Home Theater Systems: Audio and Video Basics


There are so many different consumer electronics out there for home theaters. It is tough to know what you really need for a good system. This article provides useful information on what is essential for a home theater and why.

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All home entertainment units have three major components that are essential to creating a functional home theater system. The main focus of any theater is the television or video display. Sound quality is essential. A complete sound system is key to providing the soul and voice of the theatre. A source player is the third element, providing the picture and sound. Cable or satellite TV is standard in most homes but DVD and other players are also added to expand the usefulness of a home theater. It is these three major pieces of electronic innovation that make watching a movie, playing the XBox or listening to a favorite CD enjoyable and worthwhile.

Visual Element
There are video display options available to a home depending on budget and preferences.

Rear Projection Television. Television technology has been based on the cathode ray tube (CRT) up until the 21st century. In a rear projection TV, there are three tubes, each representing one of the primary colors. This colors mix along with quality wiring and a good screen, provide a very high resolution picture. Manufacturers are starting to drop rear project televisions from their product lines however. Research your manufacturer’s warranty before purchasing a rear projection television to make sure that customer service and repairs will be available down the line.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Television. An LCD TV can be found as both a rear projection and as a flat screen. LCD rear projection TVs are much more compact than their CRT cousins and use less power. I have written about LCD televisions extensively in other articles so I will forego further explanation here.

Plasma Screen Televisions. In this technology, different gases are trapped between two panes of glass and an electronic signal can modify them to allow them to display a picture. These televisions are produced with a sleek thin design and can produce excellent resolution.

No matter which video display you are leaning toward, make sure to measure the area you want to put the TV so it fits when you bring it home. Also look into whether the screen is able to handle high definition (HD) television and DVDs.

Audio Elements
The sound system is going to make a huge difference in the enjoyment and functionality of your home theater. A good audio system includes the following elements:

Receiver. This component takes the audio signal, and often the video signal, and distributes it to the proper part of your system.

Amplifier. This component is what increases the signal strength before it is sent to the speakers. Often times, a purchased receiver will have an amplifier already built into it, making an additional piece of equipment unnecessary.

Surround Sound Speakers. Standard speaker sets of five are typical for most home theaters. There is a center channel, a right front, right rear, left front and left rear. These different speakers, when properly positioned, make the sound come from the appropriate direction.

Data / Signal Source
A basic DVD player is a standard signal source in most theater systems. The signal information sent from the player contains the video data as well as your 5.1 surround sound. Your cable box or digital satellite is also signal sources for a home theater. These sources can all be used in one system with the proper wiring and remote programming.

~Ben Anton, 2008

Home Theater Receiver: What It Can Do For Your Home Theater


AV receivers are a key component to any good home theater system. This article outlines why a quality home theater receiver is necessary and what to look for when buying a new one for your home.

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With so many common components like the LCD flat panel TV and a surround sound home audio system, it can sometimes be confusing when additional equipment such as an A/V receiver is needed to tie home theater equipment together. A good A/V receiver is essential to having a good home theater system since it is literally the piece of equipment that serves as the command center for the entire system and gets all of the audio and video components working together in sync.
The functionality of an A/V receiver relies on everything being connected together properly. Once you’ve properly set up your receiver, home theater problems will generally vanish. In order to make sure that you can connect your various home theater components to your A/V receiver properly, here is some basic information on how the receivers work and what sort of components can be connected to one.

Function of an A/V Receiver
An A/V receiver is what could be considered the “command center” of your home theater system. This means that it receives input from some of your home theater devices, organizes that input, and sends it as output to other devices that are attached to your home theater system. This allows you to use your home audio system with surround sound in conjunction with your HD-DVD or Blu-Ray player and your LCD flat panel TV, all while controlling only a single home theater component. An A/V receiver sorts through all of the audio and visual signals that are sent by your devices, organizing them so that the appropriate output devices receive only the signals that they need and eliminating the mass of wires that can be required to try and manually connect all of these components without the use of a central receiver.
Perhaps more important is that A/V receivers generally work as a digital amplifier for your audio system. This means that you’ll be able to watch movies, play games, and listen to music in digital surround sound. To further improve your listening pleasure, many modern A/V receivers have built-in wireless service or USB ports so that you can stream music wirelessly from your home computer or plug in an external hard drive so that you can enjoy saved music and movies in their digital format without having to burn them to a CD or DVD.

