Household Appliances That Can Save You Money


Household items, whether they are appliances, cleaning supplies, or groceries, make up a significant portion of the average person’s expenses. Not only can the purchase of these items cost a bundle, but often using these items can be expensive as well. One way to cut down on the costs of running a household is to purchase appliances that can save money while using them.

Buy “Do It Yourself” Appliances

Avoid paying extra for services, such as getting meat and cheeses sli…

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Household items, whether they are appliances, cleaning supplies, or groceries, make up a significant portion of the average person’s expenses. Not only can the purchase of these items cost a bundle, but often using these items can be expensive as well. One way to cut down on the costs of running a household is to purchase appliances that can save money while using them.

Buy “Do It Yourself” Appliances

Avoid paying extra for services, such as getting meat and cheeses sliced at the deli, by purchasing an electric food slicer. Three pounds of sliced roast beef costs $23.97 if purchased at the deli. The same amount of roast beef can be purchased in the meat section for $ 13.21, baked, and sliced at home. The electric food slicer not only can save hundreds of dollars in deli meats and cheeses, it also allows anyone to slice their own bread, vegetables, and fruits. A bag of sliced carrots for can be purchased for $ 1.99 or pound of whole, fresh carrots can be purchased for $ .79 and sliced at home. The prices for an electric food slicer can range between $34 and $470, but luckily, the inexpensive ones work just fine and are often smaller, taking up less counter-top space. The larger, more expensive, machines are only necessary for a person who does catering from home. No matter which electric food slicer is chosen, the savings generated by owning one will make up for the purchase cost in no time.

Avoid Products Requiring Refills

The dust buster is back! While products like the Swiffer are all the rage right now, the extra products that need to be purchased in order to use it can really break the bank. There is a different cloth for dry surfaces, wet surfaces, and dusting. A brand new Swiffer would need to be purchased if carpet needed to be cleaned, along with all of its accessories. Unlike the Swiffer, the classic dust buster is a one-time buy that can take care of messes on both carpet and hard floors. For $24.95, the dust buster takes away the need to buy replacement wet cloths, dry cloths, duster cloths, or another appliance to clean the carpet. And as for that stain on the kitchen floor? A paper towel or a sponge will work just fine.

It’s All About the Energy

And of course, appliances that use less energy cost less money to run. One way to find energy efficient appliances is to look for the Energy Star Label. This label, which can be seen at, appears on appliances that meet strict energy efficiency criteria determined by the US Department of Energy and the US Environmental Protection Agency. The Energy Star label can help you find almost any appliance with the exception of water heaters, stoves, and ovens. People that choose to use energy efficient appliances see significant drops in their utilities bills.

Miracles Always Happen Under A Tent ( A Gazebo Or A Canopy)!


Tents, canopies and gazebos’ conjure up visions of different meaning to different groups of people. In this modern world of today, they are a great invention of convenience. Beneath the protection of a gazebo, friends can gather, families can relax and business associates can meet. Close fellowship has been fostered, relationships have been mended, rapport has been established between friends and acquaintances. They provide the miracle of fellowship that we all need in a very simple way.

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As a young boy, the sight of a big tent in the open field at the edge of the city where I lived would bring shouts of joy. The big giant tent rising like a mega structure that wasn’t even there barely 24 hours ago would now assumed the porportions of a new metropolis, a world of itself where the little kids and their parents would be entertained by those laughing clowns, and those big elephants, and the tigers….and so miracles always happen to little boys and girls when they see a giant tent which we now call the Big Top – the circus place.

As an adolescent, and while in college, the sight of the Big Tent seemed less and less….and one day, I saw a big tent again in the open field at the edge of the city. It was a plain looking canvas tent, like a large canopy, and a big sign board on the ground declared ” Roy Durman, Travelling Evangelist from Canada”. That night, the parking grounds were full, thousands of people thronged the grounds where the tent was, filling the tent to the brim and with hundreds more waiting outside the tent. It was a sight to behold …people who were in need of prayer, the sick and the lame, the blind, the deaf and the aged and feeble…these were the people who were there for prayer. The next day, it was in the newspapers that many received their healing. Yes, miracles do happen under a tent!

