Create a Green Baby Nursery


In our attempt to revert back to a Green lifestyle, it’s only fitting to use Green principles when designing a baby’s room. After all, a newborn will spend an average of 17 hours a day in their nursery, and it should be an environment filtered from toxins.

interior design, home improvement, home remodelling, green baby nursery, designing baby nursery

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In our attempt to revert back to a Green lifestyle, it’s only fitting to use Green principles when designing a baby’s room. After all, a newborn will spend an average of 17 hours a day in their nursery, and it should be an environment filtered from toxins.

Here are some of the key points to consider when setting up a Green baby nursery.

Paint: Use one of the new water-based, low-volatile organic compound paints and take your friends or family up on their request to help. If you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be doing the painting. Try and complete the paint job at least a month before baby arrives to give it time to cure.

Flooring: Carpets are nice and soft for babies to crawl on, but they can harbor toxic material and bacteria. VOC’s can be found in the fibers, backing and glue as well as any stain resistant treatments that may have been applied. If you must go that route, choose an all-natural, biodegradable carpet made from wool fibers and no toxic adhesives. A better choice is a solid floor such as linoleum, cork or wood. Use natural fiber throw rugs with a non slip backing.

Crib: Choose real wood with natural finishes since the press wood versions can emit formaldehyde. The bedding should be an organic untreated material made from cotton or wool.

Window Coverings: Aluminum mini-blinds or wooden shutters are easy to keep clean and do a great job of adjusting the light levels.

Toys: Most toys are made of plastic, which is a major contributor to indoor air pollution. Try to purchase natural cloth or wood toys wherever possible.

Airflow: Make certain there is adequate ventilation in the nursery that allows for fresh air, but no drafts. An Air filter is also very effective, but use one that has both a HEPA filter and activated military carbon cloth. Change your furnace filters every three months to reduce dust and pollen.

Cleaning: Use 100 percent biodegradable nontoxic cleaning products.

Spring Cleaning Tips And Advice


It’s that time of year again! Time to break out the cleaning supplies and trash bags. That yearly spring ritual is upon us. You hate to think of the time it is going to take you. You wonder if wasting a whole Saturday or even the whole weekend is worth it. We want everything done instantly, that’s the fast paced world we are living in today.

We’ve got some spring cleaning tips and advice from the pros that will help you get done in record time. Professional home cleaners c…

spring,cleaning,tips,spring cleaning tips

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It’s that time of year again! Time to break out the cleaning supplies and trash bags. That yearly spring ritual is upon us. You hate to think of the time it is going to take you. You wonder if wasting a whole Saturday or even the whole weekend is worth it. We want everything done instantly, that’s the fast paced world we are living in today.

We’ve got some spring cleaning tips and advice from the pros that will help you get done in record time. Professional home cleaners come prepared and they’re not going to waste any time. If you can afford it, hire them! If you can’t hire the professionals here’s how to get it done just like you did.

How To Do Spring Cleaning The Right Way

Motivation is key to getting things done and getting them done fast. Motivate yourself and the family with a special outing when the project is complete. The professionals don’t take TV or email breaks and you shouldn’t either. The ultimate goal for professionals is to get in and get out, for you it’s get done and move on!

Listen to some music that really gets you moving. You could even load an audio book onto your iPod and listen to that while you clean. That’s multitasking at its best!

Don’t forget that dirt and dust follow the laws of gravity. It falls just like everything else. So, start at the top and work your way down.

Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

Make sure you dress for the job. You want to be comfortable but functional. The clothes you wear should be loose but not so loose as to catch on corners, doorknobs, or anything that could spill.

If you’re going to be on your knees a lot, look at investing in some knee pads. The professionals use them, and for good reason. You’ll loose steam and motivation quickly if you start feeling uncomfortable.

Don’t forget the gloves! These can keep the germs and chemicals off your skin. The regular yellow cleaning gloves you see at any grocery store will work fine.

Have a Plan!

Probably the most important thing you’re going to want to do, before you even break out the mop, is have a plan! This alone can cut a major amount of time off your spring cleaning project. Instead of guessing what to do next, you’ll have your plan of action right in front of you.

Top of the list: pick up the clutter.

You don’t want to slide your junk from side to side or just clean under and around it. Doing this first will make your whole job easier.

