Hardwood Floor Care


In order to enjoy the full benefits of a hardwood floor, you have to apply the right maintenance techniques.

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In order to enjoy the full benefits of a hardwood floor, you have to apply the right maintenance techniques. Since hard wood, no matter how sturdy, is organic, it can be susceptible to wear and decay if you do not take care of it. Thus, if you want it to last for a long time, you must be diligent enough to maintain it with proper cleaning and waxing.

Hardwood floors are somewhat expensive. And because they are an investment, it is but prudent to make sure that you get the maximum value for your money as the years progress. Thus, we face the question. How do we take care of our hardwood floors? Consider the tips below.

– Avoid too much sun exposure

If the room where your hardwood floor is has a large window, protect it from the sun using sheer curtains or blinds. Ultra violet rays are said to have ill effects on hardwood floors.

– Don’t drag your furniture around

This pertains particularly to the large furniture. If you want to move your oak sofa to another location, use a dolly or have people lift it. Never drag it across the floor as it may scar the finish or dig deep into the wood itself. Also, use felt contacts under the furnitures’ legs to prevent their weight from creating scratches and dents on the flooring.

– Clean up spills and stain immediately.

If your hardwood floor has a good and intact finish, then you have nothing to worry about. But if it has already been there for a while, the finishing might already be stripped off and allow the water to seep into the wood. When this happens, sanding and refinishing the part of the floor that got wet is a good idea. If this technique fails, you might have to replace that particular plank with a new one.

– Sweep your hardwood floor regularly

Use a broom with fine exploded bristles as they are most effective in trapping grit and dust from the creases and corners of your flooring. Broom bristles that are too soft might only drag the dust further into your flooring and fill the cracks.

In conclusion, the way you care for your hardwood floor should mirror how you care for things you value. Your hardwood floor not only provides physical beauty to your home but also ushers in a sense of homey comfort that will forever be absent with a concrete floor.

Handheld Shower Filter with replacement filters


Get the convenience of a hand-held, adjustable shower head with the proven filtration experience capabilities of the Aquasana Shower Filter!

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For the best Roofing And Siding Boston company, call Bayside Masonry And Restorations.

To find the best Roofing And Siding Boston company, click here for Bayside Masonry And Restorations.
Major advancements can be seen in the shower filters as now they have become more powerful and beneficial. Nowadays, majority of the people are in the hunt to have best shower filter in their house so that they can safeguard the health of their family. But it is handheld shower filter which is ruling the roost as they are more convenient to use and far better in comparison to others. Handheld shower filter is said to be the most flexible shower filter which comes with array of features.

They are very popular among the women as they love to bath with it and same goes with the children too. Despite being small and portable still they are very powerful and very easy to use. Handheld shower filter is strong enough to remove chlorine from the water along with the bad whiff. They are very powerful and also remove almost 98.9% of chlorine and rust from the water. Maximum handheld shower filters can be increased to the height of 10 inches.

The main USP of theirs is that they are very versatile in stationary handheld positions. Being handy and portable they are highly adjustable and can be used in any position. They are said to be very popular as they do the complete cleaning of the body and that too with clean water. They are equipped with very powerful filter which not only removes the chlorine but also eliminates the bad whiff from the water. What makes them stand tall among the group is that they are highly light weighed and that too with very fine finishing.

Handheld shower filter is also very easy to install and its cartridge usually works from 6 to nine months depending upon the water quality and company. They also have inbuilt sensors which let you know when to change the cartridge.

Nowadays, many handheld shower filters are equipped with pH balancers which take them to the next level and prove to be very beneficial. They have become the necessity of every household as now everyone is growing health conscious day by day. This has led to the increase in the production of handheld shower filters and simultaneously the boost in sales can also be noticed.

‘Technology changes with time’ this quote perfectly goes with this handheld shower filter as they take less energy of yours and provide you with chlorine and odor free water to bath with. So, for enjoying the clean and safe shower bath and that too without much hassle then simply go in for handheld shower filter. As it will only ensure clean water used for bathing and that too without any bad smell and odor.