How Old Should You Be Before You Buy A Loft Bed?


A monumental time in the life of any toddler is moving from the crib or child’s bed to a real “grown up” bed. Consider choosing a loft bed for your growing youngster, especially if the room he or she occupies is small for much else than a bed or shared with a sibling. However, before you move your child to any bed other than a crib, ensure he or she is at least two years of age and no less than 35 inches tall. If your child is a late bloomer or showing no interest in moving u…

loft beds,bunk beds, beds

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A monumental time in the life of any toddler is moving from the crib or child’s bed to a real “grown up” bed. Consider choosing a loft bed for your growing youngster, especially if the room he or she occupies is small for much else than a bed or shared with a sibling. However, before you move your child to any bed other than a crib, ensure he or she is at least two years of age and no less than 35 inches tall. If your child is a late bloomer or showing no interest in moving up to a larger bed, allow him or her a certain amount of leeway in regards to switching to a “big boy” or “big girl” bed.

Many parents choose to invest in a loft bed for their child because another child has arrived, is on the way, or currently occupies the house. A loft is a great way to give each child his or her space without having to sacrifice floor space for child’s play. Also, a loft bed is a great way to entice your son or daughter to leave your bed in exchange for something a great deal cooler in their eyes.

One thing to keep in mind when choosing a loft bed for a young child is to avoid the ceiling scraping beds and instead choose lofts that are no taller than four feet. This is especially true if you are dealing with a youngster who may have a slight fear of heights, since everything is taller to a child. A four foot loft still allows a great amount of room underneath the bed and can be arranged to house a fantastic fort, tent, or enclosed space that is only for the child. Some children’s furniture manufacturers are even including specialized loft beds into their furniture designs that are sure to tickle your child’s imagination.

Another critical aspect to keep in mind is the safety of the loft. Ensure the guard rails are stable and properly placed on the bed. Furthermore, ensure both sides of the bed come equipped with guard rails. Quite often, children can become trapped or even fall out of the bed if two guard rails are not present on the bed. Also, check out the ladder to make sure your child will be safe while entering and exiting his or her bed. Furthermore, ensure the ladder is correctly installed on the bed to prevent any accidents or injuries due to improper equipment.

Once your child has made the move into a loft bed, make time to speak with your son or daughter regarding safety. Set rules for entering and exiting the bed and ensure your children will not play or roughhouse, which can call potentially cause injury.

How Much Do Hardwood Floors Cost?


Hardwood floors are sold everywhere, but little do we know that it takes a lot of effort and time to prepare each plank until it is fit for building use.

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Hardwood floors are sold everywhere, but little do we know that it takes a lot of effort and time to prepare each plank until it is fit for building use. Trees are an exhaustible resource. This means they are not simply manufactured out of factories and have to be grown for a considerable period before they can be used. Oak hardwood, for instance, can take as long as a hundred years to mature.

Is, therefore, because of this that hardwood is comparatively expensive. Standard hardwood floors cost around $4 per square foot and that’s still the unfinished version. Prefinished hardwood floors cost a little bit more, usually at around $5 per square foot.

When buying unfinished hardwood flooring, however, don’t think that you’re saving a huge deal. Unfinished hardwood still has to be finished and stained before it can truly serve its purpose, so it’s an extra expense.

If your budget is limited, then you should opt for prefinished boards, instead. They are less costly in the long run and more convenient to install. You will no longer have to worry about stains, polish and finishings once you have them in place.

If you’re looking to install flooring on an entire house or a very huge space, you can save on costs if you buy hardwood wholesale. Another way to reduce your expenditure is to purchase them on discount, which may through hardware store sales or through used wood showrooms. Of course, whenever you buy on discount, make sure that you check the entire woodwork for signs of wear and decay.

Overall, while buying and installing hardwood floors is expensive, the benefits definitely outweigh the costs. Hardwood can last generations so you’ll no longer have to worry about; just make sure it’s properly and regularly maintained and protected well. While concrete also has a similar life, or longer, nothing beats the natural feel that real hardwood affords your home.

How Long to Install a New Roof?


Having a new roof fitted will mean a fairly major upheaval in your life. It may be necessary for you to move out while it is being done so it is important to know exactly how long to install a new roof will take. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that straight forward.