Home Theater Components that Attach to an A/V Receiver
A variety of home theater components can be attached to an A/V receiver. In addition to your television, DVD player, and advanced disc formats such as HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players, you can include a stereo CD player, satellite television receivers, a digital video recorder (DVR) or similar device, and in many cases some older components such as an analog record player. Popular gaming systems such as the Nintendo Wii, the Sony PS3, and the X-Box 360 can also be connected to your receiver with ease so that you can enjoy surround sound to enhance your gaming experience. If your computer is nearby to your home audio system then you can attach the sound outputs to the receiver as well so as to take advantage of your existing surround sound system instead of having to rely on smaller computer speakers.

Using Your A/V Receiver
Once you’re ready to make use of your A/V receiver, setting it up is relatively easy. Using standard A/V cables, connect the outputs on your DVD player, stereo, satellite decoder, DVR, or similar components to the corresponding inputs on the back of your receiver. From there you simply need to attach your TV and speakers to the receiver’s outputs. Once everything has been properly plugged in and set up, you should be able to control many if not all of the functions of your home theater system directly from your A/V receiver.
If you are uncertain about installing your home theater A/V receiver and the corresponding components yourself, consult a professional to make the job simpler. They can get you on your way to enjoying your new home theater system in a hurry.

~ Ben Anton, 2007

Home Theater Installation: Don’t Do It Yourself


A home theater’s quality is only as good as the effort put into its installation. This article discusses the importance of quality custom installation and what to look for in a professional installer.

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As home theaters increase in popularity, many people are trying to design and layout their rooms on their own with little guidance. Where this can save you money initially, it will inevitably cause heartache and money down the line. Home theater installation requires not only someone with technical know how and an eye for room layout. It also takes an audio expert who knows both what equipment is available and what limitations a room may have. Too often people end up with a custom home theater system that does not fit their home or needs because they were unskilled in matching speakers and components with the layout and acoustics of a home. A professional home theater installer is trained in all of these areas and can help ensure that the money invested in a home theater will be money well spent.

When looking for a custom home theater installer, find a person or team that is skilled in home theater design and that they are knowledgeable of all of the equipment options which could help transform a basic home theater system into a custom work of entertainment technology. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind when shopping around for an installer.

Business Focus
When choosing a home theater installer, make sure that you find someone who knows audio and visual equipment inside and out. Look at the nature of the installer’s business. Do they have a primary focus on electronics and home theater entertainment or is their installation service just an added service provided for buying a big-screen television or stereo system from their electronics department? Do they have dedicated installers who do A/V and home theater design as their primary job function or will the installer be an hourly employee who received a basic training course? Take the time to make sure that the person who will be installing your custom home theater layout has both experience with the task and is highly knowledgeable of what it takes to get great picture and sound out of a home theater setup.

Options Available
Different installation companies will have varying options and components available for purchase. Talk to someone at the store and see exactly what is available to you and how you can maximize the enjoyment that you’ll get from your new system. If possible, bring photographs of the room or rooms that you’ll be installing the home theater system in if they are unable to come to the house directly. This way, the designer can see exactly what they’ll have to work with and how much space will be available for speakers and other components. Help them to get a feel for exactly the sort of custom home theatre system that you want, and see whether they’ll be able to create one that meets your specific needs. Be sure to let them know of any special items that you want in the package, such as an HD DVD player, digital video recorder, Blu Ray player, or any other items that might not be included in a standard custom home theater design.

Cost and Value
Research component pricing before you go out looking for a home theater installer, making sure that you have an idea of any specific equipment that you are wanting and how much they are likely to cost. Shop around at different stores, seeing how much each will charge for the custom home theatre system that you want including the price of installation. If you have a budget for how much you want to spend on your home theater layout then try to stay within that budget. A good installer will be able to recommend equipment that may be equal in quality but cost less. Compare the quotes that you receive so that you’ll know which business is offering you the best value for your money. After all, you are the one who’s going to have to use the resulting home theater system, so be sure that above all else you end up with a system that you enjoy and that works well.

