Home Improvements – General Points


Every home improvement situation is different. Still, there are some general points that apply to most projects.

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Every home improvement situation is different. Still, there are some general points that apply to most projects.

Some General Points

When all the woodwork in a house is the same color (cream, white, and off-white work easily), spaces tend to visually “flow smoothly” even if the walls of rooms are different colors. Make sure you don’t break this rule.

The colors of all rooms, which can be seen at the same time, should look good together. Let’s take a typical center hall floor plan for a modern two-story house. The living room and dining room are to the right and left of the entrance. The foyer goes straight back to the family room, breakfast area, and kitchen across the back of the house. There is probably a deck opening off that area. Some part of all those areas can be seen from each room, and the foyer walls continue upstairs to a hall from which each bedroom is visible.

To continue our example with cream woodwork, the foyer and halls might be painted a pearl gray, light tan, soft gold, or deeper cream. The woodwork is probably a gloss or semi-gloss and the walls and ceiling a flat paint. Since ceilings reflect light down on people, they’re usually best in cream or off-white. I once saw a dining room with an indirectly lit octagonal tray ceiling painted to look like creamy clouds in a peachy sunset sky that made every dinner guest look like he or she had a perfect complexion. It was wonderful.

The living room opening off our foyer might be a solid color (maybe sage green or deeper tan) or it might look very handsome with a vertically striped wall paper (cream and gray, cream and green, or cream and tan are good possibilities). The dining room is apt to have a chair rail. A darker color could look good below the chair rail (again sage green, gray, gold or tan would work) with a lighter tint of the same color above. If a solid color were chosen for the living room, the dining room could handle a deep red below the chair rail and a cream paper with a narrow red stripe above it. Lots of crystal and mirrors would look terrific in a room like that.

I’m sure you get the idea. Today’s open floor plans make it important that rooms work together.

Home Improvement with Portable Air Purifiers


Most of us have heard of the importance of air purifiers in the home. No matter how much you clean, there is always something floating in the air. Toxins from cleaners, air fresheners, aerosol spray bottles, pet dander, dust, mold, etc.

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Most of us have heard of the importance of air purifiers in the home. No matter how much you clean, there is always something floating in the air. Toxins from cleaners, air fresheners, aerosol spray bottles, pet dander, dust, mold, etc. But what if you need to travel and still want fresh air? This is where a portable air purifier comes into play. When you need to leave home and go into a crowded airport, movie theater, waiting room, etc you can now wear a portable air purifier around your neck or on your shirt pocket and breathe much easier.

The portable air purifier works in a similar way to a standard air purifier. But it creates a zone in front of the mouth, nose, and eyes and repels the dust, smoke, pollen, allergens, dander, and anything else light enough to float in the air (up to .3 to 3 microns). Testing also reveals that the portable air purifier kills many germs that are not repelled before being breathed in. The level of toxicity does not affect how well the air purifier works. It repels or kills all germs and toxins, no matter how potent. This is a great way to avoid spreading viruses. Wearing a surgical mask protects to a point, but the viruses stick to the mask. The portable air purifier does not store the impurities.

There are numerous testimonies of people who have used air purifiers and noticed an immediate improvement in health. If you have allergies or sensitivity it is especially important when traveling to use a portable air purifier. During flu season and allergy season this really comes in handy. Instead of getting drugged up to feel better, avoid accessing these germs and allergens in the first place. One mother mentioned that before they got their air purifier the family would pass the flu around until everyone got it. Since they purchased the air purifier, they no longer take turns with the flu. Doctor’s offices and hospitals are especially prone to indoor pollution. Remember to take your portable air purifier to your next doctor’s appointment. It is better to prevent than treat.

Portable air purifiers are less expensive than standard air purifiers. The portable air purifier can run on lithium batteries or you can use the fast charger and a set of rechargeable batteries for unlimited use. Currently there is research being done to target even smaller particles down to the size of the influenza virus (.04 microns). The results look promising, but are still preliminary. Portable air purifiers are small, lightweight, and can be worn around the neck on clipped to a shirt pocket. A breath of fresh air is now for sale.

Home Improvement Rules to Follow


Even though home improvement is pretty straightforward most of the time, it is important to carefully follow instructions in order to successfully complete a home improvement task. Many home improvement jobs take a lot of time to complete. This will be time well spent, since each home improvement or repair you make will increase your home’s value. Home improvement is clear-cut, but takes patience and requires that you follow instructions to the detail.

