TR Seven Criteria to Help You Assess Who to Buy Window Coverings Online from this Holiday Season


Ordering window coverings over the Internet can be an unsettling thought for many. After all, there are many retailers to select from online and you are making a significant investment. How do you know who you should buy from? How can you tell one company from another? YourBlinds.paving knows many questions exist and therefore provides some simple criteria to insure online purchasing success.

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TR Septic Tanks – Danger Signs In A Rural Home


Most rural homes are not connected to a mains sewage system. These homes rely on a self-contained sewage treatment plant called a septic tank.

If you have a septic tank, or are considering the purchase of a home with one, there are life-saving facts you need to know about septic tanks.

A septic tank takes the sewage from the house, the solids settle out and grease floats to the top. Between the two layers is a clear watery layer that is piped away to an absorption area …

sewage system,septic system, septic tank, sewage remediation

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Most rural homes are not connected to a mains sewage system. These homes rely on a self-contained sewage treatment plant called a septic tank.

If you have a septic tank, or are considering the purchase of a home with one, there are life-saving facts you need to know about septic tanks.

A septic tank takes the sewage from the house, the solids settle out and grease floats to the top. Between the two layers is a clear watery layer that is piped away to an absorption area where it is allowed to percolate away, through the soil. Soil bacteria break down any nutrients before the sewage reaches the water bearing rocks, or any streams.

Septic tanks are usually buried in the ground. There are three main types, all of which cause different concerns.

Steel tanks rust, especially when buried in the ground. A steel septic tank can be so corroded that it can lead to someone walking over it falling through and into the tank. The hapless person is suffocated by the methane generated in the tank, or drowns.

Concrete tanks may be damaged internally, leading to permanent and expensive to rectify damage to the absorption drain-field.

The worst tanks are those built from concrete blocks on site. Sometimes the blocks are just laid and not cemented together. Even if they are cemented together years of attack from acidic sewage will dissolve the mortar. These tanks can collapse without warning and probably fail to meet local planning and environmental protection regulations.

How do you tell if your septic tank has problems
Check for signs of solid sewage material in the drain-field area. If the drain-field has been contaminated because the septic tank has not been pumped out regularly, this can be very expensive to rectify.

If you are buying a home with a septic tank, you should insist on the tank being pumped out and an investigation by a septic tank contractor carried out. It is not possible to examine a septic tank properly while it is full.

You may have to pay for a contractor to give you a report, but this will be a tiny amount compared to the cost of any necessary remedial work

TR Selecting Your Carpet


We’ve all done it. Every time we invest in new carpet, we take an internal oath and solemnly swear we will take care of this brand new carpet, and rightfully so. It doesn’t take a mathematical genius to know that for most folks, the third largest investment after the purchase of our home and cars is the home’s interior.

So we read the manufacturer’s warranty and notice that it says to vacuum often. Daily might be the frequency in the high traffic areas. But who has time a…

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We’ve all done it. Every time we invest in new carpet, we take an internal oath and solemnly swear we will take care of this brand new carpet, and rightfully so. It doesn’t take a mathematical genius to know that for most folks, the third largest investment after the purchase of our home and cars is the home’s interior.

So we read the manufacturer’s warranty and notice that it says to vacuum often. Daily might be the frequency in the high traffic areas. But who has time any more to spend maintaining carpets on a daily basis? The only time you see people vacuum that frequently is in the hotel and motel industry.

Rarely does one actually see the carpets being replaced at the hotel and motel industry unless there is a major remodeling project happening with new color schemes to match. So it would serve one well to learn from the hospitality business.

How do we usually buy carpet? In most cases it comes with the home already installed. It will either be a newly built or a previously owned re-sale home. If a new home was built, if you are in the beginning stages of construction, you have a choice to upgrade to the better carpet and padding offered. Or you can choose the cheapest carpet known to mankind commonly referred to as ‘builder’s grade’ materials which also includes the cheapest, thinnest carpet pad also known as ‘FHA grade’ 2 lb. rebond.

Sure the carpet is fuzzy and comes in a light color and the padding might as well be called foam because it easily crushes to the sub-floor when any weight is applied on the carpet’s surface. After all, carpet is just carpet and pad is just pad, right? WRONG. Once again the old adage “You get what you pay for” still rings true.

