How To Buy A Good Sofa


One of the most important furniture investments that you will ever make in your life is your sofa. Whether you have realized it yet or not, your sofa will be one of the focal points of your living room or family room.


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Your sofa seats your guests when you do some entertaining at home. Your sofa will seat your family as they gather in front of the TV set or the gaming console. Even if you have set yourself into thinking that your sofa is only a temporary piece that you would keep for only a few years, you will certainly end up having it for around ten or more years before you even know it.

Since there is no such thing as a transitional sofa, you might as well furnish the best sofa that your money can buy when you are in the market for a good sofa. However, just how should you go about buying a good sofa? Here are a few pointers.

1. Choose a sofa that complements the style of the room where it will be placed. Before you go shopping for your new sofa, you have to take a good look of the room where you would be putting your sofa and consider the style in which the room was done. One of the guidelines in interior designs is that all the elements of a room must complement each other and create an overall look that is cohesive and harmonious. So, whatever sofa you are going to buy should help create that look of harmony and cohesiveness in the room.

2. Get a sofa that is proportionate to the size of the room. The scale of the room is another important factor that you should consider when you are buying a sofa. The size of your new sofa should be proportionate to the room you would be putting it in. Big sofas will crowd a small room, while small sofas will be drowned in a big room.

Also consider the use that your sofa would have in the room. If it is just for seating people, then there would be no problem for you to get a sofa that is a bit narrow between the arms. However, you may want to get a bit more space between the arms if you intend to lie on that sofa every once in a while.

3. Go for an armless sofa. If the room wherein you would be putting your sofa is a little too small and you need to make this room appear bigger than it really is, the solution you need to look at is the armless sofa. The armless sofa can create the illusion of added width in a room

4. Check out the cushioning of the sofa and determine how many it can seat. One basic truth about sofas is that no one wants to sit on the crack between two cushions simply because it is not a comfortable spot to rest one’s bum on. If you want your sofa to seat as many people as it can in reasonable comfort, you can choose a sofa with a single cushion.

Speaking of comfort, you would want your sofa to have a depth that is just perfect for you. A sofa with a good depth would have ample space between its edge and the back of your knees when you sit on it.

5. Keep in mind who would be using your sofa when considering fabric and patterns. Your sofa would need to be ready to withstand whatever use and abuse it will get from its expected users. So, when you are shopping for your sofa, consider who will be using it.

A sofa done in just one solid color is always nice to look at. However, stains and dirt become readily apparent on them. On the other hand, a sofa with patterned upholstery will work well in hiding stains and dirt. If you have kids at home or if you live with pets indoors, a patterned sofa would fit you more.

Likewise, if you have kids or pets at home, the fabric of your sofa should be something that is easy to clean and not too delicate. Otherwise, it would be too much of a chore to get dirt and stains cleaned up. Also, if the fabric is too delicate, you may run a bill on reupholstering your sofa. If you want a low-maintenance sofa, go ahead and get something done in leather.

Your sofa is an important piece of furniture that will stay with you for a very long time. When you go out to buy a sofa for any room in your house, take the time and effort to make a careful decision on what kind of sofa you are going to bring back home. Otherwise, you will have to live with the product of your mistake for a very long time.

How To Build With Cobb


The tradition of earth building is again enjoying a revival in North America. People from all over are looking for building methods which use ecological and sustainable resources. Cob buildings meets these standards. It is an easy to learn technique using locally available resources a mixture of clay, sand, straw and water to build the walls. Cob walls are extremely durable, lasting for centuries, and create no pollution or disposal problems. Cob structures are well suited to a variety of temperate climates. They can withstand earthquakes, won’t catch fire, are energy efficient and inexpensive to build.

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How To Build With Cobb

Clay, sand and straw is mixed by foot on a tarp or with a cement mixer for faster results. Clay acts as the glue, sand hardens the structure, and the straw works like rebar to give the walls strength.

Cob is Mixed into a dough like consistency, and then placed into walls up to two foot thick and worked in to create a monolithic wall structure. No forms are used, and the builder can create it into any shape.

