How to Clean Your Bathroom in 15 Minutes


Learn how to clean your bathroom in fifteen minutes or less.

homemaking, bathroom, house cleaning, organizing, housework

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by Martha Matthews

I used to absolutely loath cleaning my bathrooms. It was so much work (or so I thought) that I would procrastinate until my husband would threaten to call the health department. One day, a friend of mine showed me this routine that has helped me maintain my sanity by getting this dirty job done quickly. She introduced me to the “15 Minute Bathroom Cleaning Routine” and my life has never been the same.

I was finally free from the drudgery of mildew and soap scum buildup. No more tooth paste petrified on my faucets. Gone was the black ring around the tub that looked like a well placed pinstripe. I was finally free to let the door stay open when company came over. Wow! My family didn’t even recognize the room. They were stunned. I can honestly say that this room is now my pride and joy. Now my friends marvel at my cleaning prowess.

My bathroom was so bad that it took a little extra effort the first time I used the routine, but after the initial deep cleaning, it was a breeze. You too can overcome the bathroom blues by following these simple and effective twelve steps.

1. Remove the knick knacks and place them in the hallway.

2. Remove the throw rugs and shake them out. Put them in the laundry to be cleaned if needed.

3. Sweep or vacuum the floor.

4. Spray the counter top and let your cleaner do the work.

5. Spray the mirror and wipe it down.

6. Spray the toilet with cleaner inside and out. Let the cleaner sit.

7. Go back to the counter top. Scrub and wipe it down.

8. Spray the bath tub and shower down (you may not need to do this every week if your bath tub doesn’t get that dirty).

9. Scrub the inside of the toilet with a brush. Flush the toilet to rinse the bowl. Wipe down the seat and rim of the bowl. Don’t forget the place behind the seat and the outside of the toilet bowl and base.

10. Scrub the tub down and rinse.

Hint: if you want to clean the shower curtain you can wash it by itself in the washing machine in cold water on the delicate cycle. Throw in a bath towel to help scrub the curtain clean. Remove it promptly and hang it back up in the shower to drip dry. Never put it in the dryer.

11. If you have linoleum or tile, mop the floor. If the room is small, you can spray your cleaner directly onto the floor and wipe it up with a sponge or cleaning cloth. Let dry for ten to fifteen minutes.

12. Put back the rugs and knick knacks. Check your toilet paper supply. Put out fresh towels.

The whole process should take fifteen minutes, not counting the time to let the floor dry. It will take even less time if you don’t have to clean the tub and shower. I only clean ours once a month because it doesn’t get that dirty because we use an after shower spray that keeps the soap scum from stick to the shower surface.

There are two keys to a fast clean up: 1) Let the cleaner sit long enough to loosen up the dirt and disinfect the surface. 2) Clean the bathroom every week. Pick a day that is your bathroom cleaning day and just do it. When you keep up on your cleaning it doesn’t become such an insurmountable project.

Cleaning supplies.

1) Utility caddy to carry your supplies. The dollar store usually has these.

2) Rubber cleaning gloves.

3) Scrubber and sponge combination designed for cleaning the bathroom.

4) Window cleaner.

5) All-purpose cleaner.

6) An old toothbrush to get at those hard to reach areas.

7) One roll of paper towels.

8) Pumice stone for hard water build up in the toilet bowl.

9) Toilet brush (unless you keep one in each bathroom like I do).

That’s it. Happy cleaning!

How To Clean Windows And Not Leave Streaks


When cleaning windows it’s not always what you see is what you get! Some window cleaning chemicals won’t leave streaks right away but after a good drying period a dull film will start to appear. This usually occurs if the window cleaning solution has added chemicals that won’t evaporate and are left as a residue on the glass.

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When cleaning windows it’s not always what you see is what you get! Some window cleaning chemicals won’t leave streaks right away but after a good drying period a dull film will start to appear. This usually occurs if the window cleaning solution has added chemicals that won’t evaporate and are left as a residue on the glass. When purchasing a good window cleaning chemical or solution it is usually best to purchase products that are ammonia based. Ammonia based products will evaporate quickly and not leave any residue. Concentrated glass cleaners are great for use in climates where the temperature changes, especially if you are using them outdoors. A concentrated glass cleaner can be diluted with the correct amount of water for the amount of moisture in the air and the ambient temperature. Mix in more water for hot and dry climates and less water for cooler moist climates. By using this method you can really cut down on those window streaks.

