Custom Log Home Design Ideas


Custom log home design ideas can be used to help create the dream log home you’ve always wanted. Perhaps you have some custom log home design ideas on paper as you’ve been collecting design ideas. That’s a great way to plan and organize your ideas, by making a scrapbook of the things you may want in your log home design. Here are some tips for custom designing your log home:

1. Explore and Select Your Log Home Style – select the log home style that you really want and like…

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Custom log home design ideas can be used to help create the dream log home you’ve always wanted. Perhaps you have some custom log home design ideas on paper as you’ve been collecting design ideas. That’s a great way to plan and organize your ideas, by making a scrapbook of the things you may want in your log home design. Here are some tips for custom designing your log home:

1. Explore and Select Your Log Home Style – select the log home style that you really want and like, a style that excites you. Will you prefer the manufactured or handcrafted log home style? Manufactured log homes are made with logs that are milled into a desired shape, producing uniform logs without taper. The logs used generally range in length from 10 to 18 feet.

A custom log home design using manufactured logs can vary considerably in shape and appearance because the logs have different shapes and there are different corner styles. You can obtain kits ranging from just the logs and fasteners to more complete systems that include the roofing materials, doors, windows and even more.

A handcrafted custom log home design means handcrafters will strip the bark off of whole logs. Using special skills and tools, the handcrafter will fit each log into place. Handcrafted custom log home design and construction is labor intensive, and the construction process takes longer and usually costs more since so much work is done manually. This method attempts to preserve the natural shape of the tree, and each log is carefully trimmed and shaped for a specific location in the log shell. The logs may be assembled at the company’s yard, the pieces are numbered, taken apart and shipped to the homesite to be reassembled.

2. Visualize Home Traffic Flow – a good way to create a custom log home design is to take floorplans you like and pretend you’re coming home, entering and moving around in the home. Come in the front door – where will you place your coat? What do you see in front of you as you enter? Which way to the kitchen and pantry if you are carrying groceries? Visualize sitting in the living room or family room. Will you be entertaining guests? Is having a fireplace high on your list of priorities? Try to note where the bathroom or bathrooms are located. As you finish your shower, where are the towels hanging?

Another helpful exercise when visualizing custom log home design is to examine the things that you like about where you live now. What things would you like to keep and what are things you’d like to change and have in your new home? For example, perhaps you’ll want a much larger kitchen. Pay special attention to the kitchen work triangle – the distance between the sink, refrigerator and range or cooktop. Each one of these areas becomes a focal point in the kitchen and forms the three points of a triangle with different distances between them. Done correctly, proper custom log home design in the kitchen gives you the most efficient food preparation area layout. Walk through each room of the floorplan and see how the room feels and functions and how its location seems in relation to other roms.

3. Plan Your Home Orientation and Layout – when creating a custom log home design, pay attention to your site and how the orientation of individual rooms will be done. Locate the bedrooms towards the cooler, nighttime north. Place your kitchen facing the east to catch the early morning sun. The living room and recreational room can have a kind of transitional orientation, facing the warm noon south sun. And the dining area can be oriented towards the late afternoon western sun. Natural light, window placement, orientation and views are powerful positive factors in human health and the comfort of your new home.

A great way to learn custom log home design ideas is to view log home plans that have been successfully built already. Use the speed of the internet to view plans, plans that you enjoy. Every plan that you review can give you custom log home design ideas that you had not thought of. Instead of trying to create brand new plans from scratch, you can save considerable time and money if you can find great plans that have already been built successfully somewhere. This means the plans will work. Just be sure the plans service can make the changes to the plans so they become exactly what you want. That way, you really can create the custom log home design that will provide you many years of enjoyment.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

How Cellulose Insulation Is Applied


Cellulose insulation is natural insulation material. It is made from recycled newspaper and other recycled paper products. The recycled content is at least 75% or more. The recycled paper is then treated with chemicals to make it fire resistant.

Benefits of Cellulose Insulation

Because the material is made from mostly recycled paper products, it is considered to be less dangerous than other types of insulating materials. Fiberglass and many other insulating materials a…

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Cellulose insulation is natural insulation material. It is made from recycled newspaper and other recycled paper products. The recycled content is at least 75% or more. The recycled paper is then treated with chemicals to make it fire resistant.

