offer more then just a simple outdoor pool. If you stay at the ever increasing luxury villa, like the ones advertised on the Florida Vacation Rentals Web Site Orlando Villas, you will get your own private pool. How great would that be, you won’t have to deal with sharing a poll with other hotel guests.

Of course that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want, you must still be careful; some people tend to forget pool safety. Fortunately, Florida state law has set some rules for villas with private pools. To prevent any mishaps while your enjoying the pool.

It goes without saying, though that all children must be supervised. Child alert pool alarms are required to be fitted onto any door leading to the pool. If the door is opened by a small child the alarm will sound to warn parents of danger. There will also be a set of pool rules posted so everyone can read and see them clearly.

Everyone wants a happy and memorable vacation, so by just following the simple rules and using common sense one won’t face any problems. In addition parents are the ones who set examples, if you follow the rules your child will also do the same. So you can enjoy the summer with your children and make it a summer they won’t forget.

All you have to do is go out and have a great summer and enjoy yourselves.

Don’t leave your blinds hanging – Vertical blinds cleaning tips


Tips to clean vertical blinds to keep your home fresh and clean

vertical blind cleaning tips

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Are constantly fighting off dust in the battle to keep your home fresh and clean? Do you feel like your losing the battle against grease and grime? What does your home say about you? Household cleaning is a regular, ongoing and everyday job. It can seem never ending and is often thankless. Dirty blinds and stained carpets can really make your home un welcoming. One of the biggest jobs is cleaning your vertical blinds. These are important because they present your house both inside and out. These simple vertical blind cleaning tips will help you keep on top of the cleaning.

Vertical blinds can be a nightmare to clean but if left to gather dust and cobwebs they are a nightmare to look at. You need to dust them regularly as you do the rest of your home. Use a duster that will lift the dust right off the blinds rather than just move it around. Other vertical blind cleaning tips that have proven effective include. Using a dust or enzyme spray, use a dust spray to loosen and remove dust from blinds and other hard to reach places. For extensive cleaning which you may like to do once a month with vertical blinds you need to take them down. Depending on material you may only need to vacuum the blinds. You can also soak, scrub and rinse blinds to remove stains. Soak vertical blinds in the bathtub or rinse them outside with hose after cleaning. Use your own home remedy or professional cleaning supplies.

You can use your own household solutions or vertical blind cleaning tips for cleaning blinds but it is also a good idea to use professional cleaning supplies. You can use a soft cloth to wipe down your blinds after soaking or a brush to scrub away excess dirt. If you want to leave them hanging during cleaning you can use a duster, dust cloth, spray or vacuum. Most fabrics will clean up relatively easily and may only require a regular dusting. If your blinds are looking a bit worse for wear just use some of these vertical blinds cleaning tips.

For other tricky cleaning endeavours use some of the best household cleaning tips to make the job a little easier. You will find you have much of what you need already on hand in your home. A number of areas require special attention in your housecleaning efforts. If you focus on these specific areas your home will sparkle and you will be able to notice the difference. Some of the main areas that need extra attention are carpets, kitchen and bathroom. These areas if left to fester will really affect the outlook of your home. With a little care and cleaning they can brighten up the household.

The best household cleaning tips for general carpet cleaning are; use professional cleaning supplies that suit your carpet type and fabric for general cleaning and stain removal. You can use a number of general household cleaning products to remove various substances that may get on your carpet. Windex is helpful for removing paint. For marker or pen marks you can use a cloth soaked in alcohol to remove the stain, dab do not rub. For liquid spills or pet urine first soak up the liquid with paper towels then clean the area with warm soapy water. Rinse with clean water and dry. You can also use a combination of water and vinegar to blot the stain, remember to rinse and dry before sprinkling with baking soda or carpet deodoriser. The other option for stains on carpet or for general cleaning is a professional carpet cleaner.

The best household cleaning tips for your kitchen are also the simplest. The kitchen is the one place in the house that needs constant attention. For hygiene and health reasons it is always best to go with the proven professional cleaning supplies. Dusting is the first step and you can use either a spray or handheld duster. Use professional cleaning supplies for oven cleaning, surfaces and dishes.

The bathroom is susceptible to all kinds of cleaning nightmares. The best household cleaning tips for bathrooms are regularity and professional cleaning. Professional cleaning supplies such as disinfectant, toilet, shower and floor cleaners are a must when it comes to keeping your bathroom germ free.

So with these vertical blinds cleaning tips making hard jobs easy and the best household cleaning tips you will find you will have extra time in your life to do the things your really enjoy.