Now, we do not see these big tents anymore in the city grounds, and so my heart would jump a beat or two whenever I see a smaller canopy or a smaller gazebo or a canvas tent anywhere in the backyard of a house in the city.

Unlike the mono color of the giant big top of the circus or the travelling evangelist, I now see open walled gazebos, 4 walls gazebos and 8 walls gazebos and tents with attractive sunny colors that will draw your attention a long distance away, often with some bright slogans or advertising a company.

There under these tents, canopies and gazebos we see instant exhibitions, mini trade fairs, wedding receptions, temporary sign up counters for some events, recruitment drives and promotional desks.

Tents, canopies and gazebos do really make things happen!

Now, as an adult, I found whenever I need some extra space in the outdoors or in the backyard, a gazebo, a canopy or a tent is the perfect solution to my too-hot, too- sunny, too-uncomfortable deck or patio. With a new gazebo or tent or canopy, my deck or patio has become my favorite “outdoor living space” in my house!

Beneath the protection of a gazebo, friends can gather, families can relax and business associates can meet. Close fellowship has been fostered, relationships have been mended, rapport has been established between friends and acquaintances. Creating a special place has never been this easy with a gazebo, tent or canopy.

Yes, at this time and age, miracles of fellowship, of gathering and association still do happen under a tent!

Have you found your miracle of fellowship under a gazebo, a tent or canopy yet?

Suggestions on Selecting Saws


If you are researching the purchase of a new saw, this brief article suggests some points you may want to consider before you spend your hard-earned money on a new saw.

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1) Select a blade size

Saw blades are very expensive, the less saw blades you buy, the better off you will be. If you are planning on getting a miter saw, table saw, a radial arm saw, or some assemblage of these, pick a size and stay with it. While there are several sizes available, the usual sizes are 12″ and 10″. If you stick with the same size blade for all of your different types of saws, you’ll be able to use the same blades with all your saw. Over time, this will save you a lot of money.

2) Corded or cordless?

Cordless tool battery technology has made noteworthy advances over the last several years. Tools that you would typically not think of being cordless, such as circular saws and miter saws, now offering cordless models. If you are thinking about purchasing a cordless saw and you have, or may someday have, other cordless tools, consider staying with a single manufacturer/battery system — that way you can share batteries amongst your tools. Extra batteries are often extremely expensive — it is usually cheaper to get a new tool than to buy replacement batteries. If you purchase several tools from the same manufacturer all with swappable battery systems, you’ll have additional batteries at your disposal to finish your job, this can significantly increase the amount of work you can complete.

Before deciding to purchase a cordless saw, don’t forget that battery lifetime can limit the amount of work you can get done in a single work period. If you are a hobbyist or you don’t use your saw for long periods of time, a cordless saw may be the perfect solution. But if you are a contractor or someone who’ll be using your saw all day long, you may want to bypass cordless technology for tools that draw excessive amounts of power when cutting.

Cordless saws are also more costly to purchase and maintain. While your cordless saw may last for 10 or 20 years; but the batteries won’t. On top of the steeper cost up-front of a battery operated saw, you can plan on spending more money in the future too, perhaps repeatedly, as the batteries need to be replaced.

3) Read before you purchase

Saws are a big investment — they are costly and they get a lot of use in most workshops. Getting the right saw is important and it is also important to avoid purchasing a saw that doesn’t work for how you want to use it. Before buying any saw, check the web for opinions, rankings, and reviews for the kind of saw you are thinking about getting. If you get the chance to use a saw for a week or so, you’ll form an opinion about the saw. But it is nearly impossible to get the correct feel for a saw just by reading the specifications. When you check the internet for saw reviews and rankings, you’ll be getting the opinions of people who have worked with the saw and who have an informed opinion. When people have problems with their expensive new purchases, they are more than happy to vent and warn others. Let their bad luck save you from the same fate.