MV Making Small Bathrooms Seem Larger


When people think about rooms they want to remodel, often the bathroom is last on the list. We use our bathrooms all the time, of course, and so this is a little strange that it often gets left out of the make-over plan. One reason for this may be that bathrooms tend to be smaller than other rooms, and so even though they get used and even abused more than other rooms, they often get left behind.

Even though bathrooms are smaller than other rooms, there are still countless…


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When people think about rooms they want to remodel, often the bathroom is last on the list. We use our bathrooms all the time, of course, and so this is a little strange that it often gets left out of the make-over plan. One reason for this may be that bathrooms tend to be smaller than other rooms, and so even though they get used and even abused more than other rooms, they often get left behind.

Even though bathrooms are smaller than other rooms, there are still countless things you can do with them. In fact, because there are so many different elements involved in even the smallest of bathrooms, they are often one of the most interesting (and most challenging) rooms you could choose to redecorate. If you have the challenge of a small bathroom, one of the first things you’re probably going to want to do is make it seem larger.

Because we do spend so much time in our bathrooms, the quality of this space can affect how we view the quality of our homes overall. A nice, clean, large bathroom can improve the quality of your life. The problem, of course, is that some of us don’t have nice, large bathrooms to play with. Not to worry. Below are some tips for making any bathroom seem larger.

As was mentioned earlier, even a tiny bathroom has loads of things to play with, redecorate, move around, or simply get rid of. There are vanities and tubs and showers and lighting and tile and mirrors and sinks and storage spaces and on and on and on. There are also a multitude of accessories that can be found in any bathroom, even accessories that you may not even consider as an accessory, things such as bathrobes hanging on the back of a door, towels hanging on towel racks, and even little washcloths. All of these things are “exposed,” if you will, and so whether you want them to or not, they go into making up the overall design of your bathroom. The good news is that once you start thinking of them in this way, they give you more elements to play with in your design.

Although older homes have lots of character and lots of advantages, one of the biggest curses of an older home is usually, of course, a small bathroom. If you don’t have the time or finances to rip out walls and simply make the place bigger, there’s still hope. Even a little bit of color can help change the perception of a bathroom’s size.

One general rule about color and size perception is to stay away from very bold colors and very dark colors. A very bold or dark color is going to make any room seem smaller that it is.

However, a few splashes of color in a room that is overall light and soft can go a long way in brightening it up. Therefore, in general, a good idea for a small bathroom is to use neutral colors for the walls, and then liven it up with carefully chosen bright accessories – a nice, flashy shower curtain, or a few bold, bright towels. A relatively light-colored floor is also usually a good idea if you’re looking to enlarge the feel of your room.

Another thing to always consider, especially for a small room, and even moreso for a bathroom, is lighting. Because bathrooms are built for privacy, this often translates into rooms with few windows and little natural light. There are exceptions, of course, but it usually takes a lot of forethought to get the proper balance between natural light and privacy, and unless you’re living in a modern, extremely well-designed home, you’re probably going to find that your bathroom doesn’t live up to that idea. Fortuanetly, of course, you can simply add more lighting to your room by putting in extra fixture. Some could increase the lighting in their bathrooms dramatically by making sure they’re using the highest watt bulb possible. That seems like a no-brainer, but many simply don’t think about it.

Another element of your bathroom that can cause smaller spaces to seem even smaller is the size of your fixtures. Of course we want comfort, but if your toilet and your vanity are
hulking pieces that dominate the room, then you’re going to feel cramped every time you go in there. Some changes, while they may seem major, are not that big of a deal once you commit to them. One idea is to change out a large, cabinet style vanity for a pedestal sink. A pedestal sink will immediately slim down the whole sink area, and as a result, open up the whole room.

Of course, if you switch to a pedestal sink, you will need to then find extra storage spac
The last tip for making a small bathroom seem smaller is an old one – mirrors. Mirror have been used in this way for as long as they’ve been around, and they will always be used in this way for one simple reason – they work. Use more mirrors in your bathroom. You don’t have to limit yourself the one, simple mirror above the sink. Get creative. Use them as decoration. Use them in places that you won’t even be able to see yourself in. Once you’ve added a few mirrors around the room, every other element will be able to reflect it’s uniqueness over and over again.

Media Extenders and the Wired (or Wireless) Home


Explanation of Media Extenders and the role they may one day play.

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If you’ve been online reading lately about digital home entertainment equipment, a phrase that you may be seeing more frequently is “media extender”. This refers to a device that essentially “extends” the reach of another media source such as a DVD player.