~Ben Anton, 2008

Home Shower Filters & Purifiers


If you want to ensure safety of your family and want them to enjoy the clean shower bath then simply install the best home shower filter in town and enjoy the shower for rest of your life.

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Are you prone to water borne diseases or feel the dirt while taking the bath then you must install home shower filters just to ensure complete safety. With the passing time massive changes or rather say advancements have been noticed in the shower filter which has led to the installation of shower filter in every home. Home shower filters are said to be more powerful and performance based as they have to cater the whole family and also to ensure clean bathing water. These days home shower filters usually come in variety of designs, styles, patterns and colors. The most striking point is that they are generally quoted at a very competitive price which can be afforded by anyone. These shower filters are equipped with carbon filters which not only restricts the germs but also eliminate the impurities. Apart from that they remove the bad smell and odor making water fit for bathing.

With the changing time shower filters too marked different changes as now majority of home shower filters are equipped with array of benefits and features. This ensures the complete removal of germs and bacteria along with the smell. Home shower filters are now installed in every home just in order to have clean bath. According to the experts having a shower daily provides great sense of relief from the stress and tension, due to this theory a significant increase has been noticed in the production of home shower filters. It has been seen that people have become more alert in regard to health due to which they now prefer to take bath from filtered water in order to ensure complete safety.

Being so handy and portable it is very easy to install and clean the shower filters. But it is advisable to do the extensive market research before zeroing yourself on any home shower filters as one wrong decision can throw water on your hard earned dollars. Internet is the best place to find the most suitable and widely used home shower filters as majority of the company have gone online to display their products. Still, make sure about their return policies before buying one. Majority of the home shower filters are now designed in such a way that they can be adjusted according to the water temperature. It means they can be used in cold as well as hot water shower. Home shower filter’s cartridge usually works well within 6 to 9 nine months depending upon the water and the shower filter usage.

Thus, if you want to ensure safety of your family and want them to enjoy the clean shower bath then simply install the best home shower filter in town and enjoy the shower for rest of your life.

Home Seller – Make Needed Repairs


Are you planning to put your home on the market? Review these tips for making necessary repairs, and you will achieve a quicker sale and optimum price.

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Before a buyer considers your home seriously, it must meet his needs in many ways. It must be a suitable neighborhood, commuting distance, size, layout, etc. If most of these needs are met, the buyer will move toward making an offer for your home. The purchase decision is an emotional and intellectual response, based on a level of trust in your home. So, it is logical that in preparing your home for sale your goal should be to enable the buyer to build trust in your home as quickly as possible. Your first step should be to address apparent and hidden repair issues.

Make a Complete List

Keep in mind that potential buyers and their real estate agents do not have the fond personal memories and familiarity that you have with your home. They will view it with a critical and discerning eye. Anticipate their concerns before they ever see your home. You may look at the leaky faucet and think of a $10 part at Home Depot. To a buyer this is a $100 plumbing bill. Walk through each room and consider how buyers are going to react to what they see. Make a complete list of all needed repairs. It will be more efficient to have them all done at once. Use a handyman to fix the items quickly. If your house is a fixer-upper, keep in mind that most buyers will expect to make a profit that is substantially above the cost of labor and materials. When a house needs obvious repairs, buyers will assume that there are more problems than meet the eye. Take care of repairs before marketing your home. Your home will sell faster and for a higher price.

Get an Inspection

It is a good idea to have your home inspected by a professional before putting it on the market. Your may discover some issues that will come up later on the buyer’s inspection report. You will be able to address the items on your own time, without the involvement of a prospective buyer. You do not have to repair every item that is written up. For example, due to building code changes, you may not meet code for handrail height, spacing between balusters, stair dimensions, single glazed windows, and other items. You may choose to leave items such as these as they are. Just note on the inspection report which items you have repaired, and which are left as is. Attach the report to your Seller’s Disclosure, along with any repair receipts that you have. A professional inspection answers buyers questions early, reduces re-negotiations after contract, and creates a higher level of trust in your home.