Another good tool to use when cleaning windows is a window squeegee. Window squeegees don’t leave lint and can quickly remove any cleaning solution from your glass. Window squeegees come in many sizes and styles. For residential window cleaning a disposable window squeegee is the way to go. Disposable window squeegees do a great job and are very economical. When the rubber squeegee blade starts to break down and disintegrate just throw it away, and purchase a new one. Professional window cleaners and janitorial personal are likely to use a professional window squeegee with a replaceable squeegee blade. On these types of squeegees when the rubber blade starts to disintegrate you can just replace the rubber, retaining the original handle and channel. Professional window squeegee handles are made from many different materials such as stainless steel, plastic and brass. Brass will usually hold up better than other materials and won’t rust. Window squeegees come in many sizes ranging from 12 inches to four feet. Some companies have tried to produce window squeegees over four feet but they are too hard to control and are too heavy for one person to use. Most professional window squeegees come in three sections, the squeegee handle, the squeegee channel, and the squeegee blade.

Window washers are great for cleaning stains on windows such as bugs, bird droppings, and tar. Window washers are basically a semi abrasive towel attached to a handle and shaped like a window squeegee. The pad or towel on a window washer is usually made from cotton enclosed in a nylon net. The nylon netting is made to quickly remove the toughest of stains.

How to Clean Mattress Stains


Sooner or later, almost every mattress ends up with a stain. While it’s true that only the person who changes the bed will see whether or not the mattress is stained, ignoring the stain won’t make it go away. You can learn how to clean mattress stains using either commercial products or things you probably have in your kitchen.

how to clean mattress stains

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Sooner or later, almost every mattress ends up with a stain. While it’s true that only the person who changes the bed will see whether or not the mattress is stained, ignoring the stain won’t make it go away. You can learn how to clean mattress stains using either commercial products or things you probably have in your kitchen. After any stain removal, place a dryer sheet on the mattress before covering it with the bottom sheet to neutralize any odors and keep it smelling fresh. Here are some techniques for how to clean mattress stains of various types.

General mattress cleaning

For stains of an unknown nature, spray a citrus based cleaning product on the soiled area and let it stand for approximately five minutes to penetrate the stain. Using a clean white absorbent cloth, blot the area, pressing down firmly without rubbing for 30 seconds. Repeat this blotting process until the area is dry and odor free. Citrus based cleaning products may be used on almost any type of mattress stain.

As an alternative, you can use a mild dish detergent for spot cleaning. Blot the stain with the detergent and wipe it clean with a damp sponge.

Cigarette odor removal

In addition to the risk of starting a fire, the problem with smoking in bed is that cigarette odors can penetrate absorbent materials such as mattresses deeper than the surface area that can effectively be cleaned. If you’re not ready to replace your mattress, you need to find out how to remove this smell. Working in sections, use the citrus cleaner technique specified above. Repeat the cleaning and blotting process on each section of the mattress until the whole thing is dry and odor free.

Baking soda is another option. Sprinkle the whole top of the mattress with baking soda and leave it there overnight to absorb and neutralize the odors. In the morning, vacuum the powder off.

Removing mold and mildew stains and odors

Cleaning mold and mildew from mattresses is a difficult, especially if they have penetrated deep inside the mattress. Since mold and mildew are caused by moisture, it might be beneficial to run a dehumidifier, heater or air conditioner in the room periodically to take the dampness out of the air to prevent mold and mildew from attacking the mattress.

Another alternative for how to clean mattress stains caused by mold and mildew is to take the mattress outside on a sunny day. Sweep off all visible mold and mildew and then vacuum the mattress with a heavy duty vacuum cleaner. Allow the sun to shine on the mattress for several hours. This will dry and freshen it.

Removing urine stain and odors

Accidents happen. When the accident involves pets or small children and mattresses it is more than just embarrassing. Urine can saturate absorbent materials such as mattresses well beyond the surface area. Cleaning urine from a mattress is difficult if it has penetrated deep into the cloth materials. This creates ideal conditions for bacteria and mold growth and the related unpleasant odors.