The more common usage of this term is describing a Media Center Extender, which refers to a device that lets you stream features from a PC that is running Windows Media Center 2005 to other devices such as televisions, radios, and personal audio players.

These “Media Center Extender” boxes essentially serve to let you make use of some Media Center PC functions directly on your television rather than having to run to a different room in order to set a video playing on a display screen downstairs as previous, more primitive “media throwers” or other makeshift solutions permitted.

The most famous Media Center Extender that is presently available is certainly the highly touted Xbox 360. Microsoft’s latest foray into the world of console gaming systems is now capable of interfacing with a Media Center PC to provide room-to-room entertainment via either a 100 Megabit wired home network or a wireless one, such as 802.11b or other standards. It cannot send media in reverse, however (from the Xbox 360 to the Media Center PC), which is still a very rare feature among media extenders of any kind due to copyright and other concerns.

Summarily, if you have a Media Center PC with an extensive library of legally-obtained music, video, and other media on this computer, you certainly may have a use for the Xbox 360’s Media Center Extender capabilities, or for one of the other media extenders on the market (offered by LinkSys and other tech manufacturers).

If you’ve been looking for an effective way to bring digital media to each room of your house without having to burn and re-burn CDs and DVDs, media extenders may be the brand new technology for your wired (or wireless) home!

Spring Cleaning For The 21st Century


The way people clean their homes and what they use to clean them have changed for the better.

Spring Cleaning For The 21st Century

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The way people clean their homes and what they use to clean them have changed for the better.

Spring cleaning-which no longer has to happen in the spring-is a good example. In the Victorian era, warmer weather meant you could stop burning coals and start cleaning the blackish coal dust off the furnishings. Today’s methods of heating are cleaner and don’t require such a dramatic seasonal cleanup.

Pungent cleaning chemicals were introduced in the 1940s for removing tough stains both on white textiles and in ovens. The experience of spring cleaning was harsh on noses, eyes and throats.

Now, more organic and environmentally-friendly cleaning solutions are emerging. For dust stains on cotton curtains and drapes, use white vinegar and water to remove discoloration. Shine chrome furniture with cider vinegar, which is also great at removing pet odors.

Pour half a cup each of baking soda and vinegar, followed two minutes later by two quarts of boiling water, down kitchen and bathroom drains to keep them clean. Pour vanilla on a cotton ball, simmer cinnamon in water or use an herbal bouquet for a spring-scented home.

One of the latest updates is in trash cans. Most Americans begrudgingly take out their trash more than twice a week. More than 50 percent would rather wash dirty, piled-high moldy dishes than take out the trash. Since trash is an inevitable fact of life, it may just be a good idea to invest in a new type of trash can that is durable and more sanitary. For example, a new type of trash can, developed by Magikan, comes with a gently yet unobtrusively scented continuous liner that puts an end to pulling heavy, messy trash bags out and, most importantly, from touching germy, repulsive old garbage.

This new trash can is made from industrial-strength plastic and features a self-sealing lid that eliminates odors and a spill-free rim that ensures that all trash and liquids fall into the garbage bag. This means never having to lift a garbage bag up and out of the trash can again.

A Luxury Featherbed Delivers The Ultimate Sleep Experience .


Since we spend a third of our life in bed, it makes sense to enjoy the experience with as much luxury as we can. Featherbeds have become enormously popular in the last few years. Comfort lovers just want more luxury in bed, or people get their new luxury mattress home to find it is too firm. Just what is a featherbed? It is the ultimate mattress topper, far superior to cotton, polyester or wool and it is much thicker and more sumptuous, and will last for years. It is filled with either mostly feather, a combination of down and feather, or all down, known as a down bed. This cushiony luxury, used with a cover for protection, goes on top of your mattress under the fitted sheet to add pure luxury and sublime comfort to deliver better sleep year-round.

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Today’s luxury featherbeds are not your Grandma’s featherbed. In her day it literally was a bag of feathers. There are many featherbeds available, the majority are made of 95% duck feather 5% duck down (not considered luxury). Feathers are flat with a hard quill, down is the soft undercoating from the bird’s breast. Goose down is better than duck down, the down clusters are larger, and at least 50/50 down/feather is better than mostly feathers, which are hard and “crunchy”, and they tend to leak out of the best featherproof casing over time.

