Is Teak Wood Outdoor Furniture Right For Me?


You are contemplating your first purchase of Teak Furniture and you are wondering if you are making the right decision? Well, you are and in this quick article, I will explain why I believe that.

If you already use Teak Wood in some of your favorite outdoor furniture, then this article will just be fun information for you to know and share with your friends when they ask you, “why did you buy Teak Wood” versus?.

It is no surprise, or it should not be, that Teak Wood h…

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You are contemplating your first purchase of Teak Furniture and you are wondering if you are making the right decision? Well, you are and in this quick article, I will explain why I believe that.

If you already use Teak Wood in some of your favorite outdoor furniture, then this article will just be fun information for you to know and share with your friends when they ask you, “why did you buy Teak Wood” versus?.

It is no surprise, or it should not be, that Teak Wood has been the favored wood for generations. The secrets of this wood are out and they have been for a long, long time.

First, a little history lesson:

It is not a well known fact, but is has been written that the Chinese have been renowned sailors for generations. Many of their ships were built and designed to not only sail in the oceans, but also to move up river. Much of the trade then, was done several thousand miles up river and not out in the ocean. These ships needed to be versatile, durable, and tough.

The wood used to build these early Chinese ships was Teak. It is also said that the Chinese shipbuilders would bury the wood logs in moist soil for years prior to building their ships. This made the wood much stronger and impervious to anything that could be encountered on the high seas,including enemies. Why was this important? It was important because approx. 600 years ago the Chinese were set out on a task by the Ming dynasty to sail to the edge of the world. Apparently they circumnavigated the world several times. But this is going off to another subject. Let’s get back to the subject at hand (I’ll bet you didn’t know that you would actually be learning something too?).

Later in years, British naval ships were made from Oak, also a very hard and durable wood. The British encountered two problems with oak: Wood Worms and a lack of Oak trees. Woodworms were destroying the ships in the British Naval Fleet. Woodworms were the scourge of wooden ships throughout history. It could take 850 oak logs to repair one ship. It took a little over 2000 oak logs just to build one ship. The British needed ships as they continued for some time to have maritime issues with the French and to be able to go on to conquer and take control of British colonies. The British naval fleet was their primary means to accomplish this.

The Oak supply in Europe was being quickly depleted. They knew about the Teak wood used on the Chinese ships and how rugged they were after having run into them, literally in the shipping lanes. The British had learned how impervious these ships were to all of the elements at sea: Saltwater, ocean wind, and the blistering sun. It was also learned then that Teak was found to not to splinter when hit by gunfire or artillery fire. This was a very important issue as splintering wood was the chief cause of casualties among naval warfare in the eighteenth century.

Britain was very interested to grow and produce this wood. The British quickly realized they did not need to grow Teak Wood as they could annex those countries where the Teak wood was grown and have a plentiful supply. India, Thailand and Burma were quickly annexed into the British empire. It is not to say this is why the British took over these areas, but it certainly helped to give reason. Myanmar (formerly Burma), which is just south of India, and Yangoon became the first places where Teak was being harvested for British ships. Calcutta was set up as another British shipbuilding site. All of the British merchant ships built in Calcutta were built with Myanmar Teak logs which were said to be the best. Once the wood was depleted from India, logs were harvested from Thailand and Burma.

Teak forests were quickly being depleted. Teak was now the preferred wood used for building ships, Yachts, Ocean liners and furniture. Under ocean conditions, the wood had very little shrinkage or warpage. This meant little maintenance. The wood was also impervious to wood rot and insects, like the mighty woodworm. The famous Ocean liner “Queen Mary” used no less than 1000 tons of teak when built. The British quickly realized the depletion that was taking place and developed a re-forestation plan. They appointed a leader to head this new bureau and began replanting Teak trees on what are now called Teak “plantations”. A set of very strict laws were enacted regarding who can cut Teak Wood and who can purchase it. Once these laws were set in place, one needed to have permission from the British Government to be able to cut a Teak Tree down and or export it.