How Long to Install a New Roof, new roof, roof

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The roof is by far one of the most important parts of your house when it comes to protecting the rest of the building and it’s occupants from extreme weather conditions and many roofs are in a state of disrepair. Yet, despite this, they are left to worsen before people are willing to act and either pay for decent repairs or bite the bullet and have a new roof fitted. Paying for patched repairs or doing them yourself, when you don’t really know what you are doing, may prove cheaper in the short term but it won’t be long before you have to patch up the holes on a very regular basis. One of the most effective ways to lengthen the lifespan of any roof is with regular maintenance and checks conducted by a professional.

The life of your roof.

Knowing how long to install a new roof really is a question of knowing how well looked after your current roof is. Many new roofs come with a life of up to 20 years and some more durable and hard wearing roofs will have a life as long as 40 or 50 years but if you don’t care for your roof and regularly have it checked and maintained you face a very real risk of substantially decreasing this lifespan. When you have a new roof fitted you should, as far as possible, pay as much as you can afford to ensure that you get as long a life as possible with your new roof.

Taking the plunge.

Having a new roof fitted will mean a fairly major upheaval in your life. It may be necessary for you to move out while it is being done so it is important to know exactly how long to install a new roof will take. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that straight forward. Everything depends on the size of the roof, the shape of the roof and exactly what you are having fitted. Applying a single layer of shingles on an existing roof is unlikely to take longer than a few days but having your existing roof completely removed and an entirely new one built can take a number of weeks. To get an accurate idea you should get a quote from a professional roofing contractor and ensure that this information will be included. Do be aware that things can go wrong and even when there is nothing wrong with the roof a sudden change in the weather can set the construction of your new roof back dramatically.

Start as you mean to go on.

Once you have your new roof fitted you shouldn’t just assume that because it comes with a ten-year warranty you won’t need to do anything about maintenance for the first ten years. You should, wherever possible, have an annual check up just to make sure that everything is ok because if a small problem is found it can be fixed before the small problem grows into a much larger and more costly problem.

How Exactly Do Septic Tanks Work?


This article explains exactly how septic tanks work.

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A sewerage drain field and a septic tank make up a small scale sewage treatment system. A septic tank is basically a rectangular shaped underground receptacle for wastewater. It is watertight, made of concrete, and consists of tanks that are divided into chambers. The first chamber has twice the volume as the second and the majority of the organic solid matter, referred to as sludge, gets settled here. The second chamber further purifies the wastewater.

The septic tank collects wastewater from toilets, showers, sinks, etc. Due to the absence of a current the sludge quickly settles down to the tank floor. Anaerobic bacterial digestive activity on the sludge leads to the generation of methane and carbon dioxide; the sludge is stabilized and does not rot anymore. Particles of stabilized sludge stay settled, some may float to the top as scum.

A septic tank should be constructed such that there is maximum contact time with the microorganisms so as to enable swifter digestion of the sludge. This is achieved by placing the inlet, overflow, and outlet diagonal to each other and by making the streams flow in vertically placed pipes.

The semi-purified water moves to the second chamber via the overflows that are constructed such that the upward motion of water prevents larger particles from flowing into the second chamber. The feeding, digestion, and settlement of organic matter continues in the second chamber. The retention time in the second chamber is half that of the first chamber because of its size and the fact that the amount of organic matter to treat is less. The outlet is constructed in the diagonal corner to the overflow.

The treated wastewater is directed to a drain field, also known as a seepage field, where any impurities that still exist get decomposed naturally, the water is taken up by the plant root system or it may even become a part of the groundwater. The large sized drainage field is required if the soil is not very porous. A septic system can be made to work entirely by using gravitational forces; at some places, however, a pump may be required to overcome topographical limitations.

The rate of sludge generation in septic tanks is around 0.05 cubic yards every year for an individual. Septic tanks need to be emptied every few years so that there is enough reaction space for the microorganisms to attack the wastewater and for the sludge to settle.

The septic tank may be emptied every 5-7 years depending upon the amount of wastewater it processes. The tank is emptied using an exhauster truck manned by trained personnel. The sludge that is sucked into the exhauster truck is released into public waste water treatment plants, sanitary landfills, or sludge drying beds.

Properly digested sludge can be used as a natural fertilizer; this is possible only if no fresh wastewater is added to the tank for at least one week.