It may be possible to rescue your mattress if you know how to clean mattress stains. First blot up as much of the urine as possible with an absorbent cloth. Then spray a product like PAWS – Pet Accident Washup Solution or Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate or any other brand that mentions urine odor removal on its label on the soiled area. Follow up with the blotting and drying techniques indicated above.

Vinegar will also remove urine stains. Saturate the stain with vinegar and blot until no more of the urine can be removed. Cover the area with baking soda to neutralize the odor, leaving it on overnight. In the morning, vacuum the powder off.

Removing Kool-Aid stains from mattresses

Kids, brightly colored beverages and beds don’t mix. Even the most careful child will have spill something eventually if they drink in bed. A mattress will soak up these liquids. It is impossible to remove the entire liquid spill from inside the mattress. The dyes in Kool-Aid generally leave a permanent stain, but you can try to remove the surface stain. First, blot up as much of the liquid as possible with an absorbent white cloth. Use the citrus cleaner techniques shown above.

You might also try spraying vinegar onto the stain and letting it sit for about an hour. To remove as much liquid from the mattress as possible, cover it with a thick cloth and weigh the cloth down with a heavy book or brick. After the hour is up, spray the stain with vinegar again and blot it with a clean cloth to lift the color. Repeat the process until the stain is completely removed or no further reductions of the colored stain occur.

How To Clean A Cuckoo Clock


When it comes time to clean your cuckoo clock, it is essential that you take the proper steps to ensure any potential damage to the timepiece. Clocks that are cleaned by improper methods can cause these items to shift, break, or become damaged so that the clock will fail to keep the proper time or stop working completely. If you are concerned about the status of your clock, consider taking it to a professional clockmaker or a jeweler who specializes in clocks for a cleaning o…

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When it comes time to clean your cuckoo clock, it is essential that you take the proper steps to ensure any potential damage to the timepiece. Clocks that are cleaned by improper methods can cause these items to shift, break, or become damaged so that the clock will fail to keep the proper time or stop working completely. If you are concerned about the status of your clock, consider taking it to a professional clockmaker or a jeweler who specializes in clocks for a cleaning or repairs so you can be certain your clock will last to cuckoo again.

When it comes time to clean you cuckoo clock, consider the clock itself is two actual pieces. The first piece of the clock is the case. Typically made of solid hardwoods, the case of your clock should be properly maintained to keep the beauty of the wood. Additionally, most cuckoo clocks are decorated with heavy carvings or wooden figurines, so you should take great care in cleaning the more decorative clocks due to the fragility of these items. Finally, clocks that have painted details or decorations should be carefully cleaned, since some cleansing agents can remove or damage the wood’s finish or the paint itself. Turn to products that will gently remove and dirt, grime, and build up accumulated over the years of display or storage. For general cleaning, avoid using furniture polishes or waxes that can add to your problem. Instead, consider dry dusting or use products made with natural oils like lemon oil or orange oil to keep the wood properly nourished to prevent cracking.

The main workings of the clock are held within the case. These workings are often tiny and intricate, proving to be easily lost or damaged, so take the cleaning process with the utmost care. Before you begin the cleaning process, assemble the necessary cleaning tools. Often, the best tool you can use to cleaning clocks or any other items with small working parts is a simple Q-tip and soapy water. Take care not to soak the clock or any materials with water or any other liquid. Also, use a gentle touch to swab the piece instead of scrubbing the items. Although dirt or grime can stop a clock from running, the workings of a clock do not need to be scrubbed clean in order to work. Unless you have experience working with clocks, it is strongly suggested that you leave the heavy cleanings to the professionals.

A cuckoo clock is a great piece to add character and beauty to any home. Having a clock in clean and working condition is essential for any owner of a cuckoo clock, especially if you are looking to keep the clock as an heirloom piece for future generations.

How To Choose The Type Of Mattress Suitable For You


The key to a good night’s sleep often lies in the type of mattress you are sleeping on. Having a good and comfortable mattress will ensure a good night’s sleep and gives you the energy you need for the rest of the day.

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The key to a good night’s sleep often lies in the type of mattress you are sleeping on. Having a good and comfortable mattress will ensure a good night’s sleep and gives you the energy you need for the rest of the day.

Visco-elastic foam mattresses have made an impact on the quality of sleep for most people. They are also known as memory foam mattresses. The material was originally designed for NASA for use in the US space program before being used for consumers.

