Five Tips On Buying Water Products For Your Home


Water is the essence of life. Wise are those who incorporate water into their daily lives and environments. When purchasing water products for your home, your success can be enhanced by keeping in mind five basic features. Taking the time to understand and apply these five simple factors will save you both time and money, and will let you experience maximum pleasure and usefulness from your new water product acquisitions.

The first topic we should always consider is why ar…


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Water is the essence of life. Wise are those who incorporate water into their daily lives and environments. When purchasing water products for your home, your success can be enhanced by keeping in mind five basic features. Taking the time to understand and apply these five simple factors will save you both time and money, and will let you experience maximum pleasure and usefulness from your new water product acquisitions.

The first topic we should always consider is why are we seeking to purchase water products? Are we seeking increased health benefits, such as we might receive from owning a pool or a hot tub? Perhaps in our mind we can almost hear the sounds of water, the comforting bubbling sound of an indoor fountain or the gentle slosh and splash of tiny birds in a bird bath. We should be clear about our desire so we can better match our purchases to what we are hoping to obtain. We also need to remember to not limit ourselves, since there is nothing that says we cannot combine art and practicality, usefulness and beauty, in the water products that we add to our environment.

As we move close to making an actual purchase, we will need to check again, to measure our desire against our reality. If foremost in our minds are the health benefits of warm, swirling water and arthritis, we do not want to become lost in our pursuit of a three-tiered, cascading fountain. If our needs are for stress relief, an eight-inch tiny water display may not meet all of our expectations. Knowing what our goals are can make all the difference in our purchases making us happy for a long time to come.

The second feature to consider is size. It sounds simple but it is something we sometimes overlook, as we become excited to purchase those water products that promise to bring us both pleasure and increased health benefits. We need to first dream, and then adjust our images to fit our lives. If we live in a small garden home, no matter our love for swimming, an Olympic size pool is out of the question. We might want to turn our desires to something smaller, such as a hot tub or even a water fountain for our entry way.

If we are seeking to furnish a single room, again, our consideration of a small space to be utilized is important. We love water, we know we care about both its health and artistic qualities, but we must also realize we need to choose something that we can place within an already-furnished room. We might select a small desk-top fountain or even a decorative spring-water dispenser.

The third feature, after defining our desires and the sizes we can accommodate, should probably be financial. What can we truly afford, and how can we best maximize our purchases? In this area, we are lucky, since we live in an age of unprecedented opportunities to save money, through the use of the internet. Not only can we use the internet to make cost comparisons and therefore make wiser purchasing decisions, we can actually order via the internet, often savings ourselves a significant amount of money. And we do not need to limit these purchases to small items anymore, since such large items as water beds, hot tubs and above-ground pools, can all be ordered, often at considerable savings, from the comfort of our own computer.

Within the arena of economy, we need to think of our desires, and the best way we can afford to allow these desires to materialize. If we are thinking of spending a large amount of money, we should explore both financing and outright purchasing options. Waiting a few months, until we can afford to purchase outright, may, in the long run, save hundreds of dollars in interest costs. Or shopping for a low-interest loan may allow us to have our desire right away, paying for it slowly over time. Just as we strive to match our desire to the size of our environment, we should also match our investment to our ease and ability to pay for it.

Fourth, we should consider maintenance. Is what we are purchasing going to require daily or periodic care, and if so, can we do the maintenance, or will we need to hire someone else to do it? What will the maintenance costs be and are we prepared financially to assume them? No matter how beautiful the desire, an unclean pool or a dirty water fountain quickly lose their appeal. On the other hand, with careful planning, maintenance need not be an obstacle, as long as we are prepared and aware of its implications.

Last in our list of features to consider as we bring more water into our home, is the flexibility of what we are buying and how we can use it. From a table fountain to a hot tub, we are not limited to a single use. The hot tub, for instance, when not being used for recreation or healthy exercises, can be decorated with floating flowers and candles. It can become an artistic center piece to a small home party or get-to-gather. Our table fountain can be moved to a different area of our home, and surrounded with pictures of a birthday celebrant, complete with tiny stars scattered about, and packages holding birthday surprises. Our most important thing to remember may be the very idea that we are not limited, in either our choices or our uses of water products. Matching this knowledge while paying careful attention to the main features of purchasing water products brings our environment closer to being the haven we know it can be.