How To Build A Deck – 5 Considerations For Building A Wood Deck


How to build a deck? Building a wood deck correctly can create the perfect transition between your home and your backyard. How to build a deck planning and construction should result in a wonderful place to go to relax and unwind after a hectic day. Whether you are going to have your deck built by a professional or do it yourself, building a deck correctly requires proper planning and design.

Here are five basic considerations for building a wooden deck:

1. Choose Your …

how to build a deck,building a wood deck,building a wooden deck,deck building,

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How to build a deck? Building a wood deck correctly can create the perfect transition between your home and your backyard. How to build a deck planning and construction should result in a wonderful place to go to relax and unwind after a hectic day. Whether you are going to have your deck built by a professional or do it yourself, building a deck correctly requires proper planning and design.

Here are five basic considerations for building a wooden deck:

1. Choose Your Deck Type – there are several types of decks you can have for your home. An outdoor patio deck can be attached to your home. A convenient location for your outdoor patio deck could be attached to the family room or kitchen.

How to build a deck that is a destination deck? A destination deck would be typically be located in a special place with a view and would not connected to your home. You might have a winding path that would lead to the destination deck. How to build a deck that is a connector deck? A connector deck is several smaller decks of any shape or size connected to each other with pathways.

2. Consider Your Deck Activities – when building a wood deck, will your deck be a place to grill and barbecue? Are you going to have parties and entertain family and friends? Is your deck going to be a quiet place for lounging reading or enjoying your favorite beverage? Will you have a luxurious hot tub on your deck? To increase privacy, will you have landscaping, plants or trees around your deck? Take some time and think through how to build a deck that will perform the way you want. Go online and buy a good book on planning and building a wood deck.

3. Decide Your Deck Size – if your house and backyard is smaller and you won’t entertain large groups, you likely don’t need a large deck. Too large a deck can actually make the house appear smaller. Keep it simple, but add an angle or two to the deck design if you want. When building a wood deck, you can divide the deck into two areas – one area for lounging and sunning and another section for cooking and dining.

4. What Deck Materials Will You Use – if you will be building a wooden deck, there are several structural parts. Your deck may need concrete footings that extend below the frostline if you’ll have freezing winters. If your deck will be on sandy soil, you may need to build larger footings that will support the deck posts or beams.

The posts can be 4″x4″ lumber which is generally strong enough to support the deck. If your deck is above ground, you may be required to use 6″x6″ structural posts. The deck beams will rest horizontally on the posts and will support the deck joists. Deck joists will be spaced horizontally every 12″, 16″ or 24″ and will support the decking boards. The decking boards are the floor of your deck that span from joist to joist.

5. Design and Build It Yourself or Hire a Professional – unless you live in a very rural area, there will probably be building code requirements, permits and inspections needed when building a wooden deck project. Contact your local building official to see what is required in your area. One major advantage to having qualified professionals help is that they understand the legal side of how to build a deck and can help ensure building code requirements are met.

One of the best ways to understand how to build a deck is to view wood deck plans that have been built many times. Seeing attractive deck plans can give you deck building ideas that will simplify your planning and design.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

How to Budget for Home Improvements


Home improvement projects often scare people away. The typical homeowner will believe that it will cost thousands of dollars to remodel one room since they often lack the skills to do the job themselves. They may also feel that the project is too expensive since many materials and tools are needed.

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Home improvement projects often scare people away. The typical homeowner will believe that it will cost thousands of dollars to remodel one room since they often lack the skills to do the job themselves. They may also feel that the project is too expensive since many materials and tools are needed.

To the contrary, home improvement does not have to be expensive at all. Of course if you hire a contractor or subcontractor to do the job, you will pay a fortune but if you have the patience and the ability to read and follow directions then you can remodel an entire room in your home for less than one hundred dollars. Of course this will depend on the type of remodeling you want to accomplish and your definition of remodeling. If you believe painting a room is considered “remodeling” then your costs will be inexpensive. If you want to expand a room or redesign it then your costs will rise. So to help you save money, you will need to decide the type of remodeling then you will need to contrast and compare materials.

Before starting the process of improving your home, you will need to setup a budget and a plan to get started. You will need to consider various notions when considering and planning home improvement. For example, do you intend to paint your home? Do you intend to tile your home? Do you want carpet and/or hard wood in your home? How many rooms do you plan to remodel? What material will you need? How much material will you need?