DuPont, one of the top four major fiber producers, conducted a study years ago about the behaviors of the consumer as related to the way they make a purchase decision when it comes to picking carpet. I suppose human behavior still has not evolved that much since. Please note that the following results are not a misprint.

They rank from number one to number five in order:

1. Color
2. Color
3. Color
4. Texture
5. Price

While not disclosed, the first three might have been trying to color match the hard surface flooring like tile, hardwood flooring or stone. The second might be for the paint in a given room and the last color match to compliment the home’s other furnishings such as window treatments, and furniture.

Texture refers to the ‘feel’ also known as the hand of the carpet referring to how it feels when you touch the carpet by hand. It would also take into account the weight of carpet measured in ounces. For example, a carpet weighing 32 oz. per square inch has more carpet fibers then say a 16 ounce carpet. A good way to test this principle is to go to carpet a retailer and ask to see two different swatches.

For example with all things being equal, such as the same Carpet Fiber Producer manufactured by DuPont, same carpet fibers milled at Shaw Industries, same color dye lot, etcetera, you can perform this simple comparison test side by side.

Simply form your fingers like a claw and push directly straight down from top to the bottom of the fibers using your fingertips only. You should notice an immediate difference in carpet density. It will also reflect in the price per square yard. The difference is the number of stitches per square inch. On a much more dense carpet, it will be difficult to see down to the primary backing where the carpet is stitched in.

Here’s the benefit:
If there are more carpet pile fibers, then each carpet fiber actually supports one another side by side on all four corners of the fiber forming a nap. The less pile there is opens up the potential damage for gritty soil to ‘cut’ the fibers at the base of the pile where the primary backing is. This cutting effect comes with every step, pivot and turn on the carpet nap’s surface. This also causes thinning, pitting and marring of fibers making carpets dull in appearance even after restorative cleaning.

It is also worth mentioning that 60 percent of the soil that falls into the carpet can be removed safely and effectively with routine dry vacuuming of high traffic areas such as halls, stairs, entry ways and traffic paths in front of furniture. This single process alone can greatly extend the performance and life use of the carpet. Remember the hospitality industry housekeepers?

The second most fatal mistake a carpet purchaser can make is ignoring the quality of the carpet pad. Padding for the subfloor is like the spine of the carpet. It provides support to aid in preventing indentations left by heavy furniture legs after re-arranging a room.

It also has the job of holding water like a sponge whenever a copious amount water floods the room such as a broken water pipe. It provides the comfort under our footing so our feet and backs don’t ache. This is the one place you don’t have to worry about the color matching as the carpet will cover all the pad.

Pad is also measured in ounces and pounds. Once again, the higher the number, the more dense the pad. The density can range in feeling. By using a pinch test between the top and bottom of the pad you can compare densities. There is foam all the way up to feeling like a large pencil eraser. The higher the better.

Try to stay away from rubber based products like a waffle print as they have been known to dry rot where hot water pipes run through the concrete subflooring. They also don’t provide any absorption for collecting water spills. In fact in a typical flood scenario, the water just continues to migrate further by saturating a greater area of carpet space.

It would also be wise to choose the right carpet for the right application. If you were born during Baby Boomer era, you would have ran into carpets that were made from polyester. Those fibers were dyed first before they were extruded as fiber. They never faded from the sun or bleach spills and lasted forever but were harder to clean.

Nylon came around and was softer to the hand and cleaned up better but spills could permanently stain the fibers and due to costs, generally come in lighter colors. Almost all darker colors will be more expensive to produce due to more dye in the process. More dyes prevented stains due to the lack of dye sites available.

Fourth Generation carpets removed the nuisance of static electricity when walking across a room and touching anything conductive to release a jolting shock.

Fifth Generation carpets involved the incorporation of stain resist carpets. The key to this technology was to create a transparent dye. Normally after dyeing half of the carpet’s dye sites in a light color the remaining dye sites would be open for stains once installed. The solution was solved by re-dyeing the remaining dye sites with a transparent dye. Dye sites are like skin pores on your arm.

The last point to consider is the primary backing of carpets. For a number of years, India exported to the United States jute which is what ropes are made of. An unfortunate deadly industrial accident involving chemicals at Union Carbide’s battery plant, cause strained relations between both countries and jute stopped being exported.