Before you get any type of large tool, take a close look at the user manual. You can discover a lot about how easy or hard a saw is to use by reading the manual. If it takes 20 steps and an iterative process to ensure that the table and blade are square, you can probably be sure that this will lead to frustration in your future. If you are considering a saw that has different cutting configurations, look at the manual to find out how much effort is required to change the cutting configuration. If the process is complicated and not easy to understand, it could be more trouble than it is worth and you will just not use these additional configurations. So even though the saw has some great features, if they are too much trouble to use, you will not use them. So why pay extra for them? You can run across a lot of these sorts of difficulties just buy reading the manual before you purchase it.

Successfully Installing Soundproof Windows


When you think of soundproofing, you may think of a home studio. More people are choosing to soundproof for other reasons. People living in the city may be kept awake by the noise coming from the street and traffic sounds. You may need to block out the noise from the amateur band playing in the garage next door. Ultimate home theater experience

How to Install Soundproof Windows

Single pane windows are the worst for keeping out sounds. If you have single pane windows, yo…

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When you think of soundproofing, you may think of a home studio. More people are choosing to soundproof for other reasons. People living in the city may be kept awake by the noise coming from the street and traffic sounds. You may need to block out the noise from the amateur band playing in the garage next door. Ultimate home theater experience

How to Install Soundproof Windows

Single pane windows are the worst for keeping out sounds. If you have single pane windows, you will want to upgrade to double. You need to choose double pane windows carefully, or they may be worthless. To be effective, the assembly needs to be at least one inch thick. The glass should be at least an eighth of an inch thick and spaced far enough apart to keep out sound effectively.

A soundproof window is a second one installed behind the existing, like a storm window. These aren’t replacement windows, but are made to work with your existing ones. Another benefit is more protection against all weather, both hot and cold. They insulate and stop the drafts, resulting in energy saving benefits in both summer and winter. When the weather is cool enough, they open and close like any other window.

A professional is the best choice for installing your new windows. The installation process is fast, taking just a couple of hours for each window. Since wood can transmit sound, vinyl is often used for the frames. During installation, any rotted wood will be removed and replaced. A variety of custom colors are available to match the interior of your room. You will have two different looks, the existing window from the outside and the soundproof one wall side.

A layer of transparent plastic is used to laminate the windows and reduce sound waves from penetrating the glass. This plastic stops the vibrations against the glass. An added benefit of the lamination process is protection from ultraviolet light. In addition, they are shatter resistant, for safety and home security.

You will get about an 85% reduction in sound with this method. For more complete sound reduction, a second window can be installed behind the first, giving an added layer of protection.

Do it Yourself Soundproofing Windows

The easiest way to keep out unwanted sounds would be to fill the window space with acoustical foam and drywall the window closed. Unfortunately, this would also block out any sunlight from entering the room. This may work for a home studio, but would definitely not be suitable for the bedroom.

A removable wall plug is a good way to do the job yourself. The plug will block out light, but you can remove it when you want to let in the sun. If light keeps you awake, this may be a benefit. To be effective, the plug needs to fit snug inside the window.

A wooden frame should be made to fit the size of your window space. Soundproofing material such as mats, blankets or floor insulation can be cut to the size of the plug and attached to the frame. Use any material you would normally use on the floors or the wall. Sound proof mats and blankets can be cut to size with scissors. When the plug is finished, use sealing tape to help hold it firmly in place.

The Solar Heating Aspect You Have Never Heard of Before


If you have looked into solar energy as a method for heating your home, panels are usually the first things that come up. There are, however, other unique methods.

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If you have looked into solar energy as a method for heating your home, panels are usually the first things that come up. There are, however, other unique methods.

The Solar Heating Aspect You Have Never Heard of Before

The power of the sun is immense. The energy in one day of sunlight is more than the world needs. The problem, of course, is how does one harness this power. Solar panels represent the obvious solution, but they have their downside. First, they can be expensive depending upon your energy needs. Second, they do not exactly blend in with the rest of your home.