Asking questions is part of analyzing and planning for home improvement. One of the best tools to have when considering home improvement is knowing what you like and knowing what you want. When I improve my home, the first thing I want to do is to roam around my brain to search for my favorites and what excites and appeals to me. Thus, when I go to the home improvement stores I already have in mind what I am going to purchase, thus this relaxes my quest to improving my home.

If you are lacking the cash to improve your home then setting up a budget will help you get what you want as well as save you cash. You may even consider purchasing materials and tools for home improvement at the stores that offer discounts and/or purchases with no payments until a particular date. This notion will give you time to get your home improved while saving the cash to payoff the improvement materials and tools. If you have more then one hardware or lumber store, then look for the best possible deals. Sometimes if you purchase at a local hardware store instead of a large brand name, you may be able to work out a nice deal.

Unfortunately, many people go for secondary home loans, i.e. home equity loans, to improve their home. Getting loans from lenders often lead to debt, and secondary home loans for improvement only leads to paying off your home twice. Thus, avoid those high interest rates and loan payments and learn to budget to improve your home. It may take you longer to make those home improvements but it give you less stress and will help keep you out of debt.

Let me give you an overall view of what one room could cost you for repairs. Say you want to paint a room in your home. You will need plaster, sealers, primer, paints, paint thinners, scrapers, screwdriver, paint opening (often comes with your paint purchase), patches, paintbrushes, tray, and so forth. Now you may think this is going to cost you a fortune to improve your home, but to the contrary, you are wrong.

The paint and tools will cost you the most while the other items will cost less. Primer, sealers and plaster could cost around fifteen dollars if you go to the right store.

Paint thinners, trays, brushes and screwdriver will cost around fifteen if you visit the right store. Thus, the patches should be purchased with a plaster kit, which will save you a few pennies. The paint will cost around twenty per can, depending on the type of paint purchased. Therefore, for around a hundred bucks you could remodel a room in your home without hiring anyone to do the job providing you follow the instructions.

What about the bathroom? Can you remodel the area on a budget plan? It will depend on the size of the area an the type of remodeling but if you wish to tile your bathroom and paint the walls you could get the job done for around a hundred bucks give or take a few dollars. If you visit the right stores and know what you are doing, you could remodel a small bathroom or medium bathroom for around fifty bucks.

Learning to budget and plan can help you remodel your entire home (if the home is in good standings) for a few hundred dollars. Furthermore, doing the work yourself will save you thousands of dollars.

How to avoid foreclosure


Foreclosure. It’s a word that’s sending shivers of fear down the back for many a household in the current financial crisis.
If you see you maybe heading for trouble, you can take steps NOW to prevent foreclosure on your home.

financial crisis, foreclosure,debt

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If you see you maybe heading for trouble, you can take steps NOW to prevent foreclosure on your home.
As with anything of this magnitude, you need to act quickly. Don’t wait until it’s too late to turn things around.
You may be facing:
. oThe loss of a job
. oCuts in hours or overtime pay
. oRetirement
. oIllness, injury, or the death of a family member
. oDivorce or separation

If your family is facing any of these changes and cannot pay your bills, now is the time to look closely at what you owe and what you earn, eliminating unnecessary spending and reaching out for help if you still can’t meet your financial obligations. Taking action now can help you protect your family from the loss of your home.
On the next page are some steps you need to take now, to safeguard your home for the future, and put the threat of foreclosure behind you.
Remember. The time to act is now. The longer you wait, the deeper the problem becomes.
Many people avoid calling their lenders when they have money troubles. Most of us are embarrassed to discuss our money problems with others or believe that if lenders know we are in trouble, they will rush to collection or foreclosure.
Lenders want to help borrowers keep their homes. Foreclosure is expensive for lenders, mortgage insurers and investors. HUD/FHA, as well as private mortgage insurance companies and investors like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, require lenders to work aggressively with borrowers who are facing money problems.
Lenders have workout options to help you keep your home. However, these options work best when your loan is only one or two payments behind. The farther behind you are on your payments, the fewer options are available.
Do not assume that your problems will quickly correct themselves. Don’t lose valuable time by being overly optimistic. Contact your mortgage lender to discuss your circumstances as soon as you realize that you are unable to make your payments. While there is no guarantee that any particular relief will be given, most lenders are willing to explore every possible option.
To help you, lenders typically need:
. o Your loan account number
. o A brief explanation of your circumstances
. o Recent income documents (such as Pay stubs; Benefit Statements from Social Security, Disability, Unemployment, Retirement, or Public Assistance. If you are Self-employed, have your tax returns or a Year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement available for reference)
. oList of household expenses

