Tips In Choosing Area Rugs


A house or office may be very minimalist but what can make it an eye pleaser are the accessories and furnishings, properly used and coordinated with the other furniture in the room. One such furnishing that can be used to achieve an over-all effect is the use of area rugs.

Area rugs are available in all shapes and sizes and definitely in all colors. Area rugs need not be expensive to serve their purpose. It all depends on the creativity of the decorator.

The art of usin…

area rugs, carpets, design

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A house or office may be very minimalist but what can make it an eye pleaser are the accessories and furnishings, properly used and coordinated with the other furniture in the room. One such furnishing that can be used to achieve an over-all effect is the use of area rugs.

Area rugs are available in all shapes and sizes and definitely in all colors. Area rugs need not be expensive to serve their purpose. It all depends on the creativity of the decorator.

The art of using rugs has been in existence thousands of years ago when the weavers incorporate religious or tribal symbolisms in the rug designs. In fact, rug styles and designs have been named after cities like Kashan and tribes like Bakhtiari due to the strong influence of these tribes and places to the rug designers.

The Persian rugs became famous among royal courts, thanks to the European traders who bartered the rugs to Europe’s rich and powerful families. From then on, the Europeans learned from the Persian rug techniques and later on created their own designs and rug motifs. The evolution of rigs is really a good example of cross cultural influences.

Modern day rug makers may have all the high technology equipment but ancient rug makers had to contend with their creative hands to create hand-woven rugs that characterized great artistry. The invention of chemical and commercial dyes made the rug making industry better and more colorful since rig makers can now experiment on a variety of colors.

When buying rugs, always consider its purpose and where it will be placed. One can opt for antique rugs which comes in traditional designs and styles or modern rugs which are available in all shapes, sizes, colors and designs. Aside from the design consideration, your choice of rug should also be based on where the rug is to be placed. If you need a rug for your private rooms then an antique rug would be fine. However, an antique rug may be frail and easily damaged so it should not be placed in areas with maximum exposure. Antique rugs will definitely cost more than modern rugs so you must also make sure that you have researched on the authenticity as well as the proper price of antique rugs.

Rugs that are to be placed in areas with high people traffic should be in colors that are more dirt resistant. The material should also be taken into consideration since a soft and fragile rug may be out of place in a room often visited by people. Unless of course, you want to gamble on the rug’s toughness.

Modern day rugs are not only machine-made but they can also be hand-knotted or hooked, or the rugs can be a product of needlepoint. Rugs made of machines are available in all designs and quality.

While the type, design and color of the rug is of paramount consideration when buying rugs, the price of the rug should also be a primary concern. A more expensive rug made of sturdier and quality materials would be more cost effective than a cheap rug that can easily be damaged.

Outdoor Living All Year Long


While Tampa winter days might seem chilly to those that live here, in truth we are extremely blessed to live in one of the warmest climates in the United States. And because Florida gets most of its rain in the summer, the winter months could well be the prime ones for enjoying time on your deck.

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While Tampa winter days might seem chilly to those that live here, in truth we are extremely blessed to live in one of the warmest climates in the United States. And because Florida gets most of its rain in the summer, the winter months could well be the prime ones for enjoying time on your deck.

Getting outside and enjoying the fresh air can be vital to our health and sense of well being. Thanks to a variety of innovative deck heating systems, the outdoors can be a cozier place. What better way to enjoy the end of a day spent doing fall yard-work or walking in the neighborhood, than curling up beside your deck heater and grilling something nice on the barbeque?

For homeowners, creating a truly usable deck space increases the value of your home, almost creating a whole other room in your home, but with far less effort than an actual interior renovation. So what are some of the options for making outdoor living comfortable?

A covered deck has the advantage of never getting wet, and of keeping some heat in. For some, a roof over their deck might take away that open-sky feeling they love, but for others, it is just what they want to keep it cozy. It’s a matter of personal choice. Translucent plastic corrugated roof panels might provide the best of both worlds, and are relatively easy to install for a person with carpentry skills.

To keep the deck cozy, consider one of the many options for deck heating. There are several sizes of the lamp-post style of gas heater. Table-top heaters will give you about a 10-foot circumference of heat, while the taller heaters can give off about 20 feet of heat. These can be quite stylish, with an old fashioned design and made of sleek metal. These tend to come with safety features that shut them off completely if they get tilted, so there is no worry of it catching your wooden deck or wicker patio furniture on fire.

Infrared heaters are another option for deck and patio heating. Some are free-standing and some can mount to a wall. While they are a little less stylish than the lamp-post variety, they are surprisingly energy efficient and don’t have any burning gas fumes.