Passive solar heating represents a panel free method of harnessing the inherent energy found in the sun for heating purposes. If you come out from a store and open the door of your car in the summer, you understand the concept of passive solar heating. A wide variety of material absorbs sunlight and radiates the energy back into the air in the form of heat. Passive solar heating for a home works the same way as the process which overheats your car in the parking lot.

Many people, however, cannot take maximum advantage of passive solar strategies. The primary problem is a home needs to be built with a particular orientation to the sun. This orientation allows the home to maximize the heat penetration throughout the year. A relatively small number of people actually build their own homes, so you can see we have an inherent problem. There is, however, one little trick that every home can use to take advantage of solar heating.

Certain materials have high thermal masses. This essentially means they absorb a high percentage of the energy in sunlight, but release it slowly. For practical purposes, this means they radiate heat well after the sun has gone down. You, my friend, can take advantage of this.

Dark gravel has a high thermal mass. It sucks up sunlight like a sponge and will radiate heat for hours after the sun goes down. Although you probably are not going to tear down your home to take advantage of passive solar strategies, you can get some of the benefits by using gravel in a strategic manner.

The idea is to place gravel on the ground below any windows on the ground floor of your home. During the summer, you landscape with plants that shade the gravel since you really don’t want extra heat at that time. When winter hits, however, the gravel should be exposed. It will suck up the energy of the sun all day and then radiate it vertically across the windows for a few hours after dark. This creates an island of heat and great reduces the release of heat from the interior of the home through the windows.

Obviously, this tricky gravel approach is not an end all solution for your heating problems. You should, however, be able to notice a difference in your heating bills of maybe five percent depending on your house design. Given the small amount of effort involved, that will equate to a nice savings over the years.

Interior Decorating For Small Apartments


So you have a small apartment. You are possibly wondering, how do I make my small space look comfortable and inviting with out looking cluttered? I have your answer. Actually several answers first of all start with looking around, notice the placement of windows and which way the light reflects in the rooms during different times of day. You do not want to blind someone, who could possibly be visiting, by that stunning sunset. Also look at your current furniture and the colors that it is or is not. Some colors can make a room look small, clinical and cold. Good warm toned colors also make it more comfortable for you to live there. Browns, Reds, Yellows, and Oranges are great colors to open up space and make the room warm and inviting. Use accent rugs to help with the addition of colors as some Landlords do not allow you to paint. Sofa Covers are a great way to add color and save from wear and tear on your furniture.

Interior Decorating

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So you have a small apartment. You are possibly wondering, how do I make my small space look comfortable and inviting with out looking cluttered? I have your answer. Actually several answers first of all start with looking around, notice the placement of windows and which way the light reflects in the rooms during different times of day. You do not want to blind someone, who could possibly be visiting, by that stunning sunset. Also look at your current furniture and the colors that it is or is not. Some colors can make a room look small, clinical and cold. Good warm toned colors also make it more comfortable for you to live there. Browns, Reds, Yellows, and Oranges are great colors to open up space and make the room warm and inviting. Use accent rugs to help with the addition of colors as some Landlords do not allow you to paint. Sofa Covers are a great way to add color and save from wear and tear on your furniture.

When choosing a color scheme please note that you should choose something that is easy to clean i.e., browns and grays. White is not a good choice, unless you plan on never really living in your place. Try to look at the big picture, small living rooms means that you shouldn’t get a sectional sofa. Instead try a small love seat or futon couch. Not only does the futon couch help with space but it can be converted to a bed for those single room apartments. If you are on a budget and don’t want to get rid of your current bed and you are in a studio apartment try a bed that looks like a bunk bed with out the lower bunk. That way you can store your dress and other articles under the bunk and enclose it with a curtain and no one can see your unmade bed up top. This is very useful for bachelors.