The design of the septic tank should be such that the wastewater always flows in its designated path and no short circuits in the water flow occur. T-pipe-connectors with inflow and outflow openings under the water level should be used for inlet, overflow, and outlet pipes. This prevents the floating scum from clogging the pipes. A grease trap should be provided for the wastewater inflow pipe.

How Do We Know What Time It Really Is? (Part 2)


The article ‘How Do We Know What Time Is Really Is?’ (Part 2) tells about the time, a physical quantity and clock, the instrument to measure it. After reading this article, you will get to know the views of scientists and technologists about time and would be able to relate time with different day-to-day phenomenon of life.

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The role of the Universe in Keeping Time

Methods of keeping track of time date back to ancient days, but it wasn’t until the 19th and 20th centuries that the science behind more accurate timekeeping and how that relates to the universe around us was more understood — or at least investigated. Key players in science and mathematics also played an important role in trying to understand how time works. Prominent scientific figures such as Galileo and Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens led the understanding of time in the 16th and 17th centuries, but it was Albert Einstein, Carl Neumann, and the like who looked at absolute and mathematical time at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries and then questioned those theories even further to try to explain the workings of modern timekeeping.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was an English mathematician upon whose theory more investigation into time was based. Newton’s law of inertia, which meant that one particle in space, not acted upon by other forces, continued to move in the same direction and would remain at the same speed, was the basis of Carl Neumann’s (1832-1925) development of the inertial clock in 1883. He believed, however, that absolute time didn’t rely upon absolute space. This meant the law of inertia given intervals which could be measured would measure absolute time.

At the beginning of the 20th Century it was Albert Einstein (1879-1955) who refuted the idea that time is absolutely defined and hypothesized that time is connected to the speed of light, thus giving birth to the theory of special relativity. Einstein reportedly said, “My solution was really for the very concept of time, that is, that time is not absolutely defined but there is an inseparable connection between time and the velocity of light.”

Gravity, Einstein discovered also has an impact on time. He observed that the passage of time is slower where there is more gravitational pull compared to where there is not as much. The Earth’s gravitational pull and rotation meant that a clock on Earth will loose about 1 one-billionth of a second per hour.

In the 20th Century we also have the discovery of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics had an impact on the understanding of time and introduced the idea that there are several dimensions that impact time.

As many scientific theories as there are related to time and how it is measured, it is still the basis of the quartz clock that has standardized how time is measured today. It relies on the theory that a quartz crystal will vibrate in an electric field at the same standardized frequency. These findings utilized the principles related to the way a mechanical and free pendulum works. (Link to article #3 on the pendulum.)

Even today, new ideas are emerging about time and its relationship to the universe. What is “now” and how does that impact the “future” and measure the “past?” Those were questions posed by Einstein himself and still at the forefront of research. Perhaps an understanding of “now” is “outside the realm of science,” as suggested by Einstein, and we must simple rely on the modern interpretation set forth by organizations like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their double pendulum clock to measure time.

How Different Types Of Water Filters Work


According to reports around 7 million American people use contaminated tap water for drinking. Now people are becoming more conscious of using filtered water. But many research studies indicate that filtered bottled water is also of tap water quality. There are many conventional ways where people are using filtered water. The following are some of the main ways to get filtered water.

1.Use of water pitchers is a simple, cheap and easy method. You can fill the pitcher with …

water filters,water filter,water filtration

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According to reports around 7 million American people use contaminated tap water for drinking. Now people are becoming more conscious of using filtered water. But many research studies indicate that filtered bottled water is also of tap water quality. There are many conventional ways where people are using filtered water. The following are some of the main ways to get filtered water.

1.Use of water pitchers is a simple, cheap and easy method. You can fill the pitcher with tap water and allow it to filter. But this process takes a lot of time to filter a liter of water. This is not a proper method for immediate use.

2.Use of Faucet Mounted Water Filters is a cheap and convenient method of obtaining filtered water. The filter is connected to a water faucet and by turning the tap, filtered water comes out. The cartridge needs to be replaced every month.

3.Use of under sink water filters is better than the above two methods because the whole setup is closed. For better performance, the filters are to be installed by professionals, as the cartridges need to be used for filtration purposes. The cartridges need to be replaced every six months. For an average person this system is not feasible.