MV Introduction To Gazebos


The Gazebo is a pavilion structure that has been used for many years as a spacious public space, for bands to play or people to meet. Many movies show effectuated couples dancing in a gazebo, and a lot of people remember that gazebo scene in “the sound of music”.

Today many people choose to place a gazebo in their garden or backyard, some prepare a special gazebo for marriage and others a SPA gazebo for the better things in life, a gazebo is slowly turning into an standar…

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The Gazebo is a pavilion structure that has been used for many years as a spacious public space, for bands to play or people to meet. Many movies show effectuated couples dancing in a gazebo, and a lot of people remember that gazebo scene in “the sound of music”.

Today many people choose to place a gazebo in their garden or backyard, some prepare a special gazebo for marriage and others a SPA gazebo for the better things in life, a gazebo is slowly turning into an standard house upgrade feature.

Gazebos were originally designed to provide shade and basic shelter, but today the gazebo is turning into something much more than the regular gazebo park we used to see. The earlier versions of the gazebo were more solid than they are today, and most of the gazebos were used primarily as pavilions.

A garden gazebo is a nice addition to any garden, you can spend sunny mornings in the gazebo reading the paper or listening to music, it is certainly a new feature for a large garden, arranging the space and using the fauna as decoration. A garden gazebo is one of those thing that you cant imagine never having a day after you got it. No matter what the environment of your garden, there is a garden gazebo out there just waiting to be bought.

When thinking of a garden gazebo you will also need to think of what material to use in constructing it. Wood is the natural choice for most people, since it is natural and placed in the garden it sort of goes with everything around it. There are a few different kind of wood you can use for this purpose, pine, cedar, and redwood. Pine is the softest wood, ages to a rich yellow, and complements surrounding evergreens. Cedar is higher in overall sturdiness, is less prone to rot, and ages to a gray-brown.

A patio gazebo is a gazebo that sits on or is built into your patio and is very easy and affordable to do. The great thing about patio gazebos is that you can design a new patio for it, or even add a gazebo onto your already built patio. There will need to be serious consideration for the materials used, but there is basically no reason not to have a patio gazebo you can spend your evenings at. Placing of a patio gazebo is important, small to mid-size will probably want to use the corner to place the gazebo, this way it will use most of the space efficiently.

Large patios give you more flexibility, and you can choose any placing you want, providing you got enough room for the gazebo.

You can even place a patio gazebo on top of the patio, this will call for careful examination of the material is use but this is very possible. The strongest gazebos are made of metal. Whatever the gazebo is made of chances are that only the strongest and most particular of hurricanes will disturb it.

A hot tub gazebo is truly an upgrade, not only to a garden or backyard… but to your life, imagine a warm soak in freezing January, a nice glass of win
With hot tub gazebos, you can surround your Jacuzzi with either a redwood type arbor or even add screens to keep flying insects away from your spa experience. You can find hot tub gazebos that come both pre-built, ready to assemble, or find plans for a gazebo if you have carpentry experience. A hot tub gazebo can be turned into the center of attention at its location, you can add many features around it to make the soaking experience better, lights, music and much more can be added to the hot tub environment to fully enjoy this great spa gazebo.

Whatever gazebo you choose, enjoy it to the fullest. A gazebo can arrive as a do it yourself kit, and you can make building it a family activity, these kits sometime come with an instructional video you can all watch together. There is almost always an option of calling experts and have them setup the gazebo for you.

Benefits Of Laminate Wood Flooring


Over the past few years laminate floors have really started to become popular, especially in homes with children. There are a number of reasons for this. One, laminate flooring is less expensive than traditional hardwood flooring. Two, it is very easy to clean and maintain. For couples with children, laminate flooring is generally a much better choice than hardwood.

Most laminate flooring is tongue and groove, meaning there is no glue or nailing, each plank simply locks to…

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Over the past few years laminate floors have really started to become popular, especially in homes with children. There are a number of reasons for this. One, laminate flooring is less expensive than traditional hardwood flooring. Two, it is very easy to clean and maintain. For couples with children, laminate flooring is generally a much better choice than hardwood.