There are some truly luxury featherbeds available using white goose down and feather, with larger percentages of high fill-power goose down, and even all down. The fill-power is the measurement of the down cluster’s ability to loft up after compression. The higher lofting downs make puffier featherbeds. 650 fill-power or higher goose down for a featherbed is luxury quality. More down in your featherbed means a more luxurious look and an incomparable level of comfort. A down bed with all white goose down would be softer and the puffiest. More luxury to sink into.

The most common styles are baffle box, 3 compartment, or channel . It is better to have a baffle box to keep the filling from unwanted shifting, and at least a 3″ – 4″ baffle.

Always use a featherbed cover to protect your featherbed or down bed. Choose one that will accommodate the baffle construction to allow the filling (especially if it is a high percentage of down or all down) to loft up, and with zippers on 3 sides for easy removal. Fluff up, and turn over your featherbed weekly when you wash the cover. Send your featherbed to a down bedding specialist for cleaning every 3 or 4 years and for renovation after 7 – 10 years. Another good idea is to invest in some extra deep fitted sheets so that you get the full loft of your featherbed. A too tight fitted sheet will pull the featherbed down making it flatter. This would defeat the purpose of having a high down content luxury featherbed.

An investment in a quality featherbed or down bed is well worth it since it will deliver an unparalleled level of comfort for life with proper cleaning and renovation. Purchasing from a down specialist ensures a wide selection to choose from and knowledgeable staff. Choose a specialist that offers expert cleaning/renovation services so you will have your luxury featherbed for life.

Installing Front PVC Or Vinyl Porch Railings


Tips and ideas for pvc and vinyl porch railings

Front porch stair railings are everywhere. People use various colors, materials, and styles to create their personal artistic porch railing. The first thing to consider when attempting to create your front porch stair railings is the material you will be working with. There are many different materials to use in porch railings.

PVC or vinyl porch railings are an excellent choice for a number of reasons. First, the railing …

vinyl porch railings,vinyl railing,deck railing ideas, railing design, porch railing ideas,

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Tips and ideas for pvc and vinyl porch railings

Front porch stair railings are everywhere. People use various colors, materials, and styles to create their personal artistic porch railing. The first thing to consider when attempting to create your front porch stair railings is the material you will be working with. There are many different materials to use in porch railings.

PVC or vinyl porch railings are an excellent choice for a number of reasons. First, the railing offers a slippage resistance protection, and the material doesn’t splinter so there are no sharp points when it is well fastened. It is an enduring material, and it doesn’t build up heat like other materials, so there is little chance of any serious burns if you touch it on a hot day. PVC offers ultraviolet light resistance, therefore, fading is not a possible issue with this material. It is waterproof and essentially maintenance free. There are a number of color choices with vinyl front porch stair railings, so you can be as creative as you would like to be. Some are even created to look like wood grain, if you are interested in that style.

Another popular material possibility is wood. Wood front porch stair railings offer an excellent classic look that cannot be matched anywhere else in the industry. You can use various types of woods to create different looks. Cedar offers natural preservatives that make it resistant to decay and insects. Even when exposed to extensive moisture, it holds up better than most wood choices. Composite woods also offer front porch stair railings. These offer the beauty of wood without the maintenance problems. Because of their nature, the products are decay, insect, light, and water resistant. Additionally, this type of material will not splinter.

Another possibility for material in creating your front porch stair railings is iron. Iron is pursued as a railing material because of its durability and look. It offers a beautiful substantial look to any home. Iron can be precision manufactured to offer some of the nicest decorative effects in the porch railing industry. Various decorations can be added to the railings. Some even have designs like animals or family crests attached to iron porch railings. Moreover, it is incredibly strong. It will remain standing through the toughest weather and abuse.

Front porch stair railings start with the right material. Only you can choose which material will be best for your front porch stair railing.

TR Rustic Teak Furniture-Fabulous Teak Furniture For A Rustic Look For Your Home


Rustic teak furniture that is designed specifically for the outdoors looks great and it is also exceedingly purposeful. The rustic touch definitely adds to the whole look of your teak outdoor furniture, thus helping you feeling closer to the nature and enjoying all the comforts of your home outdoors.