Teak was also being used by the locals for huts, fence posts, and furniture. India is the third largest importer of Teak today, behind China and Japan. As much as 80% of India’s timber consumption is Teak. The wood is used in India today for local consumption; building homes, furniture, fencing, etc. It is the one wood that can withstand the monsoons, the blistering heat and the humidity. It is the wood that all other timber species are compared to.

Teak Wood contains natural oil and Silica (sand) which makes it impervious to insects, and wood rot. These substances also help it to maintain it luster for many, many years, but make it a little more difficult for the manufactures as their blades tend to dull sooner.

When many of the English ships of WWII were taken apart for salvage, the Teak Wood decks were re-manufactured into outdoor furniture like park benches. Even today they can be seen in many parts of Europe still functioning.

Most of the Teak grown today is grown on Plantations that are governed by the local governments. The demand for Teak is growing at an estimated 10% per year. Teak is a heavily regulated (and rightfully so) commodity, and is sold through the auction process. Teak is not very easy to get. There are regulatory permits that must be purchased and other expenses that go along with regulation. For example, once purchased, it is usually the purchasing companies’ responsibility to provide transportation if the wood is to be exported and certain countries have regulations on how many logs can be exported. Currently, Java, Indonesia is the largest exporter of Teak. There are several companies that are located in Java that will process and fashion the Teak into furniture, or planks for flooring or siding, and then export the finished item or semi finished item to countries around the world.

Teak grows very rapidly but still takes approx. 50 years to mature. Many countries are reviewing the possible rotation after 30 or 40 years. This is mainly due to the large demand for Teak. The consensus with this rotation is that the wood will not be inferior at that rate. There are some countries that are trying tree rotation after only 25 years. The results are timber that is smaller in diameter, color, and grain.

So, when add it all up, you get a much better understanding not only of what the hype about Teak Wood is all about, but the numerous qualities of Teak Wood and the supply and demand side of Teak Wood.

Many people for generations have been enjoying the warm benefits of owning Teak Wood products. Outdoor Teak Wood furniture is a Standard for many families and in many gardens, terraces, patios, verandas, ships, and yachts around the world. If you are investing in outdoor furniture, you really owe it to yourself to step into the world of Teak.

MV Miele vacuum cleaners – German engineering in action.


The Miele Company was started in 1899 in a small town in Germany and over the years has developed into a leader in residential appliances. In 1927 Miele added vacuum cleaners to the product list. Over the years Miele has established itself as a leader in vacuum manufacturing by using advanced materials, skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail. Miele makes both canister vacuums and Miele upright vacuum cleaners. Miele make many different series of vacuum cleaners; Deluxe Canisters, Solaris, S300, S200, Universal Uprights, Powerhouse Uprights and ART by Miele.

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The Miele Company was started in 1899 in a small town in Germany and over the years has developed into a leader in residential appliances. In 1927 Miele added vacuum cleaners to the product list. Over the years Miele has established itself as a leader in vacuum manufacturing by using advanced materials, skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail. Miele makes both canister vacuums and Miele upright vacuum cleaners. Miele make many different series of vacuum cleaners; Deluxe Canisters, Solaris, S300, S200, Universal Uprights, Powerhouse Uprights and ART by Miele.

About Miele Vacuum
Miele vacuums can be bought at the Miele website and also at some of the Miele dealer locations. At the companies website you can compare Miele vacuum cleaners and purchase one that suits your needs. Miele supplies a list of retailers on their website. You can also purchase discount miele vacuum cleaners from online retailers that offer discount Miele vacuum cleaners. Sites like epinions.paving or bizrate.paving offer cost comparisons for miele vacuum cleaners and also offer unbiased product reviews. Make these websites a place to stop before purchasing your vacuum cleaner. Miele vacuum cleaners are available internationally as not only are high quality Miele vacuum cleaner made in Germany but you can also find Miele vacuum cleaners Australia manufacturing superior quality vacuum cleaners.

How Exactly Do Septic Tanks Work?


This article explains exactly how septic tanks work.

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A sewerage drain field and a septic tank make up a small scale sewage treatment system. A septic tank is basically a rectangular shaped underground receptacle for wastewater. It is watertight, made of concrete, and consists of tanks that are divided into chambers. The first chamber has twice the volume as the second and the majority of the organic solid matter, referred to as sludge, gets settled here. The second chamber further purifies the wastewater.