Offer a Service Contract

A home service contract may be offered to the buyer for their first year of ownership. For a fee of about $350 a third party warranty company will provide repair services for certain systems or components in the house for one year after the sale. These policies help to reduce the number of disputes about the condition of the property after the sale. They protect the interests of both buyer and seller.

Should You Remodel?

Our clients often ask if they should remodel their house before marketing. I believe the answer to this is no – major improvements do not make sense just before selling a home. Studies show that remodeling projects do not return 100% of their cost in the sales price. Normally, it does not pay to replace cabinets, re-do kitchens, upgrade bathrooms, or add space prior to selling. There is a fine line between remodeling and making repairs. You will need to draw this line as you review your home.

Repair Decisions

Countertops are outdated: If other components of the house are up to date, the kitchen may be greatly improved by new, modern countertops. Although this is an upgrade, not a repair, it may be worth doing because the kitchen has a significant impact on the value of your home.

Carpet is worn or outdated: Carpet replacement almost always worth doing. Sellers often ask if they should offer an allowance for carpet, and let the buyer choose. Do not take this approach. Choose a neutral shade, and make the change yourself. New carpet makes everything in the house look better.

Wall texture is poor: You may have an outdated texture style or acoustic ceiling. In most cases, it does not make sense to strip and re-texture the walls. Just repair any wall damage or minor texture problems.

Walls need paint: This is a must do! Freshly painted walls greatly improve the perception of your home. Don’t forget the baseboards and trim. Use neutral colors, such as cream, sage green, beige/yellow, or gray/blue. Stark white, primary colors and dark colors do not appeal to a wide market, and may be a negative factor.

Bathroom caulking is dirty: Put this on the must do list. Cracked or stained caulking is a turn-off to buyers. It is easily replaced. Make sure the tile grout does not have voids.

Drainage or leak problems: Address any drainage issues or leaks in plumbing or roof. Use professional help to correct the source of the problem and check for mold. Fully disclose the repair on your sellers disclosure, but avoid giving a personal guarantee of the repair.

Structural and trim repairs: Fix any sheetrock holes, damaged trim, torn vinyl, broken windows, rotten wood or rusty fixtures. Homes sell for more that show a reasonable level of maintenance.

Overgrown shrubs and weedy beds: Repairs to the yard are some of the most cost effective changes you can make. Mow and edge the lawn. Add inexpensive mulch to flower beds. Cut back any shrubs that cover windows. Trim tree branches that rub against the roof. Buy new doormats. Replace dead plants. Remove any trash.

Check HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems: These systems need routine maintenance. Have the heat/AC system serviced and filters changed. Check for plumbing leaks, toilets that rock, corroded water heater valves, and other plumbing problems. Replace burned out bulbs and electrical fixtures that do not work. Check your sprinkler system and pool equipment for problems.

Make Needed Repairs

If you are planning to sell your home, your first step should be to discover and make needed repairs. By making repairs you will answer buyers questions early, build trust in your home more quickly, and proceed through the closing process with fewer surprises. Your home will appeal to more buyers, sell faster, and bring a higher price.

Home Security For Has Become More Important For Families


How everyone protects their family has now become a real cause for concern as the day goes on. No one can be sure of not being a victim of home invasion in America anymore. These things have become very unpredictable, to say the least.

It is for this reason that it is very essential for everyone to use some form of home security. We all need some way of keeping the bad guys away and our lovely family safe inside the house. In that vain, I wonder… are you among the smart …

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How everyone protects their family has now become a real cause for concern as the day goes on. No one can be sure of not being a victim of home invasion in America anymore. These things have become very unpredictable, to say the least.

It is for this reason that it is very essential for everyone to use some form of home security. We all need some way of keeping the bad guys away and our lovely family safe inside the house. In that vain, I wonder… are you among the smart few who have a security system in your home, like an alarm or even a panic room?

Those days these security items were only for the rich and famous, but these days they have become necessities. Everyone should consider having some form of home security so that we won’t be left helpless from the dangers of the predators.

I remember when I was a little kid. We all lived on a farm in what can be called “the middle of nowhere”. We had a two-story home which I can safely say didn’t have any kind of security alarm or even any safe room. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even recall ever having to worry about the need for one.