Jute backed carpets also occurred when they became wet from flooding. The natural fiber made of plant (organically)based material released a tannin dye similar to coffee and bled into the carpet’s surface; thereby causing it to permanently discolor the carpet and ruin it.

It was also a food source for mold and mildew and if not treated quickly, it would dry rot causing the primary and secondary backing to delaminate and destroy the carpet.

Since the mid 1980’s polypropylene backing has become the norm. It’s a tough as fishing line and can hold up to most abuse end users give it. It’s also cheaper to produce. In fact, 70 percent of all carpets involved in a clear water food damage loss can be dried, cleaned and re-engaged with no evidence of a pre-loss condition.

Good luck on your next carpet purchase as you now possess more knowledge than most of the carpet cleaners and retailers in the industry. And don’t forget to vacuum!

TR Selecting The Right Patio Furniture Cushions


The right patio furniture cushions can fill you with a sense of luxurious living. Whether you have a wrought iron, wicker, teak or plastic furniture set, having the right cushions can make or break your backyard or sunroom. Having durable, appealing fabric on the outside should be matched with long-lasting cushions.

The key to long-lasting patio furniture cushions is not just the density or quality of the foam itself, but the drainable quality of it. Cushions that will in…


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TR Selecting the Right Kitchen Sink


The sink is the busiest spot in your kitchen. Nearly every task begins or ends in its embrace, so choosing the right one for the way you will use it and the way it will look may be one of the most important decisions you will make when planning your kitchen.

home improvement, kitchens, sink, kitchen

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TR Selecting The Right Home Builder


Selecting a Home builder is even more important than the financing and the location. The home builder’s commmittment to quality will become evident as your new home ages no matter is the home is a modular, log, custom, or tract type housing. The builder decided on the quality level of the materials based on the price points of the final product, your home.

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TR Selecting The Perfect Room Air Purifier


No need to hold your breath when you have an effective room air purifier. There has been a lot of study and technology applied to the way room air purifiers work and how they help keep people healthy. Here are some of the findings of the work done to investigate if you really do need to have an air purifier in order to breathe more safely.

What the EPA Has to Say

The California Environmental Protection Agency has looked into the effectiveness of home air purifiers to d…

Room Air Purifier,Air Cleaner, Filterless, Air Purifier, filtration, air cleaning, room, purifying,

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No need to hold your breath when you have an effective room air purifier. There has been a lot of study and technology applied to the way room air purifiers work and how they help keep people healthy. Here are some of the findings of the work done to investigate if you really do need to have an air purifier in order to breathe more safely.

What the EPA Has to Say

The California Environmental Protection Agency has looked into the effectiveness of home air purifiers to determine if there is really a need for these systems and if they really to what they claim to do. In a nutshell, the agency reports that they have found no air filter can remove every particle from the environment, and should not claim to do so. This is especially true of particles that quickly settle on surfaces.

One of the most effective ways to remove large particles is through your whole house systems. Your furnace for example has a filter that should be changed annually. Your stove needs to be properly ventilated too.

After taking care of the systems within the home, the EPA has recommended a room air purifier that uses a HEPA filter to help clean the air. These range in price from around $100 to over $2,000 depending on size. A room air purifier that is placed in a central location, such as the kitchen can effectively remove smaller particles, but don’t always work to remove gasses and odours. As a warning, it is important to not rely on air purifiers to remove carbon monoxide or radon. These are dangerous gasses than can build up in an unventilated home and cause serious illness and even death.

The Dissenters

There are a relatively small number of studies that seem to indicate that room air purifiers are neither necessary nor effective. This is small minority, but there is some merit to their research which really only leads to the need for more research to substantiate their findings.

Some research has raised the concern about ionic air purifiers because of the ozone these systems release into the air. Others claim the ionic system of trapping air particles using negative ions is ineffective. The truth is there is more evidence that ionic and HEPA filter systems do capture a substantial amount of even the smallest particles down to 0.3 micron. The impact of the amount of ozone released as a bi-product still warrants more research.

What You Can Do For Cleaner Air At Home

1. Replace whole house system filters at least annually. These are very inexpensive and easy to replace.

2. Keep your home well ventilated. Open windows and “replace” the air in your home. If you are in a high pollution area, then opening windows and blowing air out with a fan will remove pollution that enters the house.