If your outdoor space is cement, you may be able to have an outdoor, wood burning fireplace. There area variety of ceramic outdoor stoves. If you are considering this, check local bylaws to find out if wood fires are legal in your area.

With the variety of options available in deck heating and weatherproofing, you should be able to find an affordable and attractive way to make your deck or patio comfortable all year long.

Designing Your Home Office


If you’re looking for design and layout ideas for your home office then this article will help kickstart that process for you.

home, office, design, layout, ideas, plans

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Once you have taken the plunge and decided to work from home you are going to need to consider your working environment. Too many people think that working from home means that they can effectively handle phone calls from the kitchen table, or work well into the night cuddled up in front of the television. And while you may be able to get away with this type of working style once in awhile, you will need to design a home office space that is effective and efficient.

A well designed home office will allow you to be more organized, more productive and definitely more professional. There are a few things that you will need to consider when you are designing your space. Do you entertain clients in your office? If so, you will want a separate entrance to your home office. It is not very professional to have clients walk through your kitchen with dirty dishes in the sink in order to get to your office.

Even if you do not host clients in your office, you should strongly consider the benefits of having a separate space for your office. You will feel more professional if you have a designated room or space for your office rather than a corner of the living room. This will also allow you to tune out distractions such as the children, or the television. When you are working, close the door and focus on work.

Some things that you will need to consider are furniture, organization, lighting and ventilation. You will need to equip your office to suit your needs and for most people this means that you will need the standard desk. Your desk does not need to be fancy; in fact as long as it suits your needs, you can get away with a very simple table. Storage is also very important for a home office. Do not underestimate the power of a quality file cabinet and a good organizing system. If you have a lot of books a shelving system will go along way.

High quality lighting is also essential in your home office. You may need to install a better overhead light as most residential lights will not put out quality light that is needed for an office. Adequate lighting is essential for a comfortable and ergonomically sound working environment. Ventilation is also important, as you will need to work in a comfortable environment. If your space gets hot in the summer months, invest in air conditioning or a fan.

Last but not least, do not forget to make your home office inviting for you to come to work. Put up a few pieces of artwork or some prints, bring in some house plants or fresh flowers and create an environment that is not only functional, but enjoyable to be in as well. After all you’re going to be spending 8 – 10 hours per day in there.

MV Organizing A Garage Sale


Before you start organizing a garage sale, find out if you are allowed to hold one in your area. Many municipalities frown on these sales and you may have to pay a fee or only be allowed to set up in a certain area of town.

So before you start organizing a garage sale and laying out items, you had best check with your city or town government as well as your management company, should you happen to live in a managed development. If they approve of you having a sale of used…

garage sales

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Before you start organizing a garage sale, find out if you are allowed to hold one in your area. Many municipalities frown on these sales and you may have to pay a fee or only be allowed to set up in a certain area of town.

So before you start organizing a garage sale and laying out items, you had best check with your city or town government as well as your management company, should you happen to live in a managed development. If they approve of you having a sale of used items, then plow ahead. However, your town or community may require you to obtain a permit.

If you need to get a permit from the local government, or permission from your community, then it is question and answer time. Hopefully, you can call or email someone with questions. If you cannot, you will have to slog your way through the legalese on the forms and information sheets. However you do it, you must find answers to the following questions before you start organizing a garage sale:

1. How much does it cost?
2. How long will it take to get a permit?
3. For how many days is the permit good?
4. What are the rules for rain dates?
5. Are there any restrictions on how long you can remain open?
6. What are the restrictions on the size and number of signs?
7. Can you post flyers
Once you know you have the approval, you can comfortably start pulling things out of storage and begin organizing a garage sale. These may seem like trivial things to take care of, but taking half and hour to make sure that you are OK sure beats having a by-law officer roll up to your garage sale and issue a $200 fine for holding a garage sale without a permit.

How to choose the right furniture for your HDTV


You don’t have to be a hollywood star to have your own Media Room. We show you how to get the right furniture to accessorize that big HD TV and do it all by yourself.

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At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, 150,000 people stormed las vegas to see the latest high Definition entertainment and other electronic gadgets for the home.

Having a media room used to be reserved for the rich & famous sitting in their 50-seat screen rooms, drinking Cognac and smoking cigares.

Well, No More!

Ordinary people like you and I can now afford our own Media Room with HDTVs, surround sound and all the bells & whistles. There are now DIY solutions for the rest of us.

To set up your own media room, first choose the room with the least amount of lights; usually the basement which no longer is the domain of ping pong tables and dusty toolboxes.
Place your TV away from any windows and place a 10-watt incandescent or fluorescent lignt behind the TV to reduce eyestrain. It also helps to paint the walls in a neutral color like gray.