Expect to have more than one phone conversation with your lender. Typically, your lender will mail you a “loan workout” package. This package contains information, forms and instructions. If you want to be considered for assistance, you must complete the forms and return them to your lender quickly. The completed package will be reviewed before the lender talks about a solution with you.
CALL TODAY! The sooner you call; the sooner help is available.

If you do not contact your lender, your lender will try to contact you by mail and phone soon after you stop making payments. It is very important that you respond to the mail and the phone calls offering help. If your lender does not hear from you they will be required to start legal action leading to foreclosure. This will substantially increase the cost of bringing your loan current.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking with your lender, you should immediately contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency and arrange an appointment with a counselor. A counselor will help you assess your financial situation, determine what options are available to you, and help you negotiate with your lender. A counselor will be familiar with the various workout arrangements that lenders will consider and will know what course of action makes the most sense for you and your family, based on your circumstances. In addition, the counselor can call the lender with you or on your behalf to discuss a workout plan. By meeting with a counselor before your mortgage payments are too far behind, you can protect yourself from future credit problems.
A good counselor will help you establish a monthly budget plan to ensure that you can meet all of your monthly expenses, including your mortgage payment. Your personal financial plan will clearly show how much money you have available to make the mortgage payment. This analysis will help you and your lender determine whether a reduced or delayed payment schedule could help you. Also, a counselor will have information on services, resources, and programs available in your local area that may provide you with additional financial, legal, medical or other assistance that you may need.

How To Achieve a High Home Improvement Value


Estimating your home improvement value is simple enough, and rising that value is just as simple if you know what to do and how to go about it.

home improvement, redecorating, adding on, building, remodeling, house, property value

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People purchase houses for many different reasons. Some people buy houses to improve on the property, and get a good return on investment from it. Other people buy property to sell on. For whatever reason they buy a house or property, they would like to see their home improvement value.

Estimating your home improvement value is fairly easy. Raising that value is just as easy if you know what to do, and how to do it. The basic rule of thumb is that the more money you put into your house, the more you can expect to get out of it. It doesn’t matter how big the house is, where it is located, or what condition it is in, there are always ways to increase your home improvement value.

It doesn’t have to be grueling work to increase your home improvement value. All that is needed is a little bit of planning, time, and money. To figure out where your house can improve you can sit down with a pen and a piece of paper. On one side of the piece of paper you can write what your house has, and then on the other side you can write down what your house doesn’t have. For example, on the “house has” side of the paper, you can write: Two Bedrooms, One Bath, and Basement. You can fill in what your house doesn’t have, and what you would like your house to have in the “house doesn’t have” side. Realistically, you will not be able to complete all of the things on your list.

In today’s society people expect a certain level of living. Some people won’t even consider looking at a house if it didn’t meet their standards. Things you can add that will increase your home improvement value are things like en suite bathrooms and extra bathrooms, or half baths. Making an en suite bathroom can be as simple as adding a door between the bathroom and the room. Just adding a door can increase your property value by a lot.

Adding another bathroom can be just as easy, and you don’t have to take a mortgage to get it done. If you have a cupboard or pantry that is big enough to hold a toilet and sink, then you can continue from there. This is just another simple way to increase your property value.

Adding an extra bed room, or garage can also increase your home value unbelievably. But if this all seems a little out of price range, a new coat of paint, new flooring, or new cabinets can also increase your home improvement value. If you stick to white with your bathrooms and kitchen it will keep things feeling fresh and bigger. Also, white is a contemporary color and will appeal to most buyers.

If you remember the basic rule that investing a small amount into your home now could increase your home improvement value by a considerable amount in the future, you are sure to do just fine. Keep things contemporary and fresh. Remember your dream home and try to achieve it as much as you can, and watch your home improvement value climb!