Rustic teak furniture is the newest trend in the world of home decoration and in all probability, this rustic fashion is here to stay for years to come. Outdoor patio furnitur…

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Beds and Bedding Tips for Online Shoppers


The revolution of online shopping has given us access to an amazing choice of online beds and bedding products, just how do me make the best use of this kind of shopping technology, should we still look to the experts for help.

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The bed experts will be capable offering you a good deal of useful niche advice on issues such as getting the most competitive prices on metal wood futon bunk beds and how to obtain the best product warranty as you are obtaining a bed, such quality bed info will hopefully ensure you obtain the best item for your requirements.

If you are mostly shopping for heavy duty bed frames or adjustable tempur pedic beds, undoubtedly these types of items might not turn out to be commonly available on a large number of portals, be sure that you use your browser favorites function as you carry out this variety of bed targeted search, your precious info should be treated with the utmost of care.

The bed experts will be able to give you some reliable niche advice on issues such as obtaining the most competitive prices on metal twin full bunk beds and how to get the proper merchandise guarantee when ordering a bed, such quality bed guidance will surely ensure you get the right item for your requirements.

It has to be said that bedding is an area that covers a vast area of various bed items such as heavy duty bed frames and adjustable hospital beds, if a consumer wanted specialist info on a particular bed item, lets say for example king water bed sheets, this may easily be sourced with the assistance of a bed specialist.

The easiest way to tell if a bed website may buy be able to help you with your particular bed search, say for example a wood bunk bed plan is your specific product, is to try and see if the website contains a categorized bed directory and an amount of bed write ups, if indeed it does incorporate these types of things finding the bed you require will be easy, if however the particular site is targeted at a general bedding subject then the chances are you won’t pinpoint your necessary bed targeted help.

It has to be said home improvement is a subject that spans a vast assortment of diverse bed products including heavy duty bed frames and adjustable twin beds, say that you wanted expert assistance on any area of beds, lets suppose a product like king size water beds, this may possibly be sourced via bed expert.

This bed research tip is extremely useful, instead of just searching for a search term such as “beds “, you should definitely use of a longer search engine phrase like”bed shops and bedding” or “antique bed dealers”, by searching this way your results will be highly focused to your individual bed requirements.

If you are wise bed knowledge can easily be sourced pretty quickly, take your time whilst carrying out your bed research and you will not go wrong, if you will want specialized info on items such as bunk bed frames then try and discover a mixture of expert bed articles.

The Pros And Cons Of Purchasing Refurbished Home Appliances


In this day and age, many people find themselves living on pretty restrictive budgets. As a consequence, when it comes to making major purchases such as home appliances, these men and women tend to spend a good deal of time looking for lower cost products. Perhaps you are such a person. In other words, perhaps you are in the market for home appliances and want to spend the least amount of money on your purchase.

If you are living on a budget and are on the hunt for home ap…

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In this day and age, many people find themselves living on pretty restrictive budgets. As a consequence, when it comes to making major purchases such as home appliances, these men and women tend to spend a good deal of time looking for lower cost products. Perhaps you are such a person. In other words, perhaps you are in the market for home appliances and want to spend the least amount of money on your purchase.

If you are living on a budget and are on the hunt for home appliances, you might want to consider the purchase of refurbished home appliances. Refurbished home appliances are those that have essentially been rebuilt. Particular attention is paid to redoing the motors associated with home appliances that have been refurbished.

As a general rule, you can make the purchase of a refurbished home appliance for a very reasonable price. In point of fact, you can save a significant amount of money on a refurbished appliance as opposed to making the purchase of a new machine or appliance.

In many communities around the world, a consumer in your position is able to locate and find a number of different outlets that trade in refurbished home appliances. In most cases, you will be able to find all types of home appliances from these types of operators that market refurbished appliances in the brick and mortar world,

If there is no outlet in your community through which you can make the purchase of home appliances, you might want to consider turning to the World Wide Web and the Internet. There are a number of different websites in operation on the Internet that deal and trade in refurbished home appliances of all types. As a result, no matter where you happen to be located around the world, you can access enterprises that deal and trade in refurbished home appliances with relative ease.

Many of these websites that trade in refurbished products — including home appliances — will arrange for delivery of an appliance directly to your home for a reasonable price. (Some of these refurbished home appliance outlets will include delivery related charges in the base price for the product itself.)

Once again, if you find yourself in the market for home appliance, do take the time to consider and explore the purchase of a refurbished product. By doing so, you likely will be able to find the type of home appliance you seek at a price that you truly can afford.