The septic tank collects wastewater from toilets, showers, sinks, etc. Due to the absence of a current the sludge quickly settles down to the tank floor. Anaerobic bacterial digestive activity on the sludge leads to the generation of methane and carbon dioxide; the sludge is stabilized and does not rot anymore. Particles of stabilized sludge stay settled, some may float to the top as scum.

A septic tank should be constructed such that there is maximum contact time with the microorganisms so as to enable swifter digestion of the sludge. This is achieved by placing the inlet, overflow, and outlet diagonal to each other and by making the streams flow in vertically placed pipes.

The semi-purified water moves to the second chamber via the overflows that are constructed such that the upward motion of water prevents larger particles from flowing into the second chamber. The feeding, digestion, and settlement of organic matter continues in the second chamber. The retention time in the second chamber is half that of the first chamber because of its size and the fact that the amount of organic matter to treat is less. The outlet is constructed in the diagonal corner to the overflow.

The treated wastewater is directed to a drain field, also known as a seepage field, where any impurities that still exist get decomposed naturally, the water is taken up by the plant root system or it may even become a part of the groundwater. The large sized drainage field is required if the soil is not very porous. A septic system can be made to work entirely by using gravitational forces; at some places, however, a pump may be required to overcome topographical limitations.

The rate of sludge generation in septic tanks is around 0.05 cubic yards every year for an individual. Septic tanks need to be emptied every few years so that there is enough reaction space for the microorganisms to attack the wastewater and for the sludge to settle.

The septic tank may be emptied every 5-7 years depending upon the amount of wastewater it processes. The tank is emptied using an exhauster truck manned by trained personnel. The sludge that is sucked into the exhauster truck is released into public waste water treatment plants, sanitary landfills, or sludge drying beds.

Properly digested sludge can be used as a natural fertilizer; this is possible only if no fresh wastewater is added to the tank for at least one week.

The design of the septic tank should be such that the wastewater always flows in its designated path and no short circuits in the water flow occur. T-pipe-connectors with inflow and outflow openings under the water level should be used for inlet, overflow, and outlet pipes. This prevents the floating scum from clogging the pipes. A grease trap should be provided for the wastewater inflow pipe.

Mold 101


Learning what is mold and how to identify it will help you to easily detect and clean mold wherever it exits in your home or business. Learn When to clean it yourself and when to hire a professional?

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Home mold presents serious health hazards to you and your family. However, it is not hard to prevent mold once you know what exactly is mold, how to identify it, and what are the techniques you can utilize to prevent it.

So What is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that grows from spores and is essential for the breakdown of dead plant and animal matter. Mold spores are usually inactive, but they will become active if humidity levels exceeds70% or if the temperature goes above 65 degrees. Mold exists everywhere in the environment, it may be found indoors and outdoors. Mold is often found in damp or wet areas, this why it is so common in places such as the basement and bathroom and outdoor in grass and hay. People come in touch with mold everyday. Mold is what causes food to spoil, wood to rot, and paper to smell musty.

How to Identify Mold?

Mold is the black grwth you often see on wet window sills. If you store paper or fabrics in a damp place you might get the musty smell that is cause by the action of molds. Active mold growth is slimy and is usually green, black, orange or purple. When inactive mold is dry and looks like a powder. It is usually white when dry. In its early phases, molds may look like a web while when in full bloom it looks like a miniature bush. Even when molds are unseen, wet spots or dampness can indicate a problem and molds will eventually follow. If you suspect that a spot is moldy, you can perform a simple test to find out if the spot is really mold. Touch the suspected spot with a small drop of bleach and see if the stain loses its color or disappears. If it does, it may be mold. If there is no change, it is probably not mold. Another good way to tell if mold is present is odor. Mold usually has a musty smell that can indicate the presence of molds even if they are invisible.