Of course this wasn’t because our doors were always looked at night. It was more because my father was a law enforcement officer. This always gave me the thought that my father would shoot anyone that broke in.

While this can work as home security measure, it is wiser to look for a more technology based approach, don’t you think? Specifically, I am referring to modern-day alarm systems that would require access codes or even alert the authorities if an intruder approaches the door. Don’t worry… this isn’t some movies.

It is now very feasible for almost everyone that wants one. I acquired some new found knowledge on home security after watching a special on it recently. The devices I learnt about will blow your mind. For starters, you can buy locks that need your finger prints before they would open. Amazing? Of course. And note that this wasn’t on Mission Impossible.

Almost every residential home can use such device. When you have it on, you simply approach your front door without any keys and gain access with only your thumb? Isn’t that really amazing? What this means is that no one else will be able to have access to your home, whether they have a lock pick set or not.

Apart from this, there are also certain home security cameras that can catch everything around your home. If you want to place it around your front and rear doors, it will give you the picture of anyone that goes near your home, whether they knock or not.

What a powerful way of busting criminals. You really need to be up to date on your home security measures. If you are convinced that you need that special device or system to stay safe from predators, then it’s time to go online. You will find a variety of security products that you can choose from.

Home Repairs for Home Improvement


Sometimes we all get leaky faucets that cause annoying sounds during the night as the water drips down into the sink. Usually when faucets leak, it is caused by the wearing of the washers or O-rings. These leaks are relatively easy to fix in some instances, since homeowners can either replace the washers or O-rings or merely tighten the screws to repair the leak.

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Sometimes we all get leaky faucets that cause annoying sounds during the night as the water drips down into the sink. Usually when faucets leak, it is caused by the wearing of the washers or O-rings. These leaks are relatively easy to fix in some instances, since homeowners can either replace the washers or O-rings or merely tighten the screws to repair the leak.

Other times the leaky faucets may need repairing. There are many different styles of faucets and parts may differ widely; but they all have parts that can be replaced. To replace the faucet you might have to make the purchase of a new faucet kit. The kits are easier to install than buying pieces one at a time.

When installing the faucet kit you must shutoff the water supply which is usually below the sink or else in the basement area.

After disconnecting the water, locate and unscrew the nuts found at the top of the faucet of the old faucets to loosen the nuts, and then pull up the faucet. When taking apart the faucet, it might benefit you to pay attention to the arrangement of the parts.

Once the old faucet is removed, you are ready to install the new faucet. Make sure the nuts are securely tightened on the faucet before reconnecting the water lines. At this time you reconnect the water lines and turn on the water. Check for leaks before using the sink.

Improving your home is relatively easy in some areas. The repairs are part of improving the home and for the most part the process is easy. If the improver can follow a few instructions, repairs are never hard. Therefore, you must make sure to follow instructions carefully before repairing your home.

If you need to install a new shower, it is possible to do so without the skill of a contractor. Shower kits come with systematic instructions for installation. You can use prefabricated shower panels and a plastic shower base to build an inexpensive easy-to-install shower stall. If you want an elegant look, try a custom-tiled shower stall.

Other kits are also available that come with systematic instructions for repairs and installations.

It is essential to follow instructions if you are not hiring someone to handle the task. If you follow the instructions carefully, you should not have a problem finishing the tasks.

Home improvement does many things. When you improve your home, you are making a statement while increasing the equity of your home.

Equity is important when you own a home. The equity of the home determines how much you can sell the home or how much a bank will loan you against your home.

Equity is enhancing the home. At what time a person applies home improvement it may lead to increases of taxes but for the most part, the value of the home is increased as well. This means if you choose to sell your home, again you will have more advantages.

Repairing or installing a new faucet will only cost you around ten bucks, but it will increase the value of your home around a percentage or more. Thus, the equity adding another percentage is more than the price you will pay for a new faucet.
If you are installing a new faucet in the bathroom, or in the kitchen the kits are often the same price and you will follow the same procedures.

Anytime you purchase kits for improving the home, make sure you read the instructions to avoid problems. Reading the instructions will help you achieve accuracy.