How Soundproofing Material Works


Sound vibrations are transmitted through the air, causing problems with noise entering and exiting your home studio. Many materials used in home construction, such as wood and drywall, are conductors of sound. Blocking out these sound waves is the purpose of a soundproof room. This is usually done for a home music studio.

For the highest quality, most complete soundproofing, you should hire a professional. The cost of a professional can be prohibitive for many people. You …

home improvement, soundproofing material, acoustical foam, floor insulation, soundproofing,

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Sound vibrations are transmitted through the air, causing problems with noise entering and exiting your home studio. Many materials used in home construction, such as wood and drywall, are conductors of sound. Blocking out these sound waves is the purpose of a soundproof room. This is usually done for a home music studio.

For the highest quality, most complete soundproofing, you should hire a professional. The cost of a professional can be prohibitive for many people. You can construct a soundproof room in your home with a little knowledge and the right soundproofing material.

How Soundproofing Material Works

Soundproofing material works by interrupting sound vibrations. This isolation must be complete, or you are wasting your time. One hole in the material will ruin the effect. Sound waves can travel through the smallest hole or gap in the material.

Fiberglass is the material preferred by many professionals. Lead barriers are often used in professional studios. These need to be installed by someone knowledgeable in both the material and the principles of sound waves. This understanding makes the professional the best choice if you want the job done as thoroughly as possible.

Sound Absorbing Techniques

Sound absorbing and soundproofing materials work differently. Each product has different purposes and the two are not interchangeable.

Acoustical foam is sometimes used by professionals and often used by the do it yourself person. This is not used for soundproofing, but for absorbing the sounds within the studio. Not all foam is created equal and these materials are rated for fire safety. The ratings are listed as class A, B, or C. Fatal fires have resulted from use of inferior materials. The class A material is the most expensive, but is the most fireproof. Your safety is worth the additional expense. When using foam, make sure there is a clear path out of the room in the event of a fire. Fire resistant materials release toxic fumes in a fire, which will kill you faster than the flames.

The purpose of soundproofing material is to reduce the sound waves being transmitted into your studio from the outside. This is generally done through material in the walls, ceiling, floors and windows of the studio. Most materials are rated for the number of decibels the sound is reduced. For the materials to be effective, they must be installed correctly without holes or gaps.

Using and Installing Soundproofing Materials

A double wall is the ideal sound barrier that can be built by the do it yourself handyman. When building a second wall, it’s important to use floor insulation. This prevents the sound waves from being transmitted between the two walls via the flooring. Flooring carries acoustical energy and once the vibrations start, it can be nearly impossible to stop them. Thick carpeting is used because it absorbs these vibrations. There is no sound when walking on thick carpet.

To be effective, don’t just nail sheets of drywall to the existing wall surface. Sound will travel through the wall to the drywall. You need to create two completely independent wall sections. Make sure the studs aren’t directly across from each other. For best results, studs should be staggered across the length of the wall. A concrete surface at the bottom of the wall helps prevent sound from reaching the other wall and ultimately, your room.

The space in between is filled with sound proof material. Insulation can be used and is usually sprayed or blown into the area between the sections. You could also use foam insulating material or wool. Be sure to leave several inches of space between the two walls for absorbing the noise adequately.

How Sound Insulations Work


Sound insulations are insulating materials that work to reduce the noise that enters a room from outside the home or from other rooms. These materials can be installed during construction, or later as a home improvement project. Products that are blown, such as foams, are easier to install in existing homes.

You can repair insufficiently insulated areas yourself, or hire a professional to do the job for you. Installing most of these materials is a fairly easy DIY project f…

sound insulations, soundproofing, home improvement, soundproofing material, acoustical foam, floor i

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Sound insulations are insulating materials that work to reduce the noise that enters a room from outside the home or from other rooms. These materials can be installed during construction, or later as a home improvement project. Products that are blown, such as foams, are easier to install in existing homes.

You can repair insufficiently insulated areas yourself, or hire a professional to do the job for you. Installing most of these materials is a fairly easy DIY project for the skilled homeowner. Some home improvement stores offer weekend workshops to show you how.