4.Whole house water filtration systems filter every faucet in the home and it is better than under sink units. The cartridges need to be replaced every six months.

5.Use of reverse osmosis water filters is very popular. It is less expensive and more effective. The filter systems are available in the market today. The reverse osmosis water filter wastes 5 gallons of water for every gallon of water filtered. Reverse Osmosis Water filtration system is best among the above because even the smallest particles are filtered out

These are some of the choices for obtaining filtered water for your home. You can buy the suitable filtration system as per your requirement. There are lots of websites which sell these water filters, and the rates differ from company to company.

How Cellulose Insulation Is Applied


Cellulose insulation is natural insulation material. It is made from recycled newspaper and other recycled paper products. The recycled content is at least 75% or more. The recycled paper is then treated with chemicals to make it fire resistant.

Benefits of Cellulose Insulation

Because the material is made from mostly recycled paper products, it is considered to be less dangerous than other types of insulating materials. Fiberglass and many other insulating materials a…

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Cellulose insulation is natural insulation material. It is made from recycled newspaper and other recycled paper products. The recycled content is at least 75% or more. The recycled paper is then treated with chemicals to make it fire resistant.

Benefits of Cellulose Insulation

Because the material is made from mostly recycled paper products, it is considered to be less dangerous than other types of insulating materials. Fiberglass and many other insulating materials are considered to be carcinogenic. Cellulose is not a carcinogen.

The chemicals used to make the material fire resistant are all non hazardous materials. The chemicals most commonly used are boric acid, ammonium sulphate and borax. All these chemicals are thought to be safe and are not known to cause health risks. In addition, they are thought to help prohibit the growth of mold or mildew and isn’t a hospitable environment for insects.

Another benefit is in the energy needed to manufacture the material. Less fuel is required in the manufacturing process when compared to other materials. This is good for the environment and saves fuel. This is especially important with today’s high fuel prices. Cellulose was at one time quite a bit more expensive than fibreglass, but the cost is about equal now.

Because the material is largely recycled paper and uses less energy, it is often used in “green homes.” Green homes are new homes that are designed to be environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Cellulose meets the requirements of this type of building. More new homes are currently being built with this type of material than at any other time.

The material is energy efficient and allows less air to pass through it than does fibreglass. This makes it more effective for insulating than other materials. You will see a difference in your home heating bill. It is also more flame retardant than any other insulating material.

This material is better as a sound insulation for reducing the nose level in your home. If you are interested in soundproofing qualities as well as keeping warm, this product is more effective than other materials. The coverage is more uniform and better at muffling sounds from outside the home or the next room, for example, kitchen noises being heard in the bedroom.

4 Types of Cellulose Insulation

There are four ways this type of insulating material is applied:

o Loose fill
o Stabilized cellulose
o Wall cavity spray
o Commercial sprays

In new and existing home insulation, it is most often blown into the wall cavity or the attic. In general, it is blown dry in the attic and damp in the walls. Because it is blown, it is relatively easy to install in existing homes. Small holes are made in the drywall of interior walls for the spray and are patched after installation. For insulating exterior walls, the material is generally applied outside the house by removing small pieces of siding or roofing materials.

How Cellulose Insulation is Applied

The material is mixed with a small amount of water and is then sprayed into the wall. This slight dampness helps the material conform to the space and give a complete seal. This helps seal small cracks and hard to reach spaces in the wall cavity. For this reason, it is very effective for blocking air from escaping through smaller cracks.

Professional installation is recommended for this insulating material. To be most effective, it must be blown properly and evenly. In general, two people are needed for the process, one to fill the machine with dry fibers and to break up larger clumps and another to operate the hose. Masks should be worn to prevent any dust from being breathed in during the installation process.

How Caulks And Sealants Are Used In The Modern-Day Construction Industry


A trip to your local home improvement store can be an overwhelming experience for the average person, especially if you’re trying to figure out which caulks and sealants to use for your exterior home improvement project. Unlike the interior, the exterior faces high UV exposure, extreme temperatures and the need to be 100% waterproof. Once you have finished reading this article, you will better understand the nature of caulks and sealants and how to select the best products for your project.

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A trip to your local home improvement store can be an overwhelming experience for the average person, especially if you’re trying to figure out which caulks and sealants to use for your exterior home improvement project. Unlike the interior, the exterior faces high UV exposure, extreme temperatures and the requirement to stay 100% waterproof.