Most laminate flooring is tongue and groove, meaning there is no glue or nailing, each plank simply locks together. This makes installation a breeze and it also means it will be easier to remove the floor should the need arise. Not all laminate floors are glueless, but it is worth the extra money to save time and effort. Here are some of the more common laminate floor manufacturers: Pergo, Wilsonart, Mannington, Mohawk, Shaw, Quick-Step, Armstrong, and Alloc.

You may ask how the look of laminate flooring compares to that of real hardwood. Good question. Laminate floor manufacturers use high rnd, computerized technology to create realistic wood designs in each plank. The top wear layer is very durable and easy to maintain. Laminate flooring is also impervious to most stains, spills, burns and it is highly scratch resistant.

Care of laminate floors is also easy. Usually all you need is a dry mop or vacuum to keep them looking new. You don’t need or want to use soaps, abrasives, polishes, wax, or one step floor cleaners on your laminate. You also want to make sure not to slide furniture across your floor, laminate is tough but a sofa leg will gouge your floor. It doesn’t hurt to put furniture pads on the legs of sofas, tables or anything else that could scratch your floor.

As with any wood flooring some maintenance is required, but overall laminate wood flooring is easier to care for and will last longer than most other types of hardwood flooring.

TR Save Money By Keeping Charge Your Personal Air Cooler Working Well


If like everyone else these days, you’re looking to reduce your fuel costs, check your charge air coolers. Also called an intercooler, this component of your engine is essential to keeping your engine fuel efficient. As part of the turbocharger mechanism, if your charge air cooler is leaking or not working properly, your engine’s combustion, horsepower and emissions are all affected. If your engine isn’t working at its best, you’ll be burning fuel unnecessarily.

To unders…

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If like everyone else these days, you’re looking to reduce your fuel costs, check your charge air coolers. Also called an intercooler, this component of your engine is essential to keeping your engine fuel efficient. As part of the turbocharger mechanism, if your charge air cooler is leaking or not working properly, your engine’s combustion, horsepower and emissions are all affected. If your engine isn’t working at its best, you’ll be burning fuel unnecessarily.

To understand how charge air coolers work, it’s important to first understand something about how air acts around heat. The more that air gets compressed, the hotter it gets. And as the air temperature increases, it expands as well. This increase in temperature and pressure is part of the turbo charging process. But what you want to get the best performance from your turbo charging technology is to get more air into the mechanism, not just more air pressure. So as the hot, compressed air comes out of the compressor, you want to cool the air before it passes into the engine. This is where charge air coolers come in. A charge air cooler looks sort of like a radiator, only it works a bit differently. Air passes both inside the cooler and along the outside, so that the air is cooled and made more dense before it gets passed into the engine. That way more air molecules are available in the engine for combustion. The more air molecules there are available for combustion, the more efficient combustion will be and the more turbo charge that your engine will get for the fuel that is used.

There are some symptoms in your vehicle’s performance that can suggest that the problem is with the charge air cooler. If you see a great deal of black exhaust or smoke coming from the exhaust, that could be a sign. So could a sluggish feeling in the engine or a situation where you suddenly lose horsepower. If the engine is consistently operating at a hotter temperature than normal or you notice that you seem to be using more fuel than normal, your charge air cooler could be a problem.

A Short History Of The Toilet


Toilets are an essential part of our everyday lives. We tend to take the toilet very much for granted and not really like to think about it too much until we find that we desperately need a toilet and none can be found. We forget that modern toilets are a luxury in a lot of under developed countries and find it a huge inconvenience if our toilet doesn’t work.

Toilets that we are used to using are a relatively recent invention, and used to be only affordable by the very wea…

home improvement

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Toilets are an essential part of our everyday lives. We tend to take the toilet very much for granted and not really like to think about it too much until we find that we desperately need a toilet and none can be found. We forget that modern toilets are a luxury in a lot of under developed countries and find it a huge inconvenience if our toilet doesn’t work.

Toilets that we are used to using are a relatively recent invention, and used to be only affordable by the very wealthy. Even now the evolution of the toilet is still in progress with technological advances including automatic flushing controlled by sensors and economy settings to allow less water to be used when the toilet fills up. The issue of hygiene is a constant one and, along with all the different types of toilet cleaners and fragranced deodorizers there are even public toilets that clean
themselves after each visit.