Benefits of Cellulose Insulation

Because the material is made from mostly recycled paper products, it is considered to be less dangerous than other types of insulating materials. Fiberglass and many other insulating materials are considered to be carcinogenic. Cellulose is not a carcinogen.

The chemicals used to make the material fire resistant are all non hazardous materials. The chemicals most commonly used are boric acid, ammonium sulphate and borax. All these chemicals are thought to be safe and are not known to cause health risks. In addition, they are thought to help prohibit the growth of mold or mildew and isn’t a hospitable environment for insects.

Another benefit is in the energy needed to manufacture the material. Less fuel is required in the manufacturing process when compared to other materials. This is good for the environment and saves fuel. This is especially important with today’s high fuel prices. Cellulose was at one time quite a bit more expensive than fibreglass, but the cost is about equal now.

Because the material is largely recycled paper and uses less energy, it is often used in “green homes.” Green homes are new homes that are designed to be environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Cellulose meets the requirements of this type of building. More new homes are currently being built with this type of material than at any other time.

The material is energy efficient and allows less air to pass through it than does fibreglass. This makes it more effective for insulating than other materials. You will see a difference in your home heating bill. It is also more flame retardant than any other insulating material.

This material is better as a sound insulation for reducing the nose level in your home. If you are interested in soundproofing qualities as well as keeping warm, this product is more effective than other materials. The coverage is more uniform and better at muffling sounds from outside the home or the next room, for example, kitchen noises being heard in the bedroom.

4 Types of Cellulose Insulation

There are four ways this type of insulating material is applied:

o Loose fill
o Stabilized cellulose
o Wall cavity spray
o Commercial sprays

In new and existing home insulation, it is most often blown into the wall cavity or the attic. In general, it is blown dry in the attic and damp in the walls. Because it is blown, it is relatively easy to install in existing homes. Small holes are made in the drywall of interior walls for the spray and are patched after installation. For insulating exterior walls, the material is generally applied outside the house by removing small pieces of siding or roofing materials.

How Cellulose Insulation is Applied

The material is mixed with a small amount of water and is then sprayed into the wall. This slight dampness helps the material conform to the space and give a complete seal. This helps seal small cracks and hard to reach spaces in the wall cavity. For this reason, it is very effective for blocking air from escaping through smaller cracks.

Professional installation is recommended for this insulating material. To be most effective, it must be blown properly and evenly. In general, two people are needed for the process, one to fill the machine with dry fibers and to break up larger clumps and another to operate the hose. Masks should be worn to prevent any dust from being breathed in during the installation process.

Modular Office – Perfect Home Office


Who needs a Modular Office?

Are you a small business owner who is working out of your home? If so, then a modular office may be the answer to all of your business needs. Many people who operate home-based businesses find themselves running out of space in a short period of time. No matter the type of business you operate, you likely have a variety of office equipment that even though small in size can engulf a small space very quickly. This will leave feeling cramped and u…

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Who needs a Modular Office?

Are you a small business owner who is working out of your home? If so, then a modular office may be the answer to all of your business needs. Many people who operate home-based businesses find themselves running out of space in a short period of time. No matter the type of business you operate, you likely have a variety of office equipment that even though small in size can engulf a small space very quickly. This will leave feeling cramped and unable to concentrate on your work. The answer to all of your space problems may very well be a Modular Home Office.

A Modular Office Answers All of Your Home Office Needs

Often times, a home business owner will consider adding an additional room onto their home to add space to their office. You can save both time and money by investing in a modular office. In most cases, a modular office can be set up in as little as one to four hours and be completely operational. These offices can be equipped with electricity that will allow you to run all of your needed office equipment and can even be equipped with heat or air so you can be comfortable in the different climates of the seasons. Additionally, the materials that the walls are made of, are fireproof that provides added protection in the event of a fire.

If you have children or live in a busy household, a modular office has you covered. The walls of a modular office are built to drown out many sounds; therefore, you will be able to work without the constant interruption of noise. Furthermore, if later you decide you need more space, unlike a home addition, a modular office can be expanded, moved, or reconfigured whenever you feel necessary.