When you’re dealing with silicone caulks, you have a non-paintable surface, with poor UV performance. Although water based and latex caulks have good paintability, they also have high shrinkage, poor elasticity and poor UV performance. Synthetic-rubber (polyurethane) sealants and tri-polymer sealants (silyl terminated polyether sealants) can do it all: paintable, great moisture sealing, no or low shrinkage, and very good UV resistance. Many are also pre-tinted in popular colors. These include the popular NP1 (polyurethane sealant), Sonolastic 150 VLM, and Novalink sealants.

All of these sealant and caulk materials are heavily advertised and marketed with super flashy packaging, labels and all kinds of fancy logos. If you’re looking for a high performance caulk or high performance sealant, you can literally be confronted with hundreds of brands and companies that claim to have the best product for your needs. So what can you do, when you are bombarded with all kinds of choices?

Each brand of caulk generally has its own special and unique qualities. Although, it is in your best interest to read all of the labels and also follow the company specifications, for the use of the caulk and sealant, the very thing you want to know may not be found on the labels of the containers at all! Many of the best products are architectural / commercial grade and not generally available to the public.

Sealant was originated through the needs for exterior finishing in the home building industry. Caulk was originally a term that was used to describe the sealant material used to build boats. Many companies and manufacturers these days are using caulk as an all-purpose word to describe paintable interior grade products. Sealants by definition have at least /-25% elongation capability over a long-term period and are UV resistant. Advanced sealants are 100% solids and offer up to 100% elongation.

Most of the general public use caulk and sealant interchangeably to serve the same basic purpose, which is to fill gaps between building materials and to shield materials from air and water.

Although sealants and caulk work the same basic manner, they both also fail for the same basic reasons. There are three major types of caulk failures that you will encounter. These are substrate, cohesive, and adhesive. The bond that is put between the substrate and the caulk can actually fail, making the caulk tear and break down. Caulked joint problems are also very common and are usually due to the substrate not being effectively prepared or using the wrong product all together.

So, before you choose a certain kind of product, you want to really think about how you will be using it and for what purpose. You will also want to consider the area or location you are going to apply the caulk or sealant.

For example, if your intent is to seal the area around the base of a toilet, sink, bathtub or shower, it will be imperative that you purchase a product that both mildew-resistant and durable enough to survive scrubbing and chemical cleaning. If your intent is going to be to use sealant or caulk between wood clapboards and vinyl windows, then you’ll need to purchase a product that is able to bond very well to both types of materials and is weather resistant.

You will also want to keep humidity, temperature and moisture in mind when you are shopping for caulk or sealant. Water-based caulks not recommended for outdoor projects, because these products do not withstand the hot-to-cold and cold-to-hot weather changes, as well as other harsh weather situations. If you are living in an area that is below 50F during the time you need to apply sealant, then you’ll probably want to use a silicone sealant, instead of polyurethanes, because polyurethanes are very difficult to apply in chilly conditions.

Other Applications: For sealing skylights, glass domes, greenhouses and such, Sonolastic Clear 25 is a popular product. For Kynar or siliconized paint finished metal roofs, a special sealant formulated to seal to these surfaces is a must. Products such as Duralink are popular. For repair of swimming pool tile grout lines, polyurethane sealants are excellent. Products like Ultra provide a very durable seal, which can survive in areas where grouts fail quickly. Ultra is also used as a pickproof sealant in security applications.

To the delight of many, who prefer the do-it-yourself project, certain caulks and sealants can be color-matched to paints, tiles, grout, wallpaper and even carpeting. The beauty of these products is that they can be color-matched while they are still in the product tube. NP1 is also available in many popular pre-formulated colors. Any good home building products store will be able to help you color-match your caulk and sealant to your desired color. Once the caulk has cured, then it will precisely match the color you were seeking to acquire.

In summary, let’s review your options again:

1. Water-based caulks are the easiest to work with. They have a smooth, thin and consistent flow, and they are easy to apply with almost any tool. These products cure quickly, have very little odor, and the clean up is easy with water.