The prevalence of indoor plumbing has been the main factor in the availability of toilets inside our homes. It is this plumbing that ensures the toilet keeps functioning correctly and we don’t have to do anything more than pull the chain or press the handle. Before this all toilets were separate from the main house in small outhouses. The water supply that these outhouses were connected to was totally detached from the ones used inside the house.

Toilets in outhouses began in a very basic fashion, a hole in the ground. Then seats were fashioned from planks of wood with openings in them to enable a person to dispose of their toilet waste while sitting rather than squatting. These primitive toilet facilities were then enclosed to provide a little privacy for the occupants. Wealthy house owners could use chamber pots in the privacy and comfort of their own bedrooms, or bed chambers. These were usually made from ceramic and were emptied by servants. As these pots became a more accepted method of going to the toilet there were fewer places to empty them, especially in towns and cities, and people would throw the contents out of their windows onto the streets.

Thankfully we have progressed a long way since the days if having to dodge the contents of someone’s toilet being thrown over our heads as we walked along the street.

Summer Every Season


Ahhh, the sumptuous days of summer. Clear skies, green lawns, barbeques and trips to the beach. Who wouldn’t want to capture that feeling year-round?

Believe it or not, it is easy to bring the style of summer into your own home. Follow these simple, inexpensive tips, and be on your way to enjoying a summer home in your own home… any time of the year!

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Ahhh, the sumptuous days of summer. Clear skies, green lawns, barbeques and trips to the beach. Who wouldn’t want to capture that feeling year-round?

Believe it or not, it is easy to bring the style of summer into your own home. Follow these simple, inexpensive tips, and be on your way to enjoying a summer home in your own home… any time of the year!
Color is Key
Paint is a simple tool that can be used to create a summery atmosphere in any room of your home. Brighten up a living room with lime green walls, a dining room with canary yellow, or a playroom with creamsicle orange.

Lighten up dark wood coffee tables, side tables or bookshelves with salmon pink or eggshell blue. Even painting the inside of a dark bookshelf a bright, summery color can freshen up a room considerably.

Store or cover darker colored items, such as maroon pillows and brown couches, replacing them or covering them with lighter, brighter covers. Floral patterns are nice and summery, as is a beach motif. Hang white or see-through curtains over dark drapes to quickly achieve a summery feel.

White is the perennial summery non-color. Repainting walls, bookshelves, coffee tables, and even framed mirrors a cool, crisp white will transform any room. With all that white, don’t be surprised if you and your family feel like you’ve been instantly transported to Miami Beach!
Fabric of Life
Store or cover wintry wares like velvet drapes and pillows, wool throws, and dark leather couches, ottomans and chairs. Don’t worry, you can always rotate them back out again when you are ready to return from your summer retreat!

Add summery fabrics, like linen table cloths, cotton flower-print curtains, and gauzy bed skirts.

Cover couches and armchairs with bright or floral patterned slipcovers… nothing says summer like light, bright fabrics.
Feel Like Flowers
Fresh Flowers will give your house a fresh summer look and scent. Keep water in vases clean by changing it often, and throw out flowers as soon as they begin to wilt, replacing them with a different bright selection.

Floral patterns also spell summer. Flowers look great embedded in the embroidery of a throw blanket, covering the upholstery of a couch or armchair, or gracing the surface of a decorative plate, bowl or hanging print.

Decorative floral accessories can be set atop bookshelves, entertainment centers, desks and dining room tables to “summer-ize” a room. Flowers, greenery or a small fountain can also be placed inside an unused fireplace for a more summery feel.
Odds and End Tables
Choose a theme that represents summer to you, then decorate a room around that theme. Beach and seaside items, flowers, fruits and birds are just a few themes that lend a summery feeling to any room.

Choose furniture for its summery feel, and dot these items around the house. Add a couple of wicker chairs, a wrought iron and glass coffee table, a white bookshelf or desk, or even a new floral couch (or an old couch with a new floral slipcover!), and transform any room in your house.

However you decide to add a touch of summer to your home, do so with happiness and joy… the energy of summer! Then, make yourself a lemonade, cuddle into your couch or loveseat, and bask in the warmth of your bright, summery home.