Try creating rooms with the use of decorative screens. It can make a single room look like two or more rooms are there. Also remember your curtains, they should be allowing the light in, the more light you allow in the bigger the space looks. Use a small bistro table as a dining table. It is intimate and makes for a great coffee talk spot. If you are lucky enough to have some one in your apartment remember to always hide your laundry. Laundry laying around makes the apartment appear cluttered and small. Plants are a great way to make your room appear bigger. Try hanging them from the ceiling or by using hooks on the wall. Don’t forget the importance of mirrors. The use of mirrors can make your small apartment look large. Use a focal point and angle your mirror towards it, it gives the illusion of depth. Most importantly make sure you always have a clean space, it is always bigger when it is clean.

Ok so now you have gone and cleaned, you are noticing that the apartment still looks small. Question your storage. You need some ideas for storage you say? Well I am full of them. Look around and if you notice you have lots of magazines lying around get yourself a magazine holder. It is a handy little box that is decorative to your specific likes and it cleans up your tables of clutter. Get your self a footrest that has storage inside of it. It is nice for when the surprise guest comes over and you need to store something quickly. A coffee table with storage underneath it is also a wise choice. The more storage you have that isn’t added clutter makes your life easier. Wall shelves help to eliminate tabletop mess. Put your collectible gnomes on a small wall shelf and look at all the free space you have just created for yourself. All of the suggestions presented here to you are easy do it yourself projects. You can get most of these easy to use items at your local all purpose store and hardware store.

MV Introduction on how to design your UK bathroom


Whether you are building an altogether new bathroom or altering an existing one, designing your bathroom carefully may be more important than you might think. Your bathroom should provide comfort and efficient functionality while occupying the minimum space possible. This is the first article in a series exploring how you design your bathroom.

UK Bathroom

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Benefits of Hardwood Floors


If you’re in the market for a new floor in your home, you’ve probably considered hardwood, laminate, and carpets–these are the most common materials. This article takes a look at why hardwood flooring is the better choice.

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You’d be hard-pressed to find a homeowner who doesn’t want hardwood floors. Wall-to-wall carpeting is out, and hardwood floors are in. But are they worth the price? Let’s face it: at $8-$10 per square foot (installed), wood flooring is more expensive than carpeting or the increasingly common laminates that offer a similar look.

If you’re on the fence and can’t decide whether to install hardwood floors (or maybe peel back your old carpeting and refinish the wood underneath), this list may be able to help. We’re going to take a look at some of the benefits of hardwoods:

1. Longevity

Thanks to durable finishes that are easy to repair, solid-wood floors can last for a hundred years or more. There are very few flooring materials that have been around as long as wood. Over the centuries, it has shown itself to be a lovely and durable floor choice. Other newer materials have yet to prove themselves.

2. Coziness and Warmth

Not only is hardwood more pleasant to walk on than laminate (which always feel cold and a little “plastic” underfoot), but it is naturally warm. Wood is an excellent insulator, thanks to its thousands of tiny air chambers per cubic inch, which hold in heat.

3. Hypoallergenic

Got allergies? Unlike carpets (read: breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and dust mites, all of which can be tough on anyone with allergies), wood floors don’t give pollen, animal dander, mold, etc. any place to hide and thrive. Even when you steam clean carpets, it’s impossible to get them entirely clean. In fact, getting them wet just makes things worse. Hardwood flooring is an excellent choice for anyone with any kind of environmental allergies. (And it makes good sense for everyone else too–who wants to lie down on a floor that’s hiding mold?)

4. Easy to Clean

A little sweeping and a little mopping, and your hardwood floors will keep looking nice for a long time to come. Even families with dogs and kids are realizing that it’s easier to mop a hardwood floor than try to spray/scrub/wash grape Kool-Aid out of a carpet. Another perk is that a scratch here or a gouge there really just adds character to wood floors (of course, you can always have them refinished if you prefer perfection).