2. Silicone caulks and sealants are good for interior or exterior areas, which will not be painted and are good for areas that will be exposed to extremely cold weather, certain metals, and glass. Silicone materials do not repair well (nothing wants to stick to cured silicone material, not even more silicone)

3. Synthetic rubber sealant is best used for areas with high movement and dissimilar materials. These materials can be painted and are designed for long-term exterior exposure. There is also less chance that the synthetic rubber bond will break during movement. Common applications are roof tile repairs, roof moldings, and roof to wall sealing, window frame sealants, and doorsill sealant.

4. Self Leveling Expansion Joint Sealant, such as SL1 and SL2, are used to fill and seal the expansion joint gaps in concrete and driveways.

5. Tri-Polyimer sealants, such as Sonolastic 150VLM are the next generation. Although somewhat more expensive, they offer superior exterior performance.

6. New Hybrid products are available that defy all classifications. Using these kinds of sealants can yield a lot of surprises, so be sure to read the instructions carefully. Some of these products tend to expand upon drying, so it is best to test them out in an inconspicuous location before actually using them on your project.

Print this article and take it with you when you are shopping for caulk and sealant. Review it and then follow any instructions on the containers of the products you buy. It is our hope that this quick tutorial will help provide some clarity on exactly what products you should buy for your home improvement or home construction project.

How Bad Is The Air In Your House?


The Journal of the American Medical Association now suggests that the air pollution existing today in the US raises the risk of lung disease to a point where more than half of the US population is breathing unhealthy amounts of air pollution . More than 50 million Americans seem to be suffering from allergies and more than 20 million battle asthma. There is such a thing as Sick Building Syndrome, a worldwide phenomenon, when chemical substances used in office construction such as glue, insulating materials, cardboard, and fiberglass are steadily released into the atmosphere from electronic equipment, carpeting, furniture and fittings. That is why the air inside buildings or residential structures may be many times more polluted than the air outside, according to the EPA.

air purifier, ozone air cleaner,pollution

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Air Purifiers are all the rage now, everybody has them and everybody sells them.

There are Ionic Air Purifiers, regular filter Purifiers and HEPA filter purifiers.

The Journal of the American Medical Association now suggests that the air pollution existing today in the US raises the risk of lung disease to a point where more than half of the US population is breathing unhealthy amounts of air pollution . More than 50 million Americans seem to be suffering from allergies and more than 20 million battle asthma. There is such a thing as Sick Building Syndrome, a worldwide phenomenon, when chemical substances used in office construction such as glue, insulating materials, cardboard, and fiberglass are steadily released into the atmosphere from electronic equipment, carpeting, furniture and fittings. That is why the air inside buildings or residential structures may be many times more polluted than the air outside, according to the EPA.

Because of all these reasons Air Purifiers have become very important. The different types of air purifiers include mechanical purifiers, electronic air purifying systems, hybrid purifiers and gas phase purifiers. Most of these systems remove particles and harmful toxins from the indoor air.

The HEPA Filter is a High Efficiency Particulate Arrested Filter designed to remove 99.97% of all airborne pollutants 0.3 microns or larger from the air that passes through the filter ( including tobacco smoke, household dust and pollen).

There are also filtering technologies that operate by using ozonation. The most popular air purifier on the market today uses ozone. These purifiers actually produce ozone which is an irritant that can worsen asthma and decrease lung function.

The removal of particles from the air is what is measured when the efficiency rate is trying to be achieved. The fraction of particles that is removed from the indoor air being measured is what determines the amount of efficiency an air purifier possesses.

Air cleaners using mechanical filters or electronic technology can perform particle removal. Mechanical home air purifiers are units that can draw the indoor air through a metal or fibrous filter that is designed to trap the particles.

Because filters have different size pores they are able to catch these particles. is able to catch these particles with its different sized pores. Different types of filters may be pleated , square, round, with different levels of efficiency.

Mechanical filters in general are very efficient in eliminating contaminants from the air as long as they are cleaned regularly. There are 3 diferent types of electronic purifiers:

Electrostatic purifiers pull air into a chamber and charge the particles electrically. The air is then let through wafers which are negative ion generators, give particles a charge and cause them to stick to the nearest solid object.These purifiers are not as effective as the other electronic or mechanical purifiers because they do not eliminate particles but move them to another location.