Memory foam mattresses have medical healing properties particularly useful for people suffering from backaches and pains and other such aliments.

The first company to produce memory foam mattresses is Tempur-pedic. Because of its durability and pressure reliving properties, prices were pretty high for tempurpedic mattresses. Lately, other companies have decided to produce their own versions of memory foam mattresses, touting it to be comparable to tempurpedic mattresses. Examples are Serta, Sealy and Simmons. These have brought prices of memory foam mattress down, making them more affordable.

My own preference is I prefer tempurpedic mattresses. Though the price is higher than other mattresses, you can’t go wrong with their quality and their guarantee satisfaction. My advice is not to scrimp on the mattress since you spent nearly one-third of your lives on it.

There are several different kinds of memory foam mattresses. Usually the more dense the memory foam, the more you have to pay. The density can vary between 2.5lb to 5lb. The density simply means how much a cubic foot of the memory foam weighs. Generally, the higher density, the firmer is the memory foam.

If you have backaches or pains affecting your lower back, choose a higher density memory foam to support your back when you are sleeping. Also be aware of some dealers who may offer you low prices for tempurpedic mattress but in reality, it is not manufactured by tempur-pedic. To be on the safe side, you can go online to the tempur-pedic website to get the list of authorized dealers.

So what level of density is suitable for you? There really is no guideline. The best way is to try it out yourself before you buy a memory foam mattress. Also checks the warranty period since memory foam mattresses do wear out after a while.

Whatever the case, be careful and do your research before buying a memory foam mattress that is good and affordable.

How To Choose the Right Radiators For Your Home


Just 20 years ago, choosing a central heating radiator was a no brainer. Nowadays radiators have become home decoration items in themselves and you have a huge choice of styles, colours and materials. But appearance aside, you must take many factors into account before ordering. With Radiators being one of the most important elements of central heating installation, you need to get this procedure right.

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Just 20 years ago, choosing a central heating radiator was a no brainer. You chose a white, rectangular radiator made of steel or cast iron because that’s all they had. Nowadays radiators have become home decoration items in themselves and you have a huge choice of styles, colours and materials. But appearance aside, you must take many factors into account before ordering. With Radiators being one of the most important elements of central heating installation, you need to get this procedure right. Here are some factors you should bear in mind when shopping for radiators for your central heating system

Firstly, before you choose your radiators, confirm whether you have a direct or indirect heating system. Then, you need to work out how much heat each room requires. Your plumber or heating engineer will determine this from such factors as the sizes of your rooms. There are also calculators that allow you to work it out for yourself. Radiator heat outputs are measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) or in Watts.

Next you have to determine the optimum location of the radiators in your rooms. Heating engineers agree that the best location for a radiator is in the coldest part of the room. In addition, they traditionally specify that radiators should be installed on the external wall beneath the window. This allows the cold air coming in via the window to be warmed up. With modern double glazing and insulation methods, this tends to be less important, however. When determining the location of your radiators, try to optimize your use of existing pipework as much as possible. Installing new pipes can be expensive and disruptive.

You should also note that a double radiator has less heat output thatn two single units thought the overall size may be the same. In other words, two single radiators are more efficient than one double. You should bear this in mind if installing in a large room.

One good thing about modern designs is that you have much more flexibility in locating your radiators. For example, if the existing position of furniture is limiting your options, you can choose a tall, narrow unit that takes up minimal floor space.

So after measuring up for your needs and deciding on location, you’re ready to order your new radiators. Now you can decide whether you want a designer or traditional radiator and decide on factors such as colour and material. Selecting online is a smart move as it allows you to see the whole range of designs in one place. But after choosing your radiator, it’s good to talk to an expert before placing your order. Installing new radiators is an important project and the human tough is vital for your satisfaction.

How to choose the right furniture for your HDTV


You don’t have to be a hollywood star to have your own Media Room. We show you how to get the right furniture to accessorize that big HD TV and do it all by yourself.

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At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, 150,000 people stormed las vegas to see the latest high Definition entertainment and other electronic gadgets for the home.

Having a media room used to be reserved for the rich & famous sitting in their 50-seat screen rooms, drinking Cognac and smoking cigares.

Well, No More!