5. Increase Home Value

Unless you’re going to be living in the same house for the rest of your life, you should think about how the flooring choices you make today will affect the price you can get for your home when you sell it. Carpet will look old and used in just a few years, whereas wood floors last a long time and add value to a home (if you’ve ever watched those house hunter shows on television, you’ve doubtlessly seen just about every potential buyer looking around hopefully for hardwood floors). Even laminate flooring, which looks like wood flooring, is a distant second choice for homebuyers. It just doesn’t have the same warmth and feel.

These are just a few of the benefits of hardwood floors. We didn’t even mention the aesthetic value: at the end of the day, they just look better than the alternatives. If you can afford to pay an extra couple dollars per square foot, go with hardwood. If you have hardwoods hiding under your existing carpets, tear those suckers up and get the wood refinished.

If you settle for laminate or just replacing the carpeting, you may regret it down the road.

For more information, visit the Hardwood Flooring section of the author’s Home Improvement site.

Fireproof Safes – For A Safer Future


Without enough protection and safety measures, a fire in your home (or business) could be the most devastating tragedy you will ever experience. Nowadays, people have come to realize that it is best to equip their homes and offices with fire protective gadgets and devices such as fire exits and fire alarms. Unfortunately, these safety measures can not protect your valuable posessions, as they would be set ablaze in such an event. Fireproof safes are exclusively designed to sh…

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Without enough protection and safety measures, a fire in your home (or business) could be the most devastating tragedy you will ever experience. Nowadays, people have come to realize that it is best to equip their homes and offices with fire protective gadgets and devices such as fire exits and fire alarms. Unfortunately, these safety measures can not protect your valuable posessions, as they would be set ablaze in such an event. Fireproof safes are exclusively designed to shield your most valuable possessions, documents, and properties from fire. These fireproof safes have special features that let them withstand the blazing heat of a fire.

1. Fireproof Means Secure

Generally, most safes are built with fire-resistant features. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are fireproof. The two words are totally different. Fire-resistant safes refer to the ability of the safes to withstand the blazing heat of the fire to certain given point. These are rated by the Underwriters Laboratories. Fireproof safes, however, provide more protection than what fire-resistant safes can do. What’s more, they can protect even the most delicate data in stored in your floppy diskette or CDs. Fireproof safes are more reliable when it comes to media files.

Like fire-resistant safes, fireproof safes are impact tested so as to ensure the safes’ capability to endure the fire. Usually, fully loaded fireproof safes are heated to a maximum of 1550 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour and a half. After which, it is dropped 30 feet unto a layer of rubble and then heated all over again for another 30 minutes at 1550 degrees Fahrenheit. Small, extremely flammable objects like paper are contained within during the tests to ensure their effectiveness.

2. Solid Investment Or Waste Of Money?

Contrary to some beliefs, documents and other valuable materials cannot be equally protected by fireproof safes and the typical metal filing cabinet. Because of the nature of paper to be destroyed at 400 degrees even inside the vault, the use of metal vaults or filing cabinets have proven to be inefficient in situations like these.

On the other hand, because of the escalating prices of commodities these days, more and more people tend to think that obtaining these fireproof safes are actually a waste of money. They contend that the prices of fireproof safes are too much considering the fact that it looks just like the same as that of a typical metal vault or filing cabinet.

If you are to look at it on a more positive side, however, safety measures really do matter. People realize that obtaining fireproof safes are actually a good investment – your most valuable possessions and documents are kept safe even if tragedies like a fire happens. After all, the cost that you will be spending now is actually smaller than the cost of your valuables and documents that will only be lost in the fire.

Moreover, documents such as contracts, records, and any legal actions that were put into writing must be protected. If in the event that these items were lost caused by fire, another disaster is most likely to happen. For example, individuals who can not present proof because it was destroyed is a dilemma in the making.

TR Sauna Room Packages Make Construction Easy


Building your own home sauna from scratch can be an overwhelming project even for the experienced do-it-yourselfer. Sauna room packages make construction a snap as all the material for a complete sauna room can be ordered online and delivered to your door. Read this article to find out how to build your own sauna from a kit!

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