How Sound Insulations Work

Sound is transmitted when vibrations move through the air, floors, ceilings and walls. The sound waves move from one room to the other, or from the outside of the home to inside. This includes traffic noise or the sound of noisy neighbors. Insulation is a good sound absorber and is effective at minimizing the noises entering a room.

Soundproofing consists of using a barrier of some sort to prevent sound from entering the space that has been sound proofed. There are two basic ways to achieve this reduction in sound: noise absorption and noise reduction.

Approaches to Sound Insulations

There are a few approaches to noise level reduction or noise absorption. A variety of materials can be used for either purpose. Noise reduction can be accomplished with the use of space between rooms. The more space, the more room for sound waves to dissipate. If you increase the distance between the source of the noise and the space, you will reduce the noise that enters the space.

The other method, noise absorption, is also referred to as dampening. With this method, the sound waves are converted to heat within the insulation. This increases energy efficiency, while reducing sound. It also suppresses the echoes and reverberation of sound waves.

Materials for Sound Insulations

Rock Wool Insulation is made of all natural materials, such as diabase or basalt. It is used for insulating the home and absorbing sound. There are other benefits to this type of insulation. It is fire resistant and helps control condensation. In addition, it is resistant to the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew.

Mineral Wool Insulation is available in either batts or loose fill. The material is stiff and brittle. Mineral wool is not only sound proof, but is fire resistant as well.

Fiberboard Insulation is installed under the drywall in your home. This material reduces sound waves through the walls and ceilings. It is effective for reducing outdoor noise from entering your room. This material is an excellent choice if you live in a city or for homes located on a busy street.

Acoustical Wall Coverings can be attached directly to the drywall. The best material to use in these wall coverings is polyester. This material is best at absorbing the sound waves that you are trying to eliminate.

Cork Squares look like floor tiles, but are made with cork board. The cork has a self sticking backing that is easy to apply to the wall surface. If you like the look of the cork, you can leave it this way. However, if you want it to match the decoration in your house, you can cover the cork with wallpaper.

How Pool Cleaning Robots Can Work You


It used to be that cleaning a swimming pool required manual labour, a brush on a long pole hooked up to your pool filtration system, and a lot of your valuable time in the heat. But thanks to technical innovation, robotics, and artificial intelligence there is now an easier way. Just drop a pool cleaner robot into your pool, push a button, walk away, and enjoy your free time.

Aquabot, Pool Cleaning Robots, Pool Cleaners

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It used to be that cleaning a swimming pool required manual labour, a brush on a long pole hooked up to your pool filtration system, and a lot of your valuable time in the heat. But thanks to technical innovation, robotics, and artificial intelligence there is now an easier way. Just drop a pool cleaner robot into your pool, push a button, walk away, and enjoy your free time.

Modern pool cleaning robots are ready to be used out of the box, just drop them into your pool, and push a button. They have internal pump and filtration systems, to avoid the hassle of hooking up long hoses to your pool filtration system. All they require is having their power cord plugged in, which floats to avoid tangling up your pool cleaner robot during its thorough cleaning of your pool.

These robots can clean more effectively then traditional filtration based cleaning systems, which is dependant on the type of Pool Filter you are using. Aquabot pool cleaners are capable of filtering debris down to 2 microns, which is even more efficient then Diatomaceous Earth pool filtering, the most efficiently swimming pool filtration systems available on the market.

Aquabots can also reduce your overall pool costs by reducing the amount of backwashing, or replacing of pool filter cartridges (depending on pool filtration type), as it uses a built in washable micro filtration bag to trap the debris taking the load off of your filter. By reducing the amount of backwashing your filtration system your pool will require less frequently pool top ups, and less chemicals that would have been lost during the backwash process. This will more then offset the average electrical operating cost of 5 to 10 cents per cleaning. It will even work out cheaper then hiring someone to clean your pool for you, over the course of a year.

While the Aquabot is busy cleaning a pool its powerful water pump creates water circulation during the vacuuming and filtration process. The water circulation will give you a more consistent heat distribution, as the cool water at the bottom of the pool is shot up towards the warmer surface water. This will do two things the first is to reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your pools surface, and secondly it will distribute your pool chemicals that can accumulate on the pool bottom, reducing your overall chemical costs.