Ordinary people like you and I can now afford our own Media Room with HDTVs, surround sound and all the bells & whistles. There are now DIY solutions for the rest of us.

To set up your own media room, first choose the room with the least amount of lights; usually the basement which no longer is the domain of ping pong tables and dusty toolboxes.
Place your TV away from any windows and place a 10-watt incandescent or fluorescent lignt behind the TV to reduce eyestrain. It also helps to paint the walls in a neutral color like gray.

Now that you have the Big HDTV set-up, you need to accessorize it.
Yes, what’s the right furniture for the room?
Well, let’s start with the seating:
There is now a distinc furniture caegory called “Media Room Furniture”. The chairs offer abundant choices in padding, motion and sizes. Most designs have double-feature comfort with soft materials that absorb the sound waves better thus giving you a better sound quality in the room.

For the Entertainment Center, avoid dust, poor ventilation and stacking up electronics on top of each other; this can block vents and reduce performance. Close cabinet doors when the system in not in use and look for furniture with adjustable shelves to make sure you have enough room to clean your different components without having to pull them out. If you live in the South where it gets pretty hot in the summer, I recommend a small media fan that turns on automatically when temperatures rise.

Finally, have fun decorating your media room with a theme. Whether you like dolls, coins, computers or past presidents, have fun decorating with paintings, memorabilia, oe whatever to give the room its own personality.

Visit paving.rkea.paving today to find the right furniture at great prices. With hundreds of categories and thousands of different pieces, you’ll have fun picking out just the right piece of furniture for your media room.

How To Choose The Right Furnace Humidifier


All of us know how problematic a dry winter can turn out to be. The plunging amount of humidity in the air during this time sucks out the moisture of our skin and mucous membranes. Our noses get dry as does our favorite wood furniture and even our attempts to provide heat during this bone cracking cold does not save us. It’s true, no matter how many fires you build or the dozens of heaters you switch on you will only be aggravating the problem, cause each of these dry out any…

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All of us know how problematic a dry winter can turn out to be. The plunging amount of humidity in the air during this time sucks out the moisture of our skin and mucous membranes. Our noses get dry as does our favorite wood furniture and even our attempts to provide heat during this bone cracking cold does not save us. It’s true, no matter how many fires you build or the dozens of heaters you switch on you will only be aggravating the problem, cause each of these dry out any remaining moisture in our surrounding. This results in bleeding noses, horrible coughs and other irritating little discomforts.

A Humidifier brings back the moisture in the air around you, and thereby increases the humidity of your atmosphere. Thus it can rescue you from all the troubles you associate with dry winter.

Before deciding on the kind and size of the humidifier you want to purchase decide where you want to place it. If you want to put it in a small space then go for a tabletop humidifier, for larger areas like a small apartment or a few rooms a console humidifier should be more suitable. If you want to use it for a very large space, like say the whole house, get yourself a whole house humidifier. Attach your humidifier to your AC unit or heating system so that moisture is transmitted through the length and breadth of your home.

Another good option is a Furnace humidifier which is connected to the ducts in your furnace system and thus functions with your heating and cooling system to provide moisture to your whole house. The Furnace humidifier utilizes the water in your home’s water system to circulate moisture into the air in your house.
The price of any Furnace Humidifier is over and around $100. This tends to be a good bit more than other variety’s of humidifiers, however trust me when I say that your extra expenses will not be wasted. Maintaining such a humidifier will cause a yearly financial drain of about $2-$30.

Your Humidifier must surely be provided with a humistat, which gives you the chance to set the humidity level you want. Once the machine hits the level you punch in it will switch off automatically. This helps you make sure that your indoors aren’t over-humidified.

Your furnace humidifier requires regular cleaning and disinfecting. Make sure you keep the instructions in the machine’s manual in mind while doing this if you don’t want to wreck the system completely. If you fail to keep your machine squeaky clean it might become the home of mold and bacteria, these disgusting substances can then be sent out with the humidified air.

How To Choose The Right Fridge & Freezer


Modern Fridge & Freezer Features:

An LCD suggesting what type of foods should be stored at what temperatures and the expiration date of the food stored.

Filter Status Indicator tells you when it’s time for a change.

A cooling zone in the refrigerator door shelves. Air from the freezer section is diverted to the refrigerator door, helping to keep milk or juice in the door shelf colder.