3. Taking smoking outside. Never allow anyone to smoke in your home.

4. Use a room air purifier to trap particles in the air that are not removed from ventilation. Using central air conditioning during the allergy season will help filter air entering the house.

TR Selecting the Perfect Area Rug


The right rug: A well-chosen rug enhances your color scheme, in addition to absorbing sound in a hardwood room.

silk rugs,area rugs,persian rugs,oriental rugs

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The right rug: A well-chosen rug enhances your color scheme, in addition to absorbing sound in a hardwood room.
You’re in luck if you pull up your green shag carpeting and uncover a hardwood treasure. But what do you do with those naked floors?
If your floor is in good shape, you may want to leave it uncovered. If you do so, it’s important to put stick-on felt pads on the feet of your chairs and place small, washable throw rugs at high traffic areas (under the kitchen sink, the front door, etc.) to increase the life of your floor.
If your newly revealed floor is in bad shape, you don’t necessarily have to re-carpet or refinish the hardwood. There are several less expensive options:
– Install tile only in the high-traffic areas showing damage, leaving the remainder of the hardwood intact.
– Hire a hardwood repair specialist to spot-replace and re-stain warped, burnt or gauged areas.
– Lay area rugs over the damaged zones. The Selection Process
There are several advantages to using large area rugs on your hardwood flooring:
– The room will feel warmer and look more “pulled together” when anchored by a rug.
– Rugs help absorb the increased noise and echoes generated in a room with hardwood flooring.
– A well-chosen floor covering enhances your color scheme and the decor of the room.
– Your floors will be protected from scratches and wear.
The first step in selecting the appropriate rug is to determine where you want to put it and the size you’ll need. Make sure you have your furniture in the best arrangement possible for the room. Lay newspapers down on the floor and begin covering the area needing the carpet. Start small and keep laying down paper until you find what looks like the best coverage. Establish minimum and maximum acceptable sizes and jot this down. (Most rugs come in standard sizes but there are variations, so it helps to know the range of sizes that could work in the room.)
The rug should enhance the room’s decor by echoing its color scheme and style and should be an integral part of the overall design, not the focal point. Stand in the room needing the rug and make note of its one, two or three predominant colors. Then determine the room’s style or period (French Country, Modern, Early American, etc). Knowing the room’s colors and the style will help you narrow your choices.
Decide on a solid versus a patterned rug,such as handmade area rugs,silk rugs,persian rugs,oriental rugs,wool rugs etc. Solid colored rugs calm the eye, but show spots and lint more easily. A patterned rug adds visual interest and hides soil well, but finding one to match your existing furnishings may be a challenge.
Next, determine your budget. When I was looking for my perfect living room rug (with an 8-foot by 10-foot minimum and a 9-foot by 12-foot maximum), I wanted to spend less than $750 but was prepared to pay up to $1,000. After a two-month search, I ended up with a close-to-perfect-rug for $625, delivered. I could have settled for a $350 alternative, but felt the additional $375 was a worthwhile investment. A Range of Sources
Once you know your budget, your colors and your style, you’re ready to hunt down the rug of your dreams. Many retail furniture stores also carry area rugs that you can take home and try out. Try to save money by purchasing your rug during a sale. Inexpensive Alternatives
– Recycle your old wall-to-wall carpeting. Lay out the carpeting on your driveway and determine what section of the rug could be re- used. Use masking tape to outline the area you want cut and trimmed. Take the carpet to a carpet company willing to do the lacing and – voila – a “new” area rug for the cost of the stitching!
– Try garage or estate sales. You can find new, antique or imported rugs at a flea markets, often at a good price.
– Furniture consignment shops sometimes carry high-quality used carpets at a fraction of the new cost.

TR Selecting Right Types Of Air Purifiers


For sufferers of asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases, indoor air pollution in the form of dander, dust and pollen particles can be a real irritant. Purifying the house along with proper indoor ventilation and filtration system is essential for a healthy home atmosphere. Keeping your house clean of dust, dander, smoke, pollen, and other airborne particulate matters will help to reduce the irritation and other respiratory difficulties. Air purifiers, filters and he…

air purifiers,air cleaners

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