The Surprising Home Improvement That Will Save You a Bundle


If you are considering making home improvements to address your energy use and utility bill, you may be in for a surprise. The biggest energy change is not what most people think.

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If you are considering making home improvements to address your energy use and utility bill, you may be in for a surprise. The biggest energy change is not what most people think.

The Surprising Home Improvement That Will Save You a Bundle

There are a couple reasons for improving the energy efficiency in your home. You may realize we are impacting our environment and want to do your part to stop this. On the other hand, you may be tired of paying ever increasing utility bills. Regardless, you are ready to do something, but need to take a quick break before jumping in.

Most people automatically think the biggest cost associated with energy use in their home is heating it in winter and cooling it in summer. This would certainly seem to make sense from a logical perspective. In the case of energy, however, logical fails the test.

The biggest use of energy in your home is heating your water. This may be surprising at first, but think it through. How many times a day is the shower or bath cranked on? How many times a week is the dishwasher cranked on? Do you have a pool? How about a Jacuzzi? Each of these energy requirements adds up very quickly, particularly hot water for showers and dishwashers. The good news is you can make relatively painless home improvements to address these issues.

There is no denying we all need to take showers each day…at least I hope! To improve your shower energy use, there are a couple of basic steps you can take. First, get a low flow shower head. They cost a few bucks, but restrict the volume of water coming out. The less hot water used, the less your water heater has to crank up. Don’t worry, you will not notice a difference. Second, consider going with a solar water heater or a tankless system. Solar works best because there are no energy requirements from your utility, but a tankless water heater has advantages as well because it does not waste energy by firing up over and over during the day when you are not home. Regardless, just make the change.

As to dishwashers, there are two solutions. Again, solar water heaters overcome the problem by heating the water without tapping your utility lines. If you aren’t ready for that, get an energy efficient dishwasher. You are looking for a product that has an Energy Star rating. The rating signifies the dishwasher is designed to minimize energy use with a savings of at least 25 percent compared to traditional machines.

Going green is not nearly as painful as most people think. Making small changes, such as how you heat your water, can make a major difference to both the environment and your utility bill.

Interior Design


The entire idea behind interior design is to make the home that you have purchased your own. It stands to reason because you are living in a home that was built by someone else and their style may not be yours. Interior design and home improvement is the way to go.

Wall Units, Finishing, Cabinets, Moulding

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When most people move into a new home, there is some changes that they want to make. The rules of interior design are especially powerful when it comes to the ladies of the house who can walk through any home and easily spot furniture that needs to be moved and cabinets that need refacing. The entire idea behind interior design is to make the home that you have purchased your own. It stands to reason because you are living in a home that was built by someone else and their style may not be yours. Interior design and home improvement is the way to go.

Most people consider home improvement to be a daunting task, which it can be if you go to extremes. Those who attempt to completely renovate their entire home at once are faced with a multitude of problems that are associated with having to move furniture and other items out of the way so the interior design process can take place. For others, it is easier to do a little bit at a time to make sure that each project gets completed with the minimum of hassle and interruption to daily life.

One of the easiest things to start with when it comes to interior design and home improvement is cabinet refacing. Cabinets that you are going to reface will not interrupt the day to day activities as other type projects can and will when doing home improvement. To reface cabinets it is best to start with the doors as they simple to remove and take to a workshop or basement. When you reface you are basically just changing the tone of the wood that is used for design of the cabinets. This is done most times because the color or tone does not fit with the new furniture that has been purchased. This is a common practice among existing home buyers who want to create their own personal style.

Cabinet refacing also entails changing the front face plate of the cabinets to match the doors that have been changed. This is another common practice but it can be quite difficult. It is best to hire a professional when you are planning on refacing any type of cabinets as the skills required to do so do take a long time to learn. There are several books on the subject floating around but they tend to only give the base knowledge that is necessary and do not give the complete picture for dealing with all the different types of problems that you could run into.