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Even though home improvement is pretty straightforward most of the time, it is important to carefully follow instructions in order to successfully complete a home improvement task. Many home improvement jobs take a lot of time to complete. This will be time well spent, since each home improvement or repair you make will increase your home’s value. Home improvement is clear-cut, but takes patience and requires that you follow instructions to the detail.

It is imperative that you closely follow the instructions when repairing or remodeling. Written instructions will provide you with the steps to correctly complete the project and avoid problems. And make sure to keep any receipts for materials and tools you buy incase you need to return or exchange the merchandise.

The first rule of home improvement is to learn as much as you can before starting a project. For example, if you are planning on hanging drywall in a room in your home, you need to know exactly what materials you will need, in addition to the steps used to complete the job. You will also need to know what about wallpaper, tiles, paint, or other materials to finish a wall job.

Most any home improvement job will increase the value of your home. That is why it is important to be very methodical when you start a home improvement project; you should take notes, create files, and plan every step of the job.

Budgeting and planning are two other important steps in any home improvement project. If you do not have a plan, you will likely spend more money than you need to, buy the wrong materials, take longer to complete the project, and make errors along the way.

Depending on the type of home improvement project you are planning, it could be rather straightforward. However, some home improvement projects are easier than others. Ease of completion does not equal less cost, however.

For wall improvement projects, paint, panel and tile are sometimes easier than wallpapering. Tiles come in multiple choices, including self-adhesive, or peel and stick. However, if you have damage to your walls, such as holes, you will require spackle and a few other materials to patch the area before finishing the walls.

When repairing or remodeling a basement, the same rules apply and then some. Michigan and Kentucky basements are known to be the worst for home improvement, mostly because those areas are highly prone to flooding. Improvement or repair projects in basements often require special considerations for insulation, and can often cost more money and require a little more time to complete a job. Basements in newer home tend to have fewer problems, thanks to advances in construction.

Making improvements or repairs in a bathroom requires a whole unique set of tools and knowledge. Dealing with plumbing and electrical issues are the trickiest parts of home improvement, because they often require a certain level of expertise, and even professionals have been known to make mistakes. That is why educating yourself before beginning a home improvement or repair project is imperative.

A big rule to follow in home improvement is to clear whatever area you are working in completely before beginning the job. This will prevent accidents and things from getting damaged or destroyed. It is also imperative that you use safety equipment, such as dust masks, gloves, and goggles when doing any kind of home improvement or repair project.

Home Improvement Projects Strategies


Home improvement projects can be heavy on the pockets. As much as we want to give the projects to expert contractors who can deliver excellent results, sometimes, it’s just more practical to have a little exercise and do these projects without the help of contractors. People dig into their savings or resort to different loans just to finance these projects and this in turn makes them lose their financial momentum.

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Do you ever feel like you know just enough about home improvement? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from home improvement experts. Home improvement projects can be heavy on the pockets. As much as we want to give the projects to expert contractors who can deliver excellent results, sometimes, it’s just more practical to have a little exercise and do these projects without the help of contractors. People dig into their savings or resort to different loans just to finance these projects and this in turn makes them lose their financial momentum.

Home improvement strategies can help do-it-yourself enthusiasts make the most of their home improvement projects. In general, most people who undertake home improvement projects do so for two main reasons. The first aim of a home improvement project is the addition of new elements that would improve the physical aspect of the house.

A home improvement project is generally a worthwhile venture that has many advantages. Most home improvement projects arise from a certain need within the home. In contrast, other type of home improvement projects are geared toward upgrading the home.
Any home improvement project whether big or small requires considerable planning. Every home improvement requires time and money, both of which are resources that cannot be replaced once spent. Careful planning helps make sure that both resources are used wisely in order to achieve the desired results.

Before undergoing any home improvement project, it is important to take into consideration every aspect of the project. Avoid heading into any project without first considering the pros and cons so as to avoid wasting precious time, energy and money. Fortunately, there are various resources that are available to homeowners interested in undertaking a home improvement project.

The information about home improvement presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about home improvement or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

Here are some do-it-yourself home improvement projects ideas that can cut back on expenses and generates savings from the project.

1) Painting
If a family is tired and bored with the current colors of their house, they can do the painting themselves. Painting the house together is a great way to bond and have fun while improving the home at the same time.
Many people who attempt to paint their houses have problems which are related to the improper selection of painting materials. You must remember that cheap paint is not the way to go when painting the house.

2) Kitchen
Installing ceramic tiles on the countertop or the floor is one of them. There are a lot of resource materials that are out there, especially on the Internet that gives a step-by-step guide on how to install these ceramic tiles.