Again, do not forget to check for leaks before completing the procedure. Most times if you follow instructions however, there will be no problems.

Repairing the home in the plumbing area is never complex, but if you are repairing plumbing that is more complicated you may want to get quotes before taking on the job yourself. Remember that water leaks can cause damage to your home if left unattended for a period of time.

On the contrary, if you are installing a new shower, purchasing a kit will cost less than hiring a plumber. The kits include materials, such as shower flooring, doors, walls and/or curtains, showerhead and faucet. Sometimes when you have a leaky shower, it is easier to repair by merely renewing the faucet, but if the shower is old, it may be wise to up the value of your home by replacing the entire shower.

If you are installing a new shower verses the faucet make sure you have all the tools you need, including 3/8 inch PVC pipes, or half-inch PVC pipe. You will also need Purple Primier, CPVC Cement, Philips, cutters, liquid nails, and silicon sealant. Use a little caution. If you feel uncomfortable installing a shower, by all means, look into hiring a professional. It will cost you a little more but will save you in the long run.

Home Renovation and maintenance in the fall


Doing a few chores around the house this month can save homeowners major expense in the spring, according to Rick Felton, President of Homeservice Club of Canada.

Home Renovation, Contractors

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“By doing a little preventative maintenance now, you can prevent minor problems from escalating into a major headache in the spring,” Felton said. “Minor repairs done now can prevent air and moisture penetration from attacking the structural integrity of your home down the road,” he added.

Cleaning the eavestroughs in the fall, for example, can prevent ice damming in the winter, where moisture is forced up under the roof’s shingles during winter’s freeze-thaw cycles. “Our roofing contractors are always busy in the spring, fixing damage and leaks that have occurred because of ice damming,” Felton added.

Here are some home maintenance jobs that should be on a homeowner’s winterizing checklist:

” Clean eavestroughs after the last leaves have fallen. Run a garden hose and check that they are draining properly and that downspouts are operating and directed away from the home’s foundation walls. Check for leaking or damaged gutters, downspouts and hangers. Remove rust and patch the gutters with roofing cement. Caulk leaking seams and make sure pop rivets are secure.
” Check the roof for trouble signs such as broken or missing shingles, cracked, buckling or curling shingles, or bare spots where the granular coating has worn off. Check flashing around vents, skylights and chimneys. Look for pieces that have peeled back and for cracked caulking that could allow moisture penetration.
” Have the chimney cleaned and check the exterior structure for worn flashing, loose bricks or crumbling mortar.
” Have your furnace cleaned, inspected and safety checked. Depending on the system, you will need to have the furnace vacuumed, the filter changed and the pilot checked.
” Check for blockage of attic louvres by wasp’s nests and put sheet metal, wire screen or wood over any openings, including under the eaves, to prevent animals from nesting.
” Remove and store your window air conditioner. Make sure to clean the coils and filters and cover loosely for the winter. If you are leaving the air conditioner in the window, put a weatherproof cover over it to protect it during the winter.
” Clean your lawnmower and other garden tools before storing. Give all the metal parts of your tools a wipe with an oiled rag to prevent rusting. Drain the fuel from gas-powered machines and run the engine until the lines are clear. Drain the oil and replace it. Clean caked-on grass and debris.
” Check doors and windows for proper caulking and weatherstripping. Do the draft test: hold a lit candle and run it along the seams of doors and windows. A flickering flame means your heating dollars are going out the window. Check the bottoms of doors for a snug threshold seal or door sweep.
” Make sure your fireplace is in safe working order. Check that the damper opens and closes smoothly and fits properly to prevent heat loss. Check inside the fireplace to make sure no bricks are loose or broken. If your fireplace is smoking excessively, check the chimney for fallen bricks. Installing a chimney cap can cure a smoking fireplace by improving the draft.
” Drain exterior water lines, hose bibs, sprinklers, and pool equipment before the first major freeze. Caulk around pipes where they enter the house.