Defining Moldy Areas

There are 3 common terms used to define a moldy area:

Extensive: A mold area is defined extensive if there is a single area of mold that is larger than 32square feet. If there are less than three patches of mold, each smaller than 10 square feet, is considered a “small” area mold. The definition of moderate area is given if there are more than three patches but each patch is smaller than 10 square feet or if there is on patch, larger than 10 square feet but smaller than 32 square feet

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Cutting Through The Dark: Advantages of Outdoor Lighting


Find out about the advantage of outdoor lighting for your home…

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Advantages of Outdoor Lighting: There always comes a time when you want to enjoy the backyard without having to learn every light in the

house on to cast glimmers on the grass. Of course, you do not just want to sit in the dark (actually seeing who you are speaking with is

always helpful). So you need to purchase some outdoor lighting. There are multiple fixtures in multiple styles to offer you the ultimate

illumination for your yard. Is outdoor lighting just for those few nights you decide to enjoy the outdoors? No, there are actually some very

practical uses for it.

One: being able to see everything. Whether you are stepping out for a casual stroll around the yard, or are just peeking through the windows

to check on a noise, you should always been able to see what is around you. Accidents or trouble can happen, even in your own yard. That

noise may have been from a potential burglar, or that stroll can turn awful when you mistakenly step on your child’s toy and trip. You need

outdoor lighting to make your yard a safer place.

Two: stay out late. Why should an evening party end before the evening does? Why should you have to pack up everything at dusk? With outdoor

lighting, you can stay out as long as you want, enjoying the night. Outdoor lighting can cast the perfect glow on that evening barbecue or

casual family gathering.

Three: protection. Thieves are less likely to approach a home that is well-lit. This includes, of course, the backyard. Why just leave a few
lights on in the house when you can keep them from entering the yard? Or, with motion sensors, alert yourself to any changes. The light pops

on and you know someone is snooping around. This adds a higher level of security to any home.

Four: looks. If you are trying to add some extra ‘oomph’ to your yard, then consider purchasing outdoor lighting. Not only is it a practical

way to keep your backyard lit, but it also adds extra appeal. You should not just rely on the grass to make your home presentable. Add some

extra flair with different forms of outdoor lighting. They make excellent accessories and can be placed just about anywhere to create a

stunning new look for your yard and your home.

Outdoor lighting is the rare product that is both practical and fashionable; few things actually combine style and substance, but outdoor

lighting does, allowing you to create a beautiful yard that is also safe. Outdoor lighting provides the right function with the right

look–you could not ask for more. And, with the variety of styles, you are sure to find outdoor lighting that matches your personality and

taste, letting you create a backyard that is the ultimate reflection of who you are.

Actually enjoy those evening hours! Purchase outdoor lighting today and see what times you can have in the night, but not in the dark.

TR Sealing Natural Stone


The sealing of stone is quite different to sealing other floor types. When sealing wooden floors for example a protective coat is added to the outside. When sealing stone the pores in the rock , or the spaces between the crystals that make up the rock are filled with the sealant with no trace of the sealant on the outer surface.

The purpose of this process is to stop liquids seeping into the stone and staining it. A sealant does not protect the stone from physical damage a…

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The sealing of stone is quite different to sealing other floor types. When sealing wooden floors for example a protective coat is added to the outside. When sealing stone the pores in the rock , or the spaces between the crystals that make up the rock are filled with the sealant with no trace of the sealant on the outer surface.

The purpose of this process is to stop liquids seeping into the stone and staining it. A sealant does not protect the stone from physical damage as a sealant on another surface would..
Natural stone must be allowed to breathe. What does this mean, because stone does not breathe like we do. Stone is made up of a variety of crystals. Each crystal is made up of different minerals. The minerals that make up the crystallised structure of the stone determine whether it is marble, or limestone or granite. To maintain the integrity of these crystals they must interact with the air and the component parts of the air in particular the oxygen. Hence they must be allowed to breathe. It is also essential that any water that gets into the stone is able to evaporate by moving through these spaces until it reaches the surface and can evaporate.

Most importantly and a little considered aspect of stone structure is the interaction between the crystals of the stone and the many millions of bacteria that live in these pores. Very slowly research is demonstrating that bacteria would seem to play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the stone in ways that are as yet little understood. In order for these bacteria to survive and prosper the sealant used should be one that does not damage them but possibly promotes their activity.