3. Installing wallpapers
Giving a home’s walls a new look is definitely a great way to do home improvement. Wallpapers can easily be obtained from home improvement shops and stores. The different designs include hand prints which are imported, there are heavy textured wall papers, there are designs which are embossed.

There you go, some basic ideas on how to go about improving your home without the help of contractors. It takes a lot of practice, time and dedication to get your home improved, but if done properly, the process and the output will give great satisfaction.

When word gets around about your command of home improvement facts, others who need to know about home improvement will start to actively seek you out.

Home Improvement Projects


Where to Start

People want to do home improvement projects all the time to increase the value of their home. Many people, however, do not know which project to tackle first when they have multiple projects to be done. Picking which project to do first can be decided by a number of things. Money and urgency are the biggest factors in this. If you have a hole in your roof, obviously you need to get that fixed before putting a shed up in your yard. But if you need new windows…

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Where to Start

People want to do home improvement projects all the time to increase the value of their home. Many people, however, do not know which project to tackle first when they have multiple projects to be done. Picking which project to do first can be decided by a number of things. Money and urgency are the biggest factors in this. If you have a hole in your roof, obviously you need to get that fixed before putting a shed up in your yard. But if you need new windows because the old ones are older than you and your bathroom looks like it’s stuck in the 70’s, you have a choice. Some improvements will be more time consuming than others and that should be taken into consideration before starting anything.

Before you Start

Do your research before starting anything. Whether you plan to do the project yourself or hire someone to do it for you, make sure you know what you are getting into before buying anything or signing any contract. Any home improvement job can be done by yourself or a company. Depending on the job will depend on what you need to not only get it done, but also how much it will cost. Check out different home improvement stores for varying prices as well as professionals. Ask your neighbors who did their project and how much it cost, if they are willing to tell you the price. If they did it themselves, ask how long it took and if they ran into any problems they didn’t believe they would encounter. If they did encounter problems, ask them how they fixed them. On the other hand if they used a professional ask what they thought of the work the professional did. Knowing what you might be getting into is the best knowledge of all. And if it is possible, ask more than one home owner about the same project so you can compare notes.

Do It Yourself versus Professional

You have decided what project you want to do. You have done your research and have an idea what it should cost and how long it should take. Now you must decide if you want to do it yourself or hire a professional crew to do it for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Doing it yourself can be much cheaper because you aren’t paying labor costs that are added to the professionals’ prices. However you have to know that you will have ample time to fix complete the project and that you can live in your home comfortably enough while you do finish. Also if you run into a complication, you have to know how to fix it quickly so as not to lose any more time on completing the project. This can get expensive if you don’t know how to fix it or are on limited time and money. Having a professional do it can cost thousands more, depending on the project, but you will have an estimate time of completion. And, the best part of all, if there are any mess ups, you are not responsible for fixing them. Well for the most part you won’t be responsible. You will need to read the fine print on any contract you sign with a professional. Another advantage of having a professional is that the work is warranted.

Using the Professional

Once you decide to go with a professional, you should get multiple quotes before making your choice of who to use. Even if the company that did your neighbors windows comes highly recommended, your house is different and they may have different pricing specials now than when your neighbors had their windows put in. Get at least four or five quotes to see exactly what the professionals cost and the differences in how they do business, their warranty works, estimate for when they can start your project, and completion time frame. Don’t go for just the big ads in the phone book. The smaller companies can be just as good and cost less than a big name. Most places give free estimates nowadays. No matter what, don’t let any professional push you into using them before you have all the estimates you want. They may sound great as the first or second, but their job is to get you sign with them and convince you they are better than anyone else out there. Take everything they say with a grain of salt.

Home Improvement Loans


Once you own a home, you’ll get the urge to make home improvements. Often, you’ll need a home improvement loan.

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Once you own a home, you’ll get the urge to make home improvements. Often, you’ll need a home improvement loan.

Home Improvement Loans

Whether you’ve lived in a home for years or just purchased it, you’ll get the urge to make improvements. It’s a natural urge to want to redo bathrooms and kitchens or perhaps have a go at the landscape. Room additions are also popular, particularly if you’re planning for an addition to the family. Room additions become extremely popular when you aren’t planning for a family addition, but have one coming anyway!

If you’re going to make improvements, you are often going to need funds to make them. This is where home improvement loans come in. Such loans typically come in two forms, a home equity line of credit and a home improvement loan 2nd deed of trust.