Ionizers do the same thing but create ozone which in itself may be bad for your health. Ozone is a lung irritant produced by ion generators and some other electronic air cleaners and ozone generators. While indirect ozone production is of concern, there is even greater concern with the direct, and purposeful introduction of a lung irritant into indoor air. There is no difference, despite some marketers’ claims, between ozone in smog outdoors and ozone produced by these devices. Repeated exposure to ozone pollution may cause permanent damage to the lungs.

Hybrid air cleaners use both mechanical filters and electronic technology in order to clean the air of particles. Ozone emissions may be present from the use of electrostatic air purifiers and negative ion generators. High levels of ozone may be harmful but cleaning the units as specified by the manufacturer may mitigate the possible bad effects of ozone to some extent.

Efficient Air Purifiers can cost anywhere from $500 to $1500 for a single room and a System to clean a whole house can easily run into the thousands of dollars.

How An Ultrasonic Humidifier Works


Dry air is a common problem in cold weather and in warm climates. An ultrasonic humidifier can help solve the problems caused by dry air. These can be used in just about every room in your house, including the kitchen and bedroom. They shouldn’t be used in a bathroom, as the humidity level is generally higher in bathrooms. You can find these humidifiers in home improvement stores or on the internet.

Human beings are most comfortable when the humidity in the air is between …

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Dry air is a common problem in cold weather and in warm climates. An ultrasonic humidifier can help solve the problems caused by dry air. These can be used in just about every room in your house, including the kitchen and bedroom. They shouldn’t be used in a bathroom, as the humidity level is generally higher in bathrooms. You can find these humidifiers in home improvement stores or on the internet.

Human beings are most comfortable when the humidity in the air is between 30 and 50%. When the air is drier, you may notice symptoms such as a stuffy nose, sore throat, dry skin, dry hair, a dry cough, itchy eyes or nose bleeds. Low humidity causes problems in your home as well. Over time, dry air causes the wood in your hard wood floors and home furnishings to dry out. In extreme cases, it can become brittle and crack. Static electricity is another common problem with dry air.

Benefits of an Ultrasonic Humidifier

The water in these humidifiers isn’t heated. This is a good feature if the machine will be used in a child’s room. There is no danger of burns because there is no hot water. These humidifiers are very quiet when running, so your child’s sleep won’t be disrupted.

Ultrasonics don’t create the white dust that is common with warm mist humidifiers. This dust is the result of minerals in the water being released into the air. This dust settles on the furniture. Ultrasonic machines have a metal platform inside that catches this dust and keeps it from being released into the air.

How an Ultrasonic Humidifier Works

Ultrasonic humidifiers add moisture to the air using high frequency sound vibrations. These vibrations create an ultra fine mist in the air. A metal diaphragm inside the machine vibrates at a high frequency. This creates the mist. The size of this appliance is smaller and more compact than other humidifiers. This allows it to fit easily on any furniture.

Some helpful features on these machines include an adjustable setting for mist control. You can adjust these machines for more or less moisture in the air. Many have a built in humidistat to measure the level of moisture in the air. This helps you keep the humidity in the desirable level. If the level climbs too high, you can turn the mist down or off. You can purchase these separately, if your humidifier doesn’t come with one.

Using an Ultrasonic Humidifier Safely

The biggest concern with these humidifiers is the water is not heated. This poses a danger of microorganisms being released into the air. The presence of mold spores and bacteria in the air aggravates allergies or asthma and can cause illness. Fortunately there are some things you can do to help lessen this risk.

o Change the water in the humidifier after every use. Empty the container and rinse with fresh water. Use a towel to dry it out completely.

o Fill with fresh water just before every use. This prevents mold spores from growing in the standing water.

o Impurities in your tap water can find their way into the air, causing irritation. Both minerals and additives used to clean the public water supply, such as chlorine can cause irritation. The best way to avoid this is to use distilled or bottled water, or consider having a water purifier installed to clean all your water.

o Clean and disinfect the water chamber regularly. You will find instructions for this in your owner’s manual. Use a disinfectant to kill any microorganisms that may remain. Commercial humidifier cleaning products are sold in stores and on the internet for this purpose.

o High levels of humidity in the air lead to the growth of mold spores. Keep the level in the 30-50% range. A humidistat will help you monitor this. If your machine doesn’t have one, buy a separate one to be safe.

o A separate air filter, such as a hepa, can help remove any mold spores or contaminants from the air.