Acrylic type sealants or impregnators should be avoided at all costs because they fill up the pores killing the bacteria and blocking completely the movement of water through the stone. This can ultimately lead to the stones cracking if the underside becomes wet for any reason. They are also very difficult to remove if excess sealant is applied and not properly removed whilst still wet. What you end up with is a covering of sealant on the surface of the stone which discolours and dulls it.

The best sealers to use are those based on natural products and made up of fatty acids such as soap. These can be applied in the normal cleaning process to top up the seal and clean at the same time. Any excess is washed off with pure water. Most importantly these fatty acids fill the spaces but not in a rock hard manner. Because fat is hydrophobic it repels water stopping it penetrating during any spillage so preventing absorption into the stone and subsequent staining. Being semi hard only it does not stop the natural movement of water through it so it can still escape by evaporation. Most importantly it encourages the bacterial population by providing another source of nutrient and a comfortable environment in which to live and reproduce.

Absolutely, Buy A Superior Quality Air Mattress Bed


Many people don’t own an air mattress bed because they possibly believe they would never have a use for one, and you are most likely one of them. However you really should give the matter some serious consideration. If you stopped to think about it for a minute you would really be amazed at the number of times an air mattress bed would have been useful to you in the past. After all they are relatively inexpensive and would enable you to be prepared for those unexpected visito…

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Many people don’t own an air mattress bed because they possibly believe they would never have a use for one, and you are most likely one of them. However you really should give the matter some serious consideration. If you stopped to think about it for a minute you would really be amazed at the number of times an air mattress bed would have been useful to you in the past. After all they are relatively inexpensive and would enable you to be prepared for those unexpected visitors who need to stay the night.

Let’s face it, we have all had people drop in unexpectedly and it is not always easy to accommodate them at such short notice. Imagine how awkward it would be sitting up all night talking to a friend you haven’t seen for years only to have them get up and leave because they need to check into a hotel for the night. Without an air mattress bed all you would have to offer them is the floor or the couch. Friends or not, I know where I would rather sleep. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to whip out the air mattress bed, inflate it in seconds and offer your guest a more comfortable option?

Camping is supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing right? Many of us have been camping from time to time, or regularly for that matter and we all know what it is like to sleep on the ground. Not a very nice experience. Pack an air mattress bed with your camping gear and sleeping on the ground will be a thing of the past. The bed can be stowed away easily and takes up very little room when deflated. With an air mattress bed your next camping experience can be enjoyable rather than back-breaking.

On the whole, an air mattress bed is a very versatile item indeed and it can save the day when it comes to those unexpected guests. Your local sporting goods or department store will most likely sell them. Alternatively, why not consider researching them online where you are sure to find a much larger range. Do yourself a favor, buy an air mattress bed and be ready for when you next need a good quality, convenient bed.

Bracing Winters Grip With Radiant Floor Heat


Radiant floor heat is a type of heating mechanism that is installed under the flooring to help provide warmth and comfort to a home. This type of radiant floor heat can be installed in just about any room in the home and can be very helpful in heating the home and saving money over the course of a few years. Many consumers who use radiant floor heat have found the comfort level much nicer than more traditional forms of heating. They have also found that the heat is often suff…

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Radiant floor heat is a type of heating mechanism that is installed under the flooring to help provide warmth and comfort to a home. This type of radiant floor heat can be installed in just about any room in the home and can be very helpful in heating the home and saving money over the course of a few years. Many consumers who use radiant floor heat have found the comfort level much nicer than more traditional forms of heating. They have also found that the heat is often sufficient to provide comfort without even using another form of heat. Radiant floor heat is ideal for any home or building that is located in area of the country that is prone to cold weather including extreme cold. Instead of running the main heating system continually, you will be able to keep the flooring warm and lessen the costs of energy.

Radiant floor heat is appropriate for all types of floor material. Whether you have tile, carpet or hard wood flooring, the radiant floor heat can be installed and provide warmth and comfort. Some systems are designed only for a specific type of flooring but others can be used with just about any type of material that is present in your home. The radiant floor heat can also be installed in just about any size of room from narrow hallways to large basements. Whatever the size of the space you are looking to heat, there is a radiant floor heat solution that will be ideal for your purposes. The radiant floor heat can also be used in both new and existing structures. If you are building a new home or building or adding on to an existing structure, you can install radiant floor heat with the design of the building. However, radiant floor heat can also be used with existing flooring systems with minimal effort and can raise the value of the home with this added feature.