Home equity lines of credits, known as HELOCs, are excellent options if you equity built up in the loan. Essentially, a lender will grant you a credit line equal to a percentage of the equity secured by a 2nd trust deed on the property. As you make improvements, you simply write checks off the line to cover the costs. Importantly, check with your tax professional to see if part or all of the repayment of the HELOC is tax deductible. Usually, you’ll get a significant write-off.

If you’ve just moved into the home and don’t have much equity, you will want to look at a home improvement loan. As with the HELOC, a lender will issue you a loan in exchange for a 2nd trust deed on the property. The difference, however, is a lender will issue you a loan in excess of the home value, often to as much as 125 percent of the current appraised value. This gives you the cash necessary to make improvements even though you don’t have much equity in the home.

Improving your home is a natural evolution of the ownership experience. Home improvement loans and home equity lines of credit give you the ability to realize your dreams.

Home Improvement is Great If You Know How to Finance It


There are many good reasons to improve or remodel your home. The key is to find the right way to finance the improvements.

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With housing prices at an all time high, homeowners who have outgrown their existing home or feel that it no longer meets their needs have a dilemma. It would be great to move to a larger house, but the prices of larger houses are higher than ever. What to do? The savvy homeowner might consider remodeling. You can add an extra room, convert a garage or update a kitchen. It’s less expensive than buying another house, and there are many options for funding it.

Here are a few ways to obtain funds for home improvement purposes:

Credit cards – If you have received a recent offer for a low-interest or 0% interest “teaser” rate for applying for a new credit card, this may be your ticket. These offers are usually good for balance transfers from other accounts, and the rates are sometimes good for the life of the loan. This could be the best choice if you are doing the improvements yourself. Be sure to read the fine print, or that 0% interest could turn out to be 20% or more.

Home improvement stores – Sometimes, lumberyards and home improvement stores offer their own financing and the deals are often pretty enticing. Sometimes they even include no payments for a year or so. Check the ads in your local newspaper. Again, this option works best if you are doing your own work. And make sure you pay on time; sometimes the interest accrues retroactively if you pay late.

Home equity loan – The interest is tax deductible and you will have a fixed interest rate and a fixed repayment schedule. This is a great way to go if the project is expensive and is being done all at once. Be aware that you are putting your house at risk if you fail to pay. This is the best option for major renovations performed by a contractor.

Home equity line of credit – Great for long-term projects that just require a little bit of money here and there. The interest rate is variable and you only have to pay back what you actually use. The interest is still tax deductible. You are, as with a home equity loan, pledging your house as collateral.

With the price of houses still near all time highs, this is perhaps the best time ever to consider staying in your home and fixing it up. You can make it more suit your needs and you don’t have to move. And with numerous financing options available, funding should be available for just about anyone who wants to make their home just a little bit more livable.

Home Improvement Guide – Choosing A Good And Affordable Contractor


When making home improvements, some homeowners choose to handle the project themselves. However, individuals with little home improvement knowledge will have to rely on a contractor. Selecting a good and affordable contractor is essential. Because some contractors are shady and charge ridiculously high fees, picking the right contractor requires research. Here are a few tips to help you pick the best contractor for your next home improvement project.

Get Referrals from Fam…

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When making home improvements, some homeowners choose to handle the project themselves. However, individuals with little home improvement knowledge will have to rely on a contractor. Selecting a good and affordable contractor is essential. Because some contractors are shady and charge ridiculously high fees, picking the right contractor requires research. Here are a few tips to help you pick the best contractor for your next home improvement project.

Get Referrals from Family and Friends

Asking family and friends for the name of a good contractor may prove worthwhile. If a relative or acquaintance completed similar home improvements, and were satisfied with the work, using the same contractor may speed up the selection process. Trying to identify a shady contractor is difficult. Using referrals to select a contractor will increase your chances of finding a reputable home improvement company.

Browse Contractors Listed in the Yellow Pages

If your friends and family cannot refer a good contractor, you will have to rely on the yellow pages and other forms of advertisements. The yellow pages include many listings, which makes the selection process challenging. Rule of thumb: do not hire the first contractor you contact. Instead, request information and quotes from several companies.

Get an estimate and ask how long it will take to complete the job. Each company will quote you slight different estimates. It is tempting to choose the least expensive contractor. However, keep in mind that more expensive contractors may use better materials or has a reputation for good work.

Research Contractors with the Better Business Bureau

As you begin your search for a good contractor, contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in your local area. If a contractor or company has received any complaints from past customers or has developed a bad reputation, the BBB will have this information. While browsing contractors, choose one with a flawless record.

Along with researching complaints by the BBB, request references from the contractor. Ideally, references should be current and include customers that had similar work completed on their homes. Contact previous customers to see if they were satisfied with the contractor’s work.

Home Improvement Contract Tips


Many a soul has hired a contractor to do repairs or improvements on a home only to find something is fishy. Here are some tips to avoid problems.

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Many a soul has hired a contractor to do repairs or improvements on a home only to find something is fishy. Here are some tips to avoid problems.

Home Improvement Contract Tips

Hiring a contractor to do work on your home is not always as easy as it sounds. Many people call themselves contractors, but really are not. The first step to avoiding problems is to make sure you hire someone with who is actually licensed as a contractor. If you subsequently have problems, you can contact the licensing board to raise a dispute.

Most contractors are ethical, honest people and businesses. There are, however, others who are not. These individuals assume you do not really know what is involved in the construction process. This provides them with an opening to make substantially more profit. While you might think this means they will overbid the project, it does not. Most contractors believe you will pick the lowest price, so they rarely run up their estimate. There are, however, two other ways to boost profit.

The first thing unethical contractors will do is use low quality supplies. As with anything you buy, there is a high quality and lower quality version. While you may want the high quality version, you may have a hard time determining if you received it. The difference between high and low quality is often how long something lasts, not how it appears. The way to beat this problem is to specify the exact brand, size and part number [if possible] in your contract. Doing so accomplishes two things. First, it puts the contractor on notice that you know how the process works. Second, you can always resort to legal action if you later find the correct materials were not used. Since you have everything in writing, the contractor has little defense.

A second unethical tactic is the bait and switch. In this process, the contractor gives you a bid price that can’t possibly cover the project. You think you are getting a deal, but the contractor starts coming to you after the project has started requesting more money. The contractor refuses to continue work if you do not pony up. In this situation, the best defense is again to have everything in writing in the project contract. Make sure to include an attorney’s fee clause in it. If the contractor tries this tactic, you should contact an attorney. The attorney will set the contractor straight. If the contract refuses to finish the job, you will probably be told by the attorney to hire a new contractor while he sues the unethical one. Since an attorney’s fee clause is included in the agreement, you should end up paying no legal fees. This is not the best situation, but it beats getting scammed.

In general, the best way to find a contractor is to ask for referrals from trusted friends. Next, get everything in writing. With these two steps, you should avoid any major problems.

Home Improvement; Guidelines for Selecting a Contractor


Planning a home improvement project and finding just the right contractor doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. You can take the guess work out of finding a qualified contractor by following the guidelines in this thought-provoking “how to” article.

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In today’s world the most valuable asset owned by people is their home. And when considering any size home improvement project, protecting this investment should be top priority.

The first step in any remodeling or improvement project is to select the right contractor. Prudent homeowners will make their selection carefully and after thoughtful consideration. Is the contractor licensed, and is he experienced? If so, in what particular area is his expertise?

How to find a Qualified Contractor:

One source for locating a qualified, experienced contractor is from other people who have had similar remodeling work done. When talking with contractors, request references and take the time to check them out.

Check with a service that keeps track records of various contractors. You can also use online resources, such as Handy Canadian.paving, for locating a qualified contractor in your area.

Hire only a home improvement contractor with strong referrals and high rankings. Depending on the type of project you are planning, you may need to deal with any of the following professional contractors:

Architects are designers of homes, buildings, and home improvement remodeling projects. You may want to consult one if your project includes new construction or structural changes.

Designers usually have expertise in a certain area of the home, such as interior decorating, and bedroom or bath design.

Design/build contractors see your project through from concept to completed construction, and may have an architect or certified designer on staff.

General Contactors oversee the entire construction process, and sub-contract specialized contractors such as plumbers or electricians.

Specialized contractors are highly proficient in their individual area, such as dry wall, paint, or cabinetry.

Questions to ask before selecting a contractor for your home improvement might include: How long have you been contracting? What licenses and certifications do you carry? How many projects have you completed in the last year; what were they, and who were they for?

Ask, “What references do you have? Will there be any subcontractors, and if so what are their credentials? What insurance coverage do you have? What permits are required for my project?

Be Thorough in Your Search

You might also want to check with the appropriate government office to see whether or not there are any unresolved complaints against the contractor before making your final selection.

Check out all references provided and ask questions such as: Was the project completed on time and were you happy with the results? How well did the contractor communicate with you throughout the project? Were there any cost over-runs?

Also ask if the contractor employee’s were on time, courteous, and whether or not they cleaned up the home improvement site when they were finished?

Canadian residents have the opportunity to use the Internet to assist in the screening process by visiting Handy Canadian.paving.

By following these guidelines, you help insure a successful home improvement!