Conforming to your specifications

With a modular office, you will have the ability to specify the features you want within your office. For example, you will be able to determine the size of the office; this will allow you to determine how much space you need. Of course, remember that you will have the ability to expand the size later if you find it a requirement. Furthermore, you can choose the wall and roof color you want in most instances, making your modular office fit with the surroundings you desire for your home office.

Many modular office manufactures have a variety of different wall types and structures you can choose from as well. It is important that you fully convey the specifications you have within a modular office and investigate all options with the company you choose to go with. It is equally as important, to find a reputable and established Modular Office manufacturer or supplier. By doing so, you can ensure that you have the best quality and service for your time and money.

Opting for a modular office is a great investment for any person who is looking to expand their own home office, needs more space, or simply desires new surroundings.

MV Memory Foam Mattress – Sleep Better – Live Better


A mattress is a piece of bedding used for sleeping. Memory foam mattresses are special types of mattresses that are pressure and temperature sensitive. The origin of memory foam mattresses took place in a very grand manner. In the 70’s NASA was working on manned rockets. Manned rockets exert a lot of G-force on the astronauts, which can harm the astronaut. NASA scientists were trying to develop a material that was breathable and molded itself to the astronaut’s body to reduce…

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The Value Of A Shovel


I grew up in Florida. I loved my childhood years, and not just because I lived three miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Rather, I loved my childhood because it was quite a normal childhood. I went to school and mostly hated it. I had a ton of friends that I loved to play with for hours and hours on end. My family was great and we made it to the beach as often as we could make time for it. My life seemed perfect, and I was quite sure that it would stay that way. I went to college …


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I grew up in Florida. I loved my childhood years, and not just because I lived three miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Rather, I loved my childhood because it was quite a normal childhood. I went to school and mostly hated it. I had a ton of friends that I loved to play with for hours and hours on end. My family was great and we made it to the beach as often as we could make time for it. My life seemed perfect, and I was quite sure that it would stay that way. I went to college in Florida and just assumed that I’d always live there. Life has a way of giving us reality checks however. I searched for jobs and found one in Minneapolis, Minneasota. I moved there ignorantly and quickly learned the value of a shovel.

I’ll be honest. The only shovel I had encountered prior to my move to Minneapolis was a small one that my siblings and I used to make sandle castles on the beach. It had snowed a few times during my growing up years, but never enough to warrant the use of a shovel. So my transition to Minneapolis went smoothly until October hit and the snow began falling. It began falling and didn’t stop falling until nearly April. I was warned by a new friend to buy a shovel when the first snow fell so fortunately I was prepared with my tool of choice to battle the winter snows.

I quickly learned the value of a shovel. I learned that a shovel has value because it does something very necessary when there is a pileup of snow or ice: it allows someone to remove that snow or ice and keep on living. I was thinking of the value of the shovel and about how a shovel is way more valuable to people in Minneapolis than it is to a resident of Florida. Most residents of Florida will never have use for a shovel, and therefore, they care little about whether they own a shovel or not.

That is a crazy thing about life and about humans assign value. It seems like we assign value to people and things based on their purpose in our life and based on what they can do for us. Don’t we? As much as we’d like to claim that we are fully altruistic, isn’t it true that we only appreciate a shovel, a medical doctor or even our own mother only when we need that thing to come through for us and do something?

I guess I learned a lot about myself and about the world upon moving to Minneapolis. I learned more than just how to use a shovel.

MV Is Paneling Walls good for Home Improvement?


How do you quickly improve your home at minimal costs? What is a quick and cheap way for home improvement? Try paneling. Paneling is one of the cheaper methods for improving homes. Paneling might not be dependable as some materials for home improvement, but for the most part, you could use the panel to hide faulty areas of the home. Paneling is durable, easy to clean and comes in wide range of styles, colors, textures and prices. It is forever best to have the correct tools and materials, as well as the designs selected before starting a home improvement course.

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TR Saving Money with Kitchen Cabinet Refacing


Kitchen cabinet refacing can be a terrific option to consider if you want a whole new look to your kitchen without breaking your budget. Kitchen cabinet refacing usually includes covering the exterior surface of your existing cabinets with a new laminate.

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Want to remodel your kitchen but think I would be to costly? Then consider kitchen cabinet refacing.
The cost of kitchen cabinet refacing is considerably less than the cost of completely gutting your kitchen and in a much shorter time period.