Radiant floor heat systems consist of mats, mesh heating systems and cables that fit under the type of flooring you choose. It can be used in just about any room in your home. Imagine how nice it will be to step on to a warm floor instead of a cold one. A bathroom is a perfect place to use radiant floor heat. When you step out of a bath or shower onto the tile floor, think how nice it will be to have a nice warm floor instead of the cold tile that is usually present in a bathroom. You will be forever hooked and wonder how you lived without it for so long. In your bathroom if you add a plug in towel warmer you will feel like you are in a luxury spa right inside the comfort of your own home. It brings an added dimension to comfort in your home. Instead of a stark, cold floor, the floor will be heated to eighty degrees.

Kithcens are another area in the home where radiant floor heat can be utilized. This is another area of the home where many people tread barefoot. In the cold months of the winter, this can be very uncomfortable and you may have to use socks or slippers when walking around the tile or laminate flooring. If you install radiant floor heat, though, you will no longer have this concern. You can walk around in the comfort of your own home without having to worry about being cold or uncomfortable.

Radiant floor heat can be installed by do it yourselfer’s or professional contractors. If you install it yourself, you will be able to save additional money. However, if you do not know how to do it or are uncomfortable with the prospect of installing the radiant floor heat on your own, you can look for a contractor and compare prices to see who can install it for the best price. When choosing a contractor, always make sure to ask for and check references. You can often get the unit installed much faster for a minimal fee.

Radiant floor heat can be installed under ceramic tile, which is very popular because of the naturally cold feel. This is especially true in cold weather when the tile seems to feel even colder. The radiant floor heat will warm the tiles, making the floor much more comfortable to walk on in bare feet. Hardwood floors are also popular uses for radiant floor heat. The durable products can withstand the stapling and nailing needed to install hardwood floors and still retain the warmth that provides added comfort. Stepping onto lush carpet that is warmed will also add luxury to a home and radiant floor heat is ideal for this application as well.

MV Is The Central Air Purifier System Better Than Individual Room Purifiers


If you are trying to be economic, you are best advised to not try to maintain a central HVAC equipment and a whole house air purifier simultaneously. Unless you have money to waste, you had better use those hard earned bucks to get other equipments for improving the quality of the air in your house.

A HVAC (or rather a Heating Ventilating, Air Conditioning) system shares your home’s central blower and ductwork. So unless you keep it squeaky clean and dust free it will spro…

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If you are trying to be economic, you are best advised to not try to maintain a central HVAC equipment and a whole house air purifier simultaneously. Unless you have money to waste, you had better use those hard earned bucks to get other equipments for improving the quality of the air in your house.

A HVAC (or rather a Heating Ventilating, Air Conditioning) system shares your home’s central blower and ductwork. So unless you keep it squeaky clean and dust free it will sprout these irritable elements into the very air you breathe. And, this won’t change even if you add a swanky, pricey upstream filter system.
Most HVAC air purifiers are fixed before motors and fans in order to save them (the latter that is) from large granular stuff. There function therefore is not as an air cleanser. In fact they are not even equipped to purify your air; they have a meager 1000 cu. Foot/minute airflow, which is not a good enough speed to really cleanse your air. The air flow at each of its duct is only as high powered as a tiny fan!

The air from your whole house system does not blow quite the same everywhere. It chooses to flow through areas where it receives the least obstruction. Cool air has an affinity towards the lower part of the room, and therefore completely avoids the upper parts, especially the little corners. Wherever there is a little niche or cubbyhole it deposits dust and dirt. So entire house might be getting a number of air changes per hour, ultimately the lower part receives dirty air.

Imagine a flowing river with plunging bank cuts and tiny rapids. Consider what its speed will be if it is followed by lazy flats complete with sandbars. This is what your HVAC is like, full with rapid airflow and all, but ultimately not a very efficient air cleanser.