Now that you have the Big HDTV set-up, you need to accessorize it.
Yes, what’s the right furniture for the room?
Well, let’s start with the seating:
There is now a distinc furniture caegory called “Media Room Furniture”. The chairs offer abundant choices in padding, motion and sizes. Most designs have double-feature comfort with soft materials that absorb the sound waves better thus giving you a better sound quality in the room.

For the Entertainment Center, avoid dust, poor ventilation and stacking up electronics on top of each other; this can block vents and reduce performance. Close cabinet doors when the system in not in use and look for furniture with adjustable shelves to make sure you have enough room to clean your different components without having to pull them out. If you live in the South where it gets pretty hot in the summer, I recommend a small media fan that turns on automatically when temperatures rise.

Finally, have fun decorating your media room with a theme. Whether you like dolls, coins, computers or past presidents, have fun decorating with paintings, memorabilia, oe whatever to give the room its own personality.

Visit paving.rkea.paving today to find the right furniture at great prices. With hundreds of categories and thousands of different pieces, you’ll have fun picking out just the right piece of furniture for your media room.

Getting Rid Of Stains On Your Hardwood Floor


The most common and, perhaps, annoying damage to your precious hardwood floor are stains.

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The most common and, perhaps, annoying damage to your precious hardwood floor are stains. Be they ink stains, water stains, or whatever, the fact that that particular stain was caused by someone’s negligence and not because of normal, time-driven wear makes us feel a little cross. This is because stains are very evident and, for serious cases, may force us to replace the entire wood board altogether.

But when you see a stain on your hardwood flooring, you shouldn’t panic just yet. It could be a damage that can be addressed by minor repair methods and without having to call in and pay for professional help. There are certain hardwood floor stains that you can repair yourself.

For instance, if there is a huge water mark on your floor, you might be tempted to replace the entire plank to get rid of it. This is not always the remedy. You should first try if it’s a problem that can be remedied by sanding and refinishing the affected spot.

Taking care of a small spot yourself will not be a nuisance, compared to changing the entire surface. However, if the stain is really not manageable, you may still attempt at doing the replacement job yourself.

The first thing you should do to get rid of stain is to come up with an oxalic acid crystal solution, which will be dabbed onto the stained area. Oxalic acid acts as a bleaching agent and can get rid of minor stains. If the stain is not bleached out the first time, you can repeat the procedure for several times more until the stain is gone. Make sure you wear protective gloves, though, as the oxalic acid might be too harsh for your skin.

After you apply oxalic acid, you should return your floor to its usual acidity rinsing it with vinegar. The one you find in your kitchen will do. Of course, you will need to wipe the area dry of excess moisture and allow it completely dry first before you leave it alone. The result should be bleached but stain-less finish.

Finally, choose an oil-based stain you can apply to the bleached surface to get the original look of your hardwood floor. You may do a number of applications before you get your desired shade. However, before you decide on which stain shade to buy, make sure first that it is compatible with the rest of the floor’s color and the kind of wood your floor is made of.

Caring for Laminate Flooring


Laminate flooring gives your floor that overall look of wood that can be enjoyed for years to come. The best thing about laminate flooring is the ease in care that you have when you have it in your home.

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Laminate flooring gives your floor that overall look of wood that can be enjoyed for years to come. The best thing about laminate flooring is the ease in care that you have when you have it in your home. Laminate flooring is one that will look like wood, and that will feel like wood but often times is a bi product of wood. Real wood will require waxing and cleaning every year to keep the floor shiny. Real wood flooring is going to be sanded down and varnished again as the shine is worn off the flooring. Laminate flooring is going to require no waxing, no sanding and the wear and tear on the flooring is something that is not going to happen in the manner that the coating on other wood flooring will have.

Laminate flooring can be cared for by using a dry dust mop on the floor for every day cleaning. During those times when you feel that you need a good deeper clean, you can use a wet mop, one that is not really all that wet, to clean up sticky messes or to clean up mud from the floor. You don’t want to use that much water on the floor so you don’t have the water seeping down into the laminate flooring and then the laminate flooring is going to warp over time.

Laminate floor care is going to be similar to wood or any other type of flooring when it comes to moving furniture across the flooring. Laminate flooring can be scratched, dented and can be marked up when you are not careful in moving those heaviest of furniture pieces in your home. To prevent and care for your flooring, you want to pick up the furniture and move it from location to location.

Don’t drag the furniture across the flooring. Your laminate flooring that has marks and cuts in it will need a little extra care to get that mark out, and sometimes if the cut is all that deep you can’t get it out no matter how much buffing you were to do on this area. The same goes for wood flooring, if the cut is too deep or the scratch is too deep, you are not going to be able to cover it up.