Kitchen cabinet refacing can be a terrific option to consider if you want a whole new look to your kitchen without breaking your budget. Kitchen cabinet refacing usually includes covering the exterior surface of your existing cabinets with a new laminate. The old doors and drawer fronts are then replaced with new custom-made doors and drawer fronts. The types of cabinet front choices are laminate and solid wood.

Most homeowners intend to keep the layout of their kitchen the same particularly if the kitchen is well designed, well built and functional. So there is really no reason to tear the cabinets out. A new kitchen project can leave your kitchen unusable for a long as six weeks.

Kitchen cabinet refacing can range from simply repainting existing cabinets and drawer fronts and updating hardware to stripping cabinet doors and applying veneer or other decorative elements. Refacing can also include completely replacing cabinet doors in a new style using new materials.

By remodeling a kitchen you should expect to see a return on your initial investment of from 75 to 130 percent. You should find that depending on how old they are the existing cabinets are often of better quality construction than those made by today’s standards. That is especially true or the quality sturdier cabinets you will find in vintage homes.

You can save a substantial amount by updating your existing cabinets since they are already installed, leveled, finished, and operational.

By going with a kitchen cabinet refacing instead of replacing the cabinetry you will actually be getting all the advantages of a major custom remodeling job at a much more affordable price.

Since new kitchen cabinetry can be expensive, kitchen cabinet refacing can be a viable alternative since it can save you anywhere from 33-60% off the cost of putting in new kitchen cabinets. The cost of kitchen cabinet refacing will depend on the number of cabinets, the cabinet veneer and the hardware choices (hinges door knobs, etc.). The average cost of kitchen cabinet refacing can run about $7,500.

Some other advantage of kitchen cabinet refacing includes: the work can be done in a very short time (a day or two). It is a more affordable and faster way of achieving a new fresh look for your kitchen than a complete remodeling job. Provides the kitchen with a whole new and fresh appearance. It also increases the home’s value.

Also with new kitchen cabinet hardware added to your kitchen cabinet refacing job will the newly refaced cupboards look like brand new custom built cabinets including better functionality with the intallation of roll-out shelves, better drawer slides and storage.

In most kitchens the cabinetry provides the most visible area and therefore greatly influences the style and design of the kitchen. If the cabinets are dark the kitchen will feel darker. If the cabinets are scuffed and old looking this will make the kitchen look older and outdated. Kitchen cabinet refacing can do a lot to improve the look of the kitchen. Since only the outside surface of the cabinets are replace

Flood-proof Flooring


Flood risks can be substantially reduced with the selection of new technology flooring and wall coverings using water proof, mold and mildew resistant materials like epoxy coatings. These coatings have been used successfully in swimming pools, laundries, warehouses, garages, and various types of shops for decades. Now they are being used increasingly in living spaces.

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Flood risks can be substantially reduced with the selection of new technology flooring and wall coverings using water proof, mold and mildew resistant materials like epoxy coatings. These coatings have been used successfully in swimming pools, laundries, warehouses, garages, and various types of shops for decades. Now they are being used increasingly in living spaces.

Flooded epoxy floors can be pressure washed and scrubbed back into service in minutes. Mold, bacteria, and contaminants can be rinsed off, with floors ready for occupancy within hours. These flooring
surfaces are class III laboratory qualified, meaning the surfaces are impervious to penetration by liquid-born contaminants. Even diesel, gas, and oil will not penetrate them and can be washed or wiped up.

Old technology flooring, including carpeting, vinyl tile, linoleum, and wood, are subject to such severe contamination and damage, that after flooding, they are essentially unrecoverable. Carpeting and wood often harbor health-damaging bacteria, mold, and mildew after being flooded. Sewer, petroleum, and many types of organic matter brought into living spaces by floodwaters all need to be neutralized and removed.

The costs of flood remediation often include the labor expenses of removal, hauling and landfill expenses, as well as contamination cleanup and replacement costs.

It is not just floors within flood plains or hurricane areas that are at risk from flooding. Plumbing problems, from overflowing bathtub or laundry and kitchen appliances, can create the same damage as natural disasters. Sewage and other contaminants need to be removed; warped and shrunken surfaces have to be repaired or replaced.