An in-door ice caddie, which relocate the icemaker storage to the freezer door a…

Fridge Freezer

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Modern Fridge & Freezer Features:

An LCD suggesting what type of foods should be stored at what temperatures and the expiration date of the food stored.

Filter Status Indicator tells you when it’s time for a change.

A cooling zone in the refrigerator door shelves. Air from the freezer section is diverted to the refrigerator door, helping to keep milk or juice in the door shelf colder.

An in-door ice caddie, which relocate the icemaker storage to the freezer door and saves approximately 2 cubic feet (60 L) of functional freezer space. It is also detachable, and helps to prevent icemaker clogging. In-door ice caddies are exclusive to side-by-side Fridge Freezers.

A power failure warning, alerting the user to the failure, usually by flashing the temperature display.

Frost-free operation. Over time atmospheric water vapor condenses onto the cooling coils as ice, which can eventually build up into a layer several centimeters thick. This can be removed by emptying the refrigerator and turning it off so that the ice melts. In a Fridge & Freezer equipped for frost-free operation, a heater and a thermostat are fitted around the cooling coils. The cooling is periodically switched off (varies between every 6 to 24 hours depending on model) and the heater turned on until the temperature around the coils slightly exceeds the freezing point of water, after which normal cooling is resumed. This melts any ice which has collected around the coils and prevents it from building up.

The maximum temperature reached during the power failure may be displayed, along with information on whether the frozen food has defrosted or may contain dangerous bacteria.

An gradually more important environmental concern is the disposal of an old Fridge & Freezer – initially because of the Freon coolant damaging the ozone layer, but as the older generation of refrigerators disappears it is the destruction of CFC-bearing insulation which causes concern. A modern Fridge & Freezer usually use a refrigerant called HFC-134a (1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane) instead of Freon, which has no ozone layer depleting properties.

How To Choose The Right Colors For Your Home


Are you STILL thinking about painting your walls with color?

Many people are afraid to make the leap from ‘builder’s beige’ to a more daring color choice. What holds you back? Are you afraid the color will be too strong? Not match your furniture? Or you’ll become tired of it and have to start ov

home decor, interior design

For the best Roofing And Siding Boston company, call Bayside Masonry And Restorations.

To find the best Roofing And Siding Boston company, click here for Bayside Masonry And Restorations.
Are you STILL thinking about painting your walls with color?

Many people are afraid to make the leap from ‘builder’s beige’ to a more daring color choice. What holds you back? Are you afraid the color will be too strong? Not match your furniture? Or you’ll become tired of it and have to start over again?

While you’re debating the work involved you are missing out on one of the basic elements of design that can change the entire look of your room for under $50. Your tired furniture can become new again and a mismatched room can have designer flare! So, how do you choose the right color?

The first recommendation is to choose a tinted neutral. Why is that? Instead of choosing rich, deep colors for your first project, you will likely feel more comfortable with a neutral such as beige or gray which will not date the room or create a jarring palate that you will easily tire of.

However, when you go to your local home improvement store you will be faced with a sea of color swatches – hundreds of versions of basic beige and gray to choose from. So before you go, consider these steps to choosing the right color for you.

If you like the feel of a warm and cozy room – think of fireplaces, brown leather and sunsets – then you’ll want to start with a beige tone.

Now, consider your furniture and accessories. What colors do you see? If you have a lot of black or navy you may wish to choose a beige with orange or pink undertones to keep the look warm. If you have browns or reds in your furniture, select a cooler beige with ashy tones to avoid ‘overheating’ your room.

If you prefer a cooler, airy look – chrome, glass and shades of icy blue – then select gray tones. Some stores will have a ‘true gray’ color swatch which you can use to compare with their designer selections. On comparison you will notice that each gray has undertones. Some will have blue or lavender tones, others may have green or even a hint of pink.

Using the same guide as stated above, identify the main colors of furniture and accessories in the room. Use green or pink toned greys with cool toned furnishings to avoid it from feeling like an ice box. Use blue or lavender undertones in rooms with warmer colored furnishings.

If you are really torn between beige or gray, than the easiest color to work with is green. Keeping it in a muted tone will make it very easy to live with, and will work with most color palates.

Painting rooms with color will bring the finishing touch to your home – don’t