As a part of whole house purification system an HVAC blower has to function all the time. Most HVAC’s used at homes are not built to be strong enough to pull in the air through the well shut HEPA filter. Thus it must be ensured that they aren’t over run and in the process heated overtly. This is, however, unavoidable incase if your furnace filter is built of fiberglass and is kept unclean.

Another serious problem with HEPA is their habit of creating heavy static backpressure. Thus, they cannot be fixed directly into the regular residential system. To solve this problem therefore, vendors include an expensive bypass vent circuit and much stronger secondary purifiers. Most partial bypass systems are incapable of performing their required functions to the extent necessary. Therefore dirty air easily flows through the main duct.

Before buying and fixing a whole house air purifier make sure the air ducts in your system is cleansed out rigorously.

Given that we are not required to see or hear it regularly, we tend to bypass all thoughts of our air conditioning systems completely from our minds. Let’s be objective, obviously a whole house air cleaner is preferable to a portable air cleaner. Consider, suppose your portable air cleaner suddenly starts malfunctioning then you take it to your vendor asap. This doesn’t come in the way of your house’s heating or cooling which continues despite the air being unclean. On the other hand a minor glitch which you probably look beyond in case of a whole house system becomes a reason for you to run to your vendor in case of a portable system.

If you want to improve the quality of the air in your house reasonably try and get rid of all toxic sources. Make sure your ventilation is channelized plausibly and circulation is truly possible. Regularly clean your HVAC system, and don’t leave out any pan duct or coil. Keep replacing your furnace filters with the latest ones. Also, try and use premium chemical-capable portable room air-purifiers in your bedrooms.

If you still have money to spare spend it on getting a central vacuum system for your entire house. This will spit out all the dirty air in your house right outside. Else get yourself a quality sealed HEPA filter vacuum cleaner

Is Spring Cleaning Or Easter Eggs The Health Hazard


How spring cleaning can be fulfilling if going according to plan.

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What is it about spring that brings the goodness out in people, could it be waking up to our feathered friends whistling their morning tune? Is it to do with the buds on the pink cherry blossom trees or the lemon daffodil trumpets standing tall with pride? How about the spring lambs or the hatching of yellow fluffy chicks. Could it be the coming of Easter bonnet parades – is our sense of feeling on top of the world encouraged by chocolate Easter eggs or is it the rising of our lord Jesus Christ that gives us all the reason behind why we feel as good as we do bringing out the goodness in us all?

All these pleasant happenings and events contribute to how we celebrate the spring seasonal months. How do we do this? By spring cleaning of course where no stone is left unturned, it is where every inch of the house is cleaned right through from top to bottom – no cobweb goes unnoticed or scum mark on the bath ignored.

Spring cleaning can be a health hazard if you take on to much at once or it can have its advantages where you can treat it as a form of exercise workout. Who knows you may get to enjoy it to an extent where it gets done on a regular basis, therefore you keep in shape and into the bargain a spotless home.

Spring cleaning is time consuming so the best thing you can do is to sit down and plan a time schedule for each job in advance. Allow yourself tea breaks in between. Spring cleaning can be very fulfilling and rewarding if not rushed. If there are certain parts of the house that need more attention than others then direct all your energies on those rooms. Get the heavy work out of the way so that you do not have to face these as you begin to tire from other tasks performed.

The only ammunition you need for this battle against dirt and grime is a checklist carefully mapped out. Allies, bleach – disinfectant – feather duster and a little elbow grease then you are well on the way to winning this war. Choose a day preferably when you are not likely to have visitors, if kiddies are on the scene call the grandparents to baby sit. Older children send to the cinema in another country if need be. Take one room at a time do not have two or three on the ago at the one time you may lose control.

Consider doing the laundry a couple a days before i.e. sheets curtains. If your list of your jobs on your checklist are followed through the way you intended then all should run smooth. Cutting corners can cause misery.

Throw open every window in the house to let some fresh air in. Have your favourite music playing in the background and sing along at the top of your voice to let the neighbours know you are feeling on top of the world as you dust away. As the day draws to an end run a hot bath, fill with bubbles, light a few candles and relax. Send out for a take away meal pizza or curry we don`t want to dirty the pots now do we.