Laminate flooring is easy to care for because the seams in the flooring are actually very tight. You won’t find all types of cracks in the flooring for food, for water, or for dirt to get trapped in. Laminate flooring is a type that will not allow things down between the rows, when you care for it daily. Sweeping and dusting your flooring with a broom, a swiffer or a vacuum that is not hard on the floor is what you need to care for the laminate flooring. You only want to mop your flooring when it is really sticky, when you spill something on the floor, but you don’t even need to wax laminate flooring which is what makes it so popular!

MV Laminate Flooring While Remodeling the Home


There are just so many choices you have when remodeling your home that you can find it difficult to keep up with the decisions that have to be made. If you love the look and feel of wood, you should consider laminate flooring

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Tips In Buying A Down Comforter For Your Bedroom


To achieve the perfect mix of both style and comfort, nothing beats a quality down comforter for your bedroom. But with so many choices available, how can you know which comforter to buy? In this article, we’ll give you some simple tips in buying a down comforter for your bedroom.

One of the first determinations you need to make when buying a down comforter is the amount of money you are willing to spend. Down comforters tend to be expensive, with most high quality options…

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To achieve the perfect mix of both style and comfort, nothing beats a quality down comforter for your bedroom. But with so many choices available, how can you know which comforter to buy? In this article, we’ll give you some simple tips in buying a down comforter for your bedroom.

One of the first determinations you need to make when buying a down comforter is the amount of money you are willing to spend. Down comforters tend to be expensive, with most high quality options costing hundreds of dollars. However, there are down comforters available for less than $150, if you know where to look. Most quality discount stores will carry comforters for a very nice price, so be sure to shop around. It is important to realize that even though comforters may cost you a bit of money now, they usually last 15-20 years. This makes it worth your while to buy a quality comforter that will stay cozy year after year.

Another key factor to consider when choosing a comforter is size. The comforter you buy should be the correct size for your bed. This is very important, because often times comforters will be marked as a mix of different sizes, and you may end up purchasing an ill-fitting comforter. You can guarantee that you are getting the correct size comforter by measuring your bed and bringing the measurements with you to the store.

You should also consider the type of down filling used in the comforter you want to buy. While many reasonably priced comforters are filled with polyester, the pricier varieties tend to be filled with silk or actual down. Down comes from the breasts of both geese and ducks, and these fluffy balls act to create warmth and a puffy look in a comforter. While natural down options are very warm and appealing, many people have allergies that make these types of comforters impossible. In these cases, synthetic down represents a viable alternative.

Down comforters also have the added feature of being quite versatile. There are many down comforters that display a different color, print, or design on both sides. This can give your bedroom a whole different look, depending on your mood or the season.

One last tip in buying a down comforter is to look for quality when making a purchase. Many comforters can feature sloppy workmanship, which can lead to down shifting or escaping the comforter. A quick way to make sure that you are purchasing a quality down comforter is to look for proper stitching. The stitching should be consistent the whole way around the comforter, and should also be firmly in place. This will keep your down comforter serving the purpose for years to come.

These tips in buying a down comforter for your bedroom should help you make a wise decision. Although the comforter you choose is ultimately a matter of personal taste, these tips will help you find a comforter that is both high in quality and style.

Laminate Flooring Guide


Want a beautifully finished floor without the costly price tag? With Its quickly growing quality and a shrinking expense, Laminate flooring is a great alternative to other expensive materials.

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Want a beautifully finished floor without the costly price tag? With Its quickly growing quality and a shrinking expense, Laminate flooring is a great alternative to other expensive materials.

Laminate flooring actually uses computer technology which creates life-like designs modeled after natural materials. It is installed by using a system containing interlocking grooves which fit together to create a seamless look identical to finishes such as hardwood, tile, and even stone and marble.

Laminate does not actually attach to the floor beneath it. Only the joints or grooves are attached by glue, leaving the floor underneath untouched. Laminate flooring is a great idea when you have expensive but damaged or unfinished floor and you would rather have a quick and inexpensive cover up.

One of the wonders of Laminate flooring is that it is so easy to install, it can even be turned into a “do-it-yourself” project. This will bring the cost down considerably and also leave room for your own customization.

Laminate flooring is only recently growing in popularity among Americans, but has held strong among Europeans for well over two decades.

Another advantage to laminate flooring is it’s durability. Because of its dense fiberwood core and a sealed plastic-like coating, It is invincible to most stains, spills and burns and is also very resistant to scratches. This is a great choice for families with pets or small children.

Many reliable Laminate flooring companies are available online. Try browsing around for a company which best fits your expectations.