New designs in homes offer beautiful flood-proof epoxy coated flooring from wall to wall, often including coated vertical surfaces to help further contain flood waters. Area rugs create an elegant look on top of these easy-to-maintain surfaces.

The beauty of epoxy flooring can enhanced and personalized by using colors. Colored chips, glitter, decorative stains, and artwork and decals can be laminated into these attractive floors. Epoxy flooring is a solid choice when rebuilding or remediating flood prone properties or living spaces.

Kits of materials are customized to owner specification and delivered directly to the job site. Kits include full directions and 24/7 help lines staffed by seasoned flooring experts, so professionals and amateurs alike can successfully install a quality floor.

Web visitors can obtain free, job-specific quotes on materials or nationwide turnkey installations by completing a simple questionnaire at pavingmasonryconcrete-floor-coatings.paving.


Is An Electric Fireplace The Right Choice For You?


An electric fireplace can be a wonderful choice for your home and your family. Not only can an electric fireplace save you a significant amount of money each year, it can also keep you and your family in much better shape as far as your health. Air quality is one of the most important factors in our daily lives and yet it is one of the most neglected ones. Humans breathe, a lot, and using an
electric fireplace can keep the air quality in your home much cleaner.

You hear …

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An electric fireplace can be a wonderful choice for your home and your family. Not only can an electric fireplace save you a significant amount of money each year, it can also keep you and your family in much better shape as far as your health. Air quality is one of the most important factors in our daily lives and yet it is one of the most neglected ones. Humans breathe, a lot, and using an
electric fireplace can keep the air quality in your home much cleaner.

You hear about the pollution outside all of the time but it has been proven time and time again in studies that indoor air pollution affect people much more than outdoor. Choosing the perfect fireplace for you family has never been more important than it is today and an electric fireplace is always a wonderful and healthy choice.

The vast majority of homes do not have the kind of ventilation that is needed to support the use of a regular fireplace in a healthy manner. The byproducts of the burning wood cannot escape the home anymore; houses are simply built too tightly. So by keeping these poisons in you are not doing anything for your overall health. And electric fireplace does not create any of these sorts of problems because there are no pollutants made when you turn on your electric fireplace. And electric fireplaces can actually keep you from getting sick this winter.

If you have an old fashioned fireplace or if you are thinking of getting a fireplace then you need to start shopping for an electric fireplace. The electric fireplace is the only fireplace that can guarantee the health and safety of your family every time that you turn it on. So if you have not yet looked into getting an electric fireplace perhaps you should take a look at The Electric Fireplace Website (see author bio).

Blocked Drains Kill – Information On Hydrogen Sulfide


If you are moving into a new home, particularly a rural property there are a few simple precautions you should take in relation to sewage problems.

Sewage blockages happen everywhere, and septic tanks need emptying regularly. When people are selling their homes they often skimp on the maintenance side of things and problems mount up.

If you have a blocked drain, or suspect septic tank problems, you need to be wary of opening drain covers, because of the possible build u…

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If you are moving into a new home, particularly a rural property there are a few simple precautions you should take in relation to sewage problems.

Sewage blockages happen everywhere, and septic tanks need emptying regularly. When people are selling their homes they often skimp on the maintenance side of things and problems mount up.

If you have a blocked drain, or suspect septic tank problems, you need to be wary of opening drain covers, because of the possible build up of toxic gases. This is especially so if you are moving into a property that has been vacant for some time. If there are depressions in the ground near your septic tank, stay well away from the area until a professional survey has been carried out. Find more help on septic tanks at

Most people will recognize hydrogen sulfide as one of the gases given off by stink bombs.

Did you know that hydrogen sulfide gas is more poisonous than hydrogen cyanide? Luckily you can smell it long before it reaches toxic concentrations. As the concentration increases, you lose the ability to smell the gas. This should be taken as a danger sign and a signal to move rapidly away from the area.

When sewage backs up due to a blockage, bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide gas and the concentration can build up to fatal levels underneath the manhole cover. If the gas is not immediately present there is still a danger. When someone pushes a drain rod through the pipe, it stirs up the sewage. This process causes Hydrogen sulfide to be released in high concentrations.

This gas can cause death by respiratory failure and victims often fall into the sewage. Rescuers who are not equipped with respirators are themselves at great risk and care needs to be taken if the incident is not going to be made worse.