Aquabot pool cleaners utilize microprocessor technology working in conjunction with a multitude of sensors to completely clean a pool. With smart obstacle detection Aquabots do not require time to learn your pool, or to have the user program the cleaner for an effective cleaning. Right from the first use it will clean your pool regardless of pool surface type, or the shape of your pool.

The in ground Aquabot pool cleaner models are able to climb up 90 degree walls, all the way up to the waterline for complete cleaning all the way around your pool. Aquabots powerful rear and front motor driven scrub brush assembly has the ability to loosen and remove both heavy dirt and fine particles from your pools floor, walls, waterline and most stairs. They are then vacuumed and trapped in its internal micro filtration bag.

The Aquabot product line up consists of around 20 products in three product categories, Residential Above Ground Pool Cleaners, Residential In Ground Pool Cleaners, and Commercial Pool Cleaners. Each of their products has differing specifications, and features so not every Aquabot cleaner is appropriate for every pool.

With all the benefits of a Pool Cleaning robot within a year of use depending on the frequency of pool use they can easily pay for themselves, they also provide a cheaper alternative then hiring someone to clean your pool.

How Ozone Air Purifiers Work


There is a debate raging about the safety of ozone air purifiers. Some love the fresh smell and swear by them. Others are voicing concerns about the ozone that is a by product of the air cleaning process. Ozone is a pollutant and at high levels can cause respiratory problems. This is particularly true for people living with a condition that causes decreased lung function.

How Ozone Air Purifiers Work

These purifiers work by giving the air a positive charge as it moves…

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There is a debate raging about the safety of ozone air purifiers. Some love the fresh smell and swear by them. Others are voicing concerns about the ozone that is a by product of the air cleaning process. Ozone is a pollutant and at high levels can cause respiratory problems. This is particularly true for people living with a condition that causes decreased lung function.

How Ozone Air Purifiers Work

These purifiers work by giving the air a positive charge as it moves through the machine. This causes the particles in the air to become charged as well. The charged contaminants are handled in one of two ways. In some systems, the air simply moves through the machine and is charged. The particles then settle on your walls, furniture and carpeting. These need to be vacuumed or dusted away.

More common is a system that contains a collection grid to trap the contaminants in the air. The Ionic Breeze is probably the best known of these systems. You have probably seen this advertised on late night television. The particles attach to a collection grid. You remove the grid and wipe away the contaminants and then replace the grid in the machine. The grid is easy to clean with a damp rag. This eliminates the need for replacement filters, as with hepa air purifiers.

Safety Concerns with Ozone Air Purifiers

The controversy over the safety of ozone gained publicity a few years ago when Consumer Reports gave the Ionic Breeze a low rating due to the ozone released. The position of Consumer Reports was that the ozone released was unhealthy. Sharper Image disputed this claim and tried to sue Consumer Reports and the parent company, unsuccessfully.

The new Ionic Breeze has a feature called Ozone Guard that is intended to clean the ozone out of the air. While not all the ozone can be removed, the level in the room is lower than without the Ozone Guard feature. In spite of this change, Consumer Reports still gave the system low marks. According to their testing, the purifier scored just within the acceptable limit of ozone in the air.

Ozone is particularly bad for people with decreased lung function. This includes people with asthma or COPD. For these people, ozone can cause coughing and shortness of breath. Many find the symptoms of respiratory disease become worse when exposed to ozone in the air.

5 Ways to Improve Safety with Ozone Air Purifiers

o Operate the purifier on a lower setting to reduce the amount of ozone in your air. If odors are a problem, run the machine on the higher setting when you are not in the room and then turn it to the lower setting.

o Buy a machine made for the size of your room. Using a machine intended for larger areas in a small room can cause an unhealthy level of ozone in the room. Be sure your unit is appropriate for the size of your room.

o Make sure the room is well ventilated. The more air circulation, the less ozone will accumulate in the room. Keep the doors open to increase air flow.

o Home furnishings help absorb some of the ozone in your air. A sparsely furnished room will contain more ozone in the air than a room with upholstered furniture, curtains, rugs, pillows and other decoration.

o Run the appliance when you are not in the room. Turn it off and air out the room before entering. If you are having company, you can run the machine in the empty room and turn it off before your guests arrive. This will remove odors and leave the room smelling fresh.