Furniture is another big issue when it comes to interior design. When moving into a new home many people like to get new furniture but they cannot always afford the new stuff as prices seem to go up every year. The best course of action is to try and buy the new items piece by piece instead of all at the same time. This will actually save you money in the long run as you can get a better deal as the pieces that you want go on sale over the time that you are purchasing them. There are plenty of furniture dealers around the world and all you need to do is search through them instead of dealing with only one place. There is a matter of finding all the best for the best prices and that is not hard when you take and do a little research on the subject.

If you are planning on doing any painting as part of your home improvement project then it is best to do so before you have moved in. This will save you a lot of hassle as it is hard to find a place to put everything when the house is full of furniture and other items. Paint does not take a long time to dry so it should not hold up the moving in process for very long. The best course of action is to go with the higher quality of pain. The better the quality the better coverage you get when you are painting in the darker colors. If you are painting before you move in then you have the option of using a paint sprayer with a lot more ease. This will cut your painting time in half and will save you money in the long run as you use about half as much paint as you do with the brush and roller method.

Don’t forget to check all the walls for holes before you start any projects. It is easier to reface a wall when there is nothing else going on. You will need to read up on wall refacing before tackling it to make sure that it is done properly. If not then you may end up with a not so nice looking wall that is full of dimples and holes and other unsightly blemishes. Hiring a professional is the best way to go when you have something that needs done with the walls. A professional drywall contractor can easily repair all the problems in less than a day and most likely for a fraction of the cost that you would pay if you tried to do it yourself and messed it up.

Interior design is a fun and exciting time for a lot of people but it can also make for a lot of stress and cost if you are not careful. Before tackling any home improvement project you should first make sure that you have the required skills and funds to complete the project. If you don’t then it is best to hire a professional. More than likely they will be able to save you money in the long run even though their fees sound like they are high. They do have the right to charge higher fees as they have spent years learning their trade. You will find that hiring a professional for your project will make the time a lot more enjoyable for you and your family.

MV Materials And Styles For Different Deck Railing Ideas


Finding your deck railing idea will depend on many factors. Foremost, you need to find which of the styles out there would match better into your home decoration. A nice idea is to combine the benefit of the garden with the warmness of a living room. The decision is into your mind and up to you.

Railing Materials And Styles

Most rails materials look and feel attractive and match almost any deck railing style or home decoration. If you want to invest your money in deck f…

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Curb Appeal


Now that the real estate market has cooled off, selling your home can be difficult, especially if you are unprepared.

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So you want to sell your home? If you are thinking about putting your house on the market, there are several things to consider before doing so. Now that the real estate market has cooled off, selling your home can be difficult, especially if you are unprepared.

Creating “curb appeal” is one of the most important issues when competing in today’s real estate market. Without it, buyers will more than likely not even think about viewing the inside of your home: Of course, unless you’ve priced your home much less than all the other comparable homes in your neighborhood. Under-pricing your home is not always the best thing to do, especially if you have a considerable amount of money invested in your home. Therefore, you need to prepare your home to sell according to what homebuyers expect to get when purchasing a home to be in the running.

Having “curb appeal” simply means showing the front exterior and yard of your home as neat, appealing and well-maintained, with that “gotta have it” appearance. What do most buyers expect to see when they look at a home? Well, peeling paint, weedy grass, empty planting beds and broken fences are not things homebuyers like to see when they view a home. This means work, work and more work for them and that puts your house at the bottom of their list of homes to consider purchasing. If you don’t want to scare off potential buyers, these things need to be taken care of before you put your house on the market. First impressions are lasting impressions when it comes to any real estate market. But, don’t be discouraged. This certainly doesn’t mean you have to completely renovate your home in order to sell it.

Try driving by your home first and take a good look at it. You may like the way it looks, but would a prospective buyer like it enough to spend their “hard earned” money on it? Creating a look that is pleasing to the eye is not that difficult. Basic improvements in the front landscaping and front exterior of your home is usually all that is needed to generate curb appeal. This is the best place to start when preparing your home for a sale.

To get a general idea of what buyers desire in a home, just leaf through a few home and garden magazines. Even though most of the homes depicted in the photographs are not the norm, most people are media-oriented, so presenting the front of your home and yard as “visually” appealing will at least get their “feet” in your door. Once homebuyers start imagining themselves living in your home, then you have certainly won half the battle when it comes to selling your home in a “cool” real estate market.