” Clean your barbecue and store it in a protected place for the winter. Never store propane tanks indoors.
” Clean patio furniture and store, loosely covered, in a dry place.
” Wash windows to let in the maximum heat and light during cold winter days.
Doing your fall chores can make your life easier come spring, when you would rather be fishing than fixing winter damage. There are a lot more tips included on
Home Renovation Contractors on the official Homeserviceclub website.

Home Renovation a necessity without vacation precaution


Saving your house from breaking & entering during vacation with the use of these precautionary tips will save you from renovating your home.

Home Renovation

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Going up to the cottage this summer for some R & R? Make sure your home is not the victim of a B&E with these security tips from Homeservice Club:
” Check your home insurance policy before you leave on vacation. Some have a clause that requires that the premises be checked every 48 hours in your absence for the policy to be valid.
” Arrange for someone to come in once or twice a day and take in the mail, open curtains in the morning and close them at night, and cut the grass.
” Illuminate dark corners of the yard with motion-sensing floodlights, replace burned-out bulbs on exterior light fixtures, install inexpensive motion-sensing lights near entrances, garage doors, walkways and porches.
” Place landscape lights, porch lights, a few interior lights, and a radio on different timers so it looks – and sounds- like somebody is home.
” Stop newspaper deliveries before you leave. Most newspapers have vacation stop/start forms on their websites.
” Invite your neighbors to park their cars in your driveway to give the illusion of people coming and going.
” Garages and garden sheds can provide a thief with the necessary tools to break in your home. Keep them locked and ensure ladders are locked up and out of reach.
” Leave an itinerary, a phone number and a house key with a trusted neighbour so they can contact you if something goes wrong with your house.
” And finally, bolt patio doors and install deadbolts on all exterior doors and interior doors leading to the garage, basement or solarium. The deadbolt should be at least an inch long and the strike plate should be secured into the door framing stud.

If your home is broken into, you may have to do a major overhaul on your home. Household items can be broken, stolen, and sentimentally irreplaceable. Suffering this set back, you may have to renovate your current home as a result of breaking and entering. Furthermore, you may have to move to a completely new home to avoid any future incidents.
Follow these tips prior to leaving for your vacation, each tip will prove vital to keeping your home safe for the remainder of your leave. You will rest easy knowing you took precaution from having all your valuables taken away from you.

Home Remodeling Tips


Maximizing the function and style of your home, could be very challenging. Before you buy, you should know the pros and cons of home remolding. There are several directions you can take when planning to remodel your home.

Home Remodeling Tips

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Maximizing the function and style of your home, could be very challenging. Before you buy, you should know the pros and cons of home remolding. There are several directions you can take when planning to remodel your home.

Homeowners, do-it-yourself projects are a fact of life. The amount of planning and time you spend before you start a project can have a direct result on the end product. Hiring a contractor or doing it yourself, this guide can help.

You may have settled into your new home and discovered that it doesn’t work for you the way that you thought it would. perhaps you’ve grown tired of searching for a new home. So, you’re thinking about remodeling instead of moving.

Try to hire a design professional who will charge on an hourly basis. Most architects would develop a full set of architectural plans for you right away. This can cost thousands of dollars, which you don’t want to spend unless you’re definitely going ahead with the project.

Find out if your home can be modified to create the kind of space you need. You also need to talk with the local building department to find out if there are any restrictions that would prevent you from starting your project.

A common mistake homeowner’s make is assuming that when they sell they will get back the money they invest in remodeling their home. How much you can get back depends on local real estate market conditions, the type of remodel project, and the length of time between the project completion and the sale of the property.

It doesn’t make sense to take on a major renovation if you plan to sell in the near future. If this will be a long-term home for you, then it may be worthwhile to invest in a major overhaul. But, keep in mind that design tastes change over time.

Talk to your local real estate agent to find out whether your remodel plans are likely to meet with market approval. The point of remodeling is to make your home better suit your lifestyle. But, it’s also important to consider the resale potential of your improvements.

The value of a remodel project will vary from one place to the next. Your agent can help you determine if you will be over-improving your home for your neighborhood. Keep in mind that most remodel projects end up costing more than budget. Factor this in to your cost analysis.

About The Author:

Roger King is a successful author and publisher of pavingmasonry1st-home-decor.paving Home Remodeling Tips